Terms of Use | FIND/47 (original) (raw)

These Terms of Use (the “Terms”) set forth the terms applicable for the use of the “FIND/47” website (the “Service”) operated by the FIND/47 Office (“OFFICE”), as well as the rights and obligations that exist between OFFICE and its users (the “User(s)”).
By using the Service, Users shall be deemed to have agreed to the Terms, the FIND/47 Privacy Policy, and other regulations related to FIND/47 including guidelines (these “Terms, etc.”). OFFICE may modify the Terms as and when OFFICE deems necessary, without providing prior notice to Users. Users shall be deemed to have confirmed and acknowledged any such modifications when Users use the Service.
* The OFFICE is operated by Rhizomatiks co.,ltd. Rhizomatiks entrusts a part of the operation of the Service to JTB Corp.

1. Purpose

The Service is offered to promote tourism to Japan by publishing selected photos featuring various areas in Japan (the “Materials”) in accordance with the Terms.
Users can use the Materials non-exclusively (including but not limited to copying, public transmission and adapting), even for commercial use, as long as such use is in accordance with the Terms.

2. Conditions to publish the Materials

2.1.The Materials are published under Creative Commons Attribution License International (CC BY 4.0) and are deemed to have been also released under the latest version of such license when it is updated by Creative Commons.

2.2.For any use permitted by these Terms, Users shall indicate the source of the Materials by using the notices set forth below. Users shall modify as appropriate the descriptions required within < >.

3. Rights of the OFFICE and other third parties

Notwithstanding the stipulations set forth in Section 2, any and all “Intellectual Property” (such phrase defined as including any and all rights already owned or obtained, or applied for registration) that include copyright (including the rights specified in Articles 27, 28 and other articles of the Japanese Copyright Act), patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, and any other rights in and to FIND/47 that have been created by the OFFICE, or third parties that have sublicensed the use of such Intellectual Property to the OFFICE, shall be retained by the OFFICE or such third parties. For the avoidance of doubt, Section 2 shall not mean that such rights transfer to Users.

4. Member registration

4.1.Users that wish to submit Materials to FIND/47 have the ability to register as members using procedures set forth by OFFICE.

4.2.When registering, Users must submit accurate information as requested by OFFICE. If Users are unable to conform to this request, Users may not be able to complete member registration.

4.3.In order for Users to register as members, such Users must provide irrevocable consent to the terms and conditions set forth in the Terms, etc. If a User is a minor, such User must obtain the consent of a legal guardian.

5. Submission by members; usage rights regarding submitted Materials

5.1.Users who have completed member registration (“Members”) have the ability to submit Materials and comments related to the Materials (“Materials etc.”) to FIND/47 using procedures set forth by OFFICE. Any such submission must fulfill the standards set forth below, as well as other standards set forth by OFFICE on FIND/47 (if any, and collectively, the “Scenery Photo Standards”). OFFICE retains the right to review any Materials etc. Members may submit, and, if OFFICE determines that such Materials do not meet the Scenery Photo Standards, OFFICE has the right to not publish such Materials. Members agree to not contest OFFICE’s Materials etc. publication decisions.
The Materials etc. and the usage of the Materials etc. set forth in these Terms shall not:

5.2.In connection with submitted Materials etc. and any related information, Members hereby consent to OFFICE publishing such materials in connection with the terms and conditions set forth in Section 2, using such materials as necessary for the implementation of the AWARD as further identified in Section 6, and using such materials in order to report on FIND/47’s operations. Such consent also applies to any sub-use by third parties identified by OFFICE.

5.3.Regarding the submitted Materials etc., and for the limited usage purposes as set forth in these Terms, Members agree to not exercise their moral rights against OFFICE or other third parties identified by OFFICE.

5.4.Members shall not submit Materials that do not meet the Scenery Photo Standards (including the standards set forth in each item from (1) to (6) of 5.1).

5.5.Regarding the submitted Materials etc. and the usage of the Materials set forth in these Terms, Members assure OFFICE that such Materials etc. and the usage do not violate the Intellectual Property rights, moral rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, reputation, ownership, any other rights of third parties or the Scenery Photo Standards (including the standards set forth in each item from (1) to (6) of 5.1), and assure that such Materials etc. and the usage do not have the risk of violating same.

6. The AWARD

6.1.FIND/47 expects to undertake a contest that identifies and awards certain exemplary submitted Materials, and acknowledging them on the Service (the “AWARD”). The AWARD will be operated by the FIND/47 Office (JTB Corporate Sales Inc. and Rhizomatiks co.,ltd).

6.2.All Materials submitted by Members shall be considered possible candidates for the AWARD to be implemented pursuant to judges and identified adjudication procedures.

6.3.Pursuant to identified methods, any Materials etc. that is awarded an AWARD shall be listed as a winning work on FIND/47.

6.4.The FIND/47 Office shall be responsible for setting the selection method for AWARD nominees, adjudication standards (including the method to select judges), the method to identify the AWARD winners, and any and all other details regarding implementation of the AWARD.

6.5.Members acknowledge that they will not be assured selection for the AWARD merely by submitting Materials. Members agree to not contest the selection process of results of the AWARD.

7. Membership withdrawal

7.1.Members are permitted to delete their membership registration (“Withdrawal”) by giving notice to OFFICE using the procedures set forth by OFFICE. Even if Members have made a successful Withdrawal, Members consent to the continued retention and limited use by OFFICE of any information such as transmitted, registered or submitted Materials on FIND/47, in order for OFFICE to continue operating FIND/47. Further, even if a Member has made a successful Withdrawal, it will be possible for such member to use FIND/47 as a User.

7.2.If OFFICE has deemed that a Member has violated these Terms, etc. or has submitted Materials etc. that do not satisfy the Scenery Photo Standards, depending on the circumstances, OFFICE has the right to remove such Member’s submitted Materials etc. (whether in whole or in part), cease the granting of membership status to such Member, stop the provision of FIND/47 to such Member, undertake the Withdrawal of such Member, or undertake any other step deemed necessary by OFFICE. Members agree to not contest OFFICE’s decision, and OFFICE shall not be responsible for any and all damages that may result from, or are related to, such steps.

8. Privacy Policy

OFFICE shall handle personally identifiable information of Users including Users’ names and e-mail addresses obtained when Users use the Service in accordance with the FIND/47 Privacy Policy.

9. Restrictions

Users shall not use the Materials etc. published under these Terms for any of the following uses:

10. OFFICE’s Limitation of Liability

10.1.OFFICE shall neither explicitly nor implicitly guarantee that the Service, or the Materials etc. provided on the Service, and the licenses set forth in these Terms are free from de facto or legal flaws (including defects relating to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, validity, compatibility with certain purposes, security, as well as errors, bugs, and infringement of rights). OFFICE shall have no obligation to provide services related to the Service free of such defects to Users.

10.2.OFFICE shall not in any way be responsible for any disputes or damages whatsoever arising in relation to the usage of the Materials etc. provided by OFFICE or the interpretation and application of the Terms among Users or between Users and third parties.

10.3.OFFICE shall not guarantee that the Materials etc. will be constantly, or at any time, available on this Service. OFFICE shall not in any way be responsible for any damages caused to Users or third parties that may arise from a situation where OFFICE cannot provide the Materials etc., irrespective of the cause of such situation, including, without limitation, during the maintenance of the Service.

11. Modifications to the provision format and contents

11.1.OFFICE may modify the contents or provision format of the Materials, or terminate the provision of the Materials (the “Modifications”) when OFFICE deems necessary, without providing prior notice to Users.

11.2.OFFICE shall not be responsible for any disputes arising or damages caused to Users in connection with the Modifications

12. Changes to these Terms, etc.

12.1.OFFICE may modify these Terms, etc. as and when OFFICE deems necessary, by providing prior notice to Users in manner deemed appropriate by OFFICE. It is the Users’ responsibility to confirm the revised Terms, etc. after such notice.

12.2.In the case of 12.1, OFFICE shall be entitled to modify the content of these Terms without obtaining the consent of Users. In the event of any modification to these Terms, OFFICE shall inform the modification and the effective time and content of the modified Terms by posting in the Service or other appropriate way specified by OFFICE, or notify the User of the same; provided, however, that OFFICE shall obtain the User's consent in a manner specified by OFFICE for the modification of these Terms that requires such consent under the applicable laws.

12.3.Any such However, such modifications to the Terms shall not affect any prior licenses applicable to the Materials that are downloaded by Usersexisting prior to suchthe modification of the Terms.

13. Assignment of Business etc.

If the OFFICE transfers the business related to FIND/47 to a third party because of transfers of business etc. (the “Transfer”), then at the Transfer the positions in the agreement between Users and the OFFICE including but not limited to the Terms and Conditions and all rights and responsibilities conferred by it, as well as all registered information and other User information, shall be transferrable to the transferee. Users agree beforehand to all terms regarding the Transfer in Section 13.

14. Governing law and Venue

14.1.The Japanese version of the Terms shall control. The Terms are governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan

14.2.Any suit, action, or proceeding arising out of, or in connection with, these Terms shall be exclusively brought in the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

FIND/47 Office

Effective as of August 4, 2016

Updated on September 23, 2016

Updated on April 7, 2017

Updated on December 1, 2017

Updated on September 1, 2018

Updated on August 3, 2020

© FIND/47 Office. Some Rights Reserved.Except where otherwise noted,content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution4.0 International license.