Susanne Oxenstierna | Swedish Defence Research Agency (original) (raw)

Papers by Susanne Oxenstierna

Research paper thumbnail of Koordinering och prioritering av internationella samarbeten inom materiel- och logistikområdet

Internationella samarbeten inom materiel- och logistikområdet utgör en viktig del i försvarets ma... more Internationella samarbeten inom materiel- och logistikområdet utgör en viktig del i försvarets materielförsörjning. De senaste åren har en tydlig omsvängning skett mot att samarbeten tydligare ska bidra till Försvarsmaktens operativa förmåga. Det förändrade omvärldsläget har också gjort att säkerhetspolitiska hänsyn ska ha starkare påverkan på inriktning och prioritering av samarbeten. Syftet med denna studie har två delar: 1. att beskriva koordineringen inom och mellan olika typer av samarbeten och 2. att diskutera de mål som de olika aktörerna har och vilka prioriteringar detta kan leda fram till.

Research paper thumbnail of Ökad försvarsproduktion : kritiska sektorer och tillväxtfaktorer i Försvarsmakten

FOI Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut, 2019

After a focus on cost reductions for nearly twenty-five years, the Swedish Armed Forces are now f... more After a focus on cost reductions for nearly twenty-five years, the Swedish Armed Forces are now facing a period when the defense budget will increase. The report identifies the current state of knowledge and the need for new research on achieving value for a higher defense budget. The report presents the results of an in-depth literature review and interviews with representatives from the Armed Forces. . The reports formulates an analytical framework based on the concepts critical sectors and growth factors. Critical sectors refers to defined activities or sectors of the Armed Forces with priority of growth in combat forces and functions. Growth factors refers to factors that either hinder or promote organizational growth, such as the availability of staff and competences. The analytical framework is also illustrated with examples from the Armed Forces. The study shows that the current state of knowledge about growth in public organizations is limited. It is concluded that the Armed Forces should invest in related research within the FoT-program. Such research should aim at strengthening the conditions for the operational capability in the long run and the conditions for short-term increases in defense production. Here, both concept and method development to handle the different time perspectives is important.

Research paper thumbnail of The Western sanctions against Russia. How do they work?

The Western sanctions against Russia. How do they work? Susanne Oxenstierna The West's ec... more The Western sanctions against Russia. How do they work? Susanne Oxenstierna The West's economic sanctions imposed against Russia in the wake of the Kremlin's annexation of Crimea in 2014 have now been in place for almost five years. The objective of the sanctions is to pressure Russia to change its policies. Economic sanctions are widely used instruments in international policies for signaling countries that their behavior violates international norms. Are they effective? This chapter analyses how the EU and US sanctions imposed on Russia in 2014-18 have affected the Russian economy and its policies towards Ukraine. The analysis is qualitative focusing on probable ways that sanctions may have affected the Russia economy and Russia's policies towards Ukraine. The first section of the chapter presents the analytical framework for assessing sanction effects. The second section provides an overview EU and US sanctions. The third section discusses how sanctions may have affected the Russian economy. The fourth section analyses potential political effects. A conclusion summarizes the results.

Research paper thumbnail of Russia’s economy and military expenditures

Routledge Handbook of Russian Security, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Nuclear power in Russia’s energy policies

Research paper thumbnail of Russia and the Covid-19 Pandemic

The topic of this issue is Russia and the Covid-19 Pandemic. Firstly, Judy Twigg analyses the cha... more The topic of this issue is Russia and the Covid-19 Pandemic. Firstly, Judy Twigg analyses the challenge the Covid-19 pandemic poses to Russia. The author points out that from handling statistics to dealing with infected cases, the approach to containing the virus and the condition of the healthcare system raise serious questions about the efficacy of the much-vaunted “power vertical” in this instance. Secondly, Gunter Deuber provides an overview of the two simultaneous economic crises which Russia faces at present: an oil market shock, for which it has been prepared since 2014, and the Covid-19 pandemic. The author posits that overcoming this crisis is becoming a systemic issue. Companies and the middle class will help to overcome the crisis, while the government has yet to take meaningful action. The Russian leadership calculus could change if the Covid-19 fallout on the Russian economy becomes more predictable.Das Thema dieser Ausgabe ist Russland und die Covid-19-Pandemie. Zunächst analysiert Judy Twigg die Herausforderung, die die Covid-19-Pandemie für Russland darstellt. Die Autorin weist darauf hin, dass vom Umgang mit Statistiken bis zum Umgang mit infizierten Fällen der Ansatz zur Eindämmung des Virus und der Zustand des Gesundheitssystems ernste Fragen zur Wirksamkeit des politischen Systems aufwerfen. Zweitens gibt Gunter Deuber einen Überblick über die beiden gleichzeitig stattfindenden Wirtschaftskrisen, mit denen Russland derzeit konfrontiert ist: ein Ölmarkt-Schock, auf den es seit 2014 vorbereitet ist, und die Covid-19-Pandemie. Der Autor stellt fest, dass die Überwindung dieser Krise zu einer Systemfrage wird. Die Unternehmen und der Mittelstand werden zur Überwindung der Krise beitragen, während die Regierung noch keine sinnvollen Maßnahmen ergriffen hat. Das Kalkül der russischen Führung könnte sich ändern, wenn die Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf die russische Wirtschaft berechenbarer werden.ISSN:1863-042

Research paper thumbnail of 52. Labour market policies

Research paper thumbnail of From Soviet Plans to Russian Reality

Research paper thumbnail of Russian Military Capability in a Ten-Year Perspective – 2019

Research paper thumbnail of China and Russia – A study on Cooperation, Competition and Distrust

Research paper thumbnail of The Economic Sanctions against Russia: Impact and Prospects of Success

Nordisk Østforum, 2016

Det svenske forsvars forskningsafdeling FOI offentliggør mange laesevaerdige analyser af russiske... more Det svenske forsvars forskningsafdeling FOI offentliggør mange laesevaerdige analyser af russiske forhold, denne er en i raekken. Emnet gør den til lidt af et pionerarbejde: Det drejer sig om at kulegrave effekten de økonomiske sanktioner, som EU og USA indførte mod Rusland efter annekteringen af Krim, dvs. navnlig de egentlige sektorsanktioner, der fulgte oven på de russisk-støttede Donbas-separatisters nedskydning af et malaysisk passagerfly i juli 2014. Brødanalysen består af fire kapitler, der dels går naermere ind på EU's og USA's sanktioner, dels praesenterer en analysemodel og et mere komparativt perspektiv på sanktioners effekt ud fra erfaringerne fra sanktionerne mod Sydafrika, Libyen og Irak, dels en analyse af Ruslands økonomiske situation og dels en afsluttende SWOT-analyse af de styrker, svagheder, muligheder og trusler, som det internationale samfund står med i denne sag. Så det er et saerdeles lødigt analysearbejde, man som laeser sidder med i hånden. Analysemodellen understreger samspillet mellem det internationale samfund, den regering, der er målet for sanktionerne, og dens samspil med dens eget indenrigspolitiske bagland. Sidstnaevnte relation er kritisk for om sanktionerne får effekt. Effekten af sanktioner haenger endvidere sammen med de omkostninger, de skaber; modtagerens handelsafhaengighed, sanktionernes varighed og så videre. Ikke mindst tidsfaktoren Á det internationale samfunds vedholdenhed Á er afgørende. I Sydafrika gik der 50 år, før gennembruddet kom, og i Irak lykkedes den økonomiske pression mod Saddam Hussein aldrig. Dette komparative perspektiv og forfatternes ledsagende »Lessons learned« er meget velgørende, og den afsluttende SWOT-analyse systematiserer vaesentlige sider ved den russiske case. Alligevel har jeg en vigtig anke mod forfatternes konklusion på analysen, der hviler på nogle alt for formalistiske succeskriterier. I det svenske resumé hedder det ganske ureflekteret om sanktionerne, at »de hittils inte har lyckats övertyga Ryssland om att ändra sin politik gentemot Ukraina«. Ganske rigtigt har Rusland ikke annulleret annekteringen af Krim og Ruslands politik mod det øvrige Ukraine veksler mellem lavintens krigsførelse fra Donbas og grov økonomisk-politisk chikane. Ikke desto mindre kulminerede den russiske offensiv mod Ukraine i tiden efter nedskydningen af MH17 og har gennem det seneste halvandet år bestået i en anderledes forsigtig

Research paper thumbnail of Russia's Defense Spending and the Economic Decline

Journal of Eurasian Studies, 2016

The purpose of this article is to explore the development of Russian military spending in light o... more The purpose of this article is to explore the development of Russian military spending in light of weak and negative growth of the Russian economy and to look at the reasons for the economic decline that has developed after the economic crisis in 2009 and is due to long-term internal structural factors that have existed since the mid-2000s. The confidence crisis resulting from Russia's aggression against Ukraine 2014, Western sanctions and falling oil prices has further aggravated these tendencies and the economy is now contracting. The main conclusions are that the share of the defense budget in GDP has risen substantially, but there is still a trade-off between defense and other public spending in the budget. Political reform would be necessary to implement market institutions and revive the economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Modernisering eller fortsatt oljeberoende? Den ryska ekonomin efter krisen, Ekonomisk debatt, 38, 7, 2010, pp. 52-64

Susanne Oxenstierna är fil dr i nationaleko-nomi och verksam vid FOI – Totalförsvarets forsknings... more Susanne Oxenstierna är fil dr i nationaleko-nomi och verksam vid FOI – Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut. Hon forskar om Rysslands ekonomi, försvarsekonomi och energisektor. För publikationer se http://www.foi. se/russia. Susanne. Modernisering eller fortsatt olje-beroende? Den ryska ekonomin efter krisen Den ekonomiska krisen 2008–09 bröt den starka tillväxttrend som utmärkte den ryska ekonomin under 2000-talet. Krisen tydliggjorde att Rysslands eko-nomiska storhet är helt avhängig av olje-och gasexporten och avslöjade avsak-naden av strukturomvandling under det senaste decenniet. Under hösten 2009 lade President Medvedev fram sin vision av ett modernt Ryssland som utnyttjar sina intellektuella resurser och blir ledande i högteknologiska branscher. Kom-mer Ryssland att klara en modernisering under det närmaste decenniet? Vilka är förutsättningarna för att Ryssland ska kunna diversifiera och minska oljebe-roendet? Artikeln tar sin utgångspunkt i hanteringen av de...

Research paper thumbnail of Russian Energy and Security up to 2030

Research paper thumbnail of The Russian Economy and Military Expenditure in Light of the War in Ukraine and Economic Sanctions

FOI memo 8023, 2022

In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the West imposed new economic sa... more In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the West imposed new economic sanctions on Russia. How do Russia's war in Ukraine and Western sanctions affect the Russian economy and military expenditure? The authors investigate long-term and recent trends and find that military expenditure has increased in 2022 and is planned to be kept at a high level in 2023. It is expected that the economic contraction in 2022 will be weaker than anticipated at the beginning of the year, but that the restrictions on access to Western technology will affect the economy negatively in the medium-and long-run.

Research paper thumbnail of The Challenges for Russia's Politicized Economic System

She is also VP Research for the GEDI Institute. She has conducted extensive comparative research ... more She is also VP Research for the GEDI Institute. She has conducted extensive comparative research in former Soviet countries. Her research focuses on institutional environment and entrepreneurship development. In 2013, she spearheaded the creation of the first ever index measuring female entrepreneurship development (Gender-GEDI) which includes Russia.

Research paper thumbnail of How Tough are the Sanctions on Russia?

Research paper thumbnail of Rysslands ekonomiska modernisering

Nordisk Ostforum, May 15, 2012

The purpose of this article is to analyse Russia's ongoing modernization and assess its potential... more The purpose of this article is to analyse Russia's ongoing modernization and assess its potential for reviving the economy. The modernization launched by President Dmitrii Medvedev in 2009 represents an extension of the economic reforms that had been discontinued after 2004. The article identifies the main problems modernization needs to address and investigates proposed measures. Focus is on the economic-institutional aspects of the modernization programme and the structural problems of the economy. The main findings are that the modernization policy is based on a thorough analysis of the structural problems of the economy and contains a long list of reasonable proposals, but that it is based on a top-down approach, that many problems require political reform rather than economic, and that insufficient attention is given to creating good conditions for expansion and innovation among small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). In addition it is argued that the Russian authorities underestimate the crucial role of civil society and political institutions in the modernization of the economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Sanktioner mot Ryssland 7819

Sanktioner mot Ryssland, 2022

Ryssland utmanar den europeiska säkerhetsordningen och Väst hotar med kraftfulla sanktioner. Memo... more Ryssland utmanar den europeiska säkerhetsordningen och Väst hotar med kraftfulla sanktioner. Memot beskriver vilka sanktioner som är föreslagna och analyserar hur de kan inverka på den ryska ekonomin. En rad olika sanktioner innefattar t.ex. att utesluta Ryssland från SWIFT, finansiella sanktioner och energisanktioner. Ryssland har de senaste åren arbetat för att minska sitt beroende av Väst, oljepriset är högt och centralbanken har en stor valutareserv. Samtidigt som de sanktioner som nu diskuteras har potential att vara mer kraftfulla än vid Rysslands illegala annekteringen av Krim, finner författarna att Ryssland också är bättre rustat för att motstå sanktioner 2022 än 2014. 1 Avser förhandlingar mellan Frankrike, Tyskland, Ryssland och Ukraina som inleddes på årsdagen av de allierades landstigning i Normandie 6 juni 2014. 2 För en mer fullständig förklaring av modellen, se Oxenstierna och Olsson (2015).

Research paper thumbnail of Arms Procurement and the Russian Defense Industry: Challenges Up to 2020

The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 2013

ABSTRACT The Russian government has launced a new state armament program för the period 2011-2020... more ABSTRACT The Russian government has launced a new state armament program för the period 2011-2020 in a decisive effort to bring the Russian Armed Forces into the twenty-first century. This article investigates the prerequisites for the successful fulfillment of this program and assesses the industry’s ability to meet the program’s demands. The main findings are that the costs of the program are unrealistically high and that deficiencies in the procurement system and in the technologies and performance of the industry present serious challenges and obstacles that will hinder the fulfillment of the program.

Research paper thumbnail of Koordinering och prioritering av internationella samarbeten inom materiel- och logistikområdet

Internationella samarbeten inom materiel- och logistikområdet utgör en viktig del i försvarets ma... more Internationella samarbeten inom materiel- och logistikområdet utgör en viktig del i försvarets materielförsörjning. De senaste åren har en tydlig omsvängning skett mot att samarbeten tydligare ska bidra till Försvarsmaktens operativa förmåga. Det förändrade omvärldsläget har också gjort att säkerhetspolitiska hänsyn ska ha starkare påverkan på inriktning och prioritering av samarbeten. Syftet med denna studie har två delar: 1. att beskriva koordineringen inom och mellan olika typer av samarbeten och 2. att diskutera de mål som de olika aktörerna har och vilka prioriteringar detta kan leda fram till.

Research paper thumbnail of Ökad försvarsproduktion : kritiska sektorer och tillväxtfaktorer i Försvarsmakten

FOI Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut, 2019

After a focus on cost reductions for nearly twenty-five years, the Swedish Armed Forces are now f... more After a focus on cost reductions for nearly twenty-five years, the Swedish Armed Forces are now facing a period when the defense budget will increase. The report identifies the current state of knowledge and the need for new research on achieving value for a higher defense budget. The report presents the results of an in-depth literature review and interviews with representatives from the Armed Forces. . The reports formulates an analytical framework based on the concepts critical sectors and growth factors. Critical sectors refers to defined activities or sectors of the Armed Forces with priority of growth in combat forces and functions. Growth factors refers to factors that either hinder or promote organizational growth, such as the availability of staff and competences. The analytical framework is also illustrated with examples from the Armed Forces. The study shows that the current state of knowledge about growth in public organizations is limited. It is concluded that the Armed Forces should invest in related research within the FoT-program. Such research should aim at strengthening the conditions for the operational capability in the long run and the conditions for short-term increases in defense production. Here, both concept and method development to handle the different time perspectives is important.

Research paper thumbnail of The Western sanctions against Russia. How do they work?

The Western sanctions against Russia. How do they work? Susanne Oxenstierna The West's ec... more The Western sanctions against Russia. How do they work? Susanne Oxenstierna The West's economic sanctions imposed against Russia in the wake of the Kremlin's annexation of Crimea in 2014 have now been in place for almost five years. The objective of the sanctions is to pressure Russia to change its policies. Economic sanctions are widely used instruments in international policies for signaling countries that their behavior violates international norms. Are they effective? This chapter analyses how the EU and US sanctions imposed on Russia in 2014-18 have affected the Russian economy and its policies towards Ukraine. The analysis is qualitative focusing on probable ways that sanctions may have affected the Russia economy and Russia's policies towards Ukraine. The first section of the chapter presents the analytical framework for assessing sanction effects. The second section provides an overview EU and US sanctions. The third section discusses how sanctions may have affected the Russian economy. The fourth section analyses potential political effects. A conclusion summarizes the results.

Research paper thumbnail of Russia’s economy and military expenditures

Routledge Handbook of Russian Security, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Nuclear power in Russia’s energy policies

Research paper thumbnail of Russia and the Covid-19 Pandemic

The topic of this issue is Russia and the Covid-19 Pandemic. Firstly, Judy Twigg analyses the cha... more The topic of this issue is Russia and the Covid-19 Pandemic. Firstly, Judy Twigg analyses the challenge the Covid-19 pandemic poses to Russia. The author points out that from handling statistics to dealing with infected cases, the approach to containing the virus and the condition of the healthcare system raise serious questions about the efficacy of the much-vaunted “power vertical” in this instance. Secondly, Gunter Deuber provides an overview of the two simultaneous economic crises which Russia faces at present: an oil market shock, for which it has been prepared since 2014, and the Covid-19 pandemic. The author posits that overcoming this crisis is becoming a systemic issue. Companies and the middle class will help to overcome the crisis, while the government has yet to take meaningful action. The Russian leadership calculus could change if the Covid-19 fallout on the Russian economy becomes more predictable.Das Thema dieser Ausgabe ist Russland und die Covid-19-Pandemie. Zunächst analysiert Judy Twigg die Herausforderung, die die Covid-19-Pandemie für Russland darstellt. Die Autorin weist darauf hin, dass vom Umgang mit Statistiken bis zum Umgang mit infizierten Fällen der Ansatz zur Eindämmung des Virus und der Zustand des Gesundheitssystems ernste Fragen zur Wirksamkeit des politischen Systems aufwerfen. Zweitens gibt Gunter Deuber einen Überblick über die beiden gleichzeitig stattfindenden Wirtschaftskrisen, mit denen Russland derzeit konfrontiert ist: ein Ölmarkt-Schock, auf den es seit 2014 vorbereitet ist, und die Covid-19-Pandemie. Der Autor stellt fest, dass die Überwindung dieser Krise zu einer Systemfrage wird. Die Unternehmen und der Mittelstand werden zur Überwindung der Krise beitragen, während die Regierung noch keine sinnvollen Maßnahmen ergriffen hat. Das Kalkül der russischen Führung könnte sich ändern, wenn die Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf die russische Wirtschaft berechenbarer werden.ISSN:1863-042

Research paper thumbnail of 52. Labour market policies

Research paper thumbnail of From Soviet Plans to Russian Reality

Research paper thumbnail of Russian Military Capability in a Ten-Year Perspective – 2019

Research paper thumbnail of China and Russia – A study on Cooperation, Competition and Distrust

Research paper thumbnail of The Economic Sanctions against Russia: Impact and Prospects of Success

Nordisk Østforum, 2016

Det svenske forsvars forskningsafdeling FOI offentliggør mange laesevaerdige analyser af russiske... more Det svenske forsvars forskningsafdeling FOI offentliggør mange laesevaerdige analyser af russiske forhold, denne er en i raekken. Emnet gør den til lidt af et pionerarbejde: Det drejer sig om at kulegrave effekten de økonomiske sanktioner, som EU og USA indførte mod Rusland efter annekteringen af Krim, dvs. navnlig de egentlige sektorsanktioner, der fulgte oven på de russisk-støttede Donbas-separatisters nedskydning af et malaysisk passagerfly i juli 2014. Brødanalysen består af fire kapitler, der dels går naermere ind på EU's og USA's sanktioner, dels praesenterer en analysemodel og et mere komparativt perspektiv på sanktioners effekt ud fra erfaringerne fra sanktionerne mod Sydafrika, Libyen og Irak, dels en analyse af Ruslands økonomiske situation og dels en afsluttende SWOT-analyse af de styrker, svagheder, muligheder og trusler, som det internationale samfund står med i denne sag. Så det er et saerdeles lødigt analysearbejde, man som laeser sidder med i hånden. Analysemodellen understreger samspillet mellem det internationale samfund, den regering, der er målet for sanktionerne, og dens samspil med dens eget indenrigspolitiske bagland. Sidstnaevnte relation er kritisk for om sanktionerne får effekt. Effekten af sanktioner haenger endvidere sammen med de omkostninger, de skaber; modtagerens handelsafhaengighed, sanktionernes varighed og så videre. Ikke mindst tidsfaktoren Á det internationale samfunds vedholdenhed Á er afgørende. I Sydafrika gik der 50 år, før gennembruddet kom, og i Irak lykkedes den økonomiske pression mod Saddam Hussein aldrig. Dette komparative perspektiv og forfatternes ledsagende »Lessons learned« er meget velgørende, og den afsluttende SWOT-analyse systematiserer vaesentlige sider ved den russiske case. Alligevel har jeg en vigtig anke mod forfatternes konklusion på analysen, der hviler på nogle alt for formalistiske succeskriterier. I det svenske resumé hedder det ganske ureflekteret om sanktionerne, at »de hittils inte har lyckats övertyga Ryssland om att ändra sin politik gentemot Ukraina«. Ganske rigtigt har Rusland ikke annulleret annekteringen af Krim og Ruslands politik mod det øvrige Ukraine veksler mellem lavintens krigsførelse fra Donbas og grov økonomisk-politisk chikane. Ikke desto mindre kulminerede den russiske offensiv mod Ukraine i tiden efter nedskydningen af MH17 og har gennem det seneste halvandet år bestået i en anderledes forsigtig

Research paper thumbnail of Russia's Defense Spending and the Economic Decline

Journal of Eurasian Studies, 2016

The purpose of this article is to explore the development of Russian military spending in light o... more The purpose of this article is to explore the development of Russian military spending in light of weak and negative growth of the Russian economy and to look at the reasons for the economic decline that has developed after the economic crisis in 2009 and is due to long-term internal structural factors that have existed since the mid-2000s. The confidence crisis resulting from Russia's aggression against Ukraine 2014, Western sanctions and falling oil prices has further aggravated these tendencies and the economy is now contracting. The main conclusions are that the share of the defense budget in GDP has risen substantially, but there is still a trade-off between defense and other public spending in the budget. Political reform would be necessary to implement market institutions and revive the economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Modernisering eller fortsatt oljeberoende? Den ryska ekonomin efter krisen, Ekonomisk debatt, 38, 7, 2010, pp. 52-64

Susanne Oxenstierna är fil dr i nationaleko-nomi och verksam vid FOI – Totalförsvarets forsknings... more Susanne Oxenstierna är fil dr i nationaleko-nomi och verksam vid FOI – Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut. Hon forskar om Rysslands ekonomi, försvarsekonomi och energisektor. För publikationer se http://www.foi. se/russia. Susanne. Modernisering eller fortsatt olje-beroende? Den ryska ekonomin efter krisen Den ekonomiska krisen 2008–09 bröt den starka tillväxttrend som utmärkte den ryska ekonomin under 2000-talet. Krisen tydliggjorde att Rysslands eko-nomiska storhet är helt avhängig av olje-och gasexporten och avslöjade avsak-naden av strukturomvandling under det senaste decenniet. Under hösten 2009 lade President Medvedev fram sin vision av ett modernt Ryssland som utnyttjar sina intellektuella resurser och blir ledande i högteknologiska branscher. Kom-mer Ryssland att klara en modernisering under det närmaste decenniet? Vilka är förutsättningarna för att Ryssland ska kunna diversifiera och minska oljebe-roendet? Artikeln tar sin utgångspunkt i hanteringen av de...

Research paper thumbnail of Russian Energy and Security up to 2030

Research paper thumbnail of The Russian Economy and Military Expenditure in Light of the War in Ukraine and Economic Sanctions

FOI memo 8023, 2022

In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the West imposed new economic sa... more In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the West imposed new economic sanctions on Russia. How do Russia's war in Ukraine and Western sanctions affect the Russian economy and military expenditure? The authors investigate long-term and recent trends and find that military expenditure has increased in 2022 and is planned to be kept at a high level in 2023. It is expected that the economic contraction in 2022 will be weaker than anticipated at the beginning of the year, but that the restrictions on access to Western technology will affect the economy negatively in the medium-and long-run.

Research paper thumbnail of The Challenges for Russia's Politicized Economic System

She is also VP Research for the GEDI Institute. She has conducted extensive comparative research ... more She is also VP Research for the GEDI Institute. She has conducted extensive comparative research in former Soviet countries. Her research focuses on institutional environment and entrepreneurship development. In 2013, she spearheaded the creation of the first ever index measuring female entrepreneurship development (Gender-GEDI) which includes Russia.

Research paper thumbnail of How Tough are the Sanctions on Russia?

Research paper thumbnail of Rysslands ekonomiska modernisering

Nordisk Ostforum, May 15, 2012

The purpose of this article is to analyse Russia's ongoing modernization and assess its potential... more The purpose of this article is to analyse Russia's ongoing modernization and assess its potential for reviving the economy. The modernization launched by President Dmitrii Medvedev in 2009 represents an extension of the economic reforms that had been discontinued after 2004. The article identifies the main problems modernization needs to address and investigates proposed measures. Focus is on the economic-institutional aspects of the modernization programme and the structural problems of the economy. The main findings are that the modernization policy is based on a thorough analysis of the structural problems of the economy and contains a long list of reasonable proposals, but that it is based on a top-down approach, that many problems require political reform rather than economic, and that insufficient attention is given to creating good conditions for expansion and innovation among small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). In addition it is argued that the Russian authorities underestimate the crucial role of civil society and political institutions in the modernization of the economy.

Research paper thumbnail of Sanktioner mot Ryssland 7819

Sanktioner mot Ryssland, 2022

Ryssland utmanar den europeiska säkerhetsordningen och Väst hotar med kraftfulla sanktioner. Memo... more Ryssland utmanar den europeiska säkerhetsordningen och Väst hotar med kraftfulla sanktioner. Memot beskriver vilka sanktioner som är föreslagna och analyserar hur de kan inverka på den ryska ekonomin. En rad olika sanktioner innefattar t.ex. att utesluta Ryssland från SWIFT, finansiella sanktioner och energisanktioner. Ryssland har de senaste åren arbetat för att minska sitt beroende av Väst, oljepriset är högt och centralbanken har en stor valutareserv. Samtidigt som de sanktioner som nu diskuteras har potential att vara mer kraftfulla än vid Rysslands illegala annekteringen av Krim, finner författarna att Ryssland också är bättre rustat för att motstå sanktioner 2022 än 2014. 1 Avser förhandlingar mellan Frankrike, Tyskland, Ryssland och Ukraina som inleddes på årsdagen av de allierades landstigning i Normandie 6 juni 2014. 2 För en mer fullständig förklaring av modellen, se Oxenstierna och Olsson (2015).

Research paper thumbnail of Arms Procurement and the Russian Defense Industry: Challenges Up to 2020

The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 2013

ABSTRACT The Russian government has launced a new state armament program för the period 2011-2020... more ABSTRACT The Russian government has launced a new state armament program för the period 2011-2020 in a decisive effort to bring the Russian Armed Forces into the twenty-first century. This article investigates the prerequisites for the successful fulfillment of this program and assesses the industry’s ability to meet the program’s demands. The main findings are that the costs of the program are unrealistically high and that deficiencies in the procurement system and in the technologies and performance of the industry present serious challenges and obstacles that will hinder the fulfillment of the program.

Research paper thumbnail of Reform of public finance management in Ukraine -an overview

Public Finance Management in Ukraine - an overview, 2021

The paper describes the public finance management (PFM) institutions in Ukraine and discusses the... more The paper describes the public finance management (PFM) institutions in Ukraine and discusses the challenges ahead for attaining a more efficient PFM.

Research paper thumbnail of The Western sanctions against Russia. How do they work?

Putin's Russia. Economic, Political and Military Foundations (S. Rosefielde ed,), 2018

The Western sanctions against Russia. How do they work? Susanne Oxenstierna The West's economic s... more The Western sanctions against Russia. How do they work? Susanne Oxenstierna The West's economic sanctions imposed against Russia in the wake of the Kremlin's annexation of Crimea in 2014 have now been in place for almost five years. The objective of the sanctions is to pressure Russia to change its policies. Economic sanctions are widely used instruments in international policies for signaling countries that their behavior violates international norms. Are they effective? This chapter analyses how the EU and US sanctions imposed on Russia in 2014-18 have affected the Russian economy and its policies towards Ukraine. The analysis is qualitative focusing on probable ways that sanctions may have affected the Russia economy and Russia's policies towards Ukraine. The first section of the chapter presents the analytical framework for assessing sanction effects. The second section provides an overview EU and US sanctions. The third section discusses how sanctions may have affected the Russian economy. The fourth section analyses potential political effects. A conclusion summarizes the results.

Research paper thumbnail of Western sanctions against Russia: How do they work?

Rosefielde, S- (ed.) Putin's Russia. pp. 433-452, 2021

The chapter analyses how EU and US sanctions imposed on Russia 2014-2018 have affected the Russia... more The chapter analyses how EU and US sanctions imposed on Russia 2014-2018 have affected the Russian economy and its policies towards Ukraine.

Research paper thumbnail of Ryska tankesmedjor

Ryssland har i officiella dokument och uttalanden tydligt angett att man avser att främja bilden ... more Ryssland har i officiella dokument och uttalanden tydligt angett att man avser att främja bilden av Ryssland och ryskt agerande internationellt. Ett viktigt verktyg i denna ambition är de olika tankesmedjor som på olika sätt samarbetar med och inriktas av Rysslands politiska ledning. En rad tankesmedjor finansieras helt eller delvis ur statsbudgeten eller indirekt genom företag och affärsmän med starka kopplingar till den politiska makten. Tankesmedjorna bär således karaktären av GONGO:er (Government-organized non-governmental organization) dvs. en enskild organisation som drivs av staten och presenteras som oberoende (non-governmental) trots att den styrs av staten. GONGO:er används av auktoritära länder i utrikespolitiken inte minst för att påverka civilsamhället i demokratier. Huvudsyftet med den kommande studien är att belysa hur Ryssland med hjälp av tankesmedjor och liknande GONGO:er försöker påverka expertsamhället och den breda opinionen i Väst. De viktigaste aspekterna som kommer att studeras är vilka budskap olika typer av organisationer vill förmedla och vilka kanaler de använder. Studien fokuserar på tankesmedjor som är inriktade på att påverka en publik utomlands, speciellt experter som kan sprida budskapet vidare.