Final Fantasy XIV @ lj (original) (raw)
30 August 2013 @ 03:56 pm
ffsakes is a community for all Final Fantasy news and updates. I used to post daily on the celebrity gossip community ohnotheydidnt under their 'computer / video games' tag, but they felt I was posting too much Final Fantasy, so I created my own group. Final Fantasy are games I absolutely adore and love to talk about, and I hope I can come across many users who feel the same!
Please go check it out!
Hey guys! While I so want to share with everyone my experience in the beta, but I cannot at this time. I would love to do so once the NDA is lifted. I do have some questions though since my only experience with FF11 was from a two week trial last summer.
How is SquareEnix's customer service/GM support? I've rarely needed to contact GMs and such in the MMOs I've played but I'd still like to know about this.
What's been the general relationship between JP players and non-JP players in FF11?
What's been SE's record with taking suggestions/complaints from players? How much did they take into consideration suggestions from international players?
I certainly don't expect these aspects from FF11 to automatically translate over to 14, although it is a good general idea of what I might dive into once the game hits retail.
And an observation/mini-rant:
I'm a bit disturbed at the sheer amount of staunch SE defenders, fanboys, and apologists I've come across. From what I've seen, there is a significant camp of players who believe SE is infallible and whatever SE gives us, we should accept it without complaining no matter how bad it may be. I'd love to elaborate on this, but all I can say is that it's quite fascinating and disturbing at the same time.
Hello all you Final Fantasy and Nobuo Uematsu fans out there! Nerd Reactor recently checked out the Distant Worlds II record release party in Culver City at Royal/T, the coolest art exhibit and tea party this side of the west coast. Lucky fans were able to meet Nobuo Uematsu, fame composer for Final Fantasy, and Arnie Roth, conductor for Final Fantasy’s Distant Worlds concert. Fans were able to get a photo op, an autographed Distant Worlds II CD, an autographed limited edition Distant Worlds II poster, and cupcakes. The event was filled with enthusiastic fans along with Final Fantasy cosplayers.
I finally get the beta app downloaded, installed, and upgraded just in time for this beta testing window to be cancelled! LOL Anyone who has been in the beta for longer than 2 days, could you shoot me a message on how often these windows occur? Being intentionally vague b/c I am not sure what I can and can not say.
So today after installing the program and trying to start it, I get an error message saying ffxivboot.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. Any ideas what I can do?
I got this in my email:
"We would first like to express our appreciation for your interest in
FINAL FANTASY XIV, and thank you for your application. It is our
pleasure to inform you that you have been selected for the role of
Yay! Now watch in horror as I probably find out my computer can't run it! Well, it would be better if I found out now XD
According to Gamespot, it looks like the PC version will be hitting retail stores on September 30, 2010!!!
There will be 2 editions: 50regularversionanda50 regular version and a 50regularversionanda75 collector's edition
The collector's edition will feature
- A behind-the-scenes documentary DVD
-Travel journal with concept art
- "Onion Helm" in-game item
- A fully personalized "rite of passage" certificate
- Special cover art
- FFXIV branded security token for use with regular password
Gamers with the collector's edition will also be able to play the game 8 days ahead of everyone else because of the early access codes included with the bundle.
No word yet on when the PS3 version releases :(
Most of you have probably already seen this, but just posting in case someone missed it! :)
I was hoping for some gameplay footage during Sony's conference, but I'll settle with another pretty trailer lol.