foreshock (original) (raw)

22 February 2009 @ 11:04 pm

Here is your plot.

Genesis and Chris: You two are to be shipped out to Wutai to investigate the front lines and reestablish communication with the soldiers that are there. You will be in control of a platoon of 10 seconds and 10 thirds. As far as intelligence has been able to tell the communication was lost due to an attack and lack of leadership on the front lines.

Angeal and Kira: You will be sent to Wutai as well but with a much smaller group. It will be you two and 5 other soldiers. Your goal is to scout and find a weak point in the line of Wutai defense. You will be in deep behind the safe zones so make sure you are prepared for jungle combat with not only wutai combatants but the wild animals of Wutai as well.

Sephiroth and Kunsel: You two will be on the Midgar front dealing with the beginning stages of the machine malfunction. You will need to combat and plan how to deal with these things above and below the up-coming plates. You will need to be in constant communication with Heidegger, Reeve, and Scarlet. They will be working hand in hand with you to get this under control. I'll explain their rolls in a moment. You will have all of the City guard and Soldiers in Midgar at your disposal.

Soldiers: Each time you return from a mission you need to have an actual report in your personal journal about your health and any wounds you recieved. You will be required to visit Hojo to have yourself checked out and cleared for your next mission.

Hojo: This is for you as well, I want a report on each soldier that comes in to see you.

Scarlet: You will need to communicate with the other board members about the situation with the weapons for Wutai AND the new weapons to combat the malfunctioning machines.

Reeve: Reeve is dealing with the plates going up and keeping the eye of the public on positive things instead of the things that are working against the company. He has taken an unofficial roll as ShinRa Spin Control.

Heidegger: He is dealing with the War Efforts in Wutai and the control of the police and soldiers in Shinra. He is also acting as head of the turks for out purposes. He will be issuing Turks missions through their lead Field Agent Tseng.

Jack and Palmer: NPC characters.

Shinra Science Department: Hojo, Odessa, and Juri will be dealing with modifications to the Mako treatments, soldiers injections and wounds, and other science things we come up with ><

Cloud and Tifa: I want to see the scene at the water tower.

Cloud: You will be leaving for Midgar and I want logs on it. As the mods for help if you need it.

Tifa: I need you to log about your training, Cloud leaving, and the reactor.

Aerith: you will be playing with Tseng.

Yuffie: I will be contacting you about back logging with Daichi during his stay in Wutai while he recovered from his injuries.

ALL TURKS: respond to my thread as Heidegger. He will be announcing himself as Temp Head of you guys and giving out orders and stuff.

20 February 2009 @ 03:55 pm

We will be moving the plot a great deal soon. We need a zack first though. Anyone who wants to or knows anyone who would make a good Zack tell them to apply. We have several Characters open and we need to fill them.


Let us know if you'd like to apply for them.

Sadly Mab has left the group. She explained why in her post. We hope the best for you Mab. Good luck.

The plot will be rolling very soon.

Soldier: Please look forward to missions from Heidegger and Lazard very soon. Firsts will be getting a lot of missions and will have the opportunity to pick the seconds and/or thirds they want to go with them. The mods will occasionally add others but it will mostly be up to you. Please try to diversify and pick different people each time. Also, Soldiers cannot pick two firsts to go on a mission. If there are to be two or even three firsts it will be the choice of Heidegger and Lazard.

Turks: I've started your mission thread already and you need to reply to it. Heidegger is waiting on you guys and only one of you has replied so far. Turks will be paired for missions unless specified by a higher up. Tseng will be issuing the orders to the turks.

We will be adding a new tag to plot related events. we'll post that soon.

20 February 2009 @ 08:34 pm

Hey guys,

Just wanted to say thanks to Mabs for Reno - one of the first (and major) contributors to the game. You were a pleasure to play against, and it's so very sad to see you go. ♥ You will be missed.

In the meantime, however, in order to move forward with the game there is a requirement for some spots to be filled - in particular a Zacky for our most wanted spot. Because of this, have a handy advertising code to pimp us out in comms. Just copy pasta from the text box.


16 February 2009 @ 02:55 am

Here is the Activity Check Results for February 8th - 14th.

Y'all did a fantastic job. Fey did the check and left the punishments up to me. She as well as you guys know I'm particularly ruthless when it comes to punishments so here we go...

Reno- Reno is accused of causing massive damage to several ShinRa Helicopters and is confronted by Heidegger about it. He must talk his way out of it without getting thrown out a window. (Hope you packed a parachute.)

Hojo - Odessa's Class visits ShinRa Lab department and Professor Hojo has to give a 15 minutes (at least 2 paragraphs) speech explaining how things work without giving away lab secrets or getting anyone killed. Good luck buddy.

16 February 2009 @ 02:52 am

Jayy didn't post this so I'll put it up for the records. The Activity check went well and there were no punishments for the week.

You kids keep posting and maybe I can get Jayy to read a book or something instead of spending time thinking of punishments to torment you guys. :3

31 January 2009 @ 02:25 pm

This activity check went much better than the last. Thanks all who posted. The last one was -so- bad as in, most of you didn't post, that i didn't give out punishments. Well, that was obvious. Either way, here are the punishments for the people who didn't post.

Cissnei - Cissnei and


Alex are sent to the site of a plane crash out near gold saucer. There was no report of survivors and the cargo that was being carried has gone missing. Investigate and see if there are any signs of either. (You won't be told what the cargo was. . . mwahahaha)

Elena - One of Elena's classes in school is doing a brother and sister appreciation day. She must write a short essay on her sister and why she admires her.

Genesis - Genesis and Chris are sent to take care of a creature causing trouble at the site of the ShinRa rocket. You may obtain assistance from Capt. Highwind whether you want it or not, since this is his place of dwelling.

Rod - Cissnei and Rod are sent to the site of a plane crash out near gold saucer. There was no report of survivors and the cargo that was being carried has gone missing. Investigate and see if there are any signs of either. (You won't be told what the cargo was. . . mwahahaha)

Scarlet - Scarlet and Heidegger need to finish their coffee shop scene

Tifa - Tifa and Cloud need to talk... make it happen >

26 January 2009 @ 01:52 pm

Here is where we stand:

As the game started, we faced malfunctioning machinery. ShinRa tried its best to destroy or disable, as well as cover up, any robots or armaments that had malfunctioned. There was a little public outcry, which the PR department took care of. It was discovered that it was an inside job, and the machines were released from the building using very old codes.

The game was pushed back to 1989, to give many key players a chance to build up to the activities of late 1990. While this caused some confusion and a bit of disgruntlement, we should have settled into it decently at this point. Key players are now working on developing relationships.

However we are now hindered by the lack of a Sephiroth and an Angeal, which we hope to remedy quite soon.

As always, please feel free to email us with suggestions, questions, concerns. We <3 you all.

27 November 2008 @ 05:44 pm

Okay, kids, this is your free-for-all. Comments are screened and anonymous commenting is on.

So let's hear it. Complaints, criticisms, rants, ideas, suggestions, EVERYTHING. Let us know your opinion on the game's direction, where you want it to go (or where you don't), what you think would improve the game, your thoughts on catching up to the timeline, formatting, character criticisms, seriously- anything goes.

The point here is to find out the root of the problems lately so that we as mods can address them and work towards getting the game going again in an efficient and fun manor.

Wank isn't fun for anyone in the long run, and no one likes getting their feelings hurt so everyone please remember to act like adults at all times and work together to make this game fun and active.



11 October 2008 @ 11:20 pm

Hey guys! This is our first official activity check. From here on, activity checks will be on Saturday each week and only concern your in character journal. This is just to make sure everyone stays active in their journal posting.

Since this is the first check, I'm going to go over the rules really super quick. Pretty much, if you don't post weekly in your IC journal, your character will receive a "punishment". Punishments are non-mandatory (but strongly suggested!) plot prompts that the moderators get to make up involving your character and sometimes other characters you may not normally interact with. You may choose to use or ignore your prompt, as it's mostly just our way of giving you something to post or log about if you're low on ideas. If you don't post at all for one month, we will unfortunately have to kick you from the game due to inactivity.

Obviously, if you have given the mods notice of hiatus, you're totally cool.


Lazard is using all current SOLDIERS in his new investigation of Hollander, so Kira can not escort Scarlet to the salon this week. Seeing as Reno and Tseng are both occupied, this duty falls to you. Have fun and don't let your lack of hair stop you from enjoying a day of beauty!

Because you are a ballistics expert, you have been given an assignment to run an explosives field test to try out ShinRa's new computerized smart bombs. Because these bombs use brand new technology and are difficult to program and set, you are going to be training ShinRa's Administrative Research bomb squad to use them. Lucky for you, said bomb squad has a member of one and it's Reno. Good luck with that.

President ShinRa's birthday is coming up on October 2nd and he is planning one of the biggest parties of the year; it is a surprise party for himself. Because Lazard is busy but needs someone he can trust to get things done, he has put you in charge of party coordination. You've got to make sure the party is family-friendly and good for PR but also somehow incorporate all the president's wishes and make him happy. Is there even a cake big enough to fit all those candles?

Since you are widely known for your theatrical talents, ShinRa has asked you to help the PR department in their Cultivate Midgar campaign and direct and star in the local Midgar sick orphan's foundation in their children's theatre production of 'Loveless'. Don't forget to adapt it for your audience!

The main ingredient in your favorite hair gel is also a main component used in ShinRa's new smart bombs. Because we're in wartime, bombs take priority and the manufacture of your hair gel has been discontinued until a new shipment comes in next week. Unfortunately, your personal supply is completely out! Maybe no one will notice your change of 'do...

Your cadet training class is doing fundraiser for a trip to Costa del Sol after cadet graduation. To raise money, you will be delivering candy grams to and from all ShinRa employees. Make sure to let everyone know they can send a candy gram to their sweethearts that you will be personally delivering!

06 October 2008 @ 09:16 pm

Hey guys, it's come to my attention that there may have been some confusion regarding the posting of logs. foreshock_logs is for the posting of ALL in-game canon logs including group tag logs, AIM logs, and personal POV logs.

This means that yes, if you've had a one on one AIM RP with another player that is relevant to the game, you do need to post it using the format in the userinfo. This includes script-style and story-style logs.

All logs posted however, DO need to be cleaned up with all OOC comments removed and spelling corrected. If you want to post a chat between characters that is in any way cracky, OOC, or unrelated to the game plot that's fine, but you need to clearly label it OOC or post it as OOC in your character's journal.

Sorry if there was confusion, I'm afraid that the rules may not have been worded clearly enough.

Thank you,
Foreshock Mods