fitcommit (original) (raw)
4/3/13 11:35 pm
Name: CaptainPeachFuz
Age: 34
Height: 5' 6.5"
Heaviest weight: 249
Current weight: 220
Lowest weight: 160
Goal(s): 155
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4/2/13 09:40 pm
Day 1
Food 1/2 went over with eating those chocolates . Guilty as charged .
Water 2/2
Exercise 2/2 run & walk
Post 2/2
Challenge 0/2 I have to work on taking better care of myself
Excited to start this up again . I successfully lost 10pounds from 28 day plan in the past.
CW approx 155
GW 140
I went through a lot the past year , regarding my health . My body shut down on me . Finally I have the strength to exercise again . I am taking it easy , but I am still doing it . I can do this . I am strong :).
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
Current Location: Canada, British Columbia, Coquitlam
Current Mood: ok
2/7/12 03:07 pm
As you can tell, the daily focus of my goals has slipped... well, at least the posting portion. I'm still pretty happy though.
Of my goal to eat vegetarian, I've only eaten meat twice. Once was salmon (I'm ok with fish) and once was pasture raised local beef (a hamburger.) Considering that I started that multiple weeks ago, I'm pretty pleased.
Of my second goal to jog every day, I had a streak 8 days long... then i got a horrible neck spasm. I still feel it, but it's not as intense. That lost me 2 days. Today I jogged again, regardless of my ouchie neck :) Streak restarted (my goal is for 90 days straight of at least 1/2 mile of jogging.)
I've made it to yoga a few times, but not as much as I would like. And over all diet hasn't been great. I haven't lost any weight really, but I think (hopefully not wishful thinking) that my proportions are shifting. A little less belly waggle, a little more muscle.
2/4/12 10:40 pm
Haven't been posting regularly. But I've been doing well as far as eating goes. My knee is finally better so I should be able to bike tomorrow! So happy.
Exercise: 0
Water: 1
Food: 2
Post: 2
DFC: 2
2/1/12 07:54 am
Jogging 1 (Went 1.3 miles, about 7/10 a mile jogging and took my dog. She did great!)
Diet 1 (technically... I did eat veg. But I didn't eat well... way too many calories)
Something new/good 1 (went to a new yoga class - kicked my butt!)
Something good for myself or someone else 1 (lent hugs and an ear for a friend going through a tough time with his sick spouse)
commentary: I've mostly kept up with the food journalling (although it derailed last night when I got so busy with work - I guess I could write up what I had this morning.) I've not done that great with food choices, beyond only being vegetarian. For example, last night I had a naked burrito (veg) at qudoba, when you add in cheese, guac & sour cream... woah lots of calories. And I succumbed to a brownie urge :(
I've been reading articles about loosing weight while jogging and depressingly they all say to diet with the jogging. I figured if I'm managing to jog for most days of the week (even if some are short like the last couple) I should be making some serious headway! Well, all the exercise is good for me, sure. I'm building some more muscle and cardio health... but the scale hasn't budged. I'm all chunky and afraid people won't believe me when I tell them I'm training for a 1/2 marathon in May. *sigh*
Getting older is annoying. Damn you metabolism.
1/31/12 01:16 am
Got groceries!
Exercise: 2 - Rest day.
Food: 0 - Yeahh I didn't get groceries until the end of the day.
Water: 1 - Could've drank more.
Post: 2
DFC: 2 - Washed my face. That seems simple & weird but I never wash my face.. And I've been trying to get into a face cleansing routine for YEARS. It's a lot healthier than sleeping in my makeup.
1/30/12 11:13 pm
diet 1/1 (vegetarian)
jogging 1/1 (went just over a mile total)
Something unique 1/1 (got chia seed kombucha that I've never tried from WF)
for myself or someone else 0/1 (just didn't think to do anything)
7/346 (can't remember the number, too sleepy to look)
1/30/12 02:45 am
One of the biggest challenges for me is to find the time to post. I'm not the biggest on needing to post everyday but I do need something to keep me constantly on track. I miss my iphone if only for the sheer fact that I could keep track of my progress that way.
Anyway, the other day I found out that I'm 170.5. 9.5 lbs down from my highest weight of last year. Whoa. Pretty soon I need to celebrate. I'm thinking of possibly a day of beauty - painting nails, bubble bath, maybe dying my hair, etc.
Exercise: 2 - Big time rest day needed. I had shows the past two days. My knee is a little swollen.
Food: 1 - I ate fairly badly all day but I am giving myself a point if only because I made my calorie goal.
Water: 1 - Could've drank more for sure.
Post: 2
DFC: 0 - I can't think of anything in particular that I improved on today.
1/29/12 06:46 pm
Hey all!
So I'm ready to get on this fit bandwagon :-) I like the idea of a 12 week commitment, so I'm going to do that... but only with 2 rules.
1. Eat pescatarian (vegetarian + dairy, eggs & fish, although fish will be pretty rare.) All vegetarian on Mondays (my new years resolution)
2. Jog every day, even if it's only around the block. I will aim for a minimum of a mile & do it in the morning so I can't get "too busy" ha.
In addition I have some general aims that I'm hoping to follow:
food diary
plenty of water
wine only a few nights a week
non-jogging exercise mixed in
I've found when I have too many rules, I break a few and totally derail. I think I can manage 2 rules and stick with it. I'll post each day and let you all know if I succeeded (yay accountability!)
So my tally is going to be different than the standard form.
Jogging 1 or 0
Diet 1 or 0
Something new/good in the eating or exercising realm 1 or 0
Do something good for myself or someone else 1 or 0
So that means 4 available points a day, 7 days a week, 84 days in 12 weeks. So, if I did this perfectly (HA) that would be 336 points.
So here is today:
Jogging 1
Diet 1
Something new/good 1 (we tried trail running and went to a new area of a state park!)
Something good for myself or someone else 1 (getting out in the sunshine for 1.5 hrs on the trails - this is great for mood!)
4/336 A good start!
1/28/12 10:12 pm
Starting up again :)
Food 2/2 1200cals
Water 2/2 lots E
Exercise 2/2 1hr body step
Post 2/2
Challenge 2/2
Current Mood: cheerful