Maxym Tkalych | Zaporizhzhya National University (original) (raw)
Papers by Maxym Tkalych
Lex Sportiva
У статті досліджено міжнародно-правові та національно-правові засади законодавства у сфері протид... more У статті досліджено міжнародно-правові та національно-правові засади законодавства у сфері протидії злочинам, пов’язаним із маніпулюванням результатами спортивних змагань. Автори дослідили роль кримінальної відповідальності за правопорушення, пов’язані з протиправним впливом на результати офіційних спортивних змагань, як на рівні правової доктрини, так і на рівні правозастосування, що включає аналіз низки судових рішень національних і міжнародних судів. Автори наводять аргументи на користь важливості ратифікації міжнародних конвенцій у сфері боротьби з протиправним впливом на результати спортивних змагань з огляду на їх важливість для удосконалення національного законодавства у досліджуваній сфері. У дослідженні визначено місце України у міжнародній спортивній системі, а також зроблено спробу оцінити масштаби спортивної корупції в Україні. Зокрема, проаналізовано роль злочинних груп у протиправному впливі на результати офіційних спортивних змагань. У статті, серед іншого, проаналізо...
The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of legal regulation of relations on th... more The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of legal regulation of relations on the provision of information security in the world. The author also raises questions of informational propaganda. The article introduces the author's concept of information hygiene. As a result of the research carried out, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce legal regulation of information relations both at the international and national levels.El artículo está dedicado a la consideración del problema de la regulación legal de las relaciones en la provisión de seguridad de la información en el mundo. El autor también plantea cuestiones de propaganda informativa. El artículo introduce el concepto del autor de higiene de la información. Como resultado de la investigación realizada, el autor llegó a la conclusión de que es necesario introducir una regulación legal de las relaciones de información tanto a nivel internacional como nacional.O artigo é dedicado...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 2021
Amazonia Investiga, Jan 25, 2020
Revista Amazonia Investiga, 2021
The problem of ensuring the quality of educational services is extremely important. It is known t... more The problem of ensuring the quality of educational services is extremely important. It is known that the level of education and education as such are of great importance for most areas of life as an individual, and each country and the world as a whole. The authors of the article tried to analyze the current state of education, namely - distance education, in terms of transformational processes. In their study, the authors tried to take into account the total digitalization of education and objective reality in general, the introduction of innovative technologies, and took into account the factor of the pandemic, which in one way or another affected all processes of public life. The result of this study was a reflection on the main trends in the development of distance education and education in general, as well as general recommendations for improving the education system at both local and global levels. This study was conducted on the basis of a number of methods that allowed to m...
Proceedings of the III International Scientific Congress Society of Ambient Intelligence 2020 (ISC-SAI 2020), 2020
The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of legal regulation of relations on th... more The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of legal regulation of relations on the provision of information security in the world. The author also raises questions of informational propaganda. The article introduces the author's concept of information hygiene. As a result of the research carried out, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce legal regulation of information relations both at the international and national levels.
Retos, 2020
Sport is a unique area of social relations, which is officially autonomous and ruled not only and... more Sport is a unique area of social relations, which is officially autonomous and ruled not only and not so much by national law, but to a greater extent – by the rules of sports organizations. Due to the fact that sport has an autonomous character, which, in particular, is characterized by the presence of various regulatory sources that comprehensively affect the relevant social relations, the concept of a unique "sports legal order" is now beginning to take shape. The study aims to analyze social relations in the field of sport and the peculiarities of their regulation. Moreover, the research methodology includes a set of methods of scientific cognition, among which are the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, formal-logical method, historical method and comparative legal method. Regulation of relations in the field of sports is significantly different from the regulation of other social relations. The presence of such features gives grounds for sports offi...
Retos, 2021
Sports law is a relatively new phenomenon for jurisprudence in Ukraine. At present, there is no... more Sports law is a relatively new phenomenon for jurisprudence in Ukraine. At present, there is no developed theoretical basis for responsibility in the field of sports in the domestic legal science. This publication is a study of world and national experience in solving this problem and is intended to be a source of further research in the field of sports law. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of legal regulation of liability in the field of sports. The object of the study is the social relations that have developed in the field of sports law. The subject of the study is the public relations that have developed in the field of sports law in relation to legal and sports-competitive liability. Philosophical, general scientific and special scientific methods such as dialectical, system-structural, comparative-legal, and formal-legal methods acted as research methods. As a result of the work, the general features of legal regulation of sports sanctions in foreign countrie...
DIXI, 2020
Point of view: One of the basic concepts that underlies law as a phenomenon, as well as private l... more Point of view: One of the basic concepts that underlies law as a phenomenon, as well as private law as one of the two areas of law, is the concept of natural law. This concept presupposes that rights and freedoms are an inalienable good of every person, regardless of the will of any external institutions. The ideas of natural law have been expressed in the concept of private law (the fundamental principles of private law are such principles as justice, good faith, reasonableness, dispositiveness, legal certainty, inadmissibility of interference in private affairs, inviolability of property rights, and freedom of contract). Object: The subject of the study is the problems of reforming of private law in modern conditions. The object of research is the social relations that arise in the plane of «person-person» and «state-person» in modern transformation processes. Methodology: The research methodology is formed by methods of analysis, synthesis, and modeling. Additionally, logical-leg...
Retos, 2021
Globalization processes do not ignore any sphere of human life. They did not miss the field of ... more Globalization processes do not ignore any sphere of human life. They did not miss the field of sports. As a result, the problem of corruption, which used to be unequally prevalent in every national jurisdiction, is beginning to threaten the integrity of sport at the global level. Therefore, legal science has a task to determine the legal algorithms for combating sports corruption both within the country and in the international arena. The study aims to establish legal mechanisms to combat corruption in sports at both national and international levels. The object of research is public relations in the field of sports law. The subject of the study is public relations in the field of sports law, which have developed concerning methods and means of combating sports corruption. The research methods were philosophical, general scientific, and special scientific methods such as dialectical, system-structural, comparative-legal, and formal-legal methods. As a result of the work, a descrip...
Retos, 2020
The article analyzes the current state of the sports organization system in Ukraine. The authors ... more The article analyzes the current state of the sports organization system in Ukraine. The authors of the article argue that the sports system in Ukraine needs to be reformed in light of current trends in world sports. First and foremost, the need for regulatory and institutional development of the professional sport, which can have a positive impact on the development of the entire sports system of Ukraine. Currently, the dominant position in Ukrainian sport is occupied by the state and non-governmental organizations. This approach was justified under the conditions of a planned economy during the Soviet Union, but it is now outdated and hinders the development of Ukrainian sport.Instead, modern sport in developed countries is primarily driven by private initiative and the creation of appropriate conditions for a variety of private law entities to promote entrepreneurial activity in sport.The purpose of the article is to identify the key institutional and legal factors of the domesti...
Ius Humani. Law Journal, 2020
The principles of adjusting the regulation of civil relations in the context of the Covid-19 pand... more The principles of adjusting the regulation of civil relations in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic are analyzed. The admissibility of restricting human rights in the context of the conflict of private and public interests are researched. Besides, the authors tried to determine the optimal algorithm of government actions aimed at preventing the spread of the epidemic. The main approach to the understanding of human rights in the article is based on Dworkin's concept of “rights as trumps”. A system of such categories as “a man”, “a private person”, “natural private rights”, “private law” and “national civil law” is analyzed. The conclusion is that the importance of the category of “natural” human rights is underestimated, which exacerbates the problem of ensuring human rights in a pandemic, when the state actively uses public law to cope with the crisis. As a result, there is a conflict of basic principles of private and public law: “everything is allowed except what is prohibi...
DIXI, 2021
The article is devoted to the study of European quality standards of the law to promote the effec... more The article is devoted to the study of European quality standards of the law to promote the effectiveness of the work begun in Ukraine on updating the civil legislation. The ability to achieve this goal depends on the quality of the process. Such a process primarily contributes to the assertion of the absolute value of the human person, freedom, democracy, equality, and the priority of man over the state; improving the mechanisms of protection and proper protection of human rights and freedoms, their equality before the law and justice. The latter especially in the context of counteracting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led the state of Ukraine (as well as other states) to take steps to limit or reduce human rights and, accordingly, is not always compatible with the rule of law. General and special methods of scientific knowledge were used in this study, namely methods: Analysis and synthesis, systems analysis, formal-logical and structural-functional, along with som...
Revista Amazonia Investiga, 2020
Cuestiones Políticas, 2021
The article aims to explore the relationships that arise with respect to intellectual property ri... more The article aims to explore the relationships that arise with respect to intellectual property rights in sports. The objectives of the article are to establish points of contact between intellectual property law and sports, as well as a detailed analysis of relevant public relations in terms of intellectual property law and sports law. To achieve the objectives of the article, the authors used a number of scientific methods, among which the main methods are analysis, synthesis and comparative-legal method. The authors of the study concluded that modern sport is developing in close intertwining with intellectual property rights, because only in this way can a sports spectacle be conveyed to a wide range of spectators and consumers in a broad sense. In addition, the range of points of contact between intellectual property and sports law is constantly growing and such can now be called not only patents and trademarks in sports, but also copyright, "image" rights, know-how in ...
The author analyzed the features of legal construction of the contract on the transfer of a profe... more The author analyzed the features of legal construction of the contract on the transfer of a professional athlete from one sports club to another (transfer contract). The author concludes that the transfer contract is a civil law contract, which mediates a sports club assignment of the claim to the athlete for the implementation of sports activities and participation in sports, in favor of another sports club, for the contract fee. At the present stage of national professional sports the conclusionof transfer contracts in Ukraine is actually illegal, asit breaks the law. The only possibility of legal and regulatory reasonable use of transfer contracts in Ukraine is the legal recognition of civil law relations arising between athletes and sports clubs about the implementation of sports activities and participation in sports with the possibility of contracting the provision of sports services (sports contracts).
The author has analyzed the legal relations between athletes, sports clubs and sports agents, con... more The author has analyzed the legal relations between athletes, sports clubs and sports agents, concerning the employment of athletes (so called “sports agency services”) in Ukraine. These relationships are predominantly civil. Due to this it is vitally important to formulate a stable legal structure of “sports agency service contract”. The author concludes that the contract of agency services in sports is a contract under which one party (sports agent) agrees for a fee on behalf of another party (the principal) to fulfill legal and/or factual actions on behalf of and at the expense of the principal, to ensure the athlete's participation in professional sports activities.
The principal under the contract of agency services may be either an athlete or a sports club. At the same time, in our opinion, it would be advisable to limit or eliminate the possibility of concluding contracts of agency services between sports agents and sports clubs, as it inevitably leads to the appearance of a conflict of interests.
Thesis Chapters by Maxym Tkalych
деліктні відносини у спорті є складними та потребують належного правового регулювання. В той же ч... more деліктні відносини у спорті є складними та потребують належного правового регулювання. В той же час, наразі рівень правового регулювання зазначених відносин не є достатнім. Зокрема, приписи ст. 1166 та ст. 1177 ЦК України не в повній мірі дають можливість врахувати весь спектр проблемних відносин, які можуть виникнути у зв’язку із завданням шкоди спортсменом іншому спортсмену під час здійснення спортивної діяльності. На нашу думку, доцільним є віднесення деліктів, що вчиняються у сфері спорту, до категорії спеціальних. Серед іншого, доцільно прямо передбачити законом, що спортсмен вважається невинуватим у завданні шкоди іншому спортсмену, поки протилежне не буде доведено судом. Крім того, варто встановити чіткі критерії розмежування форм вини та відмежування винної протиправної поведінки від правомірної поведінки спортсменів, внаслідок якої було завдано шкоду іншому спортсмену.
Проблема визначення ролі корпоративних норм в механізмі правового регулювання відносин у сфері сп... more Проблема визначення ролі корпоративних норм в механізмі правового регулювання відносин у сфері спорту має неабиякий теоретичний і практичний інтерес. Передовсім, це пов’язане із відсутністю єдиних уніфікованих підходів до визначення принципів нормативно-правового регулювання приватних, та й будь-яких інших відносин у сфері спорту. Зазначене призводить до появи безлічі доктринальних концепцій спортивного права, як окремої сфери правового регулювання і негативно відбивається на якості правового регулювання відповідних відносин. Одночасне існування різних моделей правового регулювання відносин у сфері спорту призвело до розуміння необхідності їх уніфікації в межах однієї системи. Ознак саме такої системи на теперішній час набуває «Lex sportiva», яке, фактично, включає, в себе такі джерела нормативного регулювання, як акти спортивних організацій (включають «корпоративні норми»/норми «м’якого права»/норми саморегулювання), національні нормативно-правові акти, акти спортивних третейських судів та акти національних судів. Провідне місце серед інших джерел «Lex sportiva» посідають саме «корпоративні» норми спортивних організацій (норми «м’якого» права).
Lex Sportiva
У статті досліджено міжнародно-правові та національно-правові засади законодавства у сфері протид... more У статті досліджено міжнародно-правові та національно-правові засади законодавства у сфері протидії злочинам, пов’язаним із маніпулюванням результатами спортивних змагань. Автори дослідили роль кримінальної відповідальності за правопорушення, пов’язані з протиправним впливом на результати офіційних спортивних змагань, як на рівні правової доктрини, так і на рівні правозастосування, що включає аналіз низки судових рішень національних і міжнародних судів. Автори наводять аргументи на користь важливості ратифікації міжнародних конвенцій у сфері боротьби з протиправним впливом на результати спортивних змагань з огляду на їх важливість для удосконалення національного законодавства у досліджуваній сфері. У дослідженні визначено місце України у міжнародній спортивній системі, а також зроблено спробу оцінити масштаби спортивної корупції в Україні. Зокрема, проаналізовано роль злочинних груп у протиправному впливі на результати офіційних спортивних змагань. У статті, серед іншого, проаналізо...
The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of legal regulation of relations on th... more The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of legal regulation of relations on the provision of information security in the world. The author also raises questions of informational propaganda. The article introduces the author's concept of information hygiene. As a result of the research carried out, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce legal regulation of information relations both at the international and national levels.El artículo está dedicado a la consideración del problema de la regulación legal de las relaciones en la provisión de seguridad de la información en el mundo. El autor también plantea cuestiones de propaganda informativa. El artículo introduce el concepto del autor de higiene de la información. Como resultado de la investigación realizada, el autor llegó a la conclusión de que es necesario introducir una regulación legal de las relaciones de información tanto a nivel internacional como nacional.O artigo é dedicado...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 2021
Amazonia Investiga, Jan 25, 2020
Revista Amazonia Investiga, 2021
The problem of ensuring the quality of educational services is extremely important. It is known t... more The problem of ensuring the quality of educational services is extremely important. It is known that the level of education and education as such are of great importance for most areas of life as an individual, and each country and the world as a whole. The authors of the article tried to analyze the current state of education, namely - distance education, in terms of transformational processes. In their study, the authors tried to take into account the total digitalization of education and objective reality in general, the introduction of innovative technologies, and took into account the factor of the pandemic, which in one way or another affected all processes of public life. The result of this study was a reflection on the main trends in the development of distance education and education in general, as well as general recommendations for improving the education system at both local and global levels. This study was conducted on the basis of a number of methods that allowed to m...
Proceedings of the III International Scientific Congress Society of Ambient Intelligence 2020 (ISC-SAI 2020), 2020
The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of legal regulation of relations on th... more The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of legal regulation of relations on the provision of information security in the world. The author also raises questions of informational propaganda. The article introduces the author's concept of information hygiene. As a result of the research carried out, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce legal regulation of information relations both at the international and national levels.
Retos, 2020
Sport is a unique area of social relations, which is officially autonomous and ruled not only and... more Sport is a unique area of social relations, which is officially autonomous and ruled not only and not so much by national law, but to a greater extent – by the rules of sports organizations. Due to the fact that sport has an autonomous character, which, in particular, is characterized by the presence of various regulatory sources that comprehensively affect the relevant social relations, the concept of a unique "sports legal order" is now beginning to take shape. The study aims to analyze social relations in the field of sport and the peculiarities of their regulation. Moreover, the research methodology includes a set of methods of scientific cognition, among which are the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, formal-logical method, historical method and comparative legal method. Regulation of relations in the field of sports is significantly different from the regulation of other social relations. The presence of such features gives grounds for sports offi...
Retos, 2021
Sports law is a relatively new phenomenon for jurisprudence in Ukraine. At present, there is no... more Sports law is a relatively new phenomenon for jurisprudence in Ukraine. At present, there is no developed theoretical basis for responsibility in the field of sports in the domestic legal science. This publication is a study of world and national experience in solving this problem and is intended to be a source of further research in the field of sports law. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of legal regulation of liability in the field of sports. The object of the study is the social relations that have developed in the field of sports law. The subject of the study is the public relations that have developed in the field of sports law in relation to legal and sports-competitive liability. Philosophical, general scientific and special scientific methods such as dialectical, system-structural, comparative-legal, and formal-legal methods acted as research methods. As a result of the work, the general features of legal regulation of sports sanctions in foreign countrie...
DIXI, 2020
Point of view: One of the basic concepts that underlies law as a phenomenon, as well as private l... more Point of view: One of the basic concepts that underlies law as a phenomenon, as well as private law as one of the two areas of law, is the concept of natural law. This concept presupposes that rights and freedoms are an inalienable good of every person, regardless of the will of any external institutions. The ideas of natural law have been expressed in the concept of private law (the fundamental principles of private law are such principles as justice, good faith, reasonableness, dispositiveness, legal certainty, inadmissibility of interference in private affairs, inviolability of property rights, and freedom of contract). Object: The subject of the study is the problems of reforming of private law in modern conditions. The object of research is the social relations that arise in the plane of «person-person» and «state-person» in modern transformation processes. Methodology: The research methodology is formed by methods of analysis, synthesis, and modeling. Additionally, logical-leg...
Retos, 2021
Globalization processes do not ignore any sphere of human life. They did not miss the field of ... more Globalization processes do not ignore any sphere of human life. They did not miss the field of sports. As a result, the problem of corruption, which used to be unequally prevalent in every national jurisdiction, is beginning to threaten the integrity of sport at the global level. Therefore, legal science has a task to determine the legal algorithms for combating sports corruption both within the country and in the international arena. The study aims to establish legal mechanisms to combat corruption in sports at both national and international levels. The object of research is public relations in the field of sports law. The subject of the study is public relations in the field of sports law, which have developed concerning methods and means of combating sports corruption. The research methods were philosophical, general scientific, and special scientific methods such as dialectical, system-structural, comparative-legal, and formal-legal methods. As a result of the work, a descrip...
Retos, 2020
The article analyzes the current state of the sports organization system in Ukraine. The authors ... more The article analyzes the current state of the sports organization system in Ukraine. The authors of the article argue that the sports system in Ukraine needs to be reformed in light of current trends in world sports. First and foremost, the need for regulatory and institutional development of the professional sport, which can have a positive impact on the development of the entire sports system of Ukraine. Currently, the dominant position in Ukrainian sport is occupied by the state and non-governmental organizations. This approach was justified under the conditions of a planned economy during the Soviet Union, but it is now outdated and hinders the development of Ukrainian sport.Instead, modern sport in developed countries is primarily driven by private initiative and the creation of appropriate conditions for a variety of private law entities to promote entrepreneurial activity in sport.The purpose of the article is to identify the key institutional and legal factors of the domesti...
Ius Humani. Law Journal, 2020
The principles of adjusting the regulation of civil relations in the context of the Covid-19 pand... more The principles of adjusting the regulation of civil relations in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic are analyzed. The admissibility of restricting human rights in the context of the conflict of private and public interests are researched. Besides, the authors tried to determine the optimal algorithm of government actions aimed at preventing the spread of the epidemic. The main approach to the understanding of human rights in the article is based on Dworkin's concept of “rights as trumps”. A system of such categories as “a man”, “a private person”, “natural private rights”, “private law” and “national civil law” is analyzed. The conclusion is that the importance of the category of “natural” human rights is underestimated, which exacerbates the problem of ensuring human rights in a pandemic, when the state actively uses public law to cope with the crisis. As a result, there is a conflict of basic principles of private and public law: “everything is allowed except what is prohibi...
DIXI, 2021
The article is devoted to the study of European quality standards of the law to promote the effec... more The article is devoted to the study of European quality standards of the law to promote the effectiveness of the work begun in Ukraine on updating the civil legislation. The ability to achieve this goal depends on the quality of the process. Such a process primarily contributes to the assertion of the absolute value of the human person, freedom, democracy, equality, and the priority of man over the state; improving the mechanisms of protection and proper protection of human rights and freedoms, their equality before the law and justice. The latter especially in the context of counteracting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led the state of Ukraine (as well as other states) to take steps to limit or reduce human rights and, accordingly, is not always compatible with the rule of law. General and special methods of scientific knowledge were used in this study, namely methods: Analysis and synthesis, systems analysis, formal-logical and structural-functional, along with som...
Revista Amazonia Investiga, 2020
Cuestiones Políticas, 2021
The article aims to explore the relationships that arise with respect to intellectual property ri... more The article aims to explore the relationships that arise with respect to intellectual property rights in sports. The objectives of the article are to establish points of contact between intellectual property law and sports, as well as a detailed analysis of relevant public relations in terms of intellectual property law and sports law. To achieve the objectives of the article, the authors used a number of scientific methods, among which the main methods are analysis, synthesis and comparative-legal method. The authors of the study concluded that modern sport is developing in close intertwining with intellectual property rights, because only in this way can a sports spectacle be conveyed to a wide range of spectators and consumers in a broad sense. In addition, the range of points of contact between intellectual property and sports law is constantly growing and such can now be called not only patents and trademarks in sports, but also copyright, "image" rights, know-how in ...
The author analyzed the features of legal construction of the contract on the transfer of a profe... more The author analyzed the features of legal construction of the contract on the transfer of a professional athlete from one sports club to another (transfer contract). The author concludes that the transfer contract is a civil law contract, which mediates a sports club assignment of the claim to the athlete for the implementation of sports activities and participation in sports, in favor of another sports club, for the contract fee. At the present stage of national professional sports the conclusionof transfer contracts in Ukraine is actually illegal, asit breaks the law. The only possibility of legal and regulatory reasonable use of transfer contracts in Ukraine is the legal recognition of civil law relations arising between athletes and sports clubs about the implementation of sports activities and participation in sports with the possibility of contracting the provision of sports services (sports contracts).
The author has analyzed the legal relations between athletes, sports clubs and sports agents, con... more The author has analyzed the legal relations between athletes, sports clubs and sports agents, concerning the employment of athletes (so called “sports agency services”) in Ukraine. These relationships are predominantly civil. Due to this it is vitally important to formulate a stable legal structure of “sports agency service contract”. The author concludes that the contract of agency services in sports is a contract under which one party (sports agent) agrees for a fee on behalf of another party (the principal) to fulfill legal and/or factual actions on behalf of and at the expense of the principal, to ensure the athlete's participation in professional sports activities.
The principal under the contract of agency services may be either an athlete or a sports club. At the same time, in our opinion, it would be advisable to limit or eliminate the possibility of concluding contracts of agency services between sports agents and sports clubs, as it inevitably leads to the appearance of a conflict of interests.
деліктні відносини у спорті є складними та потребують належного правового регулювання. В той же ч... more деліктні відносини у спорті є складними та потребують належного правового регулювання. В той же час, наразі рівень правового регулювання зазначених відносин не є достатнім. Зокрема, приписи ст. 1166 та ст. 1177 ЦК України не в повній мірі дають можливість врахувати весь спектр проблемних відносин, які можуть виникнути у зв’язку із завданням шкоди спортсменом іншому спортсмену під час здійснення спортивної діяльності. На нашу думку, доцільним є віднесення деліктів, що вчиняються у сфері спорту, до категорії спеціальних. Серед іншого, доцільно прямо передбачити законом, що спортсмен вважається невинуватим у завданні шкоди іншому спортсмену, поки протилежне не буде доведено судом. Крім того, варто встановити чіткі критерії розмежування форм вини та відмежування винної протиправної поведінки від правомірної поведінки спортсменів, внаслідок якої було завдано шкоду іншому спортсмену.
Проблема визначення ролі корпоративних норм в механізмі правового регулювання відносин у сфері сп... more Проблема визначення ролі корпоративних норм в механізмі правового регулювання відносин у сфері спорту має неабиякий теоретичний і практичний інтерес. Передовсім, це пов’язане із відсутністю єдиних уніфікованих підходів до визначення принципів нормативно-правового регулювання приватних, та й будь-яких інших відносин у сфері спорту. Зазначене призводить до появи безлічі доктринальних концепцій спортивного права, як окремої сфери правового регулювання і негативно відбивається на якості правового регулювання відповідних відносин. Одночасне існування різних моделей правового регулювання відносин у сфері спорту призвело до розуміння необхідності їх уніфікації в межах однієї системи. Ознак саме такої системи на теперішній час набуває «Lex sportiva», яке, фактично, включає, в себе такі джерела нормативного регулювання, як акти спортивних організацій (включають «корпоративні норми»/норми «м’якого права»/норми саморегулювання), національні нормативно-правові акти, акти спортивних третейських судів та акти національних судів. Провідне місце серед інших джерел «Lex sportiva» посідають саме «корпоративні» норми спортивних організацій (норми «м’якого» права).