fitfriends (original) (raw)
I really need a support system back, to help me stay on track with my health goals.
I know some of you said you were still interested. I have a lot going on right now, and will continue that - including going out of town for a week or two, so I really need a co-mod for this community if it's going to stick around.
Please let me know if you're interested. If not, I suppose I'll just put this on hold until we've successfully relocated.
Long time no see! I have been trying to stay on the ball. It's been some lovely weather here in WNC, and I've been working in the garden with my girls - as well as learning to ride my new motorcycle! It's something of a workout, or at least I counted it as such. :)
My goal this week is to up my water intake and slow down on the soda pop. I also want to get back to the daily check-ins, if they help anyone and if you're still interested.
*tip toes in*
Hi again, fit friends! It's been a while, hasn't it? How have things been since week three?
As you might imagine, I haven't much been on my game. I'm still at a place with little motivation lately, but at least I want to change it. I hope to get back to my routine this week.
Are you still doing well on your habit maintenance? Do you have any new goals for week six?
Hi, guys! Have you thought of a Week Three Goal yet?
I took a nice long walk at the park with my family Monday. The rest of this week has been pretty busy, but I'm going to try to work a few more days of exercise in.
What is your goal for Week Three?
I would like to do some exercise at least four days this week. It can be any combination of work outs, walks, or gardening.
How's everyone doing?
Despite being sick most of the week, I've managed to have nearly accomplished my goal of doing an actual workout three times per week. I was able to do both yesterday and today (or I guess yesterday & the day before, since it's now after midnight).
At any rate, despite still having a slight fever, I did my routine of stretching, jumping jacks, push ups, crunches, & squats. When I started in May, I began with doing ten of each, them bumping it up to twelve. Even though it had been a while since I did them, I was feeling so good and finished so quickly that I did 24 of each instead of 12. I did the same today. Boy, I'm sore - but not near as sore as I expected to be! It makes me feel good about myself. I still can't do a lot, but I'm able to do them much better than when I started.
- Current Mood:accomplished
Hello there! Sorry I neglected the check-in yesterday. How are things going?
I've been pretty sick, so unfortunately I haven't done any exercise at all this week. I've been really dizzy and weak. I think I'm on the mend. I hope so, because I have three days to make up this week, and only three days left to do it!
- Current Location:home sweet home
- Current Mood:
- Current Music:Brown-eyed women and red grenadine the bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean
On April 30, I made a post where I committed to moving at least fifteen minutes every day in May.
I did really well. I did some sort of healthy movement almost every day. I skipped a few, but I usually ended up doing more than fifteen minutes, so I figured I met my goal.
I was pretty disappointed when I weighed myself this morning and found out that I hadn't lost even one pound. I haven't gained any, either, so that's a relief. I am proud to have made a very healthy change in my activity. And now that I've eased off the margaritas, I hope that maybe the pounds will just start melting off.
Here's what I looked like at the end of April:
Now, I don't know if there's very much difference in the pics, because it's not exactly like I replaced my chub with a bunch of hulking muscle, but here you go:
( Pics from the end of MayCollapse )
Does anyone else have any Week Two Goals? How did you do today?
I didn't exercise. We got up early, and I ended up taking a mega-nap at lunch time. I had planned to work in my garden, too, but I slept the day away. I hope to make it up tomorrow.
What is your goal for this week?
I did pretty well on my Moving in May extravaganza, so I definitely want to share the pics I owe you. If I don't get it done tonight (and it's pretty late), then I'll post those tomorrow.
While I've taken plenty of hikes and worked in my garden quite a lot, I haven't been doing actual workouts in a while. I did one yesterday, and I am SO sore today. So I think my goal this week will be to do at least three real workouts (push ups, crunches, squats, etc.).
- Current Location:home sweet home
- Current Mood:accomplished