forgotten_ideas - Profile (original) (raw)

on 2 November 2006 (#11520506)

Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Select Members , Moderated

A home for personal progression, development & revitalization.

who is this?_w h o i s t h i s ?_This is aine_silveria. I'm a 23-year old lady currently living in the Metro area of Denver, Colorado, originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have a love for animals & nature, books & reading, writing & creativity, and various forms of geekery.why are you?_w h y a r e y o u ?_I've had possession of this particular community for about two years, with no clue as to what I should do with it. It was a failed cast-off from a group project, and I wanted to do something with it so it stopped glaring me in the face and reminding me of past failures. At the same time, I was incredibly dissatisfied with my life and where it was going. I'd heard of the 101 Things in 1001 Days project a few months before, but things clicked together solidly on a second viewing. At that point I realized this community would be a perfect match for this. what is this?_w h a t i s t h i s ?_This is the home of my self-improvement efforts. This is where I document the highs and lows of trying to alter who I am now into something better. This is where I start remembering the important things and forgetting the things that keep me down. This is where I see the possibilities and shape them into realities. This is where I change myself... and in doing so, change the world, a tiny bit at a time.credits_c r e d i t s_profile codes: palebird.layout: visualwit.

accomplishment, achievement, ambition, being a better me, bettering, changing yourself, creating your own reality, dedication, development, discipline, discovery, dreams, emotional growth, experience, exploring, feeling better, healthy living, helping others, improvement, improving, individualism, inner beauty, journeying, know thyself, learning new skills, life as art, making a difference, new approaches, new experiences, opening your mind, overcoming obstacles, personal bests, personal goals, personal growth, personal responsibility, possibilities, potential, progress, quality of life, resolve, self care, self development, self discipline, self discovery, self esteem, self help, self improvement, self love, self-realization, solving problems, taking action, taking risks, trying new things, unusual approaches