Jakub Bardovič | University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (original) (raw)
Papers by Jakub Bardovič
Central European Papers, 2024
Territorial self-government is related to a range of competencies and services that must be provi... more Territorial self-government is related to a range of competencies and services that must be provided and ensured for residents in the area. However, there are some countries where there are doubts about the ability of certain local governments to fulfil their responsibilities. Slovakia is an example of this. The significant fragmentation of the territory results in a large number of small municipalities. For this reason, the aim of this article is to find out the ability of small municipalities, categorised by population size (up to 500 and up to 1,000 inhabitants), to provide technical infrastructure services within their territories, in particular in the areas of sewerage, public water supply, gas supply, mobile phone services and internet connectivity. The aim is also to determine whether there are any differences. The study is based on an analysis of secondary and primary (questionnaire) data. The study shows differences in the technical equipment of small municipalities for the indicators studied. Regional differences and discrepancies between sub-categories of small municipalities are also present in terms of technical infrastructure.
Social Sciences, 2022
This is an exploratory cross-case analysis of political communication strategies of selected yout... more This is an exploratory cross-case analysis of political communication strategies of selected youth political organizations on the social network Facebook. The main objectives of this paper are to capture the topics and frequency of posting of Youth Political Organization on Facebook. Secondary, the study aims to capture the analytical approach categories/objectives: themes and actors. It focuses on the 3-month period from December 2020 to February 2021. Relevant youth political organizations in Slovakia and the Czech Republic are compared with youth political organizations operating at the European level. The organizations either belong directly to the kin political party or have the status of a supporting organization. At the European level, they are also affiliated to a European political party or are a supporting organization of a European political party. The data source is the official profiles of youth political organizations on the social network Facebook. Data processing is based on content analysis of published posts. Content analysis focuses on topics, the frequency of topics, the occurrence of keywords in the overall set of posts, and identifying attitudes to topics. The obtained data are evaluated by descriptive statistics. The presentation of the data is supplemented by tables, including graphical processing using the Voyant Tools text analysis tool. Key findings indicate that COVID-19 pandemic is the most communicated topic both on national and European level. Czech and Slovak cases seek to gain support or create conflict based on selected topics, while European level forms an area of cooperation among organizations.
Voľby 2019/2020: Kam kráčaš demokracia. Publisher: Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2021
The first aim of this paper is to identify a short-term development in parliamentary elections he... more The first aim of this paper is to identify a short-term development in parliamentary elections held in Slovakia in 2016 and 2020, in terms of the participation of youth from political parties by researching their position on the party list and measuring their success in the elections. The second aim of the paper is to find out how the participation of youth in the process of creation of party lists has been changing, and how successful they were in regards to election results in political parties currently present in the parliament. Our findings are indicating the existence of a paradox in a short-term perspective. In 2020, more young candidates were elected and gained a mandate compared to 2016, however, there were more young candidates present in party lists of the political parties in 2016. In terms of develop-ment in current political parties present in the parliament, we can identify parties that are experiencing a continual decrease in the number of candidates below 30 years (mainly SMER-SD), or have some discrepancy (as SaS in 2020). There are also political parties where no development can be identified because of their recent establishment. In one case (Kotlebovci – ĽSNS), there can be identified an opposite trend – when the number of can-didates below 30 years on the party list has been increasing, until 2020. Regarding the success of young candidates in gaining mandates, the highest numbers were observed in OĽaNO, where 6 candidates below 30 years were elected to the parliament. Other political parties that were subject to this research had a maximum of 3 candidates elected. In 2020, three political parties had no representative below 30 years elected to the parliament based on the election results.
European Journal of Transformation Studies. Vol. 9, No. 1., 2021
The main goal of the paper is to identify statistical relations between selected economic indicat... more The main goal of the paper is to identify statistical relations between selected economic indicators and political party preferences. The sample contains 7 political parties, and we monitor the development of their preferences through two agencies (FOCUS and AKO) conducting regular surveys of electoral preferences. We monitor their dependence relation through a set of selected key economic indicators: Average monthly wages, GDP index, GDP in millions of EUR, Unemployment in %, Unema total of 52 months from the beginning of the year 2016 to April 2020. The results ment of preferences of political parties that were active in the government from March 2016 to March 2020. The form of dependence shows itself as indirect, which means a positive balance development of economic indicators, but on the contrary, a negative development of electoral preferences of Smer-SD, SNS and Most-Híd political parties.
Slovak Journal of Political Sciences, 2018
2020: Začiatok dekády zmien?, 2021
Citizens' participation in public affairs is an essential element for the functioning of any demo... more Citizens' participation in public affairs is an essential element for the functioning of any democratic society. Recent years have created the conditions for forming new tools of participation or a particular transformation of existing ones. An example of this trend is participatory budgeting. In the Slovak Republic conditions, it is first used at the level of municipal self-government in 2011. The paper aims to characterize the current state of participation of inhabitants in regional cities concerning the participatory budgeting. The participation of inhabitants is monitored through the number of submitted projects and the number of voters. All years in which the participatory budget was implemented in a particular city are taken into account. The condition for including these years is their public availability, which also monitors the extent to which local governments communicate openly and honestly. Therefore, the official websites and documents of the monitored municipalities serve as a source of data. The obtained data are then compared diachronically at each town's level concerning the established comparison criteria. The findings showed that participatory budgeting is used in 4 out of 8 regional cities. Each of them has several specifics in its settings. As one of the common and main issue of all 4 cities is considered the participation of the inhabitants in the voting, which is relatively low at the moment.
1989 – 2019: Dekády zmien. Kam kráčaš demokracia. Košice:Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Vydavateľstvo Šafárik Press, 2021
The article deals with the issue of electoral systems focusing on the conditions of the Slovak Re... more The article deals with the issue of electoral systems focusing on the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The focus is on the change of electoral constituency settings in the case of elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic as a result of the amendment to the Act from 1998 and the related adjustment of the mathematical formula with direct conse-quences for other following elections, including EP elections, which are also affected by this change. It aims is to characterize the implemented changes, identify the existing imperfec-tions and propose a possible solution. In monitoring this fact, problematic aspects were identified in the very formulation of the law, which may disrupt the characteristics of the electoral system and, thus, subsequently also the representation of votes from the voters.
In Slovakia, participatory budgeting represents one of the relatively new instruments of politica... more In Slovakia, participatory budgeting represents one of the relatively new instruments of political participation. It has been used since 2011. Currently it is present on both levels of territorial self-government (i.e., local level and regional level). Nevertheless, its implementation into practice is only a gradual one, as the number of local and regional governments using participatory budgeting is limited. Furthermore, both local and regional governments are currently exposed to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, so a question arises as to how they managed to deal with the situation and how it affected the implementation of approved participatory budgets. The aim of this paper is to identify how the local governments in Slovakia approached the implementation of participatory budgeting in 2020. With regard to the above-mentioned goal, we focus on the following: the implementation of participatory budgeting before 2020, its continuation in 2020 and, if maintained, its adjustment to the "period of social distancing". The findings show that there is a large group of local and regional governments that have decided to either suspend or cancel the implementation of participatory budgeting. Out of those who opted for its implementation, one group did not need to significantly adapt to the distancing restrictions, another group managed to hold potential meetings before the first restrictions came into force. It was only the latter group that faced the most serious challenge. However, active employment of online tools along with the use of the period of released measures proved crucial for the implementation of participatory budgeting.
Komunálna samospráva na Slovensku optikou verejnej politiky, 2019
Politické vedy, 2021
A wide range of different factors influence a voter's choice in support of political party or rep... more A wide range of different factors influence a voter's choice in support of political party or representative. The research deals with the electoral behavior of voters in Slovak regional elections in 2017. Specifically, it focuses on the impact of defined socio-demographic characteristics and indicators such as share of inhabitants of the municipality aged 18-30 of Roman Catholic faith, share of municipal inhabitants with higher education, share of economically active inhabitants of the municipality, share of PC / Internet users in the settlement structure of Banská Bystrica region in relation with election results of M. Kotleba as a chairman candidate. We used statistical measurement and correlation analysis to fulfil our goal. The data combine election results with socio-demographic characteristics of municipalities in Banská Bystrica region. Graphical maps present the intensity of strength of the association between variables according to view of districts in Banská Bystrica region. The resulting findings show a statistically significant relationship in two defined categories. In the first case, with the increasing proportion of Roman Catholic faith in the municipality, the support of the candidate also increased. Similar findings were identified in relation to share of university educated inhabitants in the municipality. The electoral support of Marian Kotleba in 2017 Slovak regional election was influenced by factors of measured socio-demographical characteristics of municipalities. The findings confirmed similar conclusions from 2013 analysis of Marian Kotleba support in regional elections.
Politics and Knowledge: New Trends in Social Research. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2020. ISBN 979-12-80225-00-9 , 2020
The aim of this paper is to characterize the situation after the elections to the National Counci... more The aim of this paper is to characterize the situation after the elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic in 2020. Structured analysis deals with the results of the elections, electoral support of political parties at national and regional level and in the context of the campaign's own funding (incomes and costs). The election results of the political parties are in relation with the costs of the campaign. Main results declare continuing multipartyism, slight decreasing number of successful parties, ongoing success of new established parties before elections or positive relationships between selected variables.
Annales Universitatis Mariae-Curie Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia, 2020
This paper deals with the issue of participatory budgeting as one of the newer tools of political... more This paper deals with the issue of participatory budgeting as one of the newer tools of political participation. Its aim is to characterise the current situation in the Slovak Republic at two levels of territorial self-administration (self-governing regions and municipalities). To reach defined aims, it monitors the existence of legislative settings at the national level, the existence of individual settings at the observed levels and subsequently the practical application of the participatory budgeting itself. Procedures associated with the study of documents are used in article; the obtained data are summarized, described and compared mutually. In addition to laws and regulations issued by self-government units, the source of data is also the regional and local self-government units’ official websites. In the absence of one universal definition of the participatory budgeting rules at the national level, the findings have shown that there are relatively extensive conditions for implementing participatory budgeting with its specific settings defined by self-administrations. In Slovakia, participatory budgeting is only gradually introduced into the internal rules, which reflects a relatively small number of municipalities or self-governing regions, which ultimately use it effectively.
Marketing Identity Covid-2.0. Trnava: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2020, pp. 419-429. ISBN 978-80-572-0107-6, ISSN 2729-7527., 2020
The current setup of society requires all entities that want to maintain their existence and pote... more The current setup of society requires all entities that want to maintain their existence and potentially grow, to use online communication tools. These allow them to share various messages, gain new customers / clients, and keep those up to date. This trend did not escape the political sphere either, and thus also political parties or several youth organizations operating alongside them. The aim of this paper is to identify the use of online communication tools of youth organizations of political parties in Slovakia and to characterize the form of communicated content in relation to topic of COVID-19. For the purpose of fulfilling this goal, youth organizations are monitored, which are linked to relevant (parliamentary) political parties. Relevant online communication platforms - websites and social networks - serve as a source of data. We have included several categories of research: the existence of own website, the link from own website to social networks, the existence of a blog on the website, the types of social networks used, the division of contributions according to topics (COVID-19 included) and promotion of the organization, the rate of publication of posts (COVID-19 posts vs. others), the rate of interactions (COVID-19 posts vs. others), monitoring the relationships between types of interactions and differentiation of the rate of interactions according to the type of published contribution (COVID-19 posts vs others). The data are processed by descriptive statistics and, in the case of monitoring relationships and their extent, also through advanced statistical analyzes (correlation analysis, CrossTabs). The results show active use of the website and the social network Facebook. Promotion predominates over the communication of social and political topics. The interaction rate on posts increases with the number of other second interactions. The form of the contribution does not directly affect the number of interactions.
Marketing Identity Covid-2.0. Trnava: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2020, pp. 78-88. ISBN 978-80-572-0107-6, ISSN 2729-7527., 2020
Social networks are becoming a stable and powerful tool for reaching voters in election campaigns... more Social networks are becoming a stable and powerful tool for reaching voters in election campaigns. The main goal of the paper is to identify the structure of published posts of selected candidates in the 2019 presidential election on Facebook. The analysis focus on: distribution of posts related to communication of topics or promotion of the candidate, types of promotion, themes of communicated topics, frequency of publishing posts, interactions on published posts, frequency of keywords, relations between interactions on posts and relations between style of published posts (text, image, video, and combinations) and interactions. Data are collected in the period of 60 days before the elections. The source of data source represents Facebook. Processing and evaluation of data is performed through descriptive statistics and advanced statistical analyzes for confirming relationships. Results show that candidates use Facebook primary for propagation of their activities, TV debates, Radio debates or meetings. Frequency of post publication and activity on facebook is higher to date of election. Relationship between types of interactions on posts is strong and affects the number of interactions.
Komunálna samospráva na Slovensku optikou verejnej politiky. Trnava: UCM v Trnave, 2019, ISBN 978-80-572-0022-2, 2019
MARKETING IDENTITY: Digital mirrors – part I., Trnava: FMK UCM v Trnave, 2018
Political communication is an essential part of the research of social and behavioral sciences fo... more Political communication is an essential part of the research of social and behavioral sciences focusing on
the functioning of society and its components. Its form has changed significantly over recent years as a
result of technological development. The so-called web 2.0 has opened the way for stronger interaction
between politicians and their voters by replacing the static pages with dynamic content pages that
can be intercepted not only by their authors but also by individual users. We can say that social media
have played important role in the political communication. They are currently being used by all (not
only) relevant political parties to present themselves as well as to interact with their voters. This article
deals with the form of political communication in the Slovak Republic, with attention being focused
towards the MPs of the political party People’s Party – Our Slovakia (ĽS – NS). The aim of this article is
to find out whether these MPs use separate (personal) pages/profiles on social networks sites for their
communication with the voters. Our current findings show that in the case of a political party People’s
Party – Our Slovakia, the communication is directed significantly onto the leader and is realized through
the regional, district or fan pages of ĽS – NS. Only a few MPs of ĽS – NS have individual profiles or pages
on social network sites.
The aim of the article/study is to create a frame of the political participation with regard to s... more The aim of the article/study is to create a frame of the political participation with regard to selected theories of democracy, in particular, the theory of elites presented by Joseph Alois Schumpeter and the theory of participatory democracy. For the achievement of the objective,
there is applied comparative method by which are observed the differences in access to decision-making processes in society and the potential for citizens to participate in them. Representatives of both theories are justifying their claims, associated with the position of the citizen in the decision-making process of their own understanding of the individual - his potential, his motives and barriers to which he is exposed.
Elections are an elemental prerequisite for the existence of representative democracy, the functi... more Elections are an elemental prerequisite for the existence of representative democracy, the functioning of which is based solely on the selection of representatives from eligible voters / citizens. How elections are held and the recount of votes on mandates determines the form of the applied electoral system. The submitted contribution deals with the issue of the majority voting system in response to the legislative change adopted by the National Council of the Slovak Republic in filling the mandate of the president of the self-governing regions. The aim of the paper is to characterize the issues of the majority voting system at the level of self-governing regions and municipal level, focusing on the question of the relationship between majority and minority. To achieve this goal, we use methods of analysis, synthesis, but also induction. In dealing with this issue, we rely on data from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and on specialized articles dealing with this issue.
Občianstvo a občianska spoločnosť (Stav - Kontexty - Perspektívy), 2016
The aim of an article is to characterize the barriers of the political participation, especially ... more The aim of an article is to characterize the barriers of the political participation, especially voting participation, with regard to legislative limits. The definitions of legislatives barriers are based on historical experience of Slovak population by focusing on election law in Hungary since 1848, the First Czechoslovak Republic, the Slovak state, the Czechoslovakia after the World War Two and independent Slovak republic after 1993. The article also refers to electoral qualifications and their forms nowadays, which are accepted by democratic theory. There are identified and characterized 16 electoral qualifications.
Interpolis´15, 2015
Účasť občanov na tvorbe politiky je kľúčovou pre fungovanie modernej demokratickej spoločnosti. A... more Účasť občanov na tvorbe politiky je kľúčovou pre fungovanie modernej demokratickej spoločnosti. Aj z tohto dôvodu sa odborníci dlhodobo zaoberajú hľadaním odpovede na otázku: prečo niektorí občania participujú viac a iní menej? Jednou z možnosti interpretácie uvedeného javu je využitie zdrojového modelu a tiež sledovanie rozsahu vplyvu jednotlivých nástrojov, miery ich konfliktnosti, miery ich pôsobnosti i legislatívnych podmienok. Z tohto dôvodu je cieľom príspevku charakterizovať nástroje politickej participácie s ohľadom na prezentované kritéria. Pre tento účel sú sledované a následne porovnávané účasť na voľbách a účasť na referende v slovenských podmienkach.
The involvement of citizens in the political process is a key element in modern democratic society. For this reason the experts try to find out the answer to the question – why some citizens participate more and other less? One of the possible interpretation of this phenomenon is resource model and also application the impact monitoring of the range of individual instruments, the extend of their conflictness, the extent of their competence and legislative conditions. Therefore, the aim of this article is to characterize the tools of political participation in regard to presented criteria. For this reason participation in elections and participation in referenda in the Slovak conditions are monitored and then compared.
Central European Papers, 2024
Territorial self-government is related to a range of competencies and services that must be provi... more Territorial self-government is related to a range of competencies and services that must be provided and ensured for residents in the area. However, there are some countries where there are doubts about the ability of certain local governments to fulfil their responsibilities. Slovakia is an example of this. The significant fragmentation of the territory results in a large number of small municipalities. For this reason, the aim of this article is to find out the ability of small municipalities, categorised by population size (up to 500 and up to 1,000 inhabitants), to provide technical infrastructure services within their territories, in particular in the areas of sewerage, public water supply, gas supply, mobile phone services and internet connectivity. The aim is also to determine whether there are any differences. The study is based on an analysis of secondary and primary (questionnaire) data. The study shows differences in the technical equipment of small municipalities for the indicators studied. Regional differences and discrepancies between sub-categories of small municipalities are also present in terms of technical infrastructure.
Social Sciences, 2022
This is an exploratory cross-case analysis of political communication strategies of selected yout... more This is an exploratory cross-case analysis of political communication strategies of selected youth political organizations on the social network Facebook. The main objectives of this paper are to capture the topics and frequency of posting of Youth Political Organization on Facebook. Secondary, the study aims to capture the analytical approach categories/objectives: themes and actors. It focuses on the 3-month period from December 2020 to February 2021. Relevant youth political organizations in Slovakia and the Czech Republic are compared with youth political organizations operating at the European level. The organizations either belong directly to the kin political party or have the status of a supporting organization. At the European level, they are also affiliated to a European political party or are a supporting organization of a European political party. The data source is the official profiles of youth political organizations on the social network Facebook. Data processing is based on content analysis of published posts. Content analysis focuses on topics, the frequency of topics, the occurrence of keywords in the overall set of posts, and identifying attitudes to topics. The obtained data are evaluated by descriptive statistics. The presentation of the data is supplemented by tables, including graphical processing using the Voyant Tools text analysis tool. Key findings indicate that COVID-19 pandemic is the most communicated topic both on national and European level. Czech and Slovak cases seek to gain support or create conflict based on selected topics, while European level forms an area of cooperation among organizations.
Voľby 2019/2020: Kam kráčaš demokracia. Publisher: Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2021
The first aim of this paper is to identify a short-term development in parliamentary elections he... more The first aim of this paper is to identify a short-term development in parliamentary elections held in Slovakia in 2016 and 2020, in terms of the participation of youth from political parties by researching their position on the party list and measuring their success in the elections. The second aim of the paper is to find out how the participation of youth in the process of creation of party lists has been changing, and how successful they were in regards to election results in political parties currently present in the parliament. Our findings are indicating the existence of a paradox in a short-term perspective. In 2020, more young candidates were elected and gained a mandate compared to 2016, however, there were more young candidates present in party lists of the political parties in 2016. In terms of develop-ment in current political parties present in the parliament, we can identify parties that are experiencing a continual decrease in the number of candidates below 30 years (mainly SMER-SD), or have some discrepancy (as SaS in 2020). There are also political parties where no development can be identified because of their recent establishment. In one case (Kotlebovci – ĽSNS), there can be identified an opposite trend – when the number of can-didates below 30 years on the party list has been increasing, until 2020. Regarding the success of young candidates in gaining mandates, the highest numbers were observed in OĽaNO, where 6 candidates below 30 years were elected to the parliament. Other political parties that were subject to this research had a maximum of 3 candidates elected. In 2020, three political parties had no representative below 30 years elected to the parliament based on the election results.
European Journal of Transformation Studies. Vol. 9, No. 1., 2021
The main goal of the paper is to identify statistical relations between selected economic indicat... more The main goal of the paper is to identify statistical relations between selected economic indicators and political party preferences. The sample contains 7 political parties, and we monitor the development of their preferences through two agencies (FOCUS and AKO) conducting regular surveys of electoral preferences. We monitor their dependence relation through a set of selected key economic indicators: Average monthly wages, GDP index, GDP in millions of EUR, Unemployment in %, Unema total of 52 months from the beginning of the year 2016 to April 2020. The results ment of preferences of political parties that were active in the government from March 2016 to March 2020. The form of dependence shows itself as indirect, which means a positive balance development of economic indicators, but on the contrary, a negative development of electoral preferences of Smer-SD, SNS and Most-Híd political parties.
Slovak Journal of Political Sciences, 2018
2020: Začiatok dekády zmien?, 2021
Citizens' participation in public affairs is an essential element for the functioning of any demo... more Citizens' participation in public affairs is an essential element for the functioning of any democratic society. Recent years have created the conditions for forming new tools of participation or a particular transformation of existing ones. An example of this trend is participatory budgeting. In the Slovak Republic conditions, it is first used at the level of municipal self-government in 2011. The paper aims to characterize the current state of participation of inhabitants in regional cities concerning the participatory budgeting. The participation of inhabitants is monitored through the number of submitted projects and the number of voters. All years in which the participatory budget was implemented in a particular city are taken into account. The condition for including these years is their public availability, which also monitors the extent to which local governments communicate openly and honestly. Therefore, the official websites and documents of the monitored municipalities serve as a source of data. The obtained data are then compared diachronically at each town's level concerning the established comparison criteria. The findings showed that participatory budgeting is used in 4 out of 8 regional cities. Each of them has several specifics in its settings. As one of the common and main issue of all 4 cities is considered the participation of the inhabitants in the voting, which is relatively low at the moment.
1989 – 2019: Dekády zmien. Kam kráčaš demokracia. Košice:Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Vydavateľstvo Šafárik Press, 2021
The article deals with the issue of electoral systems focusing on the conditions of the Slovak Re... more The article deals with the issue of electoral systems focusing on the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The focus is on the change of electoral constituency settings in the case of elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic as a result of the amendment to the Act from 1998 and the related adjustment of the mathematical formula with direct conse-quences for other following elections, including EP elections, which are also affected by this change. It aims is to characterize the implemented changes, identify the existing imperfec-tions and propose a possible solution. In monitoring this fact, problematic aspects were identified in the very formulation of the law, which may disrupt the characteristics of the electoral system and, thus, subsequently also the representation of votes from the voters.
In Slovakia, participatory budgeting represents one of the relatively new instruments of politica... more In Slovakia, participatory budgeting represents one of the relatively new instruments of political participation. It has been used since 2011. Currently it is present on both levels of territorial self-government (i.e., local level and regional level). Nevertheless, its implementation into practice is only a gradual one, as the number of local and regional governments using participatory budgeting is limited. Furthermore, both local and regional governments are currently exposed to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, so a question arises as to how they managed to deal with the situation and how it affected the implementation of approved participatory budgets. The aim of this paper is to identify how the local governments in Slovakia approached the implementation of participatory budgeting in 2020. With regard to the above-mentioned goal, we focus on the following: the implementation of participatory budgeting before 2020, its continuation in 2020 and, if maintained, its adjustment to the "period of social distancing". The findings show that there is a large group of local and regional governments that have decided to either suspend or cancel the implementation of participatory budgeting. Out of those who opted for its implementation, one group did not need to significantly adapt to the distancing restrictions, another group managed to hold potential meetings before the first restrictions came into force. It was only the latter group that faced the most serious challenge. However, active employment of online tools along with the use of the period of released measures proved crucial for the implementation of participatory budgeting.
Komunálna samospráva na Slovensku optikou verejnej politiky, 2019
Politické vedy, 2021
A wide range of different factors influence a voter's choice in support of political party or rep... more A wide range of different factors influence a voter's choice in support of political party or representative. The research deals with the electoral behavior of voters in Slovak regional elections in 2017. Specifically, it focuses on the impact of defined socio-demographic characteristics and indicators such as share of inhabitants of the municipality aged 18-30 of Roman Catholic faith, share of municipal inhabitants with higher education, share of economically active inhabitants of the municipality, share of PC / Internet users in the settlement structure of Banská Bystrica region in relation with election results of M. Kotleba as a chairman candidate. We used statistical measurement and correlation analysis to fulfil our goal. The data combine election results with socio-demographic characteristics of municipalities in Banská Bystrica region. Graphical maps present the intensity of strength of the association between variables according to view of districts in Banská Bystrica region. The resulting findings show a statistically significant relationship in two defined categories. In the first case, with the increasing proportion of Roman Catholic faith in the municipality, the support of the candidate also increased. Similar findings were identified in relation to share of university educated inhabitants in the municipality. The electoral support of Marian Kotleba in 2017 Slovak regional election was influenced by factors of measured socio-demographical characteristics of municipalities. The findings confirmed similar conclusions from 2013 analysis of Marian Kotleba support in regional elections.
Politics and Knowledge: New Trends in Social Research. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2020. ISBN 979-12-80225-00-9 , 2020
The aim of this paper is to characterize the situation after the elections to the National Counci... more The aim of this paper is to characterize the situation after the elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic in 2020. Structured analysis deals with the results of the elections, electoral support of political parties at national and regional level and in the context of the campaign's own funding (incomes and costs). The election results of the political parties are in relation with the costs of the campaign. Main results declare continuing multipartyism, slight decreasing number of successful parties, ongoing success of new established parties before elections or positive relationships between selected variables.
Annales Universitatis Mariae-Curie Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia, 2020
This paper deals with the issue of participatory budgeting as one of the newer tools of political... more This paper deals with the issue of participatory budgeting as one of the newer tools of political participation. Its aim is to characterise the current situation in the Slovak Republic at two levels of territorial self-administration (self-governing regions and municipalities). To reach defined aims, it monitors the existence of legislative settings at the national level, the existence of individual settings at the observed levels and subsequently the practical application of the participatory budgeting itself. Procedures associated with the study of documents are used in article; the obtained data are summarized, described and compared mutually. In addition to laws and regulations issued by self-government units, the source of data is also the regional and local self-government units’ official websites. In the absence of one universal definition of the participatory budgeting rules at the national level, the findings have shown that there are relatively extensive conditions for implementing participatory budgeting with its specific settings defined by self-administrations. In Slovakia, participatory budgeting is only gradually introduced into the internal rules, which reflects a relatively small number of municipalities or self-governing regions, which ultimately use it effectively.
Marketing Identity Covid-2.0. Trnava: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2020, pp. 419-429. ISBN 978-80-572-0107-6, ISSN 2729-7527., 2020
The current setup of society requires all entities that want to maintain their existence and pote... more The current setup of society requires all entities that want to maintain their existence and potentially grow, to use online communication tools. These allow them to share various messages, gain new customers / clients, and keep those up to date. This trend did not escape the political sphere either, and thus also political parties or several youth organizations operating alongside them. The aim of this paper is to identify the use of online communication tools of youth organizations of political parties in Slovakia and to characterize the form of communicated content in relation to topic of COVID-19. For the purpose of fulfilling this goal, youth organizations are monitored, which are linked to relevant (parliamentary) political parties. Relevant online communication platforms - websites and social networks - serve as a source of data. We have included several categories of research: the existence of own website, the link from own website to social networks, the existence of a blog on the website, the types of social networks used, the division of contributions according to topics (COVID-19 included) and promotion of the organization, the rate of publication of posts (COVID-19 posts vs. others), the rate of interactions (COVID-19 posts vs. others), monitoring the relationships between types of interactions and differentiation of the rate of interactions according to the type of published contribution (COVID-19 posts vs others). The data are processed by descriptive statistics and, in the case of monitoring relationships and their extent, also through advanced statistical analyzes (correlation analysis, CrossTabs). The results show active use of the website and the social network Facebook. Promotion predominates over the communication of social and political topics. The interaction rate on posts increases with the number of other second interactions. The form of the contribution does not directly affect the number of interactions.
Marketing Identity Covid-2.0. Trnava: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2020, pp. 78-88. ISBN 978-80-572-0107-6, ISSN 2729-7527., 2020
Social networks are becoming a stable and powerful tool for reaching voters in election campaigns... more Social networks are becoming a stable and powerful tool for reaching voters in election campaigns. The main goal of the paper is to identify the structure of published posts of selected candidates in the 2019 presidential election on Facebook. The analysis focus on: distribution of posts related to communication of topics or promotion of the candidate, types of promotion, themes of communicated topics, frequency of publishing posts, interactions on published posts, frequency of keywords, relations between interactions on posts and relations between style of published posts (text, image, video, and combinations) and interactions. Data are collected in the period of 60 days before the elections. The source of data source represents Facebook. Processing and evaluation of data is performed through descriptive statistics and advanced statistical analyzes for confirming relationships. Results show that candidates use Facebook primary for propagation of their activities, TV debates, Radio debates or meetings. Frequency of post publication and activity on facebook is higher to date of election. Relationship between types of interactions on posts is strong and affects the number of interactions.
Komunálna samospráva na Slovensku optikou verejnej politiky. Trnava: UCM v Trnave, 2019, ISBN 978-80-572-0022-2, 2019
MARKETING IDENTITY: Digital mirrors – part I., Trnava: FMK UCM v Trnave, 2018
Political communication is an essential part of the research of social and behavioral sciences fo... more Political communication is an essential part of the research of social and behavioral sciences focusing on
the functioning of society and its components. Its form has changed significantly over recent years as a
result of technological development. The so-called web 2.0 has opened the way for stronger interaction
between politicians and their voters by replacing the static pages with dynamic content pages that
can be intercepted not only by their authors but also by individual users. We can say that social media
have played important role in the political communication. They are currently being used by all (not
only) relevant political parties to present themselves as well as to interact with their voters. This article
deals with the form of political communication in the Slovak Republic, with attention being focused
towards the MPs of the political party People’s Party – Our Slovakia (ĽS – NS). The aim of this article is
to find out whether these MPs use separate (personal) pages/profiles on social networks sites for their
communication with the voters. Our current findings show that in the case of a political party People’s
Party – Our Slovakia, the communication is directed significantly onto the leader and is realized through
the regional, district or fan pages of ĽS – NS. Only a few MPs of ĽS – NS have individual profiles or pages
on social network sites.
The aim of the article/study is to create a frame of the political participation with regard to s... more The aim of the article/study is to create a frame of the political participation with regard to selected theories of democracy, in particular, the theory of elites presented by Joseph Alois Schumpeter and the theory of participatory democracy. For the achievement of the objective,
there is applied comparative method by which are observed the differences in access to decision-making processes in society and the potential for citizens to participate in them. Representatives of both theories are justifying their claims, associated with the position of the citizen in the decision-making process of their own understanding of the individual - his potential, his motives and barriers to which he is exposed.
Elections are an elemental prerequisite for the existence of representative democracy, the functi... more Elections are an elemental prerequisite for the existence of representative democracy, the functioning of which is based solely on the selection of representatives from eligible voters / citizens. How elections are held and the recount of votes on mandates determines the form of the applied electoral system. The submitted contribution deals with the issue of the majority voting system in response to the legislative change adopted by the National Council of the Slovak Republic in filling the mandate of the president of the self-governing regions. The aim of the paper is to characterize the issues of the majority voting system at the level of self-governing regions and municipal level, focusing on the question of the relationship between majority and minority. To achieve this goal, we use methods of analysis, synthesis, but also induction. In dealing with this issue, we rely on data from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and on specialized articles dealing with this issue.
Občianstvo a občianska spoločnosť (Stav - Kontexty - Perspektívy), 2016
The aim of an article is to characterize the barriers of the political participation, especially ... more The aim of an article is to characterize the barriers of the political participation, especially voting participation, with regard to legislative limits. The definitions of legislatives barriers are based on historical experience of Slovak population by focusing on election law in Hungary since 1848, the First Czechoslovak Republic, the Slovak state, the Czechoslovakia after the World War Two and independent Slovak republic after 1993. The article also refers to electoral qualifications and their forms nowadays, which are accepted by democratic theory. There are identified and characterized 16 electoral qualifications.
Interpolis´15, 2015
Účasť občanov na tvorbe politiky je kľúčovou pre fungovanie modernej demokratickej spoločnosti. A... more Účasť občanov na tvorbe politiky je kľúčovou pre fungovanie modernej demokratickej spoločnosti. Aj z tohto dôvodu sa odborníci dlhodobo zaoberajú hľadaním odpovede na otázku: prečo niektorí občania participujú viac a iní menej? Jednou z možnosti interpretácie uvedeného javu je využitie zdrojového modelu a tiež sledovanie rozsahu vplyvu jednotlivých nástrojov, miery ich konfliktnosti, miery ich pôsobnosti i legislatívnych podmienok. Z tohto dôvodu je cieľom príspevku charakterizovať nástroje politickej participácie s ohľadom na prezentované kritéria. Pre tento účel sú sledované a následne porovnávané účasť na voľbách a účasť na referende v slovenských podmienkach.
The involvement of citizens in the political process is a key element in modern democratic society. For this reason the experts try to find out the answer to the question – why some citizens participate more and other less? One of the possible interpretation of this phenomenon is resource model and also application the impact monitoring of the range of individual instruments, the extend of their conflictness, the extent of their competence and legislative conditions. Therefore, the aim of this article is to characterize the tools of political participation in regard to presented criteria. For this reason participation in elections and participation in referenda in the Slovak conditions are monitored and then compared.
The scientific monograph deals with the issue of elections and electoral systems related to bodie... more The scientific monograph deals with the issue of elections and electoral systems related to bodies of self‑governing regions. In Slovakia this topic is often ignored. Therefore, research on this topic becomes increasingly important. The main aim of the research is to identify the existing shortcomings of the electoral regulations and their impact on the practice of elections themselves. The research considers both electoral systems and issues related to suffrage (active and passive suffrage). It focuses on the two directly elected bodies - presidents and regional Governments. It also examines electoral legislation itself. It looks at the current state of the law, developments in this area and the process of mutual harmonisation.
In accordance with the above-mentioned intention, the evolution of the electoral rules in the case of the election of the Presidents of the self-governing regions is examined here, considering the transition from the second ballot system to the firstpast-the-post electoral system. It considers the realities created by the change in the electoral system from the voters' point of view, the ability of this electoral system to represent the electorate, and how it deals with majority-minority relations. Finally, it examines the real consequences of change. A separate section is then devoted to the electoral rules used to elect regional governments. The shortcomings identified focus mainly on the area of equality of suffrage, the problem of representation of voters and subjects. This section also attempts to resolve the problem of how to label the electoral system used.
The results show that the process of the mutual approximation of the electoral legislation has only been achieved to a partial extent. This means that it is still possible to continue to approximate. It is possible to identify a number of issues in current legislation that may create conditions for the erosion of equality in suffrage. Candidates and voters themselves are affected by this situation. An analysis of the electoral system in the case of presidents reveals a number of problems. These include the problem of voter representation and the distortion of the logic of the relationship between the majority and the minority. The current state of knowledge offers several options for the elimination of these shortcomings. Regarding the electoral system for electing regional government members, the most problematic variable can be identified regarding electoral districts. The vagueness of the law creates significant conditions for violating a number of criteria that electoral systems are supposed to meet, including the equal suffrage. The ability to meet the criterion of proportionality or to achieve relevant representation is a separate category. Finally, the results of the research and the subsequent attempt to re-classify the electoral system create the conditions for stating that the Slovak legislation currently allows the use of a combined electoral system for the election of regional government.
Publikácia bola schválená Edičnou radou UCM a vedením Fakulty sociálnych vied UCM v Trnave.
Publikácia bola schválená Edičnou radou UCM a vedením Fakulty sociálnych vied UCM v Trnave. Všetk... more Publikácia bola schválená Edičnou radou UCM a vedením Fakulty sociálnych vied UCM v Trnave. Všetky práva vyhradené. Bez súhlasu ich majiteľa toto dielo a ani jeho súčasti nemožno reprodukovať. Vedecká monografia neprešla jazykovou úpravou.
Publikácia bola schválená Edičnou radou UCM a vedením Fakulty sociálnych vied UCM v Trnave. Všetk... more Publikácia bola schválená Edičnou radou UCM a vedením Fakulty sociálnych vied UCM v Trnave. Všetky práva vyhradené. Bez súhlasu ich majiteľa toto dielo a ani jeho súčasti nemožno reprodukovať. Vysokoškolská učebnica neprešla jazykovou úpravou.