fonic_database - Profile (original) (raw)
Cause Taisa needs to put her icons somewhere
Journal created:
on 17 November 2008 (#17198371)
on 20 January 2012
Taisa's Icon Database
Posting Access:
All Members
Taisa needs to put her icons somewhere...
F O N I C _ D A T A B A S E | |
Rules 1. Icons are free to use by anyone.2. Please credit silentdrifterz or fonic_database if you plan to use them.3. I don't take requests. I post whatever I feel like iconing.4. You may not altar any of my icons without asking first or I state they are bases.5. You may only watch this community. | |
This community was made so I can keep my icons somewhere more organized then my own personal journal. With Tales of the Abyss complete, I plan to continue onto the new Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood anime.Affiliatespromisemenow | |
Link LinkProfile Codes | contact: Icons made by: silentdrifterzwebsite: |
+ Layout by gossymer @ noveltybox, with base codes by grrliz (here)
+ Linkbar icons from
fma, fullmetal alchemist, icon, tales of the abyss, toa, tota