Hmad BENAISSA | University Ibn Tofail (original) (raw)
Papers by Hmad BENAISSA
S R Journal ( Ahumi University, United Kingdom), 2024
Gender and sex are sensitive and intricate topics where biological, cultural, and social factors ... more Gender and sex are sensitive and intricate topics where biological, cultural, and social factors interact. This study explores the complex dynamics and mechanisms associated with gender and sex; it examines the various manifestations and interconnects that link them to nature or culture through an interdisciplinary analysis. The research revolves around the general background of gender studies; it includes a review of previous research and relevant theoretical transformations associated with gender and sex. A multidisciplinary methodology is adopted to discuss and analyse previous studies. The study reveals that, at the international level, gender and sex go beyond the traditional binary understanding of masculinity and femininity. However, the margin's identities hold resisting mechanisms to gender or feminism. It demonstrated that cultural constructs play a crucial role in
MJQR, 2024
Under-age marriage is linked mainly to the socioeconomic status of the family, the educational le... more Under-age marriage is linked mainly to the socioeconomic status of the family, the educational level, and the legislative awareness of the girl. Boys may have the choice while girls are forced to engage in such marriage. This study aims at gaining a deep understanding of different reasons behind early marriage, and its impacts and provide solutions for underage marriage in Morocco. The study's respondents are females and males aged between 15 and 52 years from different rural villages in Tafilalet. 62,3 % of them are females and 37,7 % are males. 63% of the respondents are aged between 15 and 25, 24% are aged between 25 and 30 and 13% have more than 30 years old. 52,4% of the participants are undergraduates while 47,6% are graduates. The data of this study were gathered through the use of both qualitative and quantitative datacollecting procedures including interviews and questionnaires. The findings of the study indicate that poor girls and non-educated ones are more likely to engage in underage marriage in Morocco. The quantitative results illustrate that 73% of the respondents agreed that non-educated girls are more likely to marry at an early age. While highly educated and economically independent females are not engaged in such marriages. Only a few respondents (8%) consider early marriage not common at all, while 18 % believe that it is nearly common, and 20% think that it is very common in the area.
Education has an impact on constructing gender, power relations, and cultural identities. Textboo... more Education has an impact on constructing gender, power relations, and cultural identities. Textbooks can promote gender disparities or encourage equality and equity. Educators and learners redefine gender roles through various perspectives that consider the educational discourse a potential mode of resistance and identity forming. The educational materials the instructors and learners use can impact gender identification in classrooms. Education could be a generator that reproduces gender inequalities or creates new realities that give women more opportunities for access and success in the public sphere. The theoretical background of the study confirms that educational institutions are included in the apparatus that shapes human lifestyles; education can produce or reproduce social principles and norms. It proves that learning English as a foreign language could shape students' thoughts about gender equality and socio-cultural beliefs. It shows that social education constructs teachers' and students' meanings and values that resist or perpetuate patriarchal ideas. This study adopts the mixed approach using both quantitative and qualitative methods besides content analysis. Gate Way to English 2 is chosen non-randomly as a representative of the textbooks that are used in teaching English as a foreign language and designed for second-year Moroccan baccalaureate learners. Content analysis and the findings show that gender roles are represented negatively in Gate Way to English 2. Teachers' awareness of the gender gap in education leads them to call for equality in representing gender within textbooks. The learners adopt their educators' vision and ideas associated with gender even when they oppose the textbook content. Textbooks should be altered to spread ideas that go hand in hand with the speedy development of Moroccan society.
قدم فريق البحث اللساني والتخطيط اللغوي بأكاديمية بيت اللسانيات الدولية يوم الخميس 07 دجنبر 2023 ا... more قدم فريق البحث اللساني والتخطيط اللغوي بأكاديمية بيت اللسانيات الدولية يوم الخميس 07 دجنبر 2023 ابتداء من الساعة التاسعة بتوقيت مكة المكرمة والسابعة بتوقيت المغرب والجزائر وتونس محاضرة علمية بعنوان: منجزات المجلس الأعلى للغة العربية - الواقع والمأمول-، و التي قدمها الدكتور صالح بلعيد، وإدارتها الأستاذة بحير أم الخير، في حين كان الأستاذ حماد بنعيسى يقوم بدور المقرر. تندرج هاته المحاضرة القيمة ضمن برنامج أكاديمية بيت اللسانيات الدولية للاحتفال باليوم العالمي للغة العربية طيلة شهر دجنبر.
The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinfor... more The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes. The main aim is to evaluate Ticket 2 English and to analyze the representations of both women and men in Moroccan EFL textbooks. I would like to investigate the effect of these gender roles represented in this textbook on both girls and boys. This study would prove that EFL textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes through the presentation of implicit meanings in words, pictures, adjectives and the social functions of both females and males. However, this investigation might find a possibility of making a change within the student’s mindset relying on the presentation of equality and equity in textbooks and attitudes of teachers towards gender. The present research aims at investigating the effects of gender representation in Moroccan EFL textbooks mainly Ticket 2 English on second baccalaureate learners' perception of women and men’s identity. It studies the impacts of gender roles that are reflected in EFL textbooks.
ISBN :9789920971379 , 2023
The world realized significant development in technological inventions and artificial intelligenc... more The world realized significant development in technological inventions and artificial intelligence. Researchers around the world launched a debate about using Artificial intelligence to conduct scientific research. However, the machine could not make humans work the same way people do but it develops its intelligence every second. This article tries to investigate research methodology and design. It evaluates and analyzes research approaches, methods, and instruments. This paper reviews the quantitative approach, the qualitative approach, the Mixed approach, sampling, data collection procedures and instruments. It discusses the researcher’s interpretation of methodology and research design. The Mixed approach would be generating reliable and valid research data. The results confirm that the best methodology involves using varied research instruments, methods, and approaches. Mixing research methods or approaches enriches the study. It double-checks the data or the results. Different research designs help the researcher to offer better coverage and in-depth information. Keywords: Research Methodology – Qualitative Approach – Quantitative Approach- Mixed Approach- Population and Sampling.
حماد بنعيسى, 2022
نظم فريق البحث اللساني والتخطيط اللغوي بأكاديمية بيت اللسانيات الدولية يوم السبت 04 ربيع الثاني 1... more نظم فريق البحث اللساني والتخطيط اللغوي بأكاديمية بيت اللسانيات الدولية يوم السبت 04 ربيع الثاني 1444 هـ الموافق 29 أكتوبر 2022 م، ابتداء من الساعة التاسعة بتوقيت مكة المكرمة والسابعة بتوقيت المغرب محاضرة علمية تحت عنوان: التخطيط اللغوي المفهوم والتأسيس، من تقديم : الدكتور حمزة زرقي، وإدارة الدكتورة: أمينة ابري استكمالا لبرنامج الفعاليات والجلسات والأنشطة العلمية المتنوعة التي يقوم بها فريق البحث اللساني والتخطيط اللغوي، في إطار المساهمة في رقي البحث العلمي وتحقيق إضافة نوعية من داخل الأكاديمية.
المحاضرة العلمية في موضوع: الرواية بين النظرية الفلسفية والمقاربة النقدية انتقال النظرية لإدوارد ... more المحاضرة العلمية في موضوع: الرواية بين النظرية الفلسفية والمقاربة النقدية انتقال النظرية لإدوارد سعيد Edward Said
التي ينظمها مختبر الدراسات الأدبية واللسانية والديداكتيكية و مختبر الأدب واللغة والفن والتمثلات الثقافية بجامعة السلكان مولاي سليمان بني ملال
تقرير مفصل حول الندوة الدولية الأولى تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها تحديات الواقع ورهانات ال... more تقرير مفصل حول الندوة الدولية الأولى تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها تحديات الواقع ورهانات المستقبل
من تنظم المدرسة العليا للتربية والتكوين، جامعة السلطان مولاي سليمان ببني ملال.
بتعاون وشراكة مع مركز الإيسيسكو للغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها بالرباط.
وبتنسيق وتعاون مع مختبر الدراسات الأدبية واللسانية والديدكتيكية بجامعة السلطان مولاي سليمان بني ملال.
الندوة الدولية الأولى في موضوع: تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها، تحديات الواقع ورهانات المستقبل يوم 17 فبراير 2022، بالمدرسة العليا للتربية والتكوين بني ملال
The purpose of this book is to provide valuable information about the representation of gender in... more The purpose of this book is to provide valuable information about the representation of gender in Moroccan cinema and to offer data to help to find a better strategy to suit the producers and the audience as well. The aim of this book is to survey and evaluate Cinema in a Moroccan context, through the investigation of females and males representation in Hijab Al Hob (The Viel of Love) the movie to help researchers to refine the image of all genders.
The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinfor... more The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes. The main aim is to evaluate Ticket 2 English and to analyze the representations of both women and men in Moroccan EFL textbooks. I would like to investigate the effect of these gender roles represented in this textbook on both girls and boys. This study would prove that EFL textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes through the presentation of implicit meanings in words, pictures, adjectives and the social functions of both females and males. However, this investigation might find a possibility of making a change within the student’s mindset relying on the presentation of equality and equity in textbooks and attitudes of teachers towards gender. The present research aims at investigating the effects of gender representation in Moroccan EFL textbooks mainly Ticket 2 English on second baccalaureate learners' perception of women and men’s identity. It studies the impa...
حماد بنعيسى, 2021
توطين آليات المعرفة التقنية في الحاسوب من أجل تيسير إدخال المعرفة واسترجاعها، ويمكن تلخيصها فيما ... more توطين آليات المعرفة التقنية في الحاسوب من أجل تيسير إدخال المعرفة واسترجاعها، ويمكن تلخيصها فيما يسمّى بالذكاء الاصطناعي -علم تطويع الآلة لتحاكي الذكاء البشري.
و تعتبر "المعالجة الألية للغات الطبيعية بمثابة التطبيق الفعلي لتوجيهات اللسانيات الحاسوبية , و يمكن أن تهتم بالدراسة الداخلية للغات الطبيعية وفق […] ما تقره البرمجيات الحاسوبية"
The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinfo... more The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes. The main aim is to evaluate Ticket 2 English and to analyze the representations of both women and men in Moroccan EFL textbooks. I would like to investigate the effect of these gender roles represented in this textbook on both girls and boys.
This study would prove that EFL textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes through the presentation of implicit meanings in words, pictures, adjectives and the social functions of both females and males. However, this investigation might find a possibility of making a change within the student’s mindset relying on the presentation of equality and equity in textbooks and attitudes of teachers towards gender.
The present research aims at investigating the effects of gender representation in Moroccan EFL textbooks mainly Ticket 2 English on second baccalaureate learners' perception of women and men’s identity. It studies the impacts of gender roles that are reflected in EFL textbooks
في إطار تطوير منظومة التقويم التربوي كأحد محاور تطوير التعليم ما قبل الجامعي تصدر وزارة ال... more في إطار تطوير منظومة التقويم التربوي كأحد محاور تطوير التعليم ما قبل الجامعي تصدر وزارة التربية والتعليم دليل التقويم التربوي الشامل وتعتمد نظرة هذه المنظومة على إطار فكرى معاصر يتعامل مع المتعلم من خلال رؤية شاملة متكاملة، فتساعده على اكتشاف جوانب القوة وتنميتها والبرهنة على قدراته في أداء مهام معينة، وإثبات ذاته، وإتاحة الفرصة لكي ينتج ويبدع.
وكذلك يساعد هذا التوجه إلى تشخيص جوانب الضعف وتفعيل برامج علاجها أولا بأول مع كل خطوة من خطوات عمليتي التعليم والتعلم لتحقيق النمو الشامل. ومنظومة التقويم الشامل ليست غاية في ذاتها بقدر ما هي وسيلة لتحقيق غايات عديدة، من أهمها تحسين العملية التعليمية، وتحقيق جودتها، حيث تنقل المتعلم من إطار التعليم التقليدي المعتمد على الحفظ والتلقين إلى التقويم الذي يحقق قدرا كبيرا من التعلم الإيجابي النشط. إذ يشمل المفهوم الحديث للتقويم إلى جانب الامتحانات والاختبارات قياس كل جوانب شخصية المتعلم، بما يسهم فى تقديمه للمجتمع إنسانا متوازنا قادرا على التعامل مع متطلبات المجتمع بكفاءة عالية، متمكنا من مواجهة التحديات والمشكلات.
Communication between men and women has been an area of investigation for many scholars; they try... more Communication between men and women has been an area of investigation for many scholars; they try to find sources of oral and written texts differences. This research aims at finding some answers to information about some characteristics of males and females communication. It is about investigating gender differences and language use in the Moroccan media. I will discuss the importance of language which is used in the production of media messages and their relationship with social and cultural development. Furthermore, I will show the importance of the role of gender in media contents and its importance for the audience as well as the medium itself.
...The meal's man was talking to a lady on the phone and talking to the new clients. He said with... more ...The meal's man was talking to a lady on the phone and talking to the new clients. He said with a big smile " Hlima Mon amis is here " several times.
Book Reviews by Hmad BENAISSA
Hmad BENAISSA, 2019
The purpose of this study is to provide valuable information about the representation of gender i... more The purpose of this study is to provide valuable information about the representation of gender in Moroccan cinema and to offer data to help to find a better strategy to suit the producers and the audience as well.
S R Journal ( Ahumi University, United Kingdom), 2024
Gender and sex are sensitive and intricate topics where biological, cultural, and social factors ... more Gender and sex are sensitive and intricate topics where biological, cultural, and social factors interact. This study explores the complex dynamics and mechanisms associated with gender and sex; it examines the various manifestations and interconnects that link them to nature or culture through an interdisciplinary analysis. The research revolves around the general background of gender studies; it includes a review of previous research and relevant theoretical transformations associated with gender and sex. A multidisciplinary methodology is adopted to discuss and analyse previous studies. The study reveals that, at the international level, gender and sex go beyond the traditional binary understanding of masculinity and femininity. However, the margin's identities hold resisting mechanisms to gender or feminism. It demonstrated that cultural constructs play a crucial role in
MJQR, 2024
Under-age marriage is linked mainly to the socioeconomic status of the family, the educational le... more Under-age marriage is linked mainly to the socioeconomic status of the family, the educational level, and the legislative awareness of the girl. Boys may have the choice while girls are forced to engage in such marriage. This study aims at gaining a deep understanding of different reasons behind early marriage, and its impacts and provide solutions for underage marriage in Morocco. The study's respondents are females and males aged between 15 and 52 years from different rural villages in Tafilalet. 62,3 % of them are females and 37,7 % are males. 63% of the respondents are aged between 15 and 25, 24% are aged between 25 and 30 and 13% have more than 30 years old. 52,4% of the participants are undergraduates while 47,6% are graduates. The data of this study were gathered through the use of both qualitative and quantitative datacollecting procedures including interviews and questionnaires. The findings of the study indicate that poor girls and non-educated ones are more likely to engage in underage marriage in Morocco. The quantitative results illustrate that 73% of the respondents agreed that non-educated girls are more likely to marry at an early age. While highly educated and economically independent females are not engaged in such marriages. Only a few respondents (8%) consider early marriage not common at all, while 18 % believe that it is nearly common, and 20% think that it is very common in the area.
Education has an impact on constructing gender, power relations, and cultural identities. Textboo... more Education has an impact on constructing gender, power relations, and cultural identities. Textbooks can promote gender disparities or encourage equality and equity. Educators and learners redefine gender roles through various perspectives that consider the educational discourse a potential mode of resistance and identity forming. The educational materials the instructors and learners use can impact gender identification in classrooms. Education could be a generator that reproduces gender inequalities or creates new realities that give women more opportunities for access and success in the public sphere. The theoretical background of the study confirms that educational institutions are included in the apparatus that shapes human lifestyles; education can produce or reproduce social principles and norms. It proves that learning English as a foreign language could shape students' thoughts about gender equality and socio-cultural beliefs. It shows that social education constructs teachers' and students' meanings and values that resist or perpetuate patriarchal ideas. This study adopts the mixed approach using both quantitative and qualitative methods besides content analysis. Gate Way to English 2 is chosen non-randomly as a representative of the textbooks that are used in teaching English as a foreign language and designed for second-year Moroccan baccalaureate learners. Content analysis and the findings show that gender roles are represented negatively in Gate Way to English 2. Teachers' awareness of the gender gap in education leads them to call for equality in representing gender within textbooks. The learners adopt their educators' vision and ideas associated with gender even when they oppose the textbook content. Textbooks should be altered to spread ideas that go hand in hand with the speedy development of Moroccan society.
قدم فريق البحث اللساني والتخطيط اللغوي بأكاديمية بيت اللسانيات الدولية يوم الخميس 07 دجنبر 2023 ا... more قدم فريق البحث اللساني والتخطيط اللغوي بأكاديمية بيت اللسانيات الدولية يوم الخميس 07 دجنبر 2023 ابتداء من الساعة التاسعة بتوقيت مكة المكرمة والسابعة بتوقيت المغرب والجزائر وتونس محاضرة علمية بعنوان: منجزات المجلس الأعلى للغة العربية - الواقع والمأمول-، و التي قدمها الدكتور صالح بلعيد، وإدارتها الأستاذة بحير أم الخير، في حين كان الأستاذ حماد بنعيسى يقوم بدور المقرر. تندرج هاته المحاضرة القيمة ضمن برنامج أكاديمية بيت اللسانيات الدولية للاحتفال باليوم العالمي للغة العربية طيلة شهر دجنبر.
The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinfor... more The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes. The main aim is to evaluate Ticket 2 English and to analyze the representations of both women and men in Moroccan EFL textbooks. I would like to investigate the effect of these gender roles represented in this textbook on both girls and boys. This study would prove that EFL textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes through the presentation of implicit meanings in words, pictures, adjectives and the social functions of both females and males. However, this investigation might find a possibility of making a change within the student’s mindset relying on the presentation of equality and equity in textbooks and attitudes of teachers towards gender. The present research aims at investigating the effects of gender representation in Moroccan EFL textbooks mainly Ticket 2 English on second baccalaureate learners' perception of women and men’s identity. It studies the impacts of gender roles that are reflected in EFL textbooks.
ISBN :9789920971379 , 2023
The world realized significant development in technological inventions and artificial intelligenc... more The world realized significant development in technological inventions and artificial intelligence. Researchers around the world launched a debate about using Artificial intelligence to conduct scientific research. However, the machine could not make humans work the same way people do but it develops its intelligence every second. This article tries to investigate research methodology and design. It evaluates and analyzes research approaches, methods, and instruments. This paper reviews the quantitative approach, the qualitative approach, the Mixed approach, sampling, data collection procedures and instruments. It discusses the researcher’s interpretation of methodology and research design. The Mixed approach would be generating reliable and valid research data. The results confirm that the best methodology involves using varied research instruments, methods, and approaches. Mixing research methods or approaches enriches the study. It double-checks the data or the results. Different research designs help the researcher to offer better coverage and in-depth information. Keywords: Research Methodology – Qualitative Approach – Quantitative Approach- Mixed Approach- Population and Sampling.
حماد بنعيسى, 2022
نظم فريق البحث اللساني والتخطيط اللغوي بأكاديمية بيت اللسانيات الدولية يوم السبت 04 ربيع الثاني 1... more نظم فريق البحث اللساني والتخطيط اللغوي بأكاديمية بيت اللسانيات الدولية يوم السبت 04 ربيع الثاني 1444 هـ الموافق 29 أكتوبر 2022 م، ابتداء من الساعة التاسعة بتوقيت مكة المكرمة والسابعة بتوقيت المغرب محاضرة علمية تحت عنوان: التخطيط اللغوي المفهوم والتأسيس، من تقديم : الدكتور حمزة زرقي، وإدارة الدكتورة: أمينة ابري استكمالا لبرنامج الفعاليات والجلسات والأنشطة العلمية المتنوعة التي يقوم بها فريق البحث اللساني والتخطيط اللغوي، في إطار المساهمة في رقي البحث العلمي وتحقيق إضافة نوعية من داخل الأكاديمية.
المحاضرة العلمية في موضوع: الرواية بين النظرية الفلسفية والمقاربة النقدية انتقال النظرية لإدوارد ... more المحاضرة العلمية في موضوع: الرواية بين النظرية الفلسفية والمقاربة النقدية انتقال النظرية لإدوارد سعيد Edward Said
التي ينظمها مختبر الدراسات الأدبية واللسانية والديداكتيكية و مختبر الأدب واللغة والفن والتمثلات الثقافية بجامعة السلكان مولاي سليمان بني ملال
تقرير مفصل حول الندوة الدولية الأولى تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها تحديات الواقع ورهانات ال... more تقرير مفصل حول الندوة الدولية الأولى تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها تحديات الواقع ورهانات المستقبل
من تنظم المدرسة العليا للتربية والتكوين، جامعة السلطان مولاي سليمان ببني ملال.
بتعاون وشراكة مع مركز الإيسيسكو للغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها بالرباط.
وبتنسيق وتعاون مع مختبر الدراسات الأدبية واللسانية والديدكتيكية بجامعة السلطان مولاي سليمان بني ملال.
الندوة الدولية الأولى في موضوع: تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها، تحديات الواقع ورهانات المستقبل يوم 17 فبراير 2022، بالمدرسة العليا للتربية والتكوين بني ملال
The purpose of this book is to provide valuable information about the representation of gender in... more The purpose of this book is to provide valuable information about the representation of gender in Moroccan cinema and to offer data to help to find a better strategy to suit the producers and the audience as well. The aim of this book is to survey and evaluate Cinema in a Moroccan context, through the investigation of females and males representation in Hijab Al Hob (The Viel of Love) the movie to help researchers to refine the image of all genders.
The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinfor... more The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes. The main aim is to evaluate Ticket 2 English and to analyze the representations of both women and men in Moroccan EFL textbooks. I would like to investigate the effect of these gender roles represented in this textbook on both girls and boys. This study would prove that EFL textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes through the presentation of implicit meanings in words, pictures, adjectives and the social functions of both females and males. However, this investigation might find a possibility of making a change within the student’s mindset relying on the presentation of equality and equity in textbooks and attitudes of teachers towards gender. The present research aims at investigating the effects of gender representation in Moroccan EFL textbooks mainly Ticket 2 English on second baccalaureate learners' perception of women and men’s identity. It studies the impa...
حماد بنعيسى, 2021
توطين آليات المعرفة التقنية في الحاسوب من أجل تيسير إدخال المعرفة واسترجاعها، ويمكن تلخيصها فيما ... more توطين آليات المعرفة التقنية في الحاسوب من أجل تيسير إدخال المعرفة واسترجاعها، ويمكن تلخيصها فيما يسمّى بالذكاء الاصطناعي -علم تطويع الآلة لتحاكي الذكاء البشري.
و تعتبر "المعالجة الألية للغات الطبيعية بمثابة التطبيق الفعلي لتوجيهات اللسانيات الحاسوبية , و يمكن أن تهتم بالدراسة الداخلية للغات الطبيعية وفق […] ما تقره البرمجيات الحاسوبية"
The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinfo... more The objective of this study is to investigate the ways whereby English language textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes. The main aim is to evaluate Ticket 2 English and to analyze the representations of both women and men in Moroccan EFL textbooks. I would like to investigate the effect of these gender roles represented in this textbook on both girls and boys.
This study would prove that EFL textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes through the presentation of implicit meanings in words, pictures, adjectives and the social functions of both females and males. However, this investigation might find a possibility of making a change within the student’s mindset relying on the presentation of equality and equity in textbooks and attitudes of teachers towards gender.
The present research aims at investigating the effects of gender representation in Moroccan EFL textbooks mainly Ticket 2 English on second baccalaureate learners' perception of women and men’s identity. It studies the impacts of gender roles that are reflected in EFL textbooks
في إطار تطوير منظومة التقويم التربوي كأحد محاور تطوير التعليم ما قبل الجامعي تصدر وزارة ال... more في إطار تطوير منظومة التقويم التربوي كأحد محاور تطوير التعليم ما قبل الجامعي تصدر وزارة التربية والتعليم دليل التقويم التربوي الشامل وتعتمد نظرة هذه المنظومة على إطار فكرى معاصر يتعامل مع المتعلم من خلال رؤية شاملة متكاملة، فتساعده على اكتشاف جوانب القوة وتنميتها والبرهنة على قدراته في أداء مهام معينة، وإثبات ذاته، وإتاحة الفرصة لكي ينتج ويبدع.
وكذلك يساعد هذا التوجه إلى تشخيص جوانب الضعف وتفعيل برامج علاجها أولا بأول مع كل خطوة من خطوات عمليتي التعليم والتعلم لتحقيق النمو الشامل. ومنظومة التقويم الشامل ليست غاية في ذاتها بقدر ما هي وسيلة لتحقيق غايات عديدة، من أهمها تحسين العملية التعليمية، وتحقيق جودتها، حيث تنقل المتعلم من إطار التعليم التقليدي المعتمد على الحفظ والتلقين إلى التقويم الذي يحقق قدرا كبيرا من التعلم الإيجابي النشط. إذ يشمل المفهوم الحديث للتقويم إلى جانب الامتحانات والاختبارات قياس كل جوانب شخصية المتعلم، بما يسهم فى تقديمه للمجتمع إنسانا متوازنا قادرا على التعامل مع متطلبات المجتمع بكفاءة عالية، متمكنا من مواجهة التحديات والمشكلات.
Communication between men and women has been an area of investigation for many scholars; they try... more Communication between men and women has been an area of investigation for many scholars; they try to find sources of oral and written texts differences. This research aims at finding some answers to information about some characteristics of males and females communication. It is about investigating gender differences and language use in the Moroccan media. I will discuss the importance of language which is used in the production of media messages and their relationship with social and cultural development. Furthermore, I will show the importance of the role of gender in media contents and its importance for the audience as well as the medium itself.
...The meal's man was talking to a lady on the phone and talking to the new clients. He said with... more ...The meal's man was talking to a lady on the phone and talking to the new clients. He said with a big smile " Hlima Mon amis is here " several times.
Hmad BENAISSA, 2019
The purpose of this study is to provide valuable information about the representation of gender i... more The purpose of this study is to provide valuable information about the representation of gender in Moroccan cinema and to offer data to help to find a better strategy to suit the producers and the audience as well.
Communication between men and women has been an area of investigation for many scholars; they try... more Communication between men and women has been an area of investigation for many scholars; they try to find sources of oral and written text differences. This research aims at finding some answers to information about some characteristics of males and females communication. It is about investigating gender differences and language use in the Moroccan media. I will discuss the importance of language which is used in the production of media messages and their relationship with social and cultural development. Furthermore, I will show the importance of the role of gender in media contents and its importance for the audience as well as the medium itself.
The purpose of this book is to provide valuable information about the representation of gender in... more The purpose of this book is to provide valuable information about the representation of gender in Moroccan cinema and to offer data to help to find a better strategy to suit the producers and the audience as well. The aim of this book is to survey and evaluate Cinema in a Moroccan context, through the investigation of females and males representation in Hijab Al Hob (The Viel of Love) the movie to help researchers to refine the image of all genders
The purpose of this study is to provide valuable information about the evaluation of English text... more The purpose of this study is to provide valuable information about the evaluation of English textbooks and provides information for finding a teaching strategy to suit the learning styles and interests of Moroccan learners.
The aim of this research is to survey and evaluate English textbooks taught in Moroccan Baccalaureate Grade named Ticket 2 English and try to help researchers to assess current textbooks' qualifications and program designers to overcome learning process problems.
تقرير حول الدورة التكوينية منهجية البحث العلمي التي ينظمها مختبر الدراسات الأدبية واللسانية والد... more تقرير حول الدورة التكوينية منهجية البحث العلمي
التي ينظمها مختبر الدراسات الأدبية واللسانية والديداكتيكية
المنظمة بجامعة السلطان مولاي سليمان بني ملال
في إطار التكوينات التي يقدمها لفائدة الطلبة الدكاترة نظم مختبر الدراسات الأدبية واللسانية والديداكتيكية بكلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية بني ملال، تحت اشراف الدكتور الحبيب مغراوي.
حماد بنعيسى
في إطار التكوينات التي يقدمها لفائدة الطلبة الدكاترة نظم مركز الدكتوراه: التكامل المعرفي في اللغة... more في إطار التكوينات التي يقدمها لفائدة الطلبة الدكاترة نظم مركز الدكتوراه: التكامل المعرفي في اللغة والآداب والعلوم الإنسانية بالكلية المتعددة التخصصات بالرشيدية، بتعاون مع المركز المغربي لتنمية الكفاءات (نماء)، دورة تكوينية في موضوعي كفايات البحث العلمي للطلبة الدكاترة، وكيفية كتابة مقال علمي حسب نموذج IMRaD، من تأطير الأستاذ الدكتور سكو قرطيط.