Marko Periša | Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb (original) (raw)

Papers by Marko Periša



Informing the users about their environment is of extreme importance for their full and independe... more Informing the users about their environment is of extreme importance for their full and independent functioning in the traffic system. Today's development of technology provides the user the access to information about their environment by using the smartphone device at any moment if there is a defined applicative solution. For this, it is necessary to define the user's environment according to the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) concept, which understands adequate technology of gathering, processing and distribution of information. This paper presents the proposal of the solution for informing the traffic network users about the environment for the defined group of users based on the beacon technology. The mentioned solution is based on the results of two separate studies about the needs of users who move along a part of the traffic network. The aim of the proposed solution is to provide the user with precise and real-time information and to raise the level of safety during movement.


Availability of information and services, along with integrity and confidentiality presents a cri... more Availability of information and services, along with integrity and confidentiality presents a critical parameter in security in information and communication systems. Activities focused on denial of network communication availability are current from the beginning of global communication network development and they demand continuous development of protection methods. Significant challenge is the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) concept which will significantly increase the number of connected devices. That kind of environment is possible to use for generation of DDoS attacks. The paper investigates the effect of a significant increase in the number of connected devices in the IoT concept on increase of the number and volume of DDoS attacks.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Product Promotion and Sales

Recent development of information and communication technologies increases the possibility of eff... more Recent development of information and communication technologies increases the possibility of efficiency promotion and sale of products on the market. Web 2.0. technology based on HTML5 language allows customizing content for all currently available mobile devices that enables it. The above mentioned technology allows also, through its benefits, more effective overview of the content on the Internet browsers what makes the products and services more competitive. The paper is showing shaping the company's business model for the promotion and sale of dairy products. Based on the defined business model, the possibility of using information and communication technologies for business improvement is analyzed. Also, an example of the application of information and communication technologies in a defined business model is shown.


Mobility, transport and accessibility are essential needs for relatively normal proceeding of lif... more Mobility, transport and accessibility are essential needs for relatively normal proceeding of life for elderly and disabled persons. All measures are defined with set of rules and laws which are clearly defining enforcements so that elderly and disabled persons can effectively and efficiently live relatively normal life. Movement and orientation of elderly and disabled pedestrians on regular routes and areas in the city of Zagreb is difficult. Basic tactile network is not developed so that elderly and disabled cannot access public transportation modes. This paper analyzes pre-existing conditions of tram and bus stations in the city of Zagreb. Besides analysis, this paper describes several models of tactile network on bus and tram stations designed for elderly and disabled travelers. Also, this paper provides possible solutions with usage of intelligent transport systems (ITS). One solution includes usage of geographic information system (GIS) applications which provides the accessib...

Research paper thumbnail of Massive Machine-Type Communications: An Overview and Perspectives Towards 5G


This paper provides an overview of the main characteristics and development of the new generation... more This paper provides an overview of the main characteristics and development of the new generation of mobile communication systems known as Next Generation Mobile Network (NGMN). As predicted, current exploitation of the fourth generation mobile communication systems (4G) will reach 50 billion connected devices by 2020. Expectations are that its successor, currently developing fifth generation (5G), is going to be operable by 2020. This new generation of mobile communication systems tends to become a technology platform that will enable the development of new applications, business models, industries, such as massive machine-type communications. This will be possible primarily through the creation of acceptable ecosystem that could provide a massive machine-type communication using a single platform based on the Internet of Things (IoT) concept. NGMN enables the integration of all so far known and used machine-type communications, creating an environment of smart cities and a fully networked society under the new concept of Internet of Everything (IoE). However, such network also poses specific performance requirements reflected through higher transmission speeds, higher data volumes, reduced energy consumption, higher quality of service, and growth in the number of services and users of currently deployed mobile generation.

Research paper thumbnail of Cloud based architecture of e-commerce systems for offering group buying services

Paper introduces group buying services as one of the newer business model whose appearance contri... more Paper introduces group buying services as one of the newer business model whose appearance contributed to the development of electronic commerce and electronic markets as we know them. First step is the analysis of current state in global electronic market, and review of group buying market in Croatia and the World. Next step is to analyze FPZ's students (Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences-FPZ) trends in use of group buying services. Furthermore, it is shown how one of the most visited group buying websites in Croatia uses different solutions to create content, collect data and protect end-users. Last step is to show how implementing a cloud solution can have positive effects for both new or existing e-commerce businesses.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Eco-Drive Education on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions

PROMET - Traffic&Transportation, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Web 2.0 services for informing elderly people: Web for Health

This research on user requirements defines functionalities of the Web 2.0 systems for the targete... more This research on user requirements defines
functionalities of the Web 2.0 systems for the targeted user group
(elderly, people with impaired vision, hearing, speech, and
neurodegenerative diseases - TUG) in order to improve the
quality of their lives. For this purpose, there is a proposal of Web
2.0 technologies (HTML5 and PHP) whose functionalities allow
dynamism and adaptability of information to the TUG.
Architecture of solution is based on Cloud Computing (CC)
technology which provides 24/7 support for provision of service
and safety. Functionalities defined in this paper, are in fact a
form of an assistive technology, which allows a registration of the
TUG and enables a necessary adjustment of websites according
to the degree of deficiency. Due to the functionalities listed within
this paper, developed application solution allows the TUG to
spend their third age in a dignified manner, providing them with
the possibility to have more interaction with people and the
opportunity to participate in various activities in their fields of

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities of Applying ICT to Improve Safe Movement of Blind and Visually Impaired Persons

Today’s level of the development of information and communication technologies enables the implem... more Today’s level of the development of information and communication technologies
enables the implementation of assistive technologies that can contribute to improved
mobility of the persons with impaired vision (users that move along the traffic
network). The user in this research has the role of a pedestrian moving along the traffic
network, using information and communication technology (ICT) solutions and
services for the purpose of information about the surrounding and navigation. In order
to achieve greater information and safe movement of the user in the environment, one
has to identify and define the relevant parameters necessary to define the user’s
requirements, as the basic precondition for the design of new information and
communication services. The analysis of the most used application solutions for mobile
terminal devices showed the failure in providing precise information to the user,
designing of functionality, structure of information and education of the users about
the new solutions and services. The downsides of the current applications have served
as the basis in defining the recommendations for the development of future applications,
with the aim of increasing the user safety. Proper structure of information allows
the user a faster and easier search of relevant information and information methods
while moving along the traffic network elements. Therefore, the recommendations in
designing future solutions and services based on possible technologies of short
coverage area (RFID, NFC, Bluetooth, WiFi, RTLS) have been defined. These technologies
allow communication connectivity of the users, other traffic entities and the entire
traffic surrounding into a unique whole by using the principle of Internet of Things

Research paper thumbnail of Recommendations for the Development of Information and Communication Services for Increasing Mobility of Visually Impaired Persons

To activate the blind and visually impaired person (user) in the transport system, it is necessar... more To activate the blind and visually impaired person (user) in the transport system, it is necessary to ensure access to all amenities that surround the person himself or herself. Mobility and accessibility are the essential conditions for the introduction of blind and visually impaired people to everyday life. According to statistical data there are currently 792, 875 people living in the city of Zagreb, while there are 91, 261 disabled persons which is 13.2% out of the total number of citizens. There are 1, 985 visually impaired persons in the area of the city of Zagreb and the data refer to all forms of visual impairments. In designing ICT solutions and services for safe movement of persons with reduced and difficult mobility in the traffic network of the city of Zagreb the current situation needs to be analysed. The analysis will encompass the users’ satisfaction parameters (assessment of the availability of the current technology and parameters that affect the perception of safety), and the analysis of technical and technological characteristics of the applicable user equipment and available applicative solutions taking into consideration the diversity of the user platforms MTU (Android, Windows and iOS). In this research recommendations will be given for the development and design of new services based on the most represented terminal devices and technologies. The presence of the devices is based on the previously performed analysis in the target group of users. As the basis of the decision-making process new services use the generalised presentation of the user knowledge base, with the aim of raising the level of the quality of living of the persons with impaired vision in the city of Zagreb. The research is done as part of the project “Information and Communication Services for the Movement along the Traffic Network by the Persons of Reduced and Difficult Mobility”. The research results will enable the defining and modelling of the user knowledge base and the education of the users about the implementation of new solutions and services. The mentioned results are at the same time based on the synergic action of the field of technology of traffic and transport, as well as the field of education and rehabilitation sciences.

Research paper thumbnail of A Conceptual Applicative Solution for Helping People with Reduced Mobility

Information and communication system and the current application solutions to help people with re... more Information and communication system and the current application solutions to help people with reduced mobility in everyday life situations covers a wide range of services that have resulted in the integration of users in the local community and society at large. The objective of the proposed applicative solution is to provide a fully functional service providing assistance in situations where others need help, regardless of the level of needs and types of assistance to the end user. The paper will suggest the possibility of development the application solution that would be part of a system that connects volunteers (provider of aid) and people with reduced mobility (blind and visually impaired, the disabled, the elderly and the infirm, etc.).


The information about the environment and the precise guidance of visually impaired people is the... more The information about the environment and the precise guidance of visually impaired people is the basis for
their safe movement of the traffic network. Therefore, the information and communication services should be adapted
to this group of users. The services based on the advanced information and communication technologies provide the
visually impaired persons with information about the environment while moving along the traffic network. This paper
analyses the currently available information systems of users when moving traffic network, and the currently most services
based on new ICT (Information and Communications Technology). The analysis was carried on a representative
sample of the City of Zagreb (Croatia) in involving all interest groups of visually impaired people. Based on defined
user requirements is proposed a new services based on NFC (Near Field Communication) and RTLS (Real-Time Locating
Systems). Testing and analysing the efficiency of single information and communication technologies have been
performed on the actual traffic network system of the City of Zagreb. The users of the Croatian Society for Promotion
and Development of Tiphlotechnology (Hrvatska Udruga za Promicanje i Razvoj Tiflotehnike – HUPRT, http://www. participated in checking the efficiency of single technologies and services.

Research paper thumbnail of Model of guidance for visually impaired persons in the traffic network

The movement of the blind and visually impaired persons in the traffic network is today based ex... more The movement of the blind and visually impaired persons in the traffic network is today
based exclusively on the application of aids (white cane) and methods that the users learn
during the training of orientation and movement. In present paper authors investigate
accessibility of information and communication technologies and services with the
purpose of increasing the mobility level of the blind and visually impaired persons when
moving in the traffic network of the City of Zagreb. The traffic intersections were analysed
from the viewpoint of difficult-to-master for independent movement by using the basic
methods of crossing a traffic intersection which the users acquire at the training of orientation
and movement. The method of survey and interviews with a target group of users
was used to evaluate all the relevant parameters of guidance and navigation resulting from
the mentioned analyses and by performing training of orientation and movement in the
duration of six months. Based on the carried out research and the used scientific methods
the dynamic model has been defined and it is based on relevant parameters of guidance
and navigation, and on the application of the information and communication technologies
and services. The information provided to the user, by the system, is defined according to
the currently available technologies. The model was efficiency tested on a real system of
the traffic network of the City of Zagreb.

Research paper thumbnail of Near-Field communication Technology for informing Blind and Visually Impaired Persons when moving through Traffic intersections

Today's development of services for mobile terminal devices based on Near-Field communication tec... more Today's development of services for mobile terminal devices based on Near-Field communication technology (NFC) are mainly used for payment models in the systems of e-commerce, data transfer or identification. Due to its technological specifications and user-friendliness, NFC technology can also be applied in the function of providing information to the blind and visually impaired persons. By transferring relevant information to the blind or visually impaired persons by using mobile terminal devices, the user receives accurate information, thus increasing the feeling of safety. Apart from the theory about NFC technology, this paper defines the architecture of information provided by the information service about the user environment. The information service is provided by means of development application solution for Android 4.3 and higher mobile operating systems, having done at the same time also the analysis of the security threats.


In order to include people of reduced mobility in the traffic system it is necessary to provide a... more In order to include people of reduced mobility in the traffic system it is necessary to provide accessibility and information of the users to all the facilities surrounding them. By analysing the currently available information and communication technologies a new conceptual model of providing navigation services to the visually impaired persons has been proposed. This model is based on Cloud Computing platform, and this research describes the method of navigating the users based on accurate and updated data. The users’ requirements have been analysed according to the needs of the movement of visually impaired persons along the traffic network. The information and communication solutions with the function of informing these groups of users have to provide accurate and updated data, which is made possible by the proposed model. This research was conducted on the most frequent routes in the city of Zagreb. With the review of model efficiency user’s sense of security is increased in the amount of 87%.

Research paper thumbnail of Guidelines for Developing e-Learning System for Visually Impaired

According to the last “People with Disabilities Report” (cro. Izvješće o osobama s invaliditetom)... more According to the last “People with Disabilities Report” (cro. Izvješće o osobama s invaliditetom) in Republic of Croatia lives 529 103 persons with disability which is more than 10 % of total population. There is 18 317 persons with impaired vision (blind and visually impaired). Compared to previous years this number has increased by 2044 people. According to estimates 10%, with a tendency to increase, of blind people is using the Internet. Estimates are based on documents and reports that are currently derived from the project “Communication Rod to Independence” (cro. Komunikacijskom štapom do neovisnosti).
Using of Internet and new technologies geared towards enhancing the quality of life for visually impaired has led to the development of accessibility of everything that surrounds visually impaired person. Development of accessibility has been analyzed in terms of website development, i.e. development of e-Learning system for visually impaired according to existing standards and with newly developed standards.
When planning, designing and developing e-Learning system for visually impaired these criteria must be met:
- Planned according to existing standards, i.e. WCAG 2.0 and BS 8878:2010
- Usability criteria have to be met
- Universal design
- Support for assistive technologies (screen readers, specially designed keyboards, scanning applications and others)
Accessible and usable web is part of e-accessibility concept, one of key elements of e-inclusion. E-inclusion seeks to ensure inclusion of all people in the Information Society. In that context, e-accessibility defines removal of technical barriers and difficulties that visually impaired person could come across.
W3C standards define the provision of access and use of website content for visually impaired. Understanding of information, movement an interaction between website and user defines website usable for all users which are currently using the website. Accessible website strives to ensure all users, regardless of disability or experience, equal access to the information.
Usability criteria include basic requirements in the website design such as:
- Exact element positions on the website
- Simple design
- Ability to change font size
- Ability to change background color
- Accurate image description
- Appropriate language support
- Video recordings need to have voice and text
- Website frames need to have assigned names
- Forms have to be standard
- Text should not be in form of an image
- If visual verification is used (CAPTCHA) there should be audible verification available
Universal design term represent that a product or service must be accessible to all people regardless of whether they have some degree of disability. Principles of universal design is defined in seven points:
1. Impartial use
2. Usage flexibility
3. Simple and intuitive use
4. Perceptible information
5. Error tolerant
6. Low physical effort
7. Size and space for approach and use
System needs to have support for assistive technologies such as screen readers and specially designed keyboards and so on. Assistive technologies enable visually impaired person efficient usage of the system.
This paper will discuss described definitions and standards that will be implemented in learning management system (LMS) as a module for visually impaired. LMS developed at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences has been in use since 2004. System is composed of five modules: Document Management System (DMS), The Authorization and Supervision System (cro. Sustav Autorizacije i Nadzora; SAN), students module e-Student, SMS module SMSCentar and mobile learning module FPZMobile.
This paper will define guidelines, according to WCAG 2.0 standards, for development of the LMS module for visually impaired. These guidelines will be recommended for their implementation of the Strategy for e-Learning at the University of Zagreb (cro. Strategija e-Učenja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu).

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic guiding and routing of Disabled and Visually Impaired Persons in Traffic

Movement of the blind and visually impaired through the traffic network today is solely based on ... more Movement of the blind and visually impaired through the traffic network today is solely based on the use of aids (white cane) and methods that users master in movement and orientation training. In this Doctoral dissertation, a research concerning availability of information communication technologies and services, designed to increase the degree of mobility of blind and visually impaired people when moving through traffic network, was conducted. In order to acquire relevant traffic-technological and education-rehabilitation parameters, the analysis of commonly used pedestrian zones and traffic intersections by blind and visually impaired people was performed. Traffic intersections were analysed from the perspective of insurmountable for autonomous movement by applying the basic methods of crossing the intersection that users pass through orientation and movement training.
The analyses, concerning mobile devices availability and including the analyses about the usage of single devices' basic functionality, were performed. By surveying and interviewing, all relevant guidance and routing parameters, resulted from the above mentioned analyses and from performing orientation and mobility training for a period of six months, were evaluated. On the basis of the research and scientific methods used, the dynamic model based on the relevant parameters of guidance and routing, user’s requirements, the application of information and communication technologies and services, was defined. A dynamic model of guidance and routing aims to enable blind or visually impaired people to move safely in an autonomous and coordinated way. Information allowed by the system user (the user’s precise location, environment and routing) are defined according to the currently available technologies. By using a mobile terminal device certain user receives information whose format is user-friendly for visually impaired people. A model effectiveness testing was performed on the real traffic network system in the City of Zagreb, Republic of Croatia. The results obtained during the testing made it possible for users to get precise information about location and environment, what enhanced safety level and improved life quality.

Research paper thumbnail of The development of information and communication services and devices for the visually impaired

In proceeding of: International Virtual Research Conference In Technical Disciplines - RCITD 2013

The availability and full functionality of mobile devices represent one of the basic principles o... more The availability and full functionality of mobile devices represent one of the basic principles of universal design for the visually impaired. Navigation applications for the users must also be customized and are available to the users’ needs. In this paper, the software and hardware characteristics of the currently most used mobile devices were analyzed. Applications for managing and directing the blind and visually impaired transport network have been analyzed in terms of determining the accuracy of the location where the users are located. The applications that are the most common among the users according to the Croatian Association for Promotion and Development of Tiflotechnic (HUPRT) were used. This sample of subjects has been made in Zagreb where according to data there are 1985 visually impaired people. To conclude, the recommendations have been made for the development of information and communication services and mobile devices for the visually impaired.


The mobility of visually impaired persons is the basis for their active participation in everyday... more The mobility of visually impaired persons is the basis for their active participation in everyday
activities. Therefore, the information and communication services should be adapted to this group
of users. The services based on the advanced information and communication technologies provide
the visually impaired persons with information about the environment while moving along the
traffic network, which requires accurate information. This paper analyzes the currently available
technologies (RFID, WiFi, NFC and Bluetooth) which provide precise information for the users.
The mentioned analysis has been done on the example of the movement of users through a traffic
intersection, when the user has to be provided with precise information about the location,
surrounding and navigation to the destination. The user receives information by using a mobile
terminal device and applications adjusted to visually impaired persons. As result of analysis,
proposals have been given for the design of information and communication services whose
function is to inform the visually impaired persons. Testing and analyzing the efficiency of single
information and communication technologies have been performed on the actual traffic network
system of the City of Zagreb. The users of the Croatian Society for Promoting and Development of
Tiphlotechnology (Hrvatska udruga za promicanje i razvoj tiflotehnike - HUPRT) participated in
checking the efficiency of single technologies and services. The results obtained by testing have
provided the user with precise information about the location and environment thus improving
the level of safety and the quality of living of the users.


The growing trend in traffic and transport and in the demand for traffic is accompanied by an inc... more The growing trend in traffic and transport and in the demand for traffic is accompanied by an increase in the number of entities (the transported and the traffic ones) in the traffic system. According to a generalized model of a traffic system, the pedestrians represent a separate category of traffic entities, whereas according to the valid Law on Road Traffic Safety a pedestrian is a person participating in traffic, not driving, nor riding in a vehicle or on a vehicle, using one’s own power to push or pull a hand cart, a horse-drawn vehicle or a motor vehicle, children’s transport means, a bicycle or a transport means using personal or motor power for the disabled persons or the senior persons, if this means moving at the speed of human walking, and persons using skates, skis or sledges, or roller-skates, skateboard, and similar. In order to explain better the function of pedestrians as traffic entities, the new classification of pedestrians should be defined, and the senior persons and the disabled should be identified separately as critical subgroups of pedestrians – traffic participants. This classification of pedestrians will represent the basis for the future studies and analyses, and the development, design and implementation of ITS applications that should enable simple and efficient flow of traffic of the mentioned traffic entities.



Informing the users about their environment is of extreme importance for their full and independe... more Informing the users about their environment is of extreme importance for their full and independent functioning in the traffic system. Today's development of technology provides the user the access to information about their environment by using the smartphone device at any moment if there is a defined applicative solution. For this, it is necessary to define the user's environment according to the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) concept, which understands adequate technology of gathering, processing and distribution of information. This paper presents the proposal of the solution for informing the traffic network users about the environment for the defined group of users based on the beacon technology. The mentioned solution is based on the results of two separate studies about the needs of users who move along a part of the traffic network. The aim of the proposed solution is to provide the user with precise and real-time information and to raise the level of safety during movement.


Availability of information and services, along with integrity and confidentiality presents a cri... more Availability of information and services, along with integrity and confidentiality presents a critical parameter in security in information and communication systems. Activities focused on denial of network communication availability are current from the beginning of global communication network development and they demand continuous development of protection methods. Significant challenge is the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) concept which will significantly increase the number of connected devices. That kind of environment is possible to use for generation of DDoS attacks. The paper investigates the effect of a significant increase in the number of connected devices in the IoT concept on increase of the number and volume of DDoS attacks.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Product Promotion and Sales

Recent development of information and communication technologies increases the possibility of eff... more Recent development of information and communication technologies increases the possibility of efficiency promotion and sale of products on the market. Web 2.0. technology based on HTML5 language allows customizing content for all currently available mobile devices that enables it. The above mentioned technology allows also, through its benefits, more effective overview of the content on the Internet browsers what makes the products and services more competitive. The paper is showing shaping the company's business model for the promotion and sale of dairy products. Based on the defined business model, the possibility of using information and communication technologies for business improvement is analyzed. Also, an example of the application of information and communication technologies in a defined business model is shown.


Mobility, transport and accessibility are essential needs for relatively normal proceeding of lif... more Mobility, transport and accessibility are essential needs for relatively normal proceeding of life for elderly and disabled persons. All measures are defined with set of rules and laws which are clearly defining enforcements so that elderly and disabled persons can effectively and efficiently live relatively normal life. Movement and orientation of elderly and disabled pedestrians on regular routes and areas in the city of Zagreb is difficult. Basic tactile network is not developed so that elderly and disabled cannot access public transportation modes. This paper analyzes pre-existing conditions of tram and bus stations in the city of Zagreb. Besides analysis, this paper describes several models of tactile network on bus and tram stations designed for elderly and disabled travelers. Also, this paper provides possible solutions with usage of intelligent transport systems (ITS). One solution includes usage of geographic information system (GIS) applications which provides the accessib...

Research paper thumbnail of Massive Machine-Type Communications: An Overview and Perspectives Towards 5G


This paper provides an overview of the main characteristics and development of the new generation... more This paper provides an overview of the main characteristics and development of the new generation of mobile communication systems known as Next Generation Mobile Network (NGMN). As predicted, current exploitation of the fourth generation mobile communication systems (4G) will reach 50 billion connected devices by 2020. Expectations are that its successor, currently developing fifth generation (5G), is going to be operable by 2020. This new generation of mobile communication systems tends to become a technology platform that will enable the development of new applications, business models, industries, such as massive machine-type communications. This will be possible primarily through the creation of acceptable ecosystem that could provide a massive machine-type communication using a single platform based on the Internet of Things (IoT) concept. NGMN enables the integration of all so far known and used machine-type communications, creating an environment of smart cities and a fully networked society under the new concept of Internet of Everything (IoE). However, such network also poses specific performance requirements reflected through higher transmission speeds, higher data volumes, reduced energy consumption, higher quality of service, and growth in the number of services and users of currently deployed mobile generation.

Research paper thumbnail of Cloud based architecture of e-commerce systems for offering group buying services

Paper introduces group buying services as one of the newer business model whose appearance contri... more Paper introduces group buying services as one of the newer business model whose appearance contributed to the development of electronic commerce and electronic markets as we know them. First step is the analysis of current state in global electronic market, and review of group buying market in Croatia and the World. Next step is to analyze FPZ's students (Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences-FPZ) trends in use of group buying services. Furthermore, it is shown how one of the most visited group buying websites in Croatia uses different solutions to create content, collect data and protect end-users. Last step is to show how implementing a cloud solution can have positive effects for both new or existing e-commerce businesses.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Eco-Drive Education on the Reduction of Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions

PROMET - Traffic&Transportation, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Web 2.0 services for informing elderly people: Web for Health

This research on user requirements defines functionalities of the Web 2.0 systems for the targete... more This research on user requirements defines
functionalities of the Web 2.0 systems for the targeted user group
(elderly, people with impaired vision, hearing, speech, and
neurodegenerative diseases - TUG) in order to improve the
quality of their lives. For this purpose, there is a proposal of Web
2.0 technologies (HTML5 and PHP) whose functionalities allow
dynamism and adaptability of information to the TUG.
Architecture of solution is based on Cloud Computing (CC)
technology which provides 24/7 support for provision of service
and safety. Functionalities defined in this paper, are in fact a
form of an assistive technology, which allows a registration of the
TUG and enables a necessary adjustment of websites according
to the degree of deficiency. Due to the functionalities listed within
this paper, developed application solution allows the TUG to
spend their third age in a dignified manner, providing them with
the possibility to have more interaction with people and the
opportunity to participate in various activities in their fields of

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities of Applying ICT to Improve Safe Movement of Blind and Visually Impaired Persons

Today’s level of the development of information and communication technologies enables the implem... more Today’s level of the development of information and communication technologies
enables the implementation of assistive technologies that can contribute to improved
mobility of the persons with impaired vision (users that move along the traffic
network). The user in this research has the role of a pedestrian moving along the traffic
network, using information and communication technology (ICT) solutions and
services for the purpose of information about the surrounding and navigation. In order
to achieve greater information and safe movement of the user in the environment, one
has to identify and define the relevant parameters necessary to define the user’s
requirements, as the basic precondition for the design of new information and
communication services. The analysis of the most used application solutions for mobile
terminal devices showed the failure in providing precise information to the user,
designing of functionality, structure of information and education of the users about
the new solutions and services. The downsides of the current applications have served
as the basis in defining the recommendations for the development of future applications,
with the aim of increasing the user safety. Proper structure of information allows
the user a faster and easier search of relevant information and information methods
while moving along the traffic network elements. Therefore, the recommendations in
designing future solutions and services based on possible technologies of short
coverage area (RFID, NFC, Bluetooth, WiFi, RTLS) have been defined. These technologies
allow communication connectivity of the users, other traffic entities and the entire
traffic surrounding into a unique whole by using the principle of Internet of Things

Research paper thumbnail of Recommendations for the Development of Information and Communication Services for Increasing Mobility of Visually Impaired Persons

To activate the blind and visually impaired person (user) in the transport system, it is necessar... more To activate the blind and visually impaired person (user) in the transport system, it is necessary to ensure access to all amenities that surround the person himself or herself. Mobility and accessibility are the essential conditions for the introduction of blind and visually impaired people to everyday life. According to statistical data there are currently 792, 875 people living in the city of Zagreb, while there are 91, 261 disabled persons which is 13.2% out of the total number of citizens. There are 1, 985 visually impaired persons in the area of the city of Zagreb and the data refer to all forms of visual impairments. In designing ICT solutions and services for safe movement of persons with reduced and difficult mobility in the traffic network of the city of Zagreb the current situation needs to be analysed. The analysis will encompass the users’ satisfaction parameters (assessment of the availability of the current technology and parameters that affect the perception of safety), and the analysis of technical and technological characteristics of the applicable user equipment and available applicative solutions taking into consideration the diversity of the user platforms MTU (Android, Windows and iOS). In this research recommendations will be given for the development and design of new services based on the most represented terminal devices and technologies. The presence of the devices is based on the previously performed analysis in the target group of users. As the basis of the decision-making process new services use the generalised presentation of the user knowledge base, with the aim of raising the level of the quality of living of the persons with impaired vision in the city of Zagreb. The research is done as part of the project “Information and Communication Services for the Movement along the Traffic Network by the Persons of Reduced and Difficult Mobility”. The research results will enable the defining and modelling of the user knowledge base and the education of the users about the implementation of new solutions and services. The mentioned results are at the same time based on the synergic action of the field of technology of traffic and transport, as well as the field of education and rehabilitation sciences.

Research paper thumbnail of A Conceptual Applicative Solution for Helping People with Reduced Mobility

Information and communication system and the current application solutions to help people with re... more Information and communication system and the current application solutions to help people with reduced mobility in everyday life situations covers a wide range of services that have resulted in the integration of users in the local community and society at large. The objective of the proposed applicative solution is to provide a fully functional service providing assistance in situations where others need help, regardless of the level of needs and types of assistance to the end user. The paper will suggest the possibility of development the application solution that would be part of a system that connects volunteers (provider of aid) and people with reduced mobility (blind and visually impaired, the disabled, the elderly and the infirm, etc.).


The information about the environment and the precise guidance of visually impaired people is the... more The information about the environment and the precise guidance of visually impaired people is the basis for
their safe movement of the traffic network. Therefore, the information and communication services should be adapted
to this group of users. The services based on the advanced information and communication technologies provide the
visually impaired persons with information about the environment while moving along the traffic network. This paper
analyses the currently available information systems of users when moving traffic network, and the currently most services
based on new ICT (Information and Communications Technology). The analysis was carried on a representative
sample of the City of Zagreb (Croatia) in involving all interest groups of visually impaired people. Based on defined
user requirements is proposed a new services based on NFC (Near Field Communication) and RTLS (Real-Time Locating
Systems). Testing and analysing the efficiency of single information and communication technologies have been
performed on the actual traffic network system of the City of Zagreb. The users of the Croatian Society for Promotion
and Development of Tiphlotechnology (Hrvatska Udruga za Promicanje i Razvoj Tiflotehnike – HUPRT, http://www. participated in checking the efficiency of single technologies and services.

Research paper thumbnail of Model of guidance for visually impaired persons in the traffic network

The movement of the blind and visually impaired persons in the traffic network is today based ex... more The movement of the blind and visually impaired persons in the traffic network is today
based exclusively on the application of aids (white cane) and methods that the users learn
during the training of orientation and movement. In present paper authors investigate
accessibility of information and communication technologies and services with the
purpose of increasing the mobility level of the blind and visually impaired persons when
moving in the traffic network of the City of Zagreb. The traffic intersections were analysed
from the viewpoint of difficult-to-master for independent movement by using the basic
methods of crossing a traffic intersection which the users acquire at the training of orientation
and movement. The method of survey and interviews with a target group of users
was used to evaluate all the relevant parameters of guidance and navigation resulting from
the mentioned analyses and by performing training of orientation and movement in the
duration of six months. Based on the carried out research and the used scientific methods
the dynamic model has been defined and it is based on relevant parameters of guidance
and navigation, and on the application of the information and communication technologies
and services. The information provided to the user, by the system, is defined according to
the currently available technologies. The model was efficiency tested on a real system of
the traffic network of the City of Zagreb.

Research paper thumbnail of Near-Field communication Technology for informing Blind and Visually Impaired Persons when moving through Traffic intersections

Today's development of services for mobile terminal devices based on Near-Field communication tec... more Today's development of services for mobile terminal devices based on Near-Field communication technology (NFC) are mainly used for payment models in the systems of e-commerce, data transfer or identification. Due to its technological specifications and user-friendliness, NFC technology can also be applied in the function of providing information to the blind and visually impaired persons. By transferring relevant information to the blind or visually impaired persons by using mobile terminal devices, the user receives accurate information, thus increasing the feeling of safety. Apart from the theory about NFC technology, this paper defines the architecture of information provided by the information service about the user environment. The information service is provided by means of development application solution for Android 4.3 and higher mobile operating systems, having done at the same time also the analysis of the security threats.


In order to include people of reduced mobility in the traffic system it is necessary to provide a... more In order to include people of reduced mobility in the traffic system it is necessary to provide accessibility and information of the users to all the facilities surrounding them. By analysing the currently available information and communication technologies a new conceptual model of providing navigation services to the visually impaired persons has been proposed. This model is based on Cloud Computing platform, and this research describes the method of navigating the users based on accurate and updated data. The users’ requirements have been analysed according to the needs of the movement of visually impaired persons along the traffic network. The information and communication solutions with the function of informing these groups of users have to provide accurate and updated data, which is made possible by the proposed model. This research was conducted on the most frequent routes in the city of Zagreb. With the review of model efficiency user’s sense of security is increased in the amount of 87%.

Research paper thumbnail of Guidelines for Developing e-Learning System for Visually Impaired

According to the last “People with Disabilities Report” (cro. Izvješće o osobama s invaliditetom)... more According to the last “People with Disabilities Report” (cro. Izvješće o osobama s invaliditetom) in Republic of Croatia lives 529 103 persons with disability which is more than 10 % of total population. There is 18 317 persons with impaired vision (blind and visually impaired). Compared to previous years this number has increased by 2044 people. According to estimates 10%, with a tendency to increase, of blind people is using the Internet. Estimates are based on documents and reports that are currently derived from the project “Communication Rod to Independence” (cro. Komunikacijskom štapom do neovisnosti).
Using of Internet and new technologies geared towards enhancing the quality of life for visually impaired has led to the development of accessibility of everything that surrounds visually impaired person. Development of accessibility has been analyzed in terms of website development, i.e. development of e-Learning system for visually impaired according to existing standards and with newly developed standards.
When planning, designing and developing e-Learning system for visually impaired these criteria must be met:
- Planned according to existing standards, i.e. WCAG 2.0 and BS 8878:2010
- Usability criteria have to be met
- Universal design
- Support for assistive technologies (screen readers, specially designed keyboards, scanning applications and others)
Accessible and usable web is part of e-accessibility concept, one of key elements of e-inclusion. E-inclusion seeks to ensure inclusion of all people in the Information Society. In that context, e-accessibility defines removal of technical barriers and difficulties that visually impaired person could come across.
W3C standards define the provision of access and use of website content for visually impaired. Understanding of information, movement an interaction between website and user defines website usable for all users which are currently using the website. Accessible website strives to ensure all users, regardless of disability or experience, equal access to the information.
Usability criteria include basic requirements in the website design such as:
- Exact element positions on the website
- Simple design
- Ability to change font size
- Ability to change background color
- Accurate image description
- Appropriate language support
- Video recordings need to have voice and text
- Website frames need to have assigned names
- Forms have to be standard
- Text should not be in form of an image
- If visual verification is used (CAPTCHA) there should be audible verification available
Universal design term represent that a product or service must be accessible to all people regardless of whether they have some degree of disability. Principles of universal design is defined in seven points:
1. Impartial use
2. Usage flexibility
3. Simple and intuitive use
4. Perceptible information
5. Error tolerant
6. Low physical effort
7. Size and space for approach and use
System needs to have support for assistive technologies such as screen readers and specially designed keyboards and so on. Assistive technologies enable visually impaired person efficient usage of the system.
This paper will discuss described definitions and standards that will be implemented in learning management system (LMS) as a module for visually impaired. LMS developed at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences has been in use since 2004. System is composed of five modules: Document Management System (DMS), The Authorization and Supervision System (cro. Sustav Autorizacije i Nadzora; SAN), students module e-Student, SMS module SMSCentar and mobile learning module FPZMobile.
This paper will define guidelines, according to WCAG 2.0 standards, for development of the LMS module for visually impaired. These guidelines will be recommended for their implementation of the Strategy for e-Learning at the University of Zagreb (cro. Strategija e-Učenja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu).

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic guiding and routing of Disabled and Visually Impaired Persons in Traffic

Movement of the blind and visually impaired through the traffic network today is solely based on ... more Movement of the blind and visually impaired through the traffic network today is solely based on the use of aids (white cane) and methods that users master in movement and orientation training. In this Doctoral dissertation, a research concerning availability of information communication technologies and services, designed to increase the degree of mobility of blind and visually impaired people when moving through traffic network, was conducted. In order to acquire relevant traffic-technological and education-rehabilitation parameters, the analysis of commonly used pedestrian zones and traffic intersections by blind and visually impaired people was performed. Traffic intersections were analysed from the perspective of insurmountable for autonomous movement by applying the basic methods of crossing the intersection that users pass through orientation and movement training.
The analyses, concerning mobile devices availability and including the analyses about the usage of single devices' basic functionality, were performed. By surveying and interviewing, all relevant guidance and routing parameters, resulted from the above mentioned analyses and from performing orientation and mobility training for a period of six months, were evaluated. On the basis of the research and scientific methods used, the dynamic model based on the relevant parameters of guidance and routing, user’s requirements, the application of information and communication technologies and services, was defined. A dynamic model of guidance and routing aims to enable blind or visually impaired people to move safely in an autonomous and coordinated way. Information allowed by the system user (the user’s precise location, environment and routing) are defined according to the currently available technologies. By using a mobile terminal device certain user receives information whose format is user-friendly for visually impaired people. A model effectiveness testing was performed on the real traffic network system in the City of Zagreb, Republic of Croatia. The results obtained during the testing made it possible for users to get precise information about location and environment, what enhanced safety level and improved life quality.

Research paper thumbnail of The development of information and communication services and devices for the visually impaired

In proceeding of: International Virtual Research Conference In Technical Disciplines - RCITD 2013

The availability and full functionality of mobile devices represent one of the basic principles o... more The availability and full functionality of mobile devices represent one of the basic principles of universal design for the visually impaired. Navigation applications for the users must also be customized and are available to the users’ needs. In this paper, the software and hardware characteristics of the currently most used mobile devices were analyzed. Applications for managing and directing the blind and visually impaired transport network have been analyzed in terms of determining the accuracy of the location where the users are located. The applications that are the most common among the users according to the Croatian Association for Promotion and Development of Tiflotechnic (HUPRT) were used. This sample of subjects has been made in Zagreb where according to data there are 1985 visually impaired people. To conclude, the recommendations have been made for the development of information and communication services and mobile devices for the visually impaired.


The mobility of visually impaired persons is the basis for their active participation in everyday... more The mobility of visually impaired persons is the basis for their active participation in everyday
activities. Therefore, the information and communication services should be adapted to this group
of users. The services based on the advanced information and communication technologies provide
the visually impaired persons with information about the environment while moving along the
traffic network, which requires accurate information. This paper analyzes the currently available
technologies (RFID, WiFi, NFC and Bluetooth) which provide precise information for the users.
The mentioned analysis has been done on the example of the movement of users through a traffic
intersection, when the user has to be provided with precise information about the location,
surrounding and navigation to the destination. The user receives information by using a mobile
terminal device and applications adjusted to visually impaired persons. As result of analysis,
proposals have been given for the design of information and communication services whose
function is to inform the visually impaired persons. Testing and analyzing the efficiency of single
information and communication technologies have been performed on the actual traffic network
system of the City of Zagreb. The users of the Croatian Society for Promoting and Development of
Tiphlotechnology (Hrvatska udruga za promicanje i razvoj tiflotehnike - HUPRT) participated in
checking the efficiency of single technologies and services. The results obtained by testing have
provided the user with precise information about the location and environment thus improving
the level of safety and the quality of living of the users.


The growing trend in traffic and transport and in the demand for traffic is accompanied by an inc... more The growing trend in traffic and transport and in the demand for traffic is accompanied by an increase in the number of entities (the transported and the traffic ones) in the traffic system. According to a generalized model of a traffic system, the pedestrians represent a separate category of traffic entities, whereas according to the valid Law on Road Traffic Safety a pedestrian is a person participating in traffic, not driving, nor riding in a vehicle or on a vehicle, using one’s own power to push or pull a hand cart, a horse-drawn vehicle or a motor vehicle, children’s transport means, a bicycle or a transport means using personal or motor power for the disabled persons or the senior persons, if this means moving at the speed of human walking, and persons using skates, skis or sledges, or roller-skates, skateboard, and similar. In order to explain better the function of pedestrians as traffic entities, the new classification of pedestrians should be defined, and the senior persons and the disabled should be identified separately as critical subgroups of pedestrians – traffic participants. This classification of pedestrians will represent the basis for the future studies and analyses, and the development, design and implementation of ITS applications that should enable simple and efficient flow of traffic of the mentioned traffic entities.