10 Projects Rethinking Data Stewardship: Announcing Mozilla’s Latest Creative Media Awards (original) (raw)

(Monday, March 15, 2022 | San Francisco, CA) — A curriculum that shows teens just how much data social media platforms really collect. A game that illuminates the data extraction that sex workers face. An app that encourages non-English speakers to preserve their accents, rather than erase them.

These are just a few of Mozilla’s 2022 Creative Media Awards, a new cohort of people and projects that reimagine the way data is governed.

In October 2021, Mozilla announced $258,300 in funding for artists and technologists who explore, interrogate, and reimagine the role of data in AI systems. Today, Mozilla is announcing the 10 winning projects.

Winning projects were selected by a panel of 12 judges who are artists, engineers, activists, Mozilla staff, and past Mozilla Fellows and Creative Media Award winners. Projects will launch over the course of 2022.

Says Kofi Yeboah, Creative Media Awards Program Officer at Mozilla: “In our connected world, conversations about power, about inclusion and exclusion, and about ownership often come down to one thing: data. How data is collected, managed, and trains AI systems has an impact on billions of lives. But that impact is often invisible.”