FMP Slash (original) (raw)

Red Hand Days - new chapters [Oct. 8th, 2013|11:29 pm]Full Metal Panic slash
[**Tags**|fics, fmp slash]Chapters 13 and 14 are up in the ao3. Let me just get you the link... Wow. I'm really never going to stop, am I?
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Fanfiction...Titanic Tribute [May. 21st, 2012|11:12 pm]Full Metal Panic slash
[**Current Mood** |contentcontent]I'm new to LiveJournal (the whole thing) so I'm not quite sure how to use many of the controls...that's why (until someone can tell me how) I can only post the link to a fanfiction I wrote and posted on on the Heroic**Title: Panic on the HeroicRated: T (shounen-ai)Pairing(s): GauronxSousuke :)**It was actually meant to be a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the Titanic (April 15, when I posted it on FanFiction) and I meant to post it here as well (to revive the community, and ease kojont's conscience about spamming :D) but I couldn't seem to figure out how to post it. Sorry if I'm infringing on community rules :/Thanks to the lovely julitina for creating this community :)
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