Get Moving with Special Olympics’ Fit 5 | NFXF (original) (raw)

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Get Moving with Special Olympics’ Fit 5

Fit 5The Special Olympics is a valuable program for so many families, and, at this unique time in our world, the Special Olympics Fit 5 program can help us improve our physical and mental fitness.

From the Special Olympics Resources website, the Fit 5 program is based on three simple goals:

Every week:

Every day:

The website has exercise videos for levels 1 through 5, with fellow athletes demonstrating the exercises and stretches, including a comprehensive guide to the program (PDF) and fitness cards (PDF).

You may also want to check out the Special Olympics’ Young Athlete Program and its resources, and Jayne Dixon Weber’s recent article, COVID-19 – My child is home from school or work or a day program! What do I do?

Life deals us circumstances that we can use to improve our lives, and this can be one of those. It is a very hard time on so many levels, many of which we haven’t seen yet, and parents with special needs children are hit especially hard. The NFXF is here to help. We are pulling together more resources — webinars, articles, etc. — so keep an eye on our emails, social media, and website for more. And, as always, reach out to us. You can email Jayne directly for assistance at, message us on Facebook, or send a message on our contact form. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Now, go get fitter!

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Jayne Dixon Weber2021-09-30T11:23:43-04:00

Let the Awareness Continue!

It looks like in many places we're back to wearing masks, or will be soon. Our family has pulled out all our favorite masks and getting used to them all over again.

Dan Whiting2021-01-05T18:14:26-05:00

Fragile X and Face Masks (Not What FXFM Stands For)

Looks like the wearing of face masks is here to stay for a while, so you may as well try to have some fun with it. I know, I know – they are not that fun. But, I did have a parent send me a link to a mask that has a chew cord as part of the mask. I just love how creative people are.