Females and Fragile X: Full Mutation and Premutation | Info Series (original) (raw)

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Fragile X Info Series: Females and Fragile X

Fragile X Info Series: Females and Fragile XDany Petraska2023-10-12T13:27:48-04:00

Fragile X Info Series

Fragile X Info Series: Fragile X Syndrome and Females PDF cover page

Females and

Fragile X

Females and Fragile X, including physical, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional issues associated with the mutation, and the differences when compared to males.

overview of fragile x syndrome and associated disorders

Fragile X is a group of conditions associated with changes in the Fragile X gene — called FMRl — located on the X chromosome. The FMRl gene can undergo changes, when inherited, which affects a pattern of DNA called CGG repeats. Typically, the FMRl gene has up to 54 CGG repeats. The range of 45–54 repeats is called the intermediate or “gray zone.” A premutation carrier has 55–200 CGG repeats, and someone with a full mutation has more than 200 CGG repeats.

When a premutation or full mutation is present, it can result in a Fragile X-associated disorder (FXD). These include:

FXS is a condition affecting intellectual, behavioral, and social development. It occurs in both males and females who have a full mutation of the FMRl gene.


FXTAS is an adult onset (over 50 years of age) neurological condition, seen in males and females, but more common and more severe in some male premutation carriers. It can cause tremors, memory, and balance issues.


FXPOI is a condition affecting ovarian function that can lead to infertility and early menopause in some female premutation carriers.

Genetic counseling is recommended for any woman with a Fragile X premutation or full mutation. This can allow for discussion of pregnancy issues, and reproductive options including prenatal testing, use of egg donor or IVF, and other options.

Testing to determine whether a full mutation or premutation exists is recommended for any adult woman who may be at risk of being a premutation carrier. This includes women with a personal or family history of intellectual disability, FXS, FXTAS, or infertility.


Females With a Full Mutation

Females with a full mutation exhibit a wide range of characteristics, though they usually have milder symptoms than males with a full mutation, and may not even know their status. This is because females have two X chromosomes (males have only one), and the unaffected X chromosome can often compensate to varying degrees for the one with the Fragile X mutation.

Women with a full mutation are not at risk for FXPOI and have no associated infertility.

Girls are much less likely than boys to exhibit physical characteristics of Fragile X. Many have no noticeable physical differences. Of those who do, the most common features are:


Females with a full mutation range from having very mild to moderate learning difficulties. The most common challenges are in:


Females with a full mutation can exhibit behavioral or social challenges that include:

Females with a full mutation are at increased risk to experience anxiety.

Mood swings and depression may be present — often most acutely during adolescence. Medication, counseling, and other interventions may help address these issues.

Consultations with family physicians and experts with experience in FXDs can be important in obtaining the assistance a person needs.

A small percentage of females who have the full mutation will have no apparent signs of the condition — physical, cognitive, behavioral, or emotional. These females are often identified only after another family member has been diagnosed.

Two females holding up their hands in a peace sign, one with her arm around the other

Females with Premutation

Females with a premutation are at risk to have a child, male or female, with Fragile X syndrome. The magnitude of this risk is related to the number of CGG repeats identified in her FMRl gene. The larger the number, the higher the risk for expansion from a premutation to a full mutation if it is passed on.

Some women with a premutation have reported increased general anxiety, shyness, and social anxiety. In addition, there is evidence that women with the premutation are at increased risk for depression.


Approximately 20%-25% of women with a premutation experience FXPOI, which is characterized by infertility, decreased ovarian function, early menopause, or irregular cycles. (Note: Women with a full mutation are not at risk for FXPOI and have no associated infertility.)


FXTAS is another medical effect of the premutation. It is more common in male carriers, but has been reported in about 5%-8% of female carriers over the age of 50.

Dr. Marcia Braden and three other women all wearing lanyards

The Unique Challenges for Females with Fragile X Syndrome

By Marcia Braden

The more we learn, the more effective our interventions and support structures become in assisting them to live personally fulfilling lives.

CGAT wheel

What Defines a Carrier?

By Brenda Finucane

Why is there so much variability among male and female Fragile X carriers? There are a number of factors involved. Because the Fragile X gene is X-linked, gender plays a big role in determining who might show symptoms.

Fragile X Info Series: Fragile X Syndrome and Females PDF cover page


Females and Fragile X

Characteristics of females with full mutation and premutation Fragile X.

How We Can Help

The NFXF is dedicated to serving the entire Fragile X community to live their best lives by providing the knowledge, resources, and tools, until, and even after more effective treatments and a cure are achieved. Learn more with Fragile X 101.

If you have questions please reach out to us at treatment@fragilex.org or call (800) 688-8765.