Sona Kinova | Commenius University (original) (raw)

Papers by Sona Kinova

[Research paper thumbnail of [Primary pulmonary hypertension]](

PubMed, 2000

Authors described a case of 26-year old patient with history of progressing dyspnea and repetitiv... more Authors described a case of 26-year old patient with history of progressing dyspnea and repetitive syncopes. In history is intermittent hemoptysis and dyspnea from 1990. Diagnosis of thromboembolic disease was suspected. Clinical picture was dominated by dyspnea, central cyanosis, sinus tachycardia without pulmonary signs of hearth failure. On ecg there is right heart hypertrophy. Echocardiographic examination shows dilatation of right heart, systolic pressure in a. pulmonalis about 90 mmHg and tricuspidal regurgitation of the III. degree. Phlebothrombosis was not found. Complete hemocoagulation examination excluded a primary procoagulating hematologic disease. Pulmonary angiography did not confirm thromboembolic disease but found a high grade pulmonary hypertension--mean pulmonary arterial pressure of 93 mmHg. After complex pneumological examination, including HRCT, and other examinations the diagnosis of primary pulmonary hypertension was made. Patient is indicated to lung transplantation. (Fig. 4, Ref. 9.)

Research paper thumbnail of Carcinoid tumor

PubMed, 2001

Carcinoid tumors are slow growing malignancies which occur most frequently in the gastrointestina... more Carcinoid tumors are slow growing malignancies which occur most frequently in the gastrointestinal tract (about 74%). They can also be found in the bronchus, ovary, lung, thymus, kidney or thyroid gland. Carcinoid tumors are usually identified histologically by their affinity to silver salts, or more specifically by immunocytochemistry using antibodies against their specific cellular products. Survival rates depend on the location of primary tumor, extent of locoregional and metastatic disease, functional status of the tumor and the feasibility of complete surgical extirpation. Clinical manifestations are often vague or absent. Nevertheless, tumours secrete bioactive mediators which may in approximately of 10% of patients engender various elements of characteristics of carcinoid syndrome. Patients with advanced carcinoid disease should be treated with aggressive medical and surgical therapies. (Ref. 103.)

Research paper thumbnail of Čo Môže Zapríčiniť Diabetes

Vnitřní lékařství, May 1, 2015

Súhrn V kazuistike opisujeme prípad 49-ročného muža od detstva morbídne obézneho (BMI 40 kg/m 2),... more Súhrn V kazuistike opisujeme prípad 49-ročného muža od detstva morbídne obézneho (BMI 40 kg/m 2), s artériovou hypertenziou (asi od 15 rokov, liečená od roku 2004), dyslipidémiou (od roku 2006), diabetes mellitus 2. typu (od roku 2006, na inzulinoterapii od roku 2008) a fajčením (do roku 2011, 20 cigariet denne). Liečba: 16 druhov liekov, 8 na hypertenziu, statín, liečba diabetu, aspirín, alopurinol. V roku 2010 (ako 45-ročný) hospitalizovaný na našej klinike pre dyspnoe a bolesti na hrudníku s hodnotou krvného tlaku 180/110 mm Hg (zistené srdcové zlyhávanie s ejekčnou frakciou ĽK 33 %, vo funkčnej triede NYHA II, echokardiograficky: ľavá predsieň: 46 mm, rozmer ľavej komory v diastole: 70 mm, interventrikulárne septum: 12 mm, hypokinéza septa, dopplerovská ultrasonografia artérií dolných končatín (kalcifikácie, difúzne aterosklerotické zmeny, neprítomná stenóza), CT koronárna angiografia (signifikantná stenóza ľavej koronárnej artérie). Zahájená liečba perorálny furosemid 40 mg denne. V máji roku 2011 hospitalizovaný pre akútny koronárny syndróm: akútny NSTEMI spodnej steny (koronarografia: 2-cievne postihnutie, realizovaná PKI, implantovaný DES-ramus circumflexus, paroxyzmus fibrilácie predsiení, funkčná trieda NYHA III, ľavokomorová ejekčná frakcia: 30 %, pľúcna hypertenzia). V roku 2012 realizovaná renálna denervácia pre rezistentnú hypertenziu, implantovaný karotický stent pre stenózu karotickej artérie, prítomná diabetická nefropatia (KDOQI 3. stupňa, GF 40 ml/min). V auguste roku 2014 hospitalizovaný na našej klinike pre pľúcny edém, kardiogénny šok, akútnu ischémiu pravého predkolenia pri periférnej embolizácii, prítomný atriálny flutter, zhoršenie renálnych parametrov, echokardiograficky: ľavá predsieň: 55 mm, rozmer ľavej komory: 75 mm, akinéza septa a zadnej steny, oklúzia artérií pravej dolnej končatiny (vzhľadom na vážny stav pacienta kontraindikovaná angiochirurgická intervencia, zvažovaná amputácia končatiny z vitálnej indikácie), pacient zomrel po 4 dňoch hospitalizácie na intenzívnej jednotke po neúspešnej liečbe. Kombinácia ochorení diabetes, hypertenzia a ischemická choroba srdca je častá a prognosticky vážna. Diabetes zvyšuje kardiovaskulárnu morbiditu a mortalitu, a preto by sme mali hľadať diabetes u všetkých kardiovaskulárnych pacientov. Kľúčové slová: akútny koronárny syndróm-diabetes mellitus 2. typu-hypertenzia-ischemická choroba srdcakardiogénny šok What may cause diabetes Summary The case study describes a case of 49-year-old man with morbid obesity since childhood (BMI 40 kg/m 2), arterial hypertension (approx. since aged 15, treated since 2004), dyslipidemia (since 2006), type 2 diabetes mellitus (since 2006, on insulin therapy since 2008) and smoking (until 2011, 20 cigarettes a day). Treatment: 16 types of medication, 8 for hypertension, statin, therapy for diabetes, aspirin, allopurinol. In 2010 (when aged 45) hospitalized in our clinic with dyspnoea and chest pain with a high pressure reading of 180/110 mm Hg (identified symptoms of heart failure with LV ejection fraction of 33 %, in NYHA II functional class, echocardiographically: left atrium: 46 mm, left ventricular chamber size in diastole: 70 mm, interventricular septum: 12 mm, septal hypokinesis, Doppler ultrasonography of lower limb arteries (calcification, diffuse atherosclerotic changes, absent stenosis), CT coronary angiography (significant stenosis of the left coronary artery). Treatment started with 40 mg oral dose of furosemide daily. In May 2011 he was hospitalized with an acute coronary syndrome: acute NSTEMI of the inferior wall (coronarography: 2-vascular problems, implemented PKI, implanted DES-ramus circumflexus, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, NYHA III functional class, left ventricular ejection fraction: 30 %, pulmonary hypertension). In 2012 renal denervation for resistant hypertension was carried out, carotid stent implanted for stenosis of the carotid artery, presence of diabetic nephropathy (KDOQI stage 3, GF 40 ml/min). In August 2014 admitted to our clinic with pulmonary oedema, cardiogenic shock, acute ischemia of the right calf with peripheral embolisation, presence of atrial flutter, impairment of renal parameters, echocardiographically: left atrium: 55 mm, left ventricle size: 75 mm, akinesis of the septum and posterior wall, occlusion of the right leg arteries (given the patient's serious state angio-surgical intervention was contraindicated, vitally indicated leg amputation considered), the patient died after 4 days of hospitalization in an intensive care unit after unsuccessful treatment. A combination of diabetes, hypertension and ischemic heart disease is frequent and prognostically serious. Diabetes increases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and therefore we should check for diabetes in all cardiovascular patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Multimodálna liečba tymického karcinoidu: kazuistika

Tymický karcinoid tvori len asi 0,4 % zo vsetkých karcinoidov v tele [1]. V porovnani s ostatnými... more Tymický karcinoid tvori len asi 0,4 % zo vsetkých karcinoidov v tele [1]. V porovnani s ostatnými neuroendokrinnými nadormi sa vyznacuje agresivnejsim spravanim s vysokým percentom recidiv po radikalnej liecbe, tendenciou k metastazovaniu a pomerne castým výskytom paraneoplastických syndromov. Hlavným pilierom liecby je radikalny chirurgický zakrok [2-4]. Terapia pacientov v inoperabilnom alebo metastatickom stadiu sa opiera o postupy použivane pri liecbe iných neuroendokrinných nadorov. V nasej kazuistike prezentujeme manažment pacienta s lokalne pokrocilým, atypickým karcinoidom týmusu, s využitim niekoľkých liecebných modalit, vratane novsich postupov, ako je receptorova radionuklidova liecba (peptide radionuclide receptor therapy - PRRT).

Research paper thumbnail of Complex management in diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease

Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2T) has an epidemic prevalence in our societies and a life-risk for d... more Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2T) has an epidemic prevalence in our societies and a life-risk for development of diabetes in Europe is about 30–40 %. When a diabetes is recognized in a patient, he or she is usually seriously cardiovascularly ill. We therefore search always for the presence of diabetes in every patient with a cardiovascular disease. Diabetes accelerates development of atherosclerosis and therefore enormously increases also cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. A diabetic patient with another cardiovascular risk factor or with a target organ damage has a very high cardiovascular risk and he is in need of intensive treatment of all risk factors or cardiovascular diseases. We try to manage all his cardiovascular risk factors: hypertension (combined antihypertensive treatment – RAAS blockers included, with treated blood pressure ≤ 140/90 mm Hg), atherogenic dyslipidemia (atorvaor rosuvastatin in a high dose), antiplatelet treatment (aspirin, sometimes twice a day, or clo...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Treatment of dyslipidemia - is here still place for CETP-inhibitors?]](

Vnitrni lekarstvi, 2018

In the treatment of dyslipidemias about 5-6 years back a new class of drugs emerged, CETP (choles... more In the treatment of dyslipidemias about 5-6 years back a new class of drugs emerged, CETP (cholesteryl ester transfer protein)-inhibitors. Their benefit was due to an increase of HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) serum levels. This treatment mode was supported by epidemiological and clinical studies, as people with high serum HDL-C levels suffered less from cardiovascular (CV) events. Three studies with CETP inhibitors (ILLUMINATE with torcetrapib, dal-OUTCOMES with dalcetrapib and ACCELERATE with evacetrapib) were unfortunately negative, and torcetrapib was even harmful to patients due to an increase of aldosterone serum levels. Treatment with dalcetrapib was safe, but without benefit. Similar it was with evacetrapib. There is still running also a study with anacetrapib (REVEAL), but a benefit is here not expected. Evacetrapib and anacetrapib in comparison to dalcetrapib can reduce serum LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) much more, and similar results were found also in another CETP-inhibitor TA-8995 ...

[Research paper thumbnail of [In remembrance of Professor Ivan Duriš]](

Research paper thumbnail of Rizikové faktory a prevalencia ovariálnych cýst u pacientiek s Crohnovou chorobou

Historicke studie naznacuju, že ovarialne cysty sa u žien Crohnovou chorobou (CD) vyskytuju caste... more Historicke studie naznacuju, že ovarialne cysty sa u žien Crohnovou chorobou (CD) vyskytuju castejsie v porovnani s bežnou populaciou. Vacsinou su popisovane nahodne v ramci zobrazovacich vysetreni abdomenu realizovaných s cieľom posudiť rozsah perianalneho a/alebo luminalneho ochorenia. Cieľom studie bolo zhodnotiť prevalenciu a rizikove faktory vzniku ovarialnych cýst u pacientiek s CD. Subor pacientov a metodika: Pacientky boli identifikovane prostrednictvom automatizovaneho diagnostickeho kodovacieho systemu. Zaradene boli tie, ktore podstupili zobrazovacie vysetrenie malej panvy. Zaznamenane boli demograficke udaje o veku, liecbe a predchadzajucej chirurgickej intervencii v suvislosti s CD. Asociacia týchto faktorov s výskytom ovarialnych cýst bola statisticky vyhodnotena použitim chi-kvadratoveho testu. Výsledky: Zaradených bolo 166 žien; 153 podstupilo MR, 8 CT a 5 USG vysetrenie. 71% bolo liecených anti-TNF, 19% azatioprinom a u 10% nebola podavana imunosupresivna liecba. 3...

Research paper thumbnail of Nedostatočná liečba tiopurínmi u pacientov s nešpecifickými zápalovými ochoreniami čreva odoslaných na anti TNF liečbu

Suhrn: Tiopuriny sa použivaju na udržanie remisie u pacientov s nespecifickými zapalovými ochoren... more Suhrn: Tiopuriny sa použivaju na udržanie remisie u pacientov s nespecifickými zapalovými ochoreniami creva (Inflammatory Bowel Disease- IBD). Ich efekt je zavislý od davky s odporucanou dennou davkou 2- 2,5mg/kg pre azatioprin a redukovanou davkou pre 6-merkaptopurin a 6-tioguanin. Nedostatocna davka je spojena s inefektivitou a može tak viesť k prematurnej indikacii biologickej liecby. Cieľ: Cieľom prace bolo 1. stanoviť mieru odchýlky od normalneho davkovacieho režimu tiopurinov u pacientov odoslaných na biologicku liecbu; 2. analyzovať dovody redukovanej davky. Pacienti a metodika: Do studie boli zaradeni IBD pacienti odoslani na biologicku liecbu k 1. Novembru 2014 v jednom centre biologickej liecby. Davka azatioprinu (AZA) v case indikacie biologickej liecby a dovody pre redukovanu davku AZA, ktora bola definovana ako davka nižsia ako 2mg/kg boli vyhľadane v dokumentacii. Výsledky: Celkovo bolo zahrnutých 176 (92 mužov (52%); priemerný vek 37 rokov, v rozmedzi 18-76 rokov) -...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Management of treatment in patients with neuroendocrine neoplasmas of digestive tract]](

Vnitrni lekarstvi, 2015

UNLABELLED Neuroendocrine neoplasmas are a form of cancer arising from cells of diffuse neuroendo... more UNLABELLED Neuroendocrine neoplasmas are a form of cancer arising from cells of diffuse neuroendocrine system. They produce peptides or amines that act as hormones or neurotransmitters. Incidence of NENs is relatively low. Diagnostic work-up and treatment requires a multidisciplinary team approach. The aim of this study was an analysis of data from patients with well-differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasmas of gastrointestinal tract. The study included patients followed up from 1998 to 2013 with histologically confirmed well-differentiated digestive neuroendocrine neoplasm with low or intermediate malignant potential. 97 patients were included; 34 men (35.1 %) and 63 women (64.9 %). In patients being diagnosed after 2005 interferon treatment is significantly less used than endoscopic and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. We have identified more appropriate discriminant values of 5-HIAA and chromogranin A (6.8 mg/24 hours; 70 ng/ml) for predicting the presence of metastases at t...

Research paper thumbnail of Carcinoid syndroma - diagnosis and management

Vnitřní lékařství, 2021

I. interná klinika LF UK a UN Bratislava Neuroendokrinné tumory (NET) tvoria skupinu relatívne ra... more I. interná klinika LF UK a UN Bratislava Neuroendokrinné tumory (NET) tvoria skupinu relatívne raritných nádorov s odhadovanou incidenciou 5 až 8 prípadov na 100 000 obyvateľov. NET majú predominantne indolentný priebeh počas mnohých rokov. Symptomatickými sa stávajú pri náraste veľkosti, alebo keď metastazujú do pečene, pľúc, kostí a iných lokalít. Približne u 30-40% pacientov s NETom sa vyvinie karcinoidový syndróm s prejavmi ako sú bronchospazmy, hnačky a kŕče v bruchu, flush, cyanóza, pellagra. Biele plaky na povrchu endokardu a štruktúrach srdca sú charakteristické pre karcinoidovú chorobu srdca. Liečba pacientov s karcinoidovým syndrómom je rozmanitá z dôvodu nutnosti simultánne riešiť systémové nádorové ochorenie a prejavy karcinoidového syndrómu. Pozostáva z chirurgickej resekcie a debulkingu nádorovej masy, podávania somatostatínových analógov a peptidovej receptorovej rádionuklidovej terapie. Komplexná liečba vedie k predĺženiu prežívania pacientov ako aj ku zlepšeniu kvality ich života. Kľúčové slová: neuroendokrinné nádory, karcinoidový syndróm, somatostatínové analógy, peptidová receptorová rádionuklidová terapia, biologická liečba. Carcinoid syndroma-diagnosis and management Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs, originally termed "carcinoids") create a relatively rare group of neoplasms with an approximate incidence rate of 5 to 8 cases per 10 000 persons. NETs predominantly demonstrate indolent disease biology for many years. They become symptomatic when they are large enough or when they metastasize to the liver or the lungs, bones, or other sites. Roughly 30% to 40% of subjects with NETs develop carcinoid syndrome. Signs and symptoms of carcinoid syndrome are bronchospasm, flushing, diarrhea and cramping, cyanosis and pellagra. White plaque-like deposits on the endocardial surface of heart structures are characteristic for carcinoid heart disease. The treatment of patients with carcinoid syndrome is multi-faceted due to the necessity to manage simultaneously the systemic cancer disease as well as the signs of carcinoid syndrome and includes resection or debulking of tumor mass, biological treatment with somatostatin analogues and peptide receptor radionuclide treatment.

Research paper thumbnail of Multimodal treatment of thymic carcinoid: a case report

Vnitřní lékařství, 2019

Súhrn Tymický karcinoid tvorí len asi 0,4 % zo všetkých karcinoidov v tele [1]. V porovnaní s ost... more Súhrn Tymický karcinoid tvorí len asi 0,4 % zo všetkých karcinoidov v tele [1]. V porovnaní s ostatnými neuroendokrinnými nádormi sa vyznačuje agresívnejším správaním s vysokým percentom recidív po radikálnej liečbe, tendenciou k metastázovaniu a pomerne častým výskytom paraneoplastických syndrómov. Hlavným pilierom liečby je radikálny chirurgický zákrok [2-4]. Terapia pacientov v inoperabilnom alebo metastatickom štádiu sa opiera o postupy používané pri liečbe iných neuroendokrinných nádorov. V našej kazuistike prezentujeme manažment pacienta s lokálne pokročilým, atypickým karcinoidom týmusu, s využitím niekoľkých liečebných modalít, vrátane novších postupov, ako je receptorová rádionuklidová liečba (peptide radionuclide receptor therapy-PRRT). Kľúčové slová: rádionuklidová receptorová liečba-somatostatínové analógy-tymický karcinoid Multimodal treatment of thymic carcinoid: a case report Summary Thymic carcinoid account for cca 0.4 % of all carcinoid tumors in the body [1]. As compared to other neuroendocrinne tumors, high rates of reccurences after surgery, more aggressive behaviour and relatively high rates of paraneoplastic syndromes are characteristic for thymic carcinoid. The mainstay of treatment is radical surgery [2-4]. Therapy of locally advanced and metastatic stages is influenced by other neuroendocrinne tumors´guidelines. We present a case report of patient with locally advanced, atypical thymic carcinoid, treated with different modalities, including newer procedures like peptide radionuclide receptor therapy (PRRT).

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence and associated factors of ovarian cysts among patients with Crohn´s disease

Gastroenterologie a hepatologie, 2018

Súhrn: Úvod: Historické štúdie naznačujú, že ovariálne cysty sa u žien s Crohnovou chorobou (CD) ... more Súhrn: Úvod: Historické štúdie naznačujú, že ovariálne cysty sa u žien s Crohnovou chorobou (CD) vyskytujú častejšie v porovnaní s bežnou populáciou. Väčšinou sú popisované náhodne v rámci zobrazovacích vyšetrení abdomenu realizovaných s cieľom posúdiť rozsah perianálneho a/ alebo luminálneho ochorenia. Preto cieľom našej štúdie bolo zhodnotiť prevalenciu a faktory asociované so vznikom ovariálnych cýst u pa cientiek s CD. Metodika: Pa cientky boli identifikované prostredníctvom automatizovaného dia gnostického kódovacieho systému. Zaradené boli tie, ktoré podstúpili zobrazovacie vyšetrenie malej panvy. Zaznamenané boli demografické údaje o veku, liečbe a predchádzajúcej chirurgickej intervencii v súvislosti s CD. Asociácia týchto faktorov s výskytom ovariálnych cýst bola štatisticky vyhodnotená použitím chi-kvadrátového testu. Výsledky: Zaradených bolo 166 žien; 153 podstúpilo magneticků rezonanciu, 8 CT a 5 ultrasonografické vyšetrenie. Celkem 71 % bolo liečených anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor), 19 % azatioprínom a u 10 % nebola podávaná imunosupresívna liečba. Celkem 33 % malo v anamnéze údaj o min. jednej chirurgickej intervencii. Ovariálne cysty boli popísané v 35 prípadoch. Medzi pa cientkami s ovariálnymi cystami bolo signifikantne vyššie percento pa cientiek liečených anti-TNF (88 %) v porovnaní s pa cientkami bez nálezu ovariálnych cýst (66 %; p < 0,001). Nezávisle od anti-TNF liečby bolo medzi pa cientkami s ovariálnymi cystami signifikantne vyššie percento s anamnézou brušnej chirurgie v porovnaní s pa cientkami bez nálezu ovariálnych cýst (69 vs. 24 %; p < 0,001). Záver: Ovariálne cysty boli nájdené u 21 % pa cientiek s CD, čo je dvojnásobok v porovnaní s údajmi o zdravej populácii. Liečba anti-TNF a brušná chirurgická intervencia predstavujú nezávislé faktory asociované s výskytom ovariálnych cýst. Kľúčové slová: Crohnova choroba-ovariálne cysty-anti-TNF-chirurgická liečba Summary: Background: There have only been a few historical studies suggesting a higher frequency of ovarian cysts among women with Crohn's disease (CD). These cysts are mainly found incidentally during cross-sectional imaging performed to evaluate the extent of perianal and/or luminal CD. Therefore the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ovarian cysts in CD patients and the factors associated with these cysts. Methods: Women with CD were identified through an automated diagnosis coding system. Patients who underwent cross sectional imaging of the pelvis were further analyzed. Age, medication, and CD-related previous surgical intervention were recorded. The association of these factors with ovarian cyst(s) was tested statistically by the chi-square test. Results: Among 166 women who underwent cross-sectional imaging of the pelvis, 153 underwent magnetic resonance imaging, eight CT, and five abdominal ultrasound. Out of these patients, 10% had no immune suppressive therapy, 19% were using thiopurines, and 71% were treated with anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor). Thirty-three percent had a history of at least one CD-related abdominal surgery. Ovarian cysts were present as incidental findings in the imaging of 35 patients. Among patients with ovarian cysts, there was significantly more anti-TNF users than among those without cysts (88 vs. 66%, respectively; p < 0,001). Independently of anti-TNF use, there was significantly more patients with a history of abdominal surgery among patients with ovarian cysts than among patients without this finding (69 vs. 24%; p < 0,001). Conclusion: Up to one fifth of Crohn's disease patients have an incidental finding of ovarian cyst during cross-sectional imaging. This represents a twofold higher incidence than in the healthy population. The use of anti-TNF and CD-related abdominal surgery are independent factors associated with ovarian cysts in this particular patient population.

[Research paper thumbnail of [What may cause diabetes]](

Vnitrni lekarstvi, 2015

The case study describes a case of 49-year-old man with morbid obesity since childhood (BMI 40 kg... more The case study describes a case of 49-year-old man with morbid obesity since childhood (BMI 40 kg/m2), arterial hypertension (approx. since aged 15, treated since 2004), dyslipidemia (since 2006), type 2 diabetes mellitus (since 2006, on insulin therapy since 2008) and smoking (until 2011, 20 cigarettes a day). 16 types of medication, 8 for hypertension, statin, therapy for diabetes, aspirin, allopurinol. In 2010 (when aged 45) hospitalized in our clinic with dyspnoea and chest pain with a high pressure reading of 180/110 mm Hg (identified symptoms of heart failure with LV ejection fraction of 33 %, in NYHA II functional class, echocardiographically: left atrium: 46 mm, left ventricular chamber size in diastole: 70 mm, interventricular septum: 12 mm, septal hypokinesis, Doppler ultrasonography of lower limb arteries (calcification, diffuse atherosclerotic changes, absent stenosis), CT coronary angiography (significant stenosis of the left coronary artery). Treatment started with 40 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Thiopurine undertreatment among inflammatory bowel disease patients referred for anti-TNF therapy

Gastroenterologie a hepatologie, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Local changes in hemostasis in patients with gastric cancer

Bratislavské lekárske listy, 2009

Disorders of haemostasis and haemocoagulation are often seen in cancer patients as a part of the ... more Disorders of haemostasis and haemocoagulation are often seen in cancer patients as a part of the paraneoplastic syndrome. This study describes a novel compound that activates coagulation and also inhibits fibrinolytic system and fibrin degradation products in the gastric juice of 33 patients with gastric cancer. Similar, but less pronounced changes have been found in gastric juice of patients with gastric precancerosis. Procoagulant activity, induced by pathologically changed cells or monocytes, macrophages from tumor stroma, indicates the activation of local coagulation with the production of fibrin. It can be concluded that the local changes of coagulation and fibrinolysis may precede coagulopathies in cancer patients (Tab. 2, Ref. 15). Full Text (Free, PDF)

Research paper thumbnail of General changes in hemostasis in gastric cancer

Bratislavské lekárske listy, 2009

Disorders of haemostasis and haemocoagulation are often seen in patients with cancer as a part of... more Disorders of haemostasis and haemocoagulation are often seen in patients with cancer as a part of paraneoplastic syndrome. Thrombotic and/or haemorrhagic complications are the second most common cause of mortality in patients with cancer. The evaluation of the haemostatic parameters of 67 patients with gastric cancer have indicated tendency to thrombophilia and activation of intravascular coagulation, of which 31.3% showed tendency to hypercoagulation and 47.8% disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Only 7.5% of subjects have yielded normal laboratory findings while 5.9% of patients had DIC with remarkable hypocoagulation. Thrombocytosis, platelet hyperaggregability and elevation of beta-thromboglobulin are the indicators of changes in primary haemostasis and elevation of thrombomodulin indicates vascular wall damage. Lower antithrombin III levels, C-protein and S-protein in plasma have indicated lower antithrombotic potential in patients with gastric cancer. It can be conclu...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Arterial hypertension in gravidity - a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases]](

Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství, 2012

Gravidity is a dynamic process and complications may occur at any stage and anytime during a thus... more Gravidity is a dynamic process and complications may occur at any stage and anytime during a thus far physiological gravidity. Such gravidity puts the mother, the foetus and, later, the newborn at a greater risk. The incidence of arterial hypertension is between 7 and 15% and is one of the 4 main causes of maternal and perinatal mortality. Cardiovascular stress test, such as gravidity, might help to identify women at a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases or with a subclinical vascular disease. Women with a history of preeclampsia are more likely to develop chronic arterial hypertension in the future either alone or associated with a cardiovascular disease. Arterial hypertension during gravidity should be considered as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases during later stages of maternal life. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases should be a life-long aspiration.

Research paper thumbnail of Tailored intermittent therapy of carcinoid

Hepato-gastroenterology, 2007

There is no established standard care of carcinoids as all experts agree. Endogenous somatostatin... more There is no established standard care of carcinoids as all experts agree. Endogenous somatostatin diurnal rhythm is influenced by administration of lanreotid. The purpose of this study is to evaluate efficacy of lanreotid on the clinical course in a group of patients with metastatic carcinoid. In 43 patients with carcinoid tumors somatostatin serum level, 5-HIAA (5-hydroxyindolacetic acid), NSE (neuron-specific enolase), and chromogranin A were examined. Fifteen patients received 30mg of somatulin (Lanreotid) in two-week intervals. Therapy with somatostatin analogue improved symptoms in 70-80% of patients with metastases and carcinoid syndrome. 5-HIAA significantly decreased after lanreotid therapy. NSE values are undulating. With progression of the disease they rise. Chromogranin is higher in patients with advanced metastatic disease. Mesor of the diurnal excretion of somatostatin is higher (32 pg/mL) in patients with metastatic disease than in patients without (20 pg/mL). After la...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Occurrence of carcinoid syndrome in patients with carcinoid tumors]](

Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství, 2004

Carcinoid syndrome occurs in about 10% of patients with carcinoid tumors. The main objective of t... more Carcinoid syndrome occurs in about 10% of patients with carcinoid tumors. The main objective of the present study was to determine the presence of the carcinoid syndrome in the group of patients with the carcinoid tumor. 43 pts. (22 w/21 m) with carcinoid tumors (M group--26 pts. with metastatic disease, B group--17 pts. after resection of the primary tumor without known metastases at the time of the investigation) were included in the study. We estimated the presence of the carcinoid syndrome in all patients. The urinary excretion of 5-HIAA was performed and echocardiography were done. The amount of the 5-hydroxyindolacetate acid in urine in pts. with metastatic carcinoid was statistically significant higher than in the pts. without metastases (p < 0.001). The carcinoid syndrome in metastatic group we found in 10 patients. Flush had 9, diarhoe 7 pts., and cardiac involvement with endocardial fibrosis had 3 pts. During the treatment with lanreotide the amount of 5-HIAA in urine d...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Primary pulmonary hypertension]](

PubMed, 2000

Authors described a case of 26-year old patient with history of progressing dyspnea and repetitiv... more Authors described a case of 26-year old patient with history of progressing dyspnea and repetitive syncopes. In history is intermittent hemoptysis and dyspnea from 1990. Diagnosis of thromboembolic disease was suspected. Clinical picture was dominated by dyspnea, central cyanosis, sinus tachycardia without pulmonary signs of hearth failure. On ecg there is right heart hypertrophy. Echocardiographic examination shows dilatation of right heart, systolic pressure in a. pulmonalis about 90 mmHg and tricuspidal regurgitation of the III. degree. Phlebothrombosis was not found. Complete hemocoagulation examination excluded a primary procoagulating hematologic disease. Pulmonary angiography did not confirm thromboembolic disease but found a high grade pulmonary hypertension--mean pulmonary arterial pressure of 93 mmHg. After complex pneumological examination, including HRCT, and other examinations the diagnosis of primary pulmonary hypertension was made. Patient is indicated to lung transplantation. (Fig. 4, Ref. 9.)

Research paper thumbnail of Carcinoid tumor

PubMed, 2001

Carcinoid tumors are slow growing malignancies which occur most frequently in the gastrointestina... more Carcinoid tumors are slow growing malignancies which occur most frequently in the gastrointestinal tract (about 74%). They can also be found in the bronchus, ovary, lung, thymus, kidney or thyroid gland. Carcinoid tumors are usually identified histologically by their affinity to silver salts, or more specifically by immunocytochemistry using antibodies against their specific cellular products. Survival rates depend on the location of primary tumor, extent of locoregional and metastatic disease, functional status of the tumor and the feasibility of complete surgical extirpation. Clinical manifestations are often vague or absent. Nevertheless, tumours secrete bioactive mediators which may in approximately of 10% of patients engender various elements of characteristics of carcinoid syndrome. Patients with advanced carcinoid disease should be treated with aggressive medical and surgical therapies. (Ref. 103.)

Research paper thumbnail of Čo Môže Zapríčiniť Diabetes

Vnitřní lékařství, May 1, 2015

Súhrn V kazuistike opisujeme prípad 49-ročného muža od detstva morbídne obézneho (BMI 40 kg/m 2),... more Súhrn V kazuistike opisujeme prípad 49-ročného muža od detstva morbídne obézneho (BMI 40 kg/m 2), s artériovou hypertenziou (asi od 15 rokov, liečená od roku 2004), dyslipidémiou (od roku 2006), diabetes mellitus 2. typu (od roku 2006, na inzulinoterapii od roku 2008) a fajčením (do roku 2011, 20 cigariet denne). Liečba: 16 druhov liekov, 8 na hypertenziu, statín, liečba diabetu, aspirín, alopurinol. V roku 2010 (ako 45-ročný) hospitalizovaný na našej klinike pre dyspnoe a bolesti na hrudníku s hodnotou krvného tlaku 180/110 mm Hg (zistené srdcové zlyhávanie s ejekčnou frakciou ĽK 33 %, vo funkčnej triede NYHA II, echokardiograficky: ľavá predsieň: 46 mm, rozmer ľavej komory v diastole: 70 mm, interventrikulárne septum: 12 mm, hypokinéza septa, dopplerovská ultrasonografia artérií dolných končatín (kalcifikácie, difúzne aterosklerotické zmeny, neprítomná stenóza), CT koronárna angiografia (signifikantná stenóza ľavej koronárnej artérie). Zahájená liečba perorálny furosemid 40 mg denne. V máji roku 2011 hospitalizovaný pre akútny koronárny syndróm: akútny NSTEMI spodnej steny (koronarografia: 2-cievne postihnutie, realizovaná PKI, implantovaný DES-ramus circumflexus, paroxyzmus fibrilácie predsiení, funkčná trieda NYHA III, ľavokomorová ejekčná frakcia: 30 %, pľúcna hypertenzia). V roku 2012 realizovaná renálna denervácia pre rezistentnú hypertenziu, implantovaný karotický stent pre stenózu karotickej artérie, prítomná diabetická nefropatia (KDOQI 3. stupňa, GF 40 ml/min). V auguste roku 2014 hospitalizovaný na našej klinike pre pľúcny edém, kardiogénny šok, akútnu ischémiu pravého predkolenia pri periférnej embolizácii, prítomný atriálny flutter, zhoršenie renálnych parametrov, echokardiograficky: ľavá predsieň: 55 mm, rozmer ľavej komory: 75 mm, akinéza septa a zadnej steny, oklúzia artérií pravej dolnej končatiny (vzhľadom na vážny stav pacienta kontraindikovaná angiochirurgická intervencia, zvažovaná amputácia končatiny z vitálnej indikácie), pacient zomrel po 4 dňoch hospitalizácie na intenzívnej jednotke po neúspešnej liečbe. Kombinácia ochorení diabetes, hypertenzia a ischemická choroba srdca je častá a prognosticky vážna. Diabetes zvyšuje kardiovaskulárnu morbiditu a mortalitu, a preto by sme mali hľadať diabetes u všetkých kardiovaskulárnych pacientov. Kľúčové slová: akútny koronárny syndróm-diabetes mellitus 2. typu-hypertenzia-ischemická choroba srdcakardiogénny šok What may cause diabetes Summary The case study describes a case of 49-year-old man with morbid obesity since childhood (BMI 40 kg/m 2), arterial hypertension (approx. since aged 15, treated since 2004), dyslipidemia (since 2006), type 2 diabetes mellitus (since 2006, on insulin therapy since 2008) and smoking (until 2011, 20 cigarettes a day). Treatment: 16 types of medication, 8 for hypertension, statin, therapy for diabetes, aspirin, allopurinol. In 2010 (when aged 45) hospitalized in our clinic with dyspnoea and chest pain with a high pressure reading of 180/110 mm Hg (identified symptoms of heart failure with LV ejection fraction of 33 %, in NYHA II functional class, echocardiographically: left atrium: 46 mm, left ventricular chamber size in diastole: 70 mm, interventricular septum: 12 mm, septal hypokinesis, Doppler ultrasonography of lower limb arteries (calcification, diffuse atherosclerotic changes, absent stenosis), CT coronary angiography (significant stenosis of the left coronary artery). Treatment started with 40 mg oral dose of furosemide daily. In May 2011 he was hospitalized with an acute coronary syndrome: acute NSTEMI of the inferior wall (coronarography: 2-vascular problems, implemented PKI, implanted DES-ramus circumflexus, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, NYHA III functional class, left ventricular ejection fraction: 30 %, pulmonary hypertension). In 2012 renal denervation for resistant hypertension was carried out, carotid stent implanted for stenosis of the carotid artery, presence of diabetic nephropathy (KDOQI stage 3, GF 40 ml/min). In August 2014 admitted to our clinic with pulmonary oedema, cardiogenic shock, acute ischemia of the right calf with peripheral embolisation, presence of atrial flutter, impairment of renal parameters, echocardiographically: left atrium: 55 mm, left ventricle size: 75 mm, akinesis of the septum and posterior wall, occlusion of the right leg arteries (given the patient's serious state angio-surgical intervention was contraindicated, vitally indicated leg amputation considered), the patient died after 4 days of hospitalization in an intensive care unit after unsuccessful treatment. A combination of diabetes, hypertension and ischemic heart disease is frequent and prognostically serious. Diabetes increases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and therefore we should check for diabetes in all cardiovascular patients.

Research paper thumbnail of Multimodálna liečba tymického karcinoidu: kazuistika

Tymický karcinoid tvori len asi 0,4 % zo vsetkých karcinoidov v tele [1]. V porovnani s ostatnými... more Tymický karcinoid tvori len asi 0,4 % zo vsetkých karcinoidov v tele [1]. V porovnani s ostatnými neuroendokrinnými nadormi sa vyznacuje agresivnejsim spravanim s vysokým percentom recidiv po radikalnej liecbe, tendenciou k metastazovaniu a pomerne castým výskytom paraneoplastických syndromov. Hlavným pilierom liecby je radikalny chirurgický zakrok [2-4]. Terapia pacientov v inoperabilnom alebo metastatickom stadiu sa opiera o postupy použivane pri liecbe iných neuroendokrinných nadorov. V nasej kazuistike prezentujeme manažment pacienta s lokalne pokrocilým, atypickým karcinoidom týmusu, s využitim niekoľkých liecebných modalit, vratane novsich postupov, ako je receptorova radionuklidova liecba (peptide radionuclide receptor therapy - PRRT).

Research paper thumbnail of Complex management in diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease

Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2T) has an epidemic prevalence in our societies and a life-risk for d... more Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2T) has an epidemic prevalence in our societies and a life-risk for development of diabetes in Europe is about 30–40 %. When a diabetes is recognized in a patient, he or she is usually seriously cardiovascularly ill. We therefore search always for the presence of diabetes in every patient with a cardiovascular disease. Diabetes accelerates development of atherosclerosis and therefore enormously increases also cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. A diabetic patient with another cardiovascular risk factor or with a target organ damage has a very high cardiovascular risk and he is in need of intensive treatment of all risk factors or cardiovascular diseases. We try to manage all his cardiovascular risk factors: hypertension (combined antihypertensive treatment – RAAS blockers included, with treated blood pressure ≤ 140/90 mm Hg), atherogenic dyslipidemia (atorvaor rosuvastatin in a high dose), antiplatelet treatment (aspirin, sometimes twice a day, or clo...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Treatment of dyslipidemia - is here still place for CETP-inhibitors?]](

Vnitrni lekarstvi, 2018

In the treatment of dyslipidemias about 5-6 years back a new class of drugs emerged, CETP (choles... more In the treatment of dyslipidemias about 5-6 years back a new class of drugs emerged, CETP (cholesteryl ester transfer protein)-inhibitors. Their benefit was due to an increase of HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) serum levels. This treatment mode was supported by epidemiological and clinical studies, as people with high serum HDL-C levels suffered less from cardiovascular (CV) events. Three studies with CETP inhibitors (ILLUMINATE with torcetrapib, dal-OUTCOMES with dalcetrapib and ACCELERATE with evacetrapib) were unfortunately negative, and torcetrapib was even harmful to patients due to an increase of aldosterone serum levels. Treatment with dalcetrapib was safe, but without benefit. Similar it was with evacetrapib. There is still running also a study with anacetrapib (REVEAL), but a benefit is here not expected. Evacetrapib and anacetrapib in comparison to dalcetrapib can reduce serum LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) much more, and similar results were found also in another CETP-inhibitor TA-8995 ...

[Research paper thumbnail of [In remembrance of Professor Ivan Duriš]](

Research paper thumbnail of Rizikové faktory a prevalencia ovariálnych cýst u pacientiek s Crohnovou chorobou

Historicke studie naznacuju, že ovarialne cysty sa u žien Crohnovou chorobou (CD) vyskytuju caste... more Historicke studie naznacuju, že ovarialne cysty sa u žien Crohnovou chorobou (CD) vyskytuju castejsie v porovnani s bežnou populaciou. Vacsinou su popisovane nahodne v ramci zobrazovacich vysetreni abdomenu realizovaných s cieľom posudiť rozsah perianalneho a/alebo luminalneho ochorenia. Cieľom studie bolo zhodnotiť prevalenciu a rizikove faktory vzniku ovarialnych cýst u pacientiek s CD. Subor pacientov a metodika: Pacientky boli identifikovane prostrednictvom automatizovaneho diagnostickeho kodovacieho systemu. Zaradene boli tie, ktore podstupili zobrazovacie vysetrenie malej panvy. Zaznamenane boli demograficke udaje o veku, liecbe a predchadzajucej chirurgickej intervencii v suvislosti s CD. Asociacia týchto faktorov s výskytom ovarialnych cýst bola statisticky vyhodnotena použitim chi-kvadratoveho testu. Výsledky: Zaradených bolo 166 žien; 153 podstupilo MR, 8 CT a 5 USG vysetrenie. 71% bolo liecených anti-TNF, 19% azatioprinom a u 10% nebola podavana imunosupresivna liecba. 3...

Research paper thumbnail of Nedostatočná liečba tiopurínmi u pacientov s nešpecifickými zápalovými ochoreniami čreva odoslaných na anti TNF liečbu

Suhrn: Tiopuriny sa použivaju na udržanie remisie u pacientov s nespecifickými zapalovými ochoren... more Suhrn: Tiopuriny sa použivaju na udržanie remisie u pacientov s nespecifickými zapalovými ochoreniami creva (Inflammatory Bowel Disease- IBD). Ich efekt je zavislý od davky s odporucanou dennou davkou 2- 2,5mg/kg pre azatioprin a redukovanou davkou pre 6-merkaptopurin a 6-tioguanin. Nedostatocna davka je spojena s inefektivitou a može tak viesť k prematurnej indikacii biologickej liecby. Cieľ: Cieľom prace bolo 1. stanoviť mieru odchýlky od normalneho davkovacieho režimu tiopurinov u pacientov odoslaných na biologicku liecbu; 2. analyzovať dovody redukovanej davky. Pacienti a metodika: Do studie boli zaradeni IBD pacienti odoslani na biologicku liecbu k 1. Novembru 2014 v jednom centre biologickej liecby. Davka azatioprinu (AZA) v case indikacie biologickej liecby a dovody pre redukovanu davku AZA, ktora bola definovana ako davka nižsia ako 2mg/kg boli vyhľadane v dokumentacii. Výsledky: Celkovo bolo zahrnutých 176 (92 mužov (52%); priemerný vek 37 rokov, v rozmedzi 18-76 rokov) -...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Management of treatment in patients with neuroendocrine neoplasmas of digestive tract]](

Vnitrni lekarstvi, 2015

UNLABELLED Neuroendocrine neoplasmas are a form of cancer arising from cells of diffuse neuroendo... more UNLABELLED Neuroendocrine neoplasmas are a form of cancer arising from cells of diffuse neuroendocrine system. They produce peptides or amines that act as hormones or neurotransmitters. Incidence of NENs is relatively low. Diagnostic work-up and treatment requires a multidisciplinary team approach. The aim of this study was an analysis of data from patients with well-differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasmas of gastrointestinal tract. The study included patients followed up from 1998 to 2013 with histologically confirmed well-differentiated digestive neuroendocrine neoplasm with low or intermediate malignant potential. 97 patients were included; 34 men (35.1 %) and 63 women (64.9 %). In patients being diagnosed after 2005 interferon treatment is significantly less used than endoscopic and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. We have identified more appropriate discriminant values of 5-HIAA and chromogranin A (6.8 mg/24 hours; 70 ng/ml) for predicting the presence of metastases at t...

Research paper thumbnail of Carcinoid syndroma - diagnosis and management

Vnitřní lékařství, 2021

I. interná klinika LF UK a UN Bratislava Neuroendokrinné tumory (NET) tvoria skupinu relatívne ra... more I. interná klinika LF UK a UN Bratislava Neuroendokrinné tumory (NET) tvoria skupinu relatívne raritných nádorov s odhadovanou incidenciou 5 až 8 prípadov na 100 000 obyvateľov. NET majú predominantne indolentný priebeh počas mnohých rokov. Symptomatickými sa stávajú pri náraste veľkosti, alebo keď metastazujú do pečene, pľúc, kostí a iných lokalít. Približne u 30-40% pacientov s NETom sa vyvinie karcinoidový syndróm s prejavmi ako sú bronchospazmy, hnačky a kŕče v bruchu, flush, cyanóza, pellagra. Biele plaky na povrchu endokardu a štruktúrach srdca sú charakteristické pre karcinoidovú chorobu srdca. Liečba pacientov s karcinoidovým syndrómom je rozmanitá z dôvodu nutnosti simultánne riešiť systémové nádorové ochorenie a prejavy karcinoidového syndrómu. Pozostáva z chirurgickej resekcie a debulkingu nádorovej masy, podávania somatostatínových analógov a peptidovej receptorovej rádionuklidovej terapie. Komplexná liečba vedie k predĺženiu prežívania pacientov ako aj ku zlepšeniu kvality ich života. Kľúčové slová: neuroendokrinné nádory, karcinoidový syndróm, somatostatínové analógy, peptidová receptorová rádionuklidová terapia, biologická liečba. Carcinoid syndroma-diagnosis and management Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs, originally termed "carcinoids") create a relatively rare group of neoplasms with an approximate incidence rate of 5 to 8 cases per 10 000 persons. NETs predominantly demonstrate indolent disease biology for many years. They become symptomatic when they are large enough or when they metastasize to the liver or the lungs, bones, or other sites. Roughly 30% to 40% of subjects with NETs develop carcinoid syndrome. Signs and symptoms of carcinoid syndrome are bronchospasm, flushing, diarrhea and cramping, cyanosis and pellagra. White plaque-like deposits on the endocardial surface of heart structures are characteristic for carcinoid heart disease. The treatment of patients with carcinoid syndrome is multi-faceted due to the necessity to manage simultaneously the systemic cancer disease as well as the signs of carcinoid syndrome and includes resection or debulking of tumor mass, biological treatment with somatostatin analogues and peptide receptor radionuclide treatment.

Research paper thumbnail of Multimodal treatment of thymic carcinoid: a case report

Vnitřní lékařství, 2019

Súhrn Tymický karcinoid tvorí len asi 0,4 % zo všetkých karcinoidov v tele [1]. V porovnaní s ost... more Súhrn Tymický karcinoid tvorí len asi 0,4 % zo všetkých karcinoidov v tele [1]. V porovnaní s ostatnými neuroendokrinnými nádormi sa vyznačuje agresívnejším správaním s vysokým percentom recidív po radikálnej liečbe, tendenciou k metastázovaniu a pomerne častým výskytom paraneoplastických syndrómov. Hlavným pilierom liečby je radikálny chirurgický zákrok [2-4]. Terapia pacientov v inoperabilnom alebo metastatickom štádiu sa opiera o postupy používané pri liečbe iných neuroendokrinných nádorov. V našej kazuistike prezentujeme manažment pacienta s lokálne pokročilým, atypickým karcinoidom týmusu, s využitím niekoľkých liečebných modalít, vrátane novších postupov, ako je receptorová rádionuklidová liečba (peptide radionuclide receptor therapy-PRRT). Kľúčové slová: rádionuklidová receptorová liečba-somatostatínové analógy-tymický karcinoid Multimodal treatment of thymic carcinoid: a case report Summary Thymic carcinoid account for cca 0.4 % of all carcinoid tumors in the body [1]. As compared to other neuroendocrinne tumors, high rates of reccurences after surgery, more aggressive behaviour and relatively high rates of paraneoplastic syndromes are characteristic for thymic carcinoid. The mainstay of treatment is radical surgery [2-4]. Therapy of locally advanced and metastatic stages is influenced by other neuroendocrinne tumors´guidelines. We present a case report of patient with locally advanced, atypical thymic carcinoid, treated with different modalities, including newer procedures like peptide radionuclide receptor therapy (PRRT).

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence and associated factors of ovarian cysts among patients with Crohn´s disease

Gastroenterologie a hepatologie, 2018

Súhrn: Úvod: Historické štúdie naznačujú, že ovariálne cysty sa u žien s Crohnovou chorobou (CD) ... more Súhrn: Úvod: Historické štúdie naznačujú, že ovariálne cysty sa u žien s Crohnovou chorobou (CD) vyskytujú častejšie v porovnaní s bežnou populáciou. Väčšinou sú popisované náhodne v rámci zobrazovacích vyšetrení abdomenu realizovaných s cieľom posúdiť rozsah perianálneho a/ alebo luminálneho ochorenia. Preto cieľom našej štúdie bolo zhodnotiť prevalenciu a faktory asociované so vznikom ovariálnych cýst u pa cientiek s CD. Metodika: Pa cientky boli identifikované prostredníctvom automatizovaného dia gnostického kódovacieho systému. Zaradené boli tie, ktoré podstúpili zobrazovacie vyšetrenie malej panvy. Zaznamenané boli demografické údaje o veku, liečbe a predchádzajúcej chirurgickej intervencii v súvislosti s CD. Asociácia týchto faktorov s výskytom ovariálnych cýst bola štatisticky vyhodnotená použitím chi-kvadrátového testu. Výsledky: Zaradených bolo 166 žien; 153 podstúpilo magneticků rezonanciu, 8 CT a 5 ultrasonografické vyšetrenie. Celkem 71 % bolo liečených anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor), 19 % azatioprínom a u 10 % nebola podávaná imunosupresívna liečba. Celkem 33 % malo v anamnéze údaj o min. jednej chirurgickej intervencii. Ovariálne cysty boli popísané v 35 prípadoch. Medzi pa cientkami s ovariálnymi cystami bolo signifikantne vyššie percento pa cientiek liečených anti-TNF (88 %) v porovnaní s pa cientkami bez nálezu ovariálnych cýst (66 %; p < 0,001). Nezávisle od anti-TNF liečby bolo medzi pa cientkami s ovariálnymi cystami signifikantne vyššie percento s anamnézou brušnej chirurgie v porovnaní s pa cientkami bez nálezu ovariálnych cýst (69 vs. 24 %; p < 0,001). Záver: Ovariálne cysty boli nájdené u 21 % pa cientiek s CD, čo je dvojnásobok v porovnaní s údajmi o zdravej populácii. Liečba anti-TNF a brušná chirurgická intervencia predstavujú nezávislé faktory asociované s výskytom ovariálnych cýst. Kľúčové slová: Crohnova choroba-ovariálne cysty-anti-TNF-chirurgická liečba Summary: Background: There have only been a few historical studies suggesting a higher frequency of ovarian cysts among women with Crohn's disease (CD). These cysts are mainly found incidentally during cross-sectional imaging performed to evaluate the extent of perianal and/or luminal CD. Therefore the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ovarian cysts in CD patients and the factors associated with these cysts. Methods: Women with CD were identified through an automated diagnosis coding system. Patients who underwent cross sectional imaging of the pelvis were further analyzed. Age, medication, and CD-related previous surgical intervention were recorded. The association of these factors with ovarian cyst(s) was tested statistically by the chi-square test. Results: Among 166 women who underwent cross-sectional imaging of the pelvis, 153 underwent magnetic resonance imaging, eight CT, and five abdominal ultrasound. Out of these patients, 10% had no immune suppressive therapy, 19% were using thiopurines, and 71% were treated with anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor). Thirty-three percent had a history of at least one CD-related abdominal surgery. Ovarian cysts were present as incidental findings in the imaging of 35 patients. Among patients with ovarian cysts, there was significantly more anti-TNF users than among those without cysts (88 vs. 66%, respectively; p < 0,001). Independently of anti-TNF use, there was significantly more patients with a history of abdominal surgery among patients with ovarian cysts than among patients without this finding (69 vs. 24%; p < 0,001). Conclusion: Up to one fifth of Crohn's disease patients have an incidental finding of ovarian cyst during cross-sectional imaging. This represents a twofold higher incidence than in the healthy population. The use of anti-TNF and CD-related abdominal surgery are independent factors associated with ovarian cysts in this particular patient population.

[Research paper thumbnail of [What may cause diabetes]](

Vnitrni lekarstvi, 2015

The case study describes a case of 49-year-old man with morbid obesity since childhood (BMI 40 kg... more The case study describes a case of 49-year-old man with morbid obesity since childhood (BMI 40 kg/m2), arterial hypertension (approx. since aged 15, treated since 2004), dyslipidemia (since 2006), type 2 diabetes mellitus (since 2006, on insulin therapy since 2008) and smoking (until 2011, 20 cigarettes a day). 16 types of medication, 8 for hypertension, statin, therapy for diabetes, aspirin, allopurinol. In 2010 (when aged 45) hospitalized in our clinic with dyspnoea and chest pain with a high pressure reading of 180/110 mm Hg (identified symptoms of heart failure with LV ejection fraction of 33 %, in NYHA II functional class, echocardiographically: left atrium: 46 mm, left ventricular chamber size in diastole: 70 mm, interventricular septum: 12 mm, septal hypokinesis, Doppler ultrasonography of lower limb arteries (calcification, diffuse atherosclerotic changes, absent stenosis), CT coronary angiography (significant stenosis of the left coronary artery). Treatment started with 40 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Thiopurine undertreatment among inflammatory bowel disease patients referred for anti-TNF therapy

Gastroenterologie a hepatologie, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Local changes in hemostasis in patients with gastric cancer

Bratislavské lekárske listy, 2009

Disorders of haemostasis and haemocoagulation are often seen in cancer patients as a part of the ... more Disorders of haemostasis and haemocoagulation are often seen in cancer patients as a part of the paraneoplastic syndrome. This study describes a novel compound that activates coagulation and also inhibits fibrinolytic system and fibrin degradation products in the gastric juice of 33 patients with gastric cancer. Similar, but less pronounced changes have been found in gastric juice of patients with gastric precancerosis. Procoagulant activity, induced by pathologically changed cells or monocytes, macrophages from tumor stroma, indicates the activation of local coagulation with the production of fibrin. It can be concluded that the local changes of coagulation and fibrinolysis may precede coagulopathies in cancer patients (Tab. 2, Ref. 15). Full Text (Free, PDF)

Research paper thumbnail of General changes in hemostasis in gastric cancer

Bratislavské lekárske listy, 2009

Disorders of haemostasis and haemocoagulation are often seen in patients with cancer as a part of... more Disorders of haemostasis and haemocoagulation are often seen in patients with cancer as a part of paraneoplastic syndrome. Thrombotic and/or haemorrhagic complications are the second most common cause of mortality in patients with cancer. The evaluation of the haemostatic parameters of 67 patients with gastric cancer have indicated tendency to thrombophilia and activation of intravascular coagulation, of which 31.3% showed tendency to hypercoagulation and 47.8% disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Only 7.5% of subjects have yielded normal laboratory findings while 5.9% of patients had DIC with remarkable hypocoagulation. Thrombocytosis, platelet hyperaggregability and elevation of beta-thromboglobulin are the indicators of changes in primary haemostasis and elevation of thrombomodulin indicates vascular wall damage. Lower antithrombin III levels, C-protein and S-protein in plasma have indicated lower antithrombotic potential in patients with gastric cancer. It can be conclu...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Arterial hypertension in gravidity - a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases]](

Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství, 2012

Gravidity is a dynamic process and complications may occur at any stage and anytime during a thus... more Gravidity is a dynamic process and complications may occur at any stage and anytime during a thus far physiological gravidity. Such gravidity puts the mother, the foetus and, later, the newborn at a greater risk. The incidence of arterial hypertension is between 7 and 15% and is one of the 4 main causes of maternal and perinatal mortality. Cardiovascular stress test, such as gravidity, might help to identify women at a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases or with a subclinical vascular disease. Women with a history of preeclampsia are more likely to develop chronic arterial hypertension in the future either alone or associated with a cardiovascular disease. Arterial hypertension during gravidity should be considered as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases during later stages of maternal life. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases should be a life-long aspiration.

Research paper thumbnail of Tailored intermittent therapy of carcinoid

Hepato-gastroenterology, 2007

There is no established standard care of carcinoids as all experts agree. Endogenous somatostatin... more There is no established standard care of carcinoids as all experts agree. Endogenous somatostatin diurnal rhythm is influenced by administration of lanreotid. The purpose of this study is to evaluate efficacy of lanreotid on the clinical course in a group of patients with metastatic carcinoid. In 43 patients with carcinoid tumors somatostatin serum level, 5-HIAA (5-hydroxyindolacetic acid), NSE (neuron-specific enolase), and chromogranin A were examined. Fifteen patients received 30mg of somatulin (Lanreotid) in two-week intervals. Therapy with somatostatin analogue improved symptoms in 70-80% of patients with metastases and carcinoid syndrome. 5-HIAA significantly decreased after lanreotid therapy. NSE values are undulating. With progression of the disease they rise. Chromogranin is higher in patients with advanced metastatic disease. Mesor of the diurnal excretion of somatostatin is higher (32 pg/mL) in patients with metastatic disease than in patients without (20 pg/mL). After la...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Occurrence of carcinoid syndrome in patients with carcinoid tumors]](

Vnitr̆ní lékar̆ství, 2004

Carcinoid syndrome occurs in about 10% of patients with carcinoid tumors. The main objective of t... more Carcinoid syndrome occurs in about 10% of patients with carcinoid tumors. The main objective of the present study was to determine the presence of the carcinoid syndrome in the group of patients with the carcinoid tumor. 43 pts. (22 w/21 m) with carcinoid tumors (M group--26 pts. with metastatic disease, B group--17 pts. after resection of the primary tumor without known metastases at the time of the investigation) were included in the study. We estimated the presence of the carcinoid syndrome in all patients. The urinary excretion of 5-HIAA was performed and echocardiography were done. The amount of the 5-hydroxyindolacetate acid in urine in pts. with metastatic carcinoid was statistically significant higher than in the pts. without metastases (p < 0.001). The carcinoid syndrome in metastatic group we found in 10 patients. Flush had 9, diarhoe 7 pts., and cardiac involvement with endocardial fibrosis had 3 pts. During the treatment with lanreotide the amount of 5-HIAA in urine d...