History – FOR-USA (original) (raw)






bringing positive change

Founded in response to the horrors of war in Europe, the IFOR has taken a consistent stance against war and its preparation throughout its history.

Fellowship of Reconciliation is a global movement founded in 1914 to support the rights of conscience in resistance to war and military conscription.

Our members share a vision of a world where conflicts are resolved through nonviolent means, where systems that foster fear and hatred are dismantled, and where justice is sought as a basis for peace. While coming from diverse religious backgrounds, we have a common belief in the transforming power of nonviolence and reconciliation.

We have extensive working relationships with like-minded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society initiatives. Our over 100 years of expertise in active nonviolence is recognized and respected by these NGOs and many others.

FOR Founded in Europe


FOR England

Uk For

FOR-USA Conference of 1915

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Fellowship of Reconciliation USA (FOR-USA) Founded

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World War I

World War I

National Civil Liberties Bureau Founded


Brookwood Labor College

1200px Brookwood Labor College 1930

The World Tomorrow FOR Publication

The World Tomorrow FOR Publication

IFOR Founded

1919 Ifor C

The Women's Peace Society


Jane Addams Joins FOR-USA

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Grace Hutchins Joins FOR-USA

Grace Hutchins

ACLU Founded

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National Conference of Christians and Jews

NCCJ logo

War Resisters' International Founded

War Resisters Logo

Women Leadership Involvement in The World Tomorrow

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International Fellowship of Reconciliation Moves Headquarters


John Nevin Sayre Becomes Chair of FOR-USA


Grace Hutchins Leaves FOR-USA

Grace Hutchins

AJ Muste Brookwood College Controversy


Charles C Webber Becomes FOR-USA Industrial Field Secretary

Charles C Webber Becomes FOR-USA Industrial Field Secretary

Labor Movement

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Muriel Lester Becomes IFOR Travelling Secretary


Jane Addams Becomes the First American Woman to be Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

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United Mine Workers Union Local 4467


Fellowship Magazine


Spanish Civil War

Spanish Civil War



Baptist Peacemakers Founded

Baptist Peace Fellowship

The Episcopal Peace Fellowship Founded

Epfnational Logo

A.J. Muste Becomes Executive Director of FOR-USA


Jewish Peace Fellowship Founded


Lutheran Peace Fellowship Founded


Bayard Rustin Joins FOR-USA

Bayard Protest

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Founded


Morgan Decision

Irenemorgan Afroamerican Paper

Bayard Rustin was Imprisoned in Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary


Emily Greene Balch wins Noble Peace Prize

Emily Greene Balch

FOR and the Congress of Racial Equality Sponsored the Journey of Reconciliation

Journey Of Reconciliation

Baynard Rustin Writes on Experience in Chain Gang

Bayard Writings

Bayard Rustin Releases Albums for Fellowship Records

8bc68ed Bayard Rustin Cd

FOR Germany Reestablished

Png Transparent Flag Of Germany Peace Symbols International Fellowship Of Reconciliation Germ S Flag Trademark Logo

Lambeth Conference Adopts a Statement that Condemns War


March on Washington


MLK wins Noble Peace Prize


MLK wins Noble Peace Prize

Catholic Peace Fellowship Founded


Francis B. Sayre Jr.

500px Francis B Sayre

Bayard Rustin Releases Spirituals, Work and Freedom Songs

Rustin Tape1

The Buddhist Peace Fellowship Founded


IFOR Established Consultative Status at the United Nations


Bayard Rustin Gay Rights Activism

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UU Peace Fellowship Founded


Death of Bayard Rustin


Death of Bayard Rustin

Bradford Conference on Nonviolent Struggle and Social Defence

Nonviolent Struggle

Valiant For Peace

Dsei Drones For

Muslim Peace Fellowship Founded

Muslim Peace

The Women Peacemakers Program Founded

Make Peace Not War

The Adventist Peace Fellowship Founded


Active Nonviolence Across the World Booklet Published

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The IFOR Fellowship School


Bayard Rustin Posthumously Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Obama


California Governor Gavin Newsome Posthumously Pardoned Rustin


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