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March 2009
Faith Lehane Mar. 23rd, 2009 @ 09:03 pm
faithful_fated Who: Faith Lehane and OpenWhat: Bored FaithWhere: Rendezvous When: 23rd MarchRating: TBDFaith was bored, she’d had no action in weeks. Nothing to kill, nothing to ride, either mechanical or human, just moving from bar to bar to that tiny apartment not able to go anywhere. She felt as much like a rogue vampire slayer, as she felt like a toy poodle.Faith had no problem with authority normally, there were no prison cells built that could hold her unless she wanted to stay, so the law never bothered her. Without Angel or Buffy around, she had no one who she’d bother listening to trying to tell her how to behave she should have felt like a dog let off a leash.However, she’d changed, she’d learned the power of caring about her actions, and worse than that, they’d blow up her head like a grape in a microwave if she started something with the wrong person.Faith sighed, sucking back some of her beer, and propping herself against the bar.Tags: cassandra blake, faith lehane (2 comments | Leave a comment)

| | Mar. 13th, 2009 @ 06:26 pm | | ---------------------------- |

pyroburning Who: Johnny and RogueWhat: John bearing giftsWhere: Rogue's apartmentWhen: Backdated to Feb. 14thRating: PG?( Valentine's giftsCollapse ) Current Mood: nervousnervous Tags: rogue, st.john allerdyce (7 comments | Leave a comment)
Doctor Mar. 8th, 2009 @ 09:25 pm
torchwood_tyler Who: The Doctor and Rose What: Rose waking up at the Doctor’s Apt Where: The Doctor's Apartment (#226) When: Feb 22nd Rating: PG Rose woke slowly, her nightmares had troubled her less than usual, and she wasn’t sure if it because she was finally beginning to accept or let go of the last few years, or it was the simple fact of the Doctor being with her. She felt refreshed, as if she’d slept for ever. For longer than she had in years. Rose leaned up and looked at her alarm clock, sitting bolt upright as she saw the time. She turned to look at the Doctor, who had remained beside her all night. He’d gone back into his mind, as he did occasionally. Rose moved to sit in front of him, leaning forward to hug him. “Morning.” She said softlyTags: rose tyler, the doctor (140 comments | Leave a comment)
Then We Wished Them All A Happy Birthday, Part I [Ongoing, Open] Feb. 28th, 2009 @ 12:59 pm
luke_l_lawliet Who: L, Light, Misa, Matsuda, Anyone else! What: Light's Birthday Party, Part I of 3Where: Matsuda's ApartmentWhen: Today (January 28)Rating: PG**( We Kissed them all goodnight, now he chases me to my room...Collapse )** Current Music: The Birthday Massacre- "Happy Birthday" Tags: light yagami, misa amane (69 comments | Leave a comment)
Rose Feb. 21st, 2009 @ 05:24 pm
just_doctor Who: The Doctor and RoseWhat: Rose popping over to see the Doctor...who may explain some things to her...Where: The Doctor's Apartment (#226)When: Not long after private journal convo (re.L's survey), Rating: PG at first - *Updated to increase to 15 rating, due to one Miss Tyler swearing.* ( The Doctor hesitantly sent the last message over the PDA to Rose...Collapse ) Tags: rose tyler, the doctor (388 comments | Leave a comment)
All tied up.. Feb. 13th, 2009 @ 07:32 pm
just_doctor Who: The Doctor and KrycekWhat: The Doctor offering his help yet againWhere: Krycek's ApartmentWhen: Immediately after Krycek's journal entry and the Doc's reply. Rating: Not sure...Doc's always PG but can't speak for Krycek...( The Doctor paused outside the apartment door...Collapse ) Tags: alex krycek, the doctor (22 comments | Leave a comment)
I'm Your Apple-Eating Heathen, the Original Sin... Feb. 13th, 2009 @ 12:21 am
luke_l_lawliet Who: L and Light and probably Matsuda (maybe Misa later?)What: Valentine's Day!Where: Matsuda's apartmentRating: Strong R for sexual content**( You don't have my faith, so just keep your belief... And I've waited forever, to love someone...Collapse )**(140 comments | Leave a comment)
I like to move slowly because I think so fast [Finished Thread] Feb. 10th, 2009 @ 09:54 pm
luke_l_lawliet Who: Light, L, and Matsuda (finished)When: This EveningWhere: The HospitalRating: PG-13 ( You Have Something That Will Calm Me, Something That Will LastCollapse ) Current Music: Summer at Shatter Creek- "Something to Calm Me" Tags: light yagami (93 comments | Leave a comment)
どうもありがとう、ミスタ・ ロバアト (finished log) Feb. 4th, 2009 @ 09:55 pm
luke_l_lawliet Who: Light, L, and Joy Ride (finished)When: This EveningWhere: The Apartment, TBARating: strong R for sexuality (consensual)( So if you see me acting strangely, don't be surprised/ I'm just a man who needed someone, and somewhere to hide, to keep me aliiiiiiive, to keep me ALIVECollapse ) Current Music: Styx- "Mr. Roboto" (134 comments | Leave a comment)
The object of my affections Feb. 4th, 2009 @ 06:21 pm
copycat9 Who: Misa and MatsudaWhere: Misa's apartmentWhen: late afternoonMisa was suddenly regretting asking Matsuda to come over to her place. Did this mean she would have to explain how she felt to him? She had only told a man she loved him once and look how great that turned does she know if Matsuda's kindness to her wasn't just simply that? An act of kindness for a close friend? She didn't know if she could handle the rejection from another. Let alone Matsuda. Misa sat on her couch petting Kyoto as she waited for Matsuda. Staring at the dog she realized that Matsuda and her hadn't of seen each other since L had asked her out on that God awful date. She wondered if he knew and that was why he hadn't spoken much to her...Misa's nerves finally had reached new hights at this thought.(105 comments | Leave a comment)

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