2022 Medications Update — Webinar | NFXF (original) (raw)

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2022 Medications Update — Webinar

With Dr. Craig Erickson

Moderated by Jayne Dixon Weber

Jayne Dixon Weber and Dr. Craig Erickson discuss new medications and review existing medications used for various issues related to Fragile X syndrome.

Many individuals with Fragile X syndrome exhibit delays in development and can also have challenging behaviors, both of which can impact academic and daily functioning. Medications are sometimes helpful to facilitate the individual’s ability to attain optimal life skills and allow for better integration into educational, adult, and social environments.

There are several common symptoms and psychiatric conditions in individuals with Fragile X syndrome that are treated with the same medications used in the general population and individuals with other developmental disabilities. These medications have been reported to be effective for individuals with Fragile X syndrome in retrospective clinical studies. However, it’s important to note that there is limited formal research or clinical trial data to demonstrate the best approach to the use of medication specifically in the Fragile X syndrome population.

Dr. Craig Erickson, medical director at the Fragile X Clinic at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, joined us for our 10th annual webinar focused on medication for individuals with Fragile X syndrome.

Guided by moderator Jayne Dixon Weber, Dr. Erickson shares the latest updates on medications and research followed by a Q&A session. He provides a wealth of information for various ages, behaviors, and medications.

The latest treatment recommendation, Medications for Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome, provides additional information on many of the medications discussed during the webinar.


Dr. Craig Erickson headshot

Craig Erickson, MD
Dr. Erickson is a noted Fragile X expert and the medical director of the Fragile X Syndrome Research and Treatment Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a friend of the NFXF and shares his knowledge on Fragile X and medical advice on a regular basis.

Dr. Erickson has worked to obtain continuous federal, foundation, internal, and industry funding to support his and his collaborators’ research over the last 10+ years of his career. He is the inventor or co-inventor of many patents focused on translational treatment development in neurodevelopment disorders held at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and previously at Indiana University School of Medicine. He is considered an international expert in the clinical treatment of Fragile X syndrome and has similar expertise in Fragile X-specific clinical trial development. Additionally, Dr. Erickson is an avid teacher of future generations of child psychiatrists and has received several teaching awards for his work.


Jayne Dixon Weber, Director, Community Services

Note and Disclaimer: The National Fragile X Foundation (NFXF) does not provide medical or legal advice or services. Rather, the NFXF provides general information about Fragile X as a service to the community. The information provided in this document is not an endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider and does not replace the advice of medical, legal, or educational professionals. The NFXF has not validated and is not responsible for any information or services provided by third parties. Use independent judgment, request references, and seek the advice of or consult your physician when considering any information or treatment related to Fragile X.