Force Users (original) (raw)

There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the Force.
Emotion; yet peace.
Ignorance; yet knowledge.
Passion; yet serenity.
Chaos; yet harmony.
Death; yet the Force.
The first version seems to be the main accepted one used by followers of Jediism/Realism/Way, the second version is one I found on Wookiepedia. For me the first seems to take common elements that make up humanity and turn them into a negative, unneccessarily to my mind. That's why I tend to like the second one more, as it treats the subject matter perhaps not in the positive as opposed to the negative of the first... but more from a nuetral or balanced perspective...

Suhina also mentioned using a personalized version of the Code, so are there others that use the ones I've presented, or do you use a personalized one... and if so what is it and what does it mean to you?...

Hello to all!

I am a believer in the Force and acknowledge that it goes by many names. I call it both Force and Dragons Breath. I am relatively new to Jedi as being a viable form of belief, and understand many consider it a religion although I don't follow that kind of structure...

I equate it with being in the realm of Spiritual if anything. I see religion as being a man made construct, whereas the Force is beyond that. However I do see three primary aspects to it, those being Light, Dark, and Grey- this last having many Shades. Grey, or what I see as the realm of true Balance/I also call it Twilight, is where I dwell, although I walk wherever I need to in the quest for knowledge and experience. Both Good and Bad can be found at both ends of the spectrum, and everywhere inbetween.

My first exposure to the realm of "Jedi-ism" was through AshlaKnights and a few other sites (lurking on those mostly). I am a Pagan believer of a Shamanistic flavor, working with many Gods and Goddess', and Other Entities... all of which is born from and connected to the Force/Dragons Breath.

I have also created a lj community at "anlashokranger1", a community sanctuary for those that have created and or follow a Spiritual Path based in the realm of Sci-Fi, not just Star Wars Jedi, but other storylines as well, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, etc. For those that want a safe haven from religious dogma and oppression.

As for "soulbonds", I find the idea both curious and refreshing... I have believed for a long time that more Truth can be found in "fiction" than in what most accept as fact! So good for them, I say! As an example, for instance, what if say the works of HP Lovecraft were simply stories born from visions the Universe/Multiverse (Force/Dragons Breath) chose to enlighten him with? The same concept (Mad or Divine Inspiration) could be applied to any author/storyteller... just an odd thought harbored in my mind for years now... ;)

So again, greetings and may the Dragons Breath be with you! :)

07 December 2006 @ 08:17 am

Apologies to our lovely members here. For some reason we are not getting notified when new posts go up. Nor are they showing in our friend's list.

17 November 2006 @ 09:42 am

From a comment made by liliana_warsaw:

I, personally, have always felt that the teaching to be emotionless leads to the fall of a lot of Jedi. It makes sense, but to ask a human being to completely deny his or her emotions removes the human in them. Some humans require this, I guess, but with some I think it leaves them less than whole... and the empty spot often leaves room for the Dark side which likes to fester and grow. I think getting *too* emotional also leads to the Dark Side, though. There needs to be some kind of balance there that the individual must find for themselves. There are times to remove emotion, and there are times when removing emotion is detrimental. I think that the code has been interpreted too litterally. But that is my experience talking as one who never identified as Jedi or Sith, and just as a being of the Force as it is... both light and dark.

09 November 2006 @ 02:45 pm

This community is for real people. It is not intended for roleplay.


forceusers is a discussion and support community for people who use the Force in whatever fashion, whether they be Jedi, Sith, or something else all together. This community is also primarily for those who identify as soulbonds or fiction-kin. These are people who feel their lives began--and may even continue--in a "fictional" source, but who maintain a connection to Earth, usually through a body they share with others. If you are unsure what this means, please refer to the links below. Still, those that are not soulbonds are perfectly welcome here, as long as they feel the Force has made a strong impact on their lives.


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  2. Make an introductory post when your subscription is accepted.
  3. Please remember that those here believe themselves and their lives to be completely real; respect them as such. Should you doubt the claims made, discuss and clarify in a polite manner.


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Multiplicity and plurality:


Many thanks to Yuumura Kirika of eclective and her community formerassassins for inspiring us when it came to this community and the set-up of this info page.