from_the_stands - Profile (original) (raw)

Love baseball? Love photos? Love baseball photos? Then this is the community for you!

from_the_stands is a place for baseball fans to share their photos. Been to a game recently? Taken some interesting, fun, silly or just cool pictures of players, coaches or fans? Post them here and share them with us all!

Community moderator: lovethosehalos (if you have any questions or problems, please contact me)


1. Members only. Please make all entries Friends Only!

2. All photos MUST be baseball related (Any post containing non-baseball photos will be deleted).

3. This journal is for fans of all teams and players. Please be respectful of those people whose favorite team is your team’s rival.

4. Photos must be posted behind an lj-cut (for the benefit of everyone’s Friends page).

5. This community is for baseball loving photographers…please do not post recent photos from your local newspaper. If you don’t have any pictures to post, just hang around and enjoy everyone else’s.

6. For all the talented lj users out there. If you see a photo you would like to make it into an icon or other graphic, please ask the photographer first and

give them credit

. If you don’t give credit, where credit is due, you will be immediately banned from the community.

7. Please upload your photos to a photo-hosting site such as flickr or Photobucket. Some people may want to look at the pictures in a month or two…and no one wants to see little red x’s everywhere.

8. When you join the community it would be great if you made a quick post introducing yourself and posting a picture or two you’ve taken (more if you’d like).

9. After you make your post, please go back and check it (making sure all your code is correct).

Would you like to see more pictures of your favorite team/player? Make a post, you never know when your favorite team might be someone else’s visiting team…they just might take a few pics just for you.

Community layout created by thepurfiktdrug @ utimategraphix...thanks so much!