Edgar Fernandes | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (original) (raw)
Master's thesis by Edgar Fernandes
Papers by Edgar Fernandes
Serpa Informação, n.º 228 (V série), pp. 6-7, 2024
Arqueologia Medieval, n.º 15, pp. 73-95, 2020
The present study intends to undertake a preliminary approach to the Late Antique North African a... more The present study intends to undertake a preliminary approach to the Late Antique North African and Eastern Mediterranean fine wares coming from the Municipal Library and the Kasbah of the Castle of Mértola (Beja, Portugal). Based on this analysis and also examining other material evidence from Late Antiquity found in this town, we intend to present an overview of North African and Eastern Mediterranean trade in Mértola during Late Antiquity, and situate it within the commercial trends identified in Southern Lusitania and in Hispania.
Horizontes Artísticos da Lusitânia. Dinâmicas da Antiguidade Clássica e Tardia em Portugal. Séculos I a VIII, Dec 2019
Este ensaio pretende apresentar uma nova proposta de análise relativa aos baptistérios e piscinas... more Este ensaio pretende apresentar uma nova proposta de análise relativa aos baptistérios e piscinas baptismais do complexo religioso de Idanha-a-Velha (Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal), alicerçada nos resultados do levantamento arqueológico das piscinas baptismais que coordenámos em 2012. Assim, procurar-se-á entender a relação espacial e cronológica dos baptistérios e piscinas baptismais com a actual Igreja de Santa Maria. Ao mesmo tempo, tentar-se-á relacionar os novos dados obtidos no levantamento com a investigação existente sobre o complexo, num esforço para compreender melhor a evolução do espaço ao longo dos séculos.
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies, vol. 17, pp. 92-109, 2018
This paper focuses on the fifth and sixth century African Red Slip and Late Roman C wares found a... more This paper focuses on the fifth and sixth century African Red Slip and Late Roman C wares found at Horta da Misericórdia, an archaeological area within the ancient walls of Ossonoba, modern-day Faro (Algarve, Portugal). The aim is to provide additional data for the wider picture of this city’s import trade in the Roman and Late Antique periods, as outlined by Catarina Viegas. In her study of the Roman settlement and economy in the central and eastern Algarve (2011), Viegas showed that pottery from all over the Empire – particularly from its western provinces – was imported to Ossonoba in Roman and Late Antique times. Alongside ceramic assemblages from other key sites in the region, she examined the amphorae and the fine wares from two areas of modern Faro (the Oceanus Mosaic and the Municipal Museum sites). The fifth and sixth century African Red Slip and Late Roman C wares analyzed by Viegas show a strong decline in their numbers already from the mid-fifth century onward. In contrast, however, the excavations undertaken by Teresa Júdice Gamito at Horta da Misericórdia unearthed a large amount of fifth and sixth century African Red Slip and Late Roman C wares, indicating a clearer continuity in the import trade to Ossonoba until the mid-sixth century.
Arqueologia & História, vol. 66-67, pp 123-136
This paper aims to analyse the tiles from the arcades under the choir of the Church of Saint Roch... more This paper aims to analyse the tiles from the arcades under the choir of the Church of Saint Roch (Lisbon). To that end, we will examine the adaptation of the panels to the spaces to which they belong, we will identify discrepancies and mismatches in the decoration motivated by later modifications and repairs, and that information will be related to documented structural changes within the temple. The goal of this study is the formulation of a diachronic reading of the arcades and their tile decoration, in order to provide another contribution towards the comprehension of the spatial and decorative modifications that took place in the Church of Saint Roch throughout the centuries.
Proceedings of the First International Conference of Portuguese Faience (16th-19th centuries) (eds. Rosa Varela GOMES, Tânia Manuel CASIMIRO and Mário Varela GOMES), pp. 151-160
Established in 1490, the Convent of Jesus received the first nuns six years later. The ladies who... more Established in 1490, the Convent of Jesus received the first nuns six years later. The ladies who entered the convent came from several social strata – such as local nobility and bourgeoisie – but also from abroad, like Gandia, in Spain.
Located in Setúbal, the convent was built near one of the first workshops of Portuguese faience. Salvage excavations that took place between 2006 and 2008 inside the convent walls (to the east and west of the main building) revealed a large quantity of artifacts, among which a wide collection of Portuguese faience of several typologies and chronologies. The archaeological record shows that early examples of this tin-glazed ware, inspired by Spanish forms, were fairly used by the community living in the convent.
This paper intends to examine these earlier sherds of Portuguese faience according to morphology, decoration, fabrics and productive defects. Such an analysis may allow us to use these ceramics as socioeconomic references indicators for the community that used them on a daily basis. Additionally, we consider that the comparison of archaeological data with written sources such as nun-authored chronicles (from 1630 and 1803) and local and national History essays is rather relevant for a better understanding of the quotidian life of this group of Colettine Clarisses.
II Congresso Internacional de Arqueologia da Região de Castelo Branco (coord. Raquel VILAÇA), pp. 233-264, Oct 30, 2016
São Martinho’s Hill, located around 3 km southeast of the city of Castelo Branco, is an archaeolo... more São Martinho’s Hill, located around 3 km southeast of the city of Castelo Branco, is an archaeological site whose importance for the Pre and Protohistory of the Iberian Peninsula is recognized since the excavations conducted by Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior, in the early 20th century. Since then, several studies addressing the prehistorical, protohistorical and Roman dimensions of this site and the surrounding
area have been carried out – particularly regarding the territory between the hill and the chapels of the Senhora de Mércules and Sant’Ana.
Amongst the various Roman artifacts found in the São Martinho’s Hill area and stored in the Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior Museum (Castelo Branco), there are several Roman fine ware fragments collected during the 1910s, 1970s and 1980s. These ceramics, coming from various production centers, are one of the standard marks of Roman presence and also an evidence of commercial contacts between the different regions of the Empire.
This study is a first approach to the Roman fine wares collected in the São Martinho’s Hill area that are stored in the Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior Museum. In addition to the evidence that the analysis of this assemblage may provide regarding the Roman occupation of the territory, we also intend to understand the import patterns of Roman fine wares to the central region of the ancient province of Lusitania.
Res Antiquae, no. 11, pp. 119-120, 2014
Pages 220221, planches 1 et 2 : Nous avons ecrit que les nurneros des dessins presentes correspon... more Pages 220221, planches 1 et 2 : Nous avons ecrit que les nurneros des dessins presentes correspondaient a ceux qui se trouvaient dans la table annexee au texte de l'article, Toutefois, ii ya quelques fautes de correspondance qu'il nous faut corriger ciapres, Ainsi, en ce Sigillee 2.5YR sn MONTINH090 2.5YR (orange), !OR 99 C-17-1 phoceenne Hayes 3C Bord 5.5/8 5/6 (rouge) et tardive 5YR 4/1 (gris), Page 192, premier paragraphe : Notre mention a une communication personnelle de John W Hayes conccr nant le debut de la production de la forme 91 C est partiellement incorrecte. En effet, M. Hayes avail explique au premier signataire de cet article que l'evidence numismatique de l'existence de la forme 91 C pendant la fin du ve siecle n 'eta it pas tres bonne, mais qu'il etait pret a envisager que quelquesuns de ces bols a listel eussent bien ete produits avant c. 500. Toutefois, comme nous l'avons precise plus haut, M. Hayes n'a jamais parle des datations numismatiques des contextes de production. Nous tenons done a lui presenter toutes nos excuses pour ceue erreur d' interpretation.
Res Antiquae, no. 10, pp. 173-222, 2013
Despite being outside the Mediterranean basin, southern Lusitania is still near enough to have be... more Despite being outside the Mediterranean basin, southern Lusitania is still near enough to have been influenced by its trade networks throughout Antiquity. From the 4th century onwards, North African goods become more and more visible archaeologically in the region. The rural territory of Alcoutim (Algarve, Portugal) has yielded African Red Slip Ware and African Cooking Ware, and - much more scarcely - Phocaean Red Slip Ware, which make up the sole indications of Late Antique commercial ties between the Mediterranean and southern Lusitania. Using Alcoutim as a case-study, the present essay sets out to understand the disintegration of Mediterranean trade networks that supplied rural sites of the region by comparing the frequency of North African and Phocaean imports of the Later Empire and Late Antiquity.
Pyrenae - Revista de Prehistòria i Antiguitat de la Mediterrànea Occidental, no. 44, vol. 2, pp. 69-108, 2013
Arqueologia em Portugal: 150 anos (eds. José Morais ARNAUD, Andrea MARTINS and César NEVES), pp. 873-881, 2013
O presente artigo pretende analisar a desagregação do comércio mediterrânico no Baixo Guadiana, d... more O presente artigo pretende analisar a desagregação do comércio mediterrânico no Baixo Guadiana, durante a Antiguidade Tardia, através das informações fornecidas pela terra sigillata africana e foceense tardia. Salvo notáveis excepções (Delgado, 1988 e 1992; Coutinho, 1997), estas classes cerâmicas não têm sido alvo de estudos sistemáticos que informem sobre as relações económicas entre as regiões implicadas. Assim, produzimos aqui uma síntese dos dados de dois trabalhos de investigação recentes (2012 e 2013). Esta procurará observar as semelhanças e diferenças entre um território rural (Alcoutim) e um centro urbano (Mértola) do Baixo Guadiana, tendo por objectivo uma compreensão preliminar - porque baseada apenas em cerâmicas de mesa exógenas - das dinâmicas económicas tardo-antigas.
Velhos e Novos Mundos. Estudos de Arqueologia Moderna (eds. André TEIXEIRA and José António BETTENCOURT), vol. 1, pp. 551-560, Dec 2012
"A Igreja de São Simão, cabeça da freguesia homónima da região de Azeitão (Setúbal), foi fundada ... more "A Igreja de São Simão, cabeça da freguesia homónima da região de Azeitão (Setúbal), foi fundada pelo fidalgo português Brás de Albuquerque (filho de Afonso de Albuquerque, o Terríbil), em 1570. Possui actualmente, no seu interior, uma colecção significativa de painéis de azulejos policromos datados, grosso modo, de meados do século XVII – um dos quais ostenta a data de 1648.
Também o adro desta igreja, estrutura quadrilátera com cancelas, possui o mesmo tipo de revestimento, composto por 22 painéis de diferentes dimensões e morfologias. Todavia, não se conhecem bem as condições que presidiram à colocação dos azulejos, subsistindo ainda na mente dos locais algumas dúvidas relativas à cronologia que poderá ser atribuída àquele momento. Percebe-se, ainda assim, que muitos dos padrões identificáveis no adro ocorrem também dentro do templo.
Sabe-se que a Igreja de São Simão sofreu algumas reformas decorativas no seu interior, ao longo dos tempos. Apesar de a sua estrutura interna aparentar não ter sofrido grandes danos com o Terramoto de 1755, ocorreu uma importante remodelação do espaço em 1959, a qual terá transfigurado zonas do templo. Interrogamo-nos, assim, sobre se os azulejos presentes no adro não poderiam ter saído do interior da igreja, após uma qualquer modificação realizada, tendo sido posteriormente aproveitados. Ainda assim, não podemos desprezar a possibilidade de as quintas em redor da Igreja de São Simão (Quinta da Bacalhôa e Quinta das Torres, referências de decoração azulejar da segunda metade do século XVI) terem fornecido ao adro alguns ou todos os elementos decorativos.
O presente estudo pretende analisar a decoração do adro da Igreja de São Simão de Azeitão a partir de uma dupla perspectiva, ordenada do seguinte modo: aferição dos vários motivos presentes e respectivas cronologias; compreensão do local original de implantação dos azulejos, através de recurso a abordagens ligadas à Arqueologia da Arquitectura."
Book Reviews by Edgar Fernandes
Cultura - Revista de História e Teoria das Ideias, vol. 30, pp. 297-302, 2013
Catalogue entries by Edgar Fernandes
Loulé. Territórios, memórias, identidades [exhibition catalogue], 2017
Loulé. Territórios, memórias, identidades [exhibition catalogue], 2017
Loulé. Territórios, memórias, identidades [exhibition catalogue], 2017
Loulé. Territórios, memórias, identidades [exhibition catalogue], 2017
Loulé. Territórios, memórias, identidades [exhibition catalogue], 2017
Loulé. Territórios, memórias, identidades [exhibition catalogue], 2017
Serpa Informação, n.º 228 (V série), pp. 6-7, 2024
Arqueologia Medieval, n.º 15, pp. 73-95, 2020
The present study intends to undertake a preliminary approach to the Late Antique North African a... more The present study intends to undertake a preliminary approach to the Late Antique North African and Eastern Mediterranean fine wares coming from the Municipal Library and the Kasbah of the Castle of Mértola (Beja, Portugal). Based on this analysis and also examining other material evidence from Late Antiquity found in this town, we intend to present an overview of North African and Eastern Mediterranean trade in Mértola during Late Antiquity, and situate it within the commercial trends identified in Southern Lusitania and in Hispania.
Horizontes Artísticos da Lusitânia. Dinâmicas da Antiguidade Clássica e Tardia em Portugal. Séculos I a VIII, Dec 2019
Este ensaio pretende apresentar uma nova proposta de análise relativa aos baptistérios e piscinas... more Este ensaio pretende apresentar uma nova proposta de análise relativa aos baptistérios e piscinas baptismais do complexo religioso de Idanha-a-Velha (Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal), alicerçada nos resultados do levantamento arqueológico das piscinas baptismais que coordenámos em 2012. Assim, procurar-se-á entender a relação espacial e cronológica dos baptistérios e piscinas baptismais com a actual Igreja de Santa Maria. Ao mesmo tempo, tentar-se-á relacionar os novos dados obtidos no levantamento com a investigação existente sobre o complexo, num esforço para compreender melhor a evolução do espaço ao longo dos séculos.
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies, vol. 17, pp. 92-109, 2018
This paper focuses on the fifth and sixth century African Red Slip and Late Roman C wares found a... more This paper focuses on the fifth and sixth century African Red Slip and Late Roman C wares found at Horta da Misericórdia, an archaeological area within the ancient walls of Ossonoba, modern-day Faro (Algarve, Portugal). The aim is to provide additional data for the wider picture of this city’s import trade in the Roman and Late Antique periods, as outlined by Catarina Viegas. In her study of the Roman settlement and economy in the central and eastern Algarve (2011), Viegas showed that pottery from all over the Empire – particularly from its western provinces – was imported to Ossonoba in Roman and Late Antique times. Alongside ceramic assemblages from other key sites in the region, she examined the amphorae and the fine wares from two areas of modern Faro (the Oceanus Mosaic and the Municipal Museum sites). The fifth and sixth century African Red Slip and Late Roman C wares analyzed by Viegas show a strong decline in their numbers already from the mid-fifth century onward. In contrast, however, the excavations undertaken by Teresa Júdice Gamito at Horta da Misericórdia unearthed a large amount of fifth and sixth century African Red Slip and Late Roman C wares, indicating a clearer continuity in the import trade to Ossonoba until the mid-sixth century.
Arqueologia & História, vol. 66-67, pp 123-136
This paper aims to analyse the tiles from the arcades under the choir of the Church of Saint Roch... more This paper aims to analyse the tiles from the arcades under the choir of the Church of Saint Roch (Lisbon). To that end, we will examine the adaptation of the panels to the spaces to which they belong, we will identify discrepancies and mismatches in the decoration motivated by later modifications and repairs, and that information will be related to documented structural changes within the temple. The goal of this study is the formulation of a diachronic reading of the arcades and their tile decoration, in order to provide another contribution towards the comprehension of the spatial and decorative modifications that took place in the Church of Saint Roch throughout the centuries.
Proceedings of the First International Conference of Portuguese Faience (16th-19th centuries) (eds. Rosa Varela GOMES, Tânia Manuel CASIMIRO and Mário Varela GOMES), pp. 151-160
Established in 1490, the Convent of Jesus received the first nuns six years later. The ladies who... more Established in 1490, the Convent of Jesus received the first nuns six years later. The ladies who entered the convent came from several social strata – such as local nobility and bourgeoisie – but also from abroad, like Gandia, in Spain.
Located in Setúbal, the convent was built near one of the first workshops of Portuguese faience. Salvage excavations that took place between 2006 and 2008 inside the convent walls (to the east and west of the main building) revealed a large quantity of artifacts, among which a wide collection of Portuguese faience of several typologies and chronologies. The archaeological record shows that early examples of this tin-glazed ware, inspired by Spanish forms, were fairly used by the community living in the convent.
This paper intends to examine these earlier sherds of Portuguese faience according to morphology, decoration, fabrics and productive defects. Such an analysis may allow us to use these ceramics as socioeconomic references indicators for the community that used them on a daily basis. Additionally, we consider that the comparison of archaeological data with written sources such as nun-authored chronicles (from 1630 and 1803) and local and national History essays is rather relevant for a better understanding of the quotidian life of this group of Colettine Clarisses.
II Congresso Internacional de Arqueologia da Região de Castelo Branco (coord. Raquel VILAÇA), pp. 233-264, Oct 30, 2016
São Martinho’s Hill, located around 3 km southeast of the city of Castelo Branco, is an archaeolo... more São Martinho’s Hill, located around 3 km southeast of the city of Castelo Branco, is an archaeological site whose importance for the Pre and Protohistory of the Iberian Peninsula is recognized since the excavations conducted by Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior, in the early 20th century. Since then, several studies addressing the prehistorical, protohistorical and Roman dimensions of this site and the surrounding
area have been carried out – particularly regarding the territory between the hill and the chapels of the Senhora de Mércules and Sant’Ana.
Amongst the various Roman artifacts found in the São Martinho’s Hill area and stored in the Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior Museum (Castelo Branco), there are several Roman fine ware fragments collected during the 1910s, 1970s and 1980s. These ceramics, coming from various production centers, are one of the standard marks of Roman presence and also an evidence of commercial contacts between the different regions of the Empire.
This study is a first approach to the Roman fine wares collected in the São Martinho’s Hill area that are stored in the Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior Museum. In addition to the evidence that the analysis of this assemblage may provide regarding the Roman occupation of the territory, we also intend to understand the import patterns of Roman fine wares to the central region of the ancient province of Lusitania.
Res Antiquae, no. 11, pp. 119-120, 2014
Pages 220221, planches 1 et 2 : Nous avons ecrit que les nurneros des dessins presentes correspon... more Pages 220221, planches 1 et 2 : Nous avons ecrit que les nurneros des dessins presentes correspondaient a ceux qui se trouvaient dans la table annexee au texte de l'article, Toutefois, ii ya quelques fautes de correspondance qu'il nous faut corriger ciapres, Ainsi, en ce Sigillee 2.5YR sn MONTINH090 2.5YR (orange), !OR 99 C-17-1 phoceenne Hayes 3C Bord 5.5/8 5/6 (rouge) et tardive 5YR 4/1 (gris), Page 192, premier paragraphe : Notre mention a une communication personnelle de John W Hayes conccr nant le debut de la production de la forme 91 C est partiellement incorrecte. En effet, M. Hayes avail explique au premier signataire de cet article que l'evidence numismatique de l'existence de la forme 91 C pendant la fin du ve siecle n 'eta it pas tres bonne, mais qu'il etait pret a envisager que quelquesuns de ces bols a listel eussent bien ete produits avant c. 500. Toutefois, comme nous l'avons precise plus haut, M. Hayes n'a jamais parle des datations numismatiques des contextes de production. Nous tenons done a lui presenter toutes nos excuses pour ceue erreur d' interpretation.
Res Antiquae, no. 10, pp. 173-222, 2013
Despite being outside the Mediterranean basin, southern Lusitania is still near enough to have be... more Despite being outside the Mediterranean basin, southern Lusitania is still near enough to have been influenced by its trade networks throughout Antiquity. From the 4th century onwards, North African goods become more and more visible archaeologically in the region. The rural territory of Alcoutim (Algarve, Portugal) has yielded African Red Slip Ware and African Cooking Ware, and - much more scarcely - Phocaean Red Slip Ware, which make up the sole indications of Late Antique commercial ties between the Mediterranean and southern Lusitania. Using Alcoutim as a case-study, the present essay sets out to understand the disintegration of Mediterranean trade networks that supplied rural sites of the region by comparing the frequency of North African and Phocaean imports of the Later Empire and Late Antiquity.
Pyrenae - Revista de Prehistòria i Antiguitat de la Mediterrànea Occidental, no. 44, vol. 2, pp. 69-108, 2013
Arqueologia em Portugal: 150 anos (eds. José Morais ARNAUD, Andrea MARTINS and César NEVES), pp. 873-881, 2013
O presente artigo pretende analisar a desagregação do comércio mediterrânico no Baixo Guadiana, d... more O presente artigo pretende analisar a desagregação do comércio mediterrânico no Baixo Guadiana, durante a Antiguidade Tardia, através das informações fornecidas pela terra sigillata africana e foceense tardia. Salvo notáveis excepções (Delgado, 1988 e 1992; Coutinho, 1997), estas classes cerâmicas não têm sido alvo de estudos sistemáticos que informem sobre as relações económicas entre as regiões implicadas. Assim, produzimos aqui uma síntese dos dados de dois trabalhos de investigação recentes (2012 e 2013). Esta procurará observar as semelhanças e diferenças entre um território rural (Alcoutim) e um centro urbano (Mértola) do Baixo Guadiana, tendo por objectivo uma compreensão preliminar - porque baseada apenas em cerâmicas de mesa exógenas - das dinâmicas económicas tardo-antigas.
Velhos e Novos Mundos. Estudos de Arqueologia Moderna (eds. André TEIXEIRA and José António BETTENCOURT), vol. 1, pp. 551-560, Dec 2012
"A Igreja de São Simão, cabeça da freguesia homónima da região de Azeitão (Setúbal), foi fundada ... more "A Igreja de São Simão, cabeça da freguesia homónima da região de Azeitão (Setúbal), foi fundada pelo fidalgo português Brás de Albuquerque (filho de Afonso de Albuquerque, o Terríbil), em 1570. Possui actualmente, no seu interior, uma colecção significativa de painéis de azulejos policromos datados, grosso modo, de meados do século XVII – um dos quais ostenta a data de 1648.
Também o adro desta igreja, estrutura quadrilátera com cancelas, possui o mesmo tipo de revestimento, composto por 22 painéis de diferentes dimensões e morfologias. Todavia, não se conhecem bem as condições que presidiram à colocação dos azulejos, subsistindo ainda na mente dos locais algumas dúvidas relativas à cronologia que poderá ser atribuída àquele momento. Percebe-se, ainda assim, que muitos dos padrões identificáveis no adro ocorrem também dentro do templo.
Sabe-se que a Igreja de São Simão sofreu algumas reformas decorativas no seu interior, ao longo dos tempos. Apesar de a sua estrutura interna aparentar não ter sofrido grandes danos com o Terramoto de 1755, ocorreu uma importante remodelação do espaço em 1959, a qual terá transfigurado zonas do templo. Interrogamo-nos, assim, sobre se os azulejos presentes no adro não poderiam ter saído do interior da igreja, após uma qualquer modificação realizada, tendo sido posteriormente aproveitados. Ainda assim, não podemos desprezar a possibilidade de as quintas em redor da Igreja de São Simão (Quinta da Bacalhôa e Quinta das Torres, referências de decoração azulejar da segunda metade do século XVI) terem fornecido ao adro alguns ou todos os elementos decorativos.
O presente estudo pretende analisar a decoração do adro da Igreja de São Simão de Azeitão a partir de uma dupla perspectiva, ordenada do seguinte modo: aferição dos vários motivos presentes e respectivas cronologias; compreensão do local original de implantação dos azulejos, através de recurso a abordagens ligadas à Arqueologia da Arquitectura."