Štefan Bojnec | University of Primorska, Faculty of Management (original) (raw)

Papers by Štefan Bojnec

Research paper thumbnail of Three Decades of Macroeconomic Flux in Montenegro and Slovenia

Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Manual for the classification of intervention best-practices with rural NEETs

targeting rural NEETs. In my opinion, this is the most outstanding contribution of this manual, a... more targeting rural NEETs. In my opinion, this is the most outstanding contribution of this manual, and also an original one, considering that to date no other efforts have been made with the intention of developing a grid of how to describe interventions dealing with rural NEETs. This manual offers, therefore, valuable contributions for upcoming research efforts within and beyond RNYN, including: (a) a complete methodological framework for future case stu-dies; (b) practical tools to conduct field research than can be combined with many different methodological approaches (qualitative, mixed-methods, etc.); and, (c) strategic criteria for conducting research in complex settings such as community-based programs. In addition, this manual sets the necessary conditions to present evidence-based conclusions about programs targeting rural NEETs, further aiding policy-makers to opt for solutions that clearly produce better results. This manual would not have been possible without the efforts ...

Research paper thumbnail of Structural Changes and Diversification of Agricultural Households' Incomes in Hilly Areas

The research studies structural changes in agriculture in the Škofja Loka region based on an empi... more The research studies structural changes in agriculture in the Škofja Loka region based on an empirical analysis of income diversification in a sample of agricultural households (AHs) in 2001 and 2006. The analysis was conducted from three points of view: for the entire sample of AHs, according to socio-economic types of AHs, and according to areas with different levels of development and different natural endowments for agricultural production. The numbers of households professionally engaged in farming has declined. In turn, the number of AHs abandoning farming has increased. Structural changes differ among geographic areas. Income derived from agriculture is insufficient for survival for most of AHs, making income diversification inevitable. Strategies of AHs are unclear. Farms are abandoning farming due to low profitability of production and better employment opportunities in non-agricultural activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Ugotavljanje kakovosti storitev v splosnih knjiznicah

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Labor Taxation on Job Creation and Uneployment

Research paper thumbnail of Rapid Evidence Assessment Protocol for the the Meta-analysis of Initiatives, Interventions and Programmes that Target Rural NEETs

Background The dependency of rural economies on agricultural practices for survival has been in d... more Background The dependency of rural economies on agricultural practices for survival has been in decline for a number of years, seriously threatening rural communities sustainability. It is now evident that attracting young people into agricultural professions is proving difficult. As a consequence, policy measures that aim to enhance the likelihood of rural employment for young people or rural NEETs have been introduced in countries with the aim of reducing at-at-risk-poverty rates and supporting the long term viability of rural economies. The aim of this rapid review is to summarise the published literature reporting on the effectiveness of initiatives, interventions and programmes that target rural NEETs.Methods The following databases will be searched: Web of Science, SCOPUS, EBSCOhost, ERIC and ProQuest. Internet searching through Google Scholar will also be carried out. The result of the search will be downloaded and saved to Mendeley. Informed by PRISMA guidelines, duplicates ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Map of the European Insurance Sector – Are There any Borders


Research paper thumbnail of Contributions of small and medium enterprises to employment in the European Union countries

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Typology and distribution of small farms in Europe: Towards a better picture

Research paper thumbnail of Novel Food Consumption

Research paper thumbnail of Overcoming the Crisis: Economic and Financial Developments in Asia and Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Social Accounting Matrix, Computable General Equilibrium models and policy issues in Central and Eastern Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Unlocking Sustainable Commuting: Exploring the Nexus of Macroeconomic Factors, Environmental Impact, and Daily Travel Patterns


This paper examines normality in time series econometrics for a sustainable energy transition. By... more This paper examines normality in time series econometrics for a sustainable energy transition. By analysing data from January 1997 to December 2021, this study integrates macroeconomic, environmental, and energy data to gain insights into the potential changes in daily commuting patterns among Slovenians. Various methods, including unit root tests such as the augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF), Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin (KPSS), and Zivot–Andrews (Z-A), as well as other tests, are employed. Additionally, the vector autoregressive (VAR) model, Granger Causality and regression analysis determine the impact. This paper contributes to uncovering valuable information within data from macrovariables using macroeconometric techniques. It also provides insights that can support evidence-based decision-making for sustainable energy transition policies in Slovenia. The results of the normality tests indicate that most macro variables are integrated; there is a need for a careful analysis of...

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism price normalities in two Adriatic east coast 'euro' countries

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of Services and Interdependency between Export and Innovation Intensity in the Sector of the Business Services

Contemporary Issues in International Economics, 2021

In this chapter, we study services and their unique characteristics. We focus on characteristics ... more In this chapter, we study services and their unique characteristics. We focus on characteristics of services, such as intangibility, immateriality; invisibility; perishability; temporary existence, sensitivity on time; non storability; inseparability; lack of inventory; sensibility of quality control; high degree of risk or difficulty in experimentation; no return possibility at un-satisfaction; customisation requirements; different distribution channels; and no rivalry. We also analyse the relations between exports, investments in development and innovation activities of Slovene business services sectors in two statistically different periods (2002-2008 and 2010-2016). A two-step approach to examine the firms’ performance in the selected business non-financial services sectors was applied. First, we used Simple Probit model, and in the second step, Simultaneous Probit model was used. The preliminary results suggest that the investment in R&D activities encourages export behaviour a...

Research paper thumbnail of Locally Produced Organic Food: Consumer Preferences

www.amfiteatrueconomic.ro, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Short communication: East-West European farm investment behaviour - The role of financial constraints and public support

Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Apr 20, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The growth of farms: a Hungarian-Slovenian comparison

Post-communist Economies, Feb 20, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Meat export competitiveness of European Union countries on global markets

Agricultural and Food Science, Oct 8, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing and Understanding the Drivers of Farm Income Risk: Evidence from Slovenia

Research paper thumbnail of Three Decades of Macroeconomic Flux in Montenegro and Slovenia

Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Manual for the classification of intervention best-practices with rural NEETs

targeting rural NEETs. In my opinion, this is the most outstanding contribution of this manual, a... more targeting rural NEETs. In my opinion, this is the most outstanding contribution of this manual, and also an original one, considering that to date no other efforts have been made with the intention of developing a grid of how to describe interventions dealing with rural NEETs. This manual offers, therefore, valuable contributions for upcoming research efforts within and beyond RNYN, including: (a) a complete methodological framework for future case stu-dies; (b) practical tools to conduct field research than can be combined with many different methodological approaches (qualitative, mixed-methods, etc.); and, (c) strategic criteria for conducting research in complex settings such as community-based programs. In addition, this manual sets the necessary conditions to present evidence-based conclusions about programs targeting rural NEETs, further aiding policy-makers to opt for solutions that clearly produce better results. This manual would not have been possible without the efforts ...

Research paper thumbnail of Structural Changes and Diversification of Agricultural Households' Incomes in Hilly Areas

The research studies structural changes in agriculture in the Škofja Loka region based on an empi... more The research studies structural changes in agriculture in the Škofja Loka region based on an empirical analysis of income diversification in a sample of agricultural households (AHs) in 2001 and 2006. The analysis was conducted from three points of view: for the entire sample of AHs, according to socio-economic types of AHs, and according to areas with different levels of development and different natural endowments for agricultural production. The numbers of households professionally engaged in farming has declined. In turn, the number of AHs abandoning farming has increased. Structural changes differ among geographic areas. Income derived from agriculture is insufficient for survival for most of AHs, making income diversification inevitable. Strategies of AHs are unclear. Farms are abandoning farming due to low profitability of production and better employment opportunities in non-agricultural activities.

Research paper thumbnail of Ugotavljanje kakovosti storitev v splosnih knjiznicah

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Labor Taxation on Job Creation and Uneployment

Research paper thumbnail of Rapid Evidence Assessment Protocol for the the Meta-analysis of Initiatives, Interventions and Programmes that Target Rural NEETs

Background The dependency of rural economies on agricultural practices for survival has been in d... more Background The dependency of rural economies on agricultural practices for survival has been in decline for a number of years, seriously threatening rural communities sustainability. It is now evident that attracting young people into agricultural professions is proving difficult. As a consequence, policy measures that aim to enhance the likelihood of rural employment for young people or rural NEETs have been introduced in countries with the aim of reducing at-at-risk-poverty rates and supporting the long term viability of rural economies. The aim of this rapid review is to summarise the published literature reporting on the effectiveness of initiatives, interventions and programmes that target rural NEETs.Methods The following databases will be searched: Web of Science, SCOPUS, EBSCOhost, ERIC and ProQuest. Internet searching through Google Scholar will also be carried out. The result of the search will be downloaded and saved to Mendeley. Informed by PRISMA guidelines, duplicates ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Map of the European Insurance Sector – Are There any Borders


Research paper thumbnail of Contributions of small and medium enterprises to employment in the European Union countries

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Typology and distribution of small farms in Europe: Towards a better picture

Research paper thumbnail of Novel Food Consumption

Research paper thumbnail of Overcoming the Crisis: Economic and Financial Developments in Asia and Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Social Accounting Matrix, Computable General Equilibrium models and policy issues in Central and Eastern Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Unlocking Sustainable Commuting: Exploring the Nexus of Macroeconomic Factors, Environmental Impact, and Daily Travel Patterns


This paper examines normality in time series econometrics for a sustainable energy transition. By... more This paper examines normality in time series econometrics for a sustainable energy transition. By analysing data from January 1997 to December 2021, this study integrates macroeconomic, environmental, and energy data to gain insights into the potential changes in daily commuting patterns among Slovenians. Various methods, including unit root tests such as the augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF), Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin (KPSS), and Zivot–Andrews (Z-A), as well as other tests, are employed. Additionally, the vector autoregressive (VAR) model, Granger Causality and regression analysis determine the impact. This paper contributes to uncovering valuable information within data from macrovariables using macroeconometric techniques. It also provides insights that can support evidence-based decision-making for sustainable energy transition policies in Slovenia. The results of the normality tests indicate that most macro variables are integrated; there is a need for a careful analysis of...

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism price normalities in two Adriatic east coast 'euro' countries

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of Services and Interdependency between Export and Innovation Intensity in the Sector of the Business Services

Contemporary Issues in International Economics, 2021

In this chapter, we study services and their unique characteristics. We focus on characteristics ... more In this chapter, we study services and their unique characteristics. We focus on characteristics of services, such as intangibility, immateriality; invisibility; perishability; temporary existence, sensitivity on time; non storability; inseparability; lack of inventory; sensibility of quality control; high degree of risk or difficulty in experimentation; no return possibility at un-satisfaction; customisation requirements; different distribution channels; and no rivalry. We also analyse the relations between exports, investments in development and innovation activities of Slovene business services sectors in two statistically different periods (2002-2008 and 2010-2016). A two-step approach to examine the firms’ performance in the selected business non-financial services sectors was applied. First, we used Simple Probit model, and in the second step, Simultaneous Probit model was used. The preliminary results suggest that the investment in R&D activities encourages export behaviour a...

Research paper thumbnail of Locally Produced Organic Food: Consumer Preferences

www.amfiteatrueconomic.ro, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Short communication: East-West European farm investment behaviour - The role of financial constraints and public support

Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, Apr 20, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The growth of farms: a Hungarian-Slovenian comparison

Post-communist Economies, Feb 20, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Meat export competitiveness of European Union countries on global markets

Agricultural and Food Science, Oct 8, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing and Understanding the Drivers of Farm Income Risk: Evidence from Slovenia