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"The idea of Surrealism tends simply to the total recuperation of our psychic strength by a means which is none other than the vertiginous descent into ourselves. . . a perpetual walk in the forbidden zone. "
Andre Breton, quoted in Matthews, J. H., The Surrealist Mind (London and others: Associated University Press, 1991), 44.
from http://www.csuchico.edu/art/contrapposto/Contrapposto97/Pages/Lee1.html

why hasn't this community been updated?!? December 12 there was a Forbidden Zone screening in Long Beach, CA @ the Art's Theatre Richard Elfman was…

So I made a nice vid for the contest. Voting begins June 25th! Invite your friends to rate your video at http://rhapsodyextras.com/wanted…

Is anyone still here? [pokes community] Um...my name's Beck. I've been an Elfmaniac and Boingoloid since I was 13. I discovered FZ when I was 14,…