fmachibi_rp - Profile (original) (raw)
on 7 October 2005 (#8480408)
Fullmetal Alchemist Role Play Community
YOUR LOVELY GOD MOD:_takeitxallaway
& your lovely co-mods:seethroughall &
Fullmetal Alchemist Chibi is a Fullmetal Alchemist RP. Basically, it will center around the lives of the FMA characters after ep.22. Please keep in mind that this community is slash/yaoi/het/yuri/anything that walks friendly..The RP itself is not meant to be played seriously. It’s for us to act like morons while playing our favorite characters. However, if a group of people ever do get to do a plot and it’s reasonible ("The world is going to go 'splody, and only the gun whore ((me >D)) can save us!!"), I’ll totally consider it.
To join, please send an email to (don't let the name fool you), with the subject title "OMG, I want my daily supply of FMA-Chibines, please!" including the following : Name/Alias, regular LJ journal, (if you have one) AIM screenname, character you're applying for, and a sample entry. For the latter requirement, we just need a few sentences to know that you have a basic understanding of things like 'in character' and 'coherancy'. It also gives us a sense of how you'll play your character.. Please write it in first person POV.When you are accepted, create a character journal for character thoughts/background information and also add the community to your friends list. You are also required to create a AIM screen name.. just to keep things a tad interesting :D
One more thing!
It would be really awesome of you to place this in your jornals!
I got accepted @ fmachibi_rp
If you have ANY questions, please don't hesitate to IM me @ siimple designx. I'll talk to you, and I don't bite!
- Please do not disrespect the Mod and other players. We don't want anyone one to feel uncomfortable while playing.
- Players must be active. Post at least once a week or we wil um... ask you to post more. Or hunt your ass down :D
- Anything that is OOC (out of character) must be marked as such.
- We shall not be held responcible for how tramitzing this RP ends up. There for we recoment that you're mature here and responcible for what you're gonna read.
5)Type properly. Use basic grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Here's a hint. It's spelled 'you' 'are' and 'people', proper noums get capitlized. Ect. ect. - We're going by the anime here so unless it offically airs in the anime OMG NO SPOILERS.
- Please, do not bring drama from your personal life to here. We are here to have fun!
- Please don NOT get OOC. (ex; roy being non sacrastic, and whatnot) PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHARATER, STAY IN CHARATER (ex; Riza being calm, Roy being sacrastic..ect ect) But, you are allowed to put your own spin :D
[Taken Charaters]
Make sure you add charaters as they are accepted!
Added as Joined..Elrics, and Friends:
[X]Ed Elric
Journal: edward__elric
AIM: ed isnt a shrimp
Played by: xkristal
Journal: alelric_
AIM: al likes cats
Played by: demon_wolf
Journal: munich_ed_angst
AIM: Edo Not Ebi
Played by: kyatto
Journal: soon to follow
AIM: soon to follow
Played by: soon to follow
[X]Winry Rockbell
Journal: automail_junky
AIM: tinkering heart
Played by: able
[X]Izumi Curtis
Journal: alchemist_izumi
AIM: alchemist izumi
Played by: sayaka_chan
[X]Roy Mustang
Journal: flamestallion
AIM: flame stallion x
Played by: wofl_iron
[X]Riza Hawkeye
Journal: lt__hawkeye
AIM: bullet love x
Played by: _takeitxallaway
[X]Jean Havoc
Journal: soon to follow
AIM: soon to follow
Played by: createdmemory
Journal: lust_of_ishbal
AIM: lust of ishbal
Played by: seethroughall
Journal: the_sin_of_envy
AIM: The Envious Sin
Played by: ellybelly
al, alchemy, alphonse, armstrong, black hayate, crazy naked ishbal people, ed, edward, envy, evil, fire, fma, fullmetal alchemist, greed, guns, hawkeye, hughes, lust, millitary, right hand of destruction, roy, rpg, scar, sins, small people, things
- 33
- 203
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