Artea Panajotovic | Alfa Univerzitet (original) (raw)

Books by Artea Panajotovic

Research paper thumbnail of Language, Literature and Technology / Jezik, književnost i tehnologija

Language, Literature and Technology / Jezik, književnost i tehnologija, 2018

Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, 19–20 Ma... more Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, 19–20 May 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Jednostavnost, prirodnost, sloboda i neizrecivost: elementi daoizma u delu Ursule Le Gvin

PhD Thesis The subject of this dissertation is the connection of the literary work of Ursula K. ... more PhD Thesis
The subject of this dissertation is the connection of the literary work of Ursula K. Le Guin with the Daoist worldview and ancient Chinese philosophy in general. Through a thorough analysis of the contents and structure of selected novels and short stories, the ways in which the writer incorporates the basic assumptions of Daoism into her work are elucidated. The thesis is primarily based on the analysis of the Hainish novels which implicitly or explicitly thematize the vital Daoist principles of simplicity, naturalness, freedom and inexpressibility: The Dispossessed, The Left Hand of Darkness and The Telling, along with selected short stories from the collections The Wind’s Twelve Quarters and Four Ways to Forgiveness, but also refers to other Le Guin’s works to the extent to which they are relevant for the subject of the study. As Chinese philosophy as a whole focuses on two mutually connected directions ‒ self-improvement of the individual and achievement of the ideal social system ‒ each chapter of the dissertation looks into its subject from two points of view: that of society and that of the individual. The primary aim of this thesis is to conduct a comparative analysis of Le Guin’s works and selected texts of Daoist philosophy in order to clearly present the connection between the basic principles of Daoism and her work, and thus confirm the principal hypothesis that was the starting point of this research ‒ that the literary work of Ursula K. Le Guin is deeply rooted in the tenets of the Daoist tradition of ancient China.

Research paper thumbnail of Englesko-srpski i srpsko-engleski standardni rečnik sa gramatikom engleskog jezika

Papers by Artea Panajotovic


Research paper thumbnail of Daoistički put ka jednostavnosti u romanu Pričanje Ursule Le Gvin

Anali Filološkog fakulteta, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Једноставност, природност, слобода и неизрецивост: даоизам у делу Урсуле Ле Гвин

Research paper thumbnail of Konstrukcija ženskog identiteta i psihologija represije u pripovetkama „Dimenzije”, „Venlok Edž” i „Previše sreće”

Research paper thumbnail of Upotreba književnih sadržaja u nastavi engleskog jezika

Reči, časopis za jezik, književnost i kulturu, 2022

Oslanjajući se na komunikativni pristup, u ovom radu istražujemo vezu između književnosti i metod... more Oslanjajući se na komunikativni pristup, u ovom radu istražujemo vezu između književnosti i metodike nastave s ciljem da ukažemo na mogućnosti primene književnih sadržaja u nastavi stranih jezika. Posle razmatranja mesta književnosti u nastavi stranih jezika i osnovnih argumenata za i protiv njene upotrebe, usredsređujemo se na iskustva s programom stručnog usavršavanja „Upotreba književnih sadržaja u nastavi engleskog jezika“ pri Zavodu za unapređivanje obrazovanja i vaspitanja Republike Srbije, koji je osmišljen na osnovu metodičkih istraživanja i nastavnog iskustva autorki. Na seminaru je nastavnicima engleskog jezika u osnovnim i srednjim školama kroz praktične primere predstavljeno u kojim se sve oblastima nastave jezika i na koji način može primeniti književnost, pri čemu je posebna pažnja posvećena kriterijumima za izbor tekstova i pratećim aktivnostima. Praksa je pokazala da nije teško spojiti klasične aktivnosti koje se koriste u komunikativnom pristupu s književnim predlošcima. Na kraju rada se osvrćemo na povratne informacije polaznika seminara i moguće pravce daljeg razvoja ovog projekta.

Research paper thumbnail of Yin-Yang Dualism in Gethenian Biology and Politics in Ursula K. Le Guin’s the Left Hand of Darkness

Ursula K. Le Guin’s relationship with Daoism is one of the most widely known, but at the sam... more Ursula K. Le Guin’s relationship with Daoism is one of the most widely known, but at the same time least researched, aspects of her work. In her SF classic The Left Hand of Darkness, Le Guin takes dualism as her central theme, and the view of dualism expressed here is firmly grounded in Daoist philosophy and its theory of the dynamics of yin and yang. In order to shedlight on this influence, the paper analyzes two aspects of dualism in the novel: the specific physiology of the people and the political balance of power on planet Gethen. The dynamic androgyny of the Gethenian race is examined as a fictional transposition of the mixing of yin and yang characteristic of Daoist internal alchemy. At the level of society, duality finds expression in the organization of and interaction patterns between Karhide and Orgoreyn, two Gethenian countries founded on the principle of yin and yang respectively. The analysis of biological and soci...

Research paper thumbnail of The Monstrous South: Gothic Characters in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Toni Morrison’s Beloved

[sic] - a journal of literature, culture and literary translation, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Story-Telling from the Margins: Narrative Techni Ques in Woman Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros

Часопис за језик књижевност и културолошке …


Research paper thumbnail of MaddAddam Trilogy as a historical chronicle of the silenced in a (dystopian) society

The MaddAddam Trilogy includes three novels written in the form of speculative fiction. The narra... more The MaddAddam Trilogy includes three novels written in the form of speculative fiction. The narrators and major protagonists in the first two works, Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood, are human survivors after the pandemic that has obliterated almost all population on the planet. In these symbolic cautionary tales that reflect current cultural and economic conditions, Margaret Atwood makes readers think about the questions what if mankind was completely eradicated and what if the construction of a new species could be masterminded successfully. In the third book of the trilogy, MaddAddam, the apocalyptic story is retold by one of the genetically engineered beings, whose account provides a glimmer of hope for the future. The aim of this paper is to analyse the roles of the narrators and characters in the aforementioned works (Snowman, Toby, Ren, Adam One and Blackbeard) as recorders of the circumstances before, during and after the tragic event, by relying on Hayden White’s th...

Research paper thumbnail of Encounters with the Remote and Strange: Protestant Missionaries in China as Translators of the Dao De Jing

Translation and/und Migration, 2019

Several thousand Protestant missionaries from Europe and North America lived and worked in China ... more Several thousand Protestant missionaries from Europe and North America lived and worked in China between 1807 and 1953. Apart from their primary task of spreading Christianity, they played an important role in the cultural exchange between East and West. After outlining the scope of the work of Protestant missionaries with a particular reference to missionary-scholars and their translation work, the paper focuses on four English translations of Laozi’s Dao De Jing by John Chalmers (1868), James Legge (1891) and Dwight Goddard (1919 and 1939). The analysis centres on a comparison of the titles, the introductions written by the translators, the English equivalents provided for some of the fundamental concepts of Daoist philosophy and certain cultural references found in the source text. By examining the diachronic patterns of domestication and foreignization and the translators’ expressed attitudes towards Laozi’s text, the aim is to determine the extent to which these elements reflect changes in the Western outlook and the missionary enterprise that had occurred by the turn of the century.

Research paper thumbnail of Yin-Yang Dualism in Gethenian Biology and Politics in Ursula K. Le Guin’s  The Left Hand of Darkness

Philology, Culture and Education, 2018

Ursula K. Le Guin’s relationship with Daoism is one of the most widely known, but at the same tim... more Ursula K. Le Guin’s relationship with Daoism is one of the most widely known, but at the same time least researched, aspects of her work. In her SF classic The Left Hand of Darkness, Le Guin takes dualism as her central theme, and the view of dualism expressed here is firmly grounded in Daoist philosophy and its theory of the dynamics of yin and yang. In order to shed light on this influence, the paper analyzes two aspects of dualism in the novel: the specific physiology of the people and the political balance of power on planet Gethen. The dynamic androgyny of the Gethenian race is examined as a fictional transposition of the mixing of yin and yang characteristic of Daoist internal alchemy. At the level of society, duality finds expression in the organization of and interaction patterns between Karhide and Orgoreyn, two Gethenian countries founded on the principle of yin and yang respectively. The analysis of biological and socio-political dynamics on Gethen thus provides an insight into the specificities of Le Guin’s understanding of duality and reveals its deep Daoist roots.

Research paper thumbnail of The Monstrous South: Gothic Characters in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Toni Morrison’s Beloved

[sic] - a journal of literature, culture and literary translation, 2017

The paper examines some of the Gothic features used in character development in William Faulkner’... more The paper examines some of the Gothic features used in character development in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Toni Morrison’s Beloved, and explores how the two novels complement each other to form a comprehensive picture of the American South around the Civil War. In the traditions of Gothic realism and postcolonial Gothic respectively, the authors describe the 19th-century South as populated with supernatural beings: demoniac slaveholders, monsters who try to fight oppression, zombies whose souls have been devoured by the oppressive system, ghosts and revenants who return to haunt their wrongdoers, and hybrids whose transgressive nature is feared by the oppressors and the oppressed alike.

Research paper thumbnail of Elementi postkolonijalne gotike u romanu Sramota Salmana Ruždija

Reči: časopis za jezik, književnost i kulturu, 2017

Gotika se smatra jednim od najfleksibilnijih i najadaptibilnijih žanrova u književnosti, koji je ... more Gotika se smatra jednim od najfleksibilnijih i najadaptibilnijih žanrova u književnosti, koji je od svog nastanka u XVIII veku sve razuđeniji i razgranatiji. Danas on obuhvata brojne subžanrove, među kojima je i malo istraživana postkolonijalna gotika koja prisvaja formu gotike i kroz nju preispituje i razmatra istorijske narative i političku situaciju nekadašnjih kolonizovanih oblasti. U postkolonijalnoj gotici gotske konvencije doživljavaju korenite promene koje ih ponekad čine gotovo neprepoznatljivim. Cilj ovog rada je da na primeru jednog od najistaknutijih dela ovog žanra, Sramote Salmana Ruždija, sagleda te promene kroz analizu značajnih elemenata klasičnog gotskog narativa: istorijskog senzibiliteta, gotskog ambijenta, granica, čudovišta i položaja žene. U postkolonijalnoj gotici, kako analiza pokazuje, romantično srednjovekovlje klasične gotike biva zamenjeno novijom istorijom dekolonizovanih naroda, lokaliteti se prilagođavaju ovoj promeni vremenskog fokusa, a granice se ne osnažuju kao u klasičnim delima gotskog žanra, već preispituju, podrivaju i ruše. Čudovišta više ne nose negativno značenje: postala su simboli snage i moći obespravljenih koji ustaju protiv svojih tlačitelja, a ženski likovi su koncipirani tako da se razobličava neprekinuta prećutkivana praksa ugnjetavanja žena. Na ovaj način postkolonijalna gotika, pored toga što kritikuje sam kolonijalizam, razotkriva i kolonijalne prakse u dekolonizovanom društvu.
Ključne reči: gotika, postkolonijalizam, istorija, gotski ambijent, granice, čudovišta, položaj žene

Research paper thumbnail of Daoistički koreni shvatanja slobode u pripoveci "Dan uoči revolucije"​ Ursule Le Gvin

Almanah Instituta Konfucije, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Prevođenje kao veština skrivanja: intervju sa Radošem Kosovićem

Reči: časopis za jezik, književnost i kulturu, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Disfunkcionalne porodice kao mikrokosmos kolonijalnog društva u romanu Post i gozba Anite Desai

Anali Filološkog fakulteta, 2013

Rad analizira roman Anite Desai Post i gozba sa stanovišta postkolonijalnih studija. Razmatranjem... more Rad analizira roman Anite Desai Post i gozba sa stanovišta postkolonijalnih studija. Razmatranjem i upoređivanjem porodičnih odnosa i nasleđenih struktura moći u tradicionalnoj, patrijarhalnoj i postkolonijalnoj Indiji, opaža se kako se mnoge osobine kolonijalnog društva ispoljavaju na planu porodice. Među tim osobinama su čvrsto uspostavljen hijerarhijski odnos centra (roditelji) i periferije (deca), rodna diskriminacija, upotreba tropa invaliditeta u opisivanju dece, te duh dekolonizacije i antikolonizacije oličen u želji dece da od porodice pobegnu. Kod glavnog kolonizatora u porodici, oca, uočavaju se mimikrija i internalizovana represija tipične za domorodačku elitu u kolonizovanim zemljama. Zaključuje se da ovaj roman ukazuje da su u Indiji i posle sticanja nezavisnosti kolonijalni odnosi opstali na nivou porodice, gde ih je mnogo teže zatreti, i da kao takvi nisu ograničeni samo na nekadašnje kolonije, te da se stoga jedno društvo ne može smatrati slobodnim dokle god se oni potpuno ne iskorene.
Ključne reči: porodica, kolonijalno društvo, postkolonijalizam, represija.

Research paper thumbnail of Filmska adaptacija Šekspirovog Kralja Lira: Ran Akire Kurosave

Kultura u ogledalu jezika i književnosti, 2015

U radu se istražuju i upoređuju različiti aspekti drame Kralj Lir i filma Ran i ukazuje se na ne... more U radu se istražuju i upoređuju različiti aspekti drame Kralj Lir i filma
Ran i ukazuje se na neke od postupaka preoblikovanja i prekodiranja koje Akira
Kurosava upotrebljava u obradi Šekspirove drame. Japanski reditelj prilično
slobodno pristupa adaptaciji izvornog dela. Smeštanje elizabetinske drame u
srednjovekovni Japan podrazumeva značajne izmene kako u formalnom
oblikovanju dela tako i na planu radnje i karakterizacije likova. Elementi
tradicionalnog japanskog pozorišta uočavaju se na svim nivoima filma. Na planu
strukture, Šekspirov komad u pet činova pretvara se u trodelni đo-ha-kju no
drame, a u tumačenju likova uočljivo je naglašeno stilizovano ponašanje
glumaca, čiji su način kretanja, govor i kostimi inspirisani no pozorištem. Uz ove
formalne elemente no teatra, Kurosava u Ran unosi i religiozno-filozofsku osnovu
na kojoj počiva japanska tradicionalna drama: dajući Šekspirovim likovima
prošlost i motivaciju za delanje, on Lira izvlači iz arhetipske aistoričnosti i svoju
adaptaciju pretvara u budističku tragediju.
Ključne reči: adaptacija, film, elizabetinska drama, no drama

Research paper thumbnail of Language, Literature and Technology / Jezik, književnost i tehnologija

Language, Literature and Technology / Jezik, književnost i tehnologija, 2018

Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, 19–20 Ma... more Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, 19–20 May 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Jednostavnost, prirodnost, sloboda i neizrecivost: elementi daoizma u delu Ursule Le Gvin

PhD Thesis The subject of this dissertation is the connection of the literary work of Ursula K. ... more PhD Thesis
The subject of this dissertation is the connection of the literary work of Ursula K. Le Guin with the Daoist worldview and ancient Chinese philosophy in general. Through a thorough analysis of the contents and structure of selected novels and short stories, the ways in which the writer incorporates the basic assumptions of Daoism into her work are elucidated. The thesis is primarily based on the analysis of the Hainish novels which implicitly or explicitly thematize the vital Daoist principles of simplicity, naturalness, freedom and inexpressibility: The Dispossessed, The Left Hand of Darkness and The Telling, along with selected short stories from the collections The Wind’s Twelve Quarters and Four Ways to Forgiveness, but also refers to other Le Guin’s works to the extent to which they are relevant for the subject of the study. As Chinese philosophy as a whole focuses on two mutually connected directions ‒ self-improvement of the individual and achievement of the ideal social system ‒ each chapter of the dissertation looks into its subject from two points of view: that of society and that of the individual. The primary aim of this thesis is to conduct a comparative analysis of Le Guin’s works and selected texts of Daoist philosophy in order to clearly present the connection between the basic principles of Daoism and her work, and thus confirm the principal hypothesis that was the starting point of this research ‒ that the literary work of Ursula K. Le Guin is deeply rooted in the tenets of the Daoist tradition of ancient China.

Research paper thumbnail of Englesko-srpski i srpsko-engleski standardni rečnik sa gramatikom engleskog jezika


Research paper thumbnail of Daoistički put ka jednostavnosti u romanu Pričanje Ursule Le Gvin

Anali Filološkog fakulteta, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Једноставност, природност, слобода и неизрецивост: даоизам у делу Урсуле Ле Гвин

Research paper thumbnail of Konstrukcija ženskog identiteta i psihologija represije u pripovetkama „Dimenzije”, „Venlok Edž” i „Previše sreće”

Research paper thumbnail of Upotreba književnih sadržaja u nastavi engleskog jezika

Reči, časopis za jezik, književnost i kulturu, 2022

Oslanjajući se na komunikativni pristup, u ovom radu istražujemo vezu između književnosti i metod... more Oslanjajući se na komunikativni pristup, u ovom radu istražujemo vezu između književnosti i metodike nastave s ciljem da ukažemo na mogućnosti primene književnih sadržaja u nastavi stranih jezika. Posle razmatranja mesta književnosti u nastavi stranih jezika i osnovnih argumenata za i protiv njene upotrebe, usredsređujemo se na iskustva s programom stručnog usavršavanja „Upotreba književnih sadržaja u nastavi engleskog jezika“ pri Zavodu za unapređivanje obrazovanja i vaspitanja Republike Srbije, koji je osmišljen na osnovu metodičkih istraživanja i nastavnog iskustva autorki. Na seminaru je nastavnicima engleskog jezika u osnovnim i srednjim školama kroz praktične primere predstavljeno u kojim se sve oblastima nastave jezika i na koji način može primeniti književnost, pri čemu je posebna pažnja posvećena kriterijumima za izbor tekstova i pratećim aktivnostima. Praksa je pokazala da nije teško spojiti klasične aktivnosti koje se koriste u komunikativnom pristupu s književnim predlošcima. Na kraju rada se osvrćemo na povratne informacije polaznika seminara i moguće pravce daljeg razvoja ovog projekta.

Research paper thumbnail of Yin-Yang Dualism in Gethenian Biology and Politics in Ursula K. Le Guin’s the Left Hand of Darkness

Ursula K. Le Guin’s relationship with Daoism is one of the most widely known, but at the sam... more Ursula K. Le Guin’s relationship with Daoism is one of the most widely known, but at the same time least researched, aspects of her work. In her SF classic The Left Hand of Darkness, Le Guin takes dualism as her central theme, and the view of dualism expressed here is firmly grounded in Daoist philosophy and its theory of the dynamics of yin and yang. In order to shedlight on this influence, the paper analyzes two aspects of dualism in the novel: the specific physiology of the people and the political balance of power on planet Gethen. The dynamic androgyny of the Gethenian race is examined as a fictional transposition of the mixing of yin and yang characteristic of Daoist internal alchemy. At the level of society, duality finds expression in the organization of and interaction patterns between Karhide and Orgoreyn, two Gethenian countries founded on the principle of yin and yang respectively. The analysis of biological and soci...

Research paper thumbnail of The Monstrous South: Gothic Characters in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Toni Morrison’s Beloved

[sic] - a journal of literature, culture and literary translation, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Story-Telling from the Margins: Narrative Techni Ques in Woman Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros

Часопис за језик књижевност и културолошке …


Research paper thumbnail of MaddAddam Trilogy as a historical chronicle of the silenced in a (dystopian) society

The MaddAddam Trilogy includes three novels written in the form of speculative fiction. The narra... more The MaddAddam Trilogy includes three novels written in the form of speculative fiction. The narrators and major protagonists in the first two works, Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood, are human survivors after the pandemic that has obliterated almost all population on the planet. In these symbolic cautionary tales that reflect current cultural and economic conditions, Margaret Atwood makes readers think about the questions what if mankind was completely eradicated and what if the construction of a new species could be masterminded successfully. In the third book of the trilogy, MaddAddam, the apocalyptic story is retold by one of the genetically engineered beings, whose account provides a glimmer of hope for the future. The aim of this paper is to analyse the roles of the narrators and characters in the aforementioned works (Snowman, Toby, Ren, Adam One and Blackbeard) as recorders of the circumstances before, during and after the tragic event, by relying on Hayden White’s th...

Research paper thumbnail of Encounters with the Remote and Strange: Protestant Missionaries in China as Translators of the Dao De Jing

Translation and/und Migration, 2019

Several thousand Protestant missionaries from Europe and North America lived and worked in China ... more Several thousand Protestant missionaries from Europe and North America lived and worked in China between 1807 and 1953. Apart from their primary task of spreading Christianity, they played an important role in the cultural exchange between East and West. After outlining the scope of the work of Protestant missionaries with a particular reference to missionary-scholars and their translation work, the paper focuses on four English translations of Laozi’s Dao De Jing by John Chalmers (1868), James Legge (1891) and Dwight Goddard (1919 and 1939). The analysis centres on a comparison of the titles, the introductions written by the translators, the English equivalents provided for some of the fundamental concepts of Daoist philosophy and certain cultural references found in the source text. By examining the diachronic patterns of domestication and foreignization and the translators’ expressed attitudes towards Laozi’s text, the aim is to determine the extent to which these elements reflect changes in the Western outlook and the missionary enterprise that had occurred by the turn of the century.

Research paper thumbnail of Yin-Yang Dualism in Gethenian Biology and Politics in Ursula K. Le Guin’s  The Left Hand of Darkness

Philology, Culture and Education, 2018

Ursula K. Le Guin’s relationship with Daoism is one of the most widely known, but at the same tim... more Ursula K. Le Guin’s relationship with Daoism is one of the most widely known, but at the same time least researched, aspects of her work. In her SF classic The Left Hand of Darkness, Le Guin takes dualism as her central theme, and the view of dualism expressed here is firmly grounded in Daoist philosophy and its theory of the dynamics of yin and yang. In order to shed light on this influence, the paper analyzes two aspects of dualism in the novel: the specific physiology of the people and the political balance of power on planet Gethen. The dynamic androgyny of the Gethenian race is examined as a fictional transposition of the mixing of yin and yang characteristic of Daoist internal alchemy. At the level of society, duality finds expression in the organization of and interaction patterns between Karhide and Orgoreyn, two Gethenian countries founded on the principle of yin and yang respectively. The analysis of biological and socio-political dynamics on Gethen thus provides an insight into the specificities of Le Guin’s understanding of duality and reveals its deep Daoist roots.

Research paper thumbnail of The Monstrous South: Gothic Characters in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Toni Morrison’s Beloved

[sic] - a journal of literature, culture and literary translation, 2017

The paper examines some of the Gothic features used in character development in William Faulkner’... more The paper examines some of the Gothic features used in character development in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Toni Morrison’s Beloved, and explores how the two novels complement each other to form a comprehensive picture of the American South around the Civil War. In the traditions of Gothic realism and postcolonial Gothic respectively, the authors describe the 19th-century South as populated with supernatural beings: demoniac slaveholders, monsters who try to fight oppression, zombies whose souls have been devoured by the oppressive system, ghosts and revenants who return to haunt their wrongdoers, and hybrids whose transgressive nature is feared by the oppressors and the oppressed alike.

Research paper thumbnail of Elementi postkolonijalne gotike u romanu Sramota Salmana Ruždija

Reči: časopis za jezik, književnost i kulturu, 2017

Gotika se smatra jednim od najfleksibilnijih i najadaptibilnijih žanrova u književnosti, koji je ... more Gotika se smatra jednim od najfleksibilnijih i najadaptibilnijih žanrova u književnosti, koji je od svog nastanka u XVIII veku sve razuđeniji i razgranatiji. Danas on obuhvata brojne subžanrove, među kojima je i malo istraživana postkolonijalna gotika koja prisvaja formu gotike i kroz nju preispituje i razmatra istorijske narative i političku situaciju nekadašnjih kolonizovanih oblasti. U postkolonijalnoj gotici gotske konvencije doživljavaju korenite promene koje ih ponekad čine gotovo neprepoznatljivim. Cilj ovog rada je da na primeru jednog od najistaknutijih dela ovog žanra, Sramote Salmana Ruždija, sagleda te promene kroz analizu značajnih elemenata klasičnog gotskog narativa: istorijskog senzibiliteta, gotskog ambijenta, granica, čudovišta i položaja žene. U postkolonijalnoj gotici, kako analiza pokazuje, romantično srednjovekovlje klasične gotike biva zamenjeno novijom istorijom dekolonizovanih naroda, lokaliteti se prilagođavaju ovoj promeni vremenskog fokusa, a granice se ne osnažuju kao u klasičnim delima gotskog žanra, već preispituju, podrivaju i ruše. Čudovišta više ne nose negativno značenje: postala su simboli snage i moći obespravljenih koji ustaju protiv svojih tlačitelja, a ženski likovi su koncipirani tako da se razobličava neprekinuta prećutkivana praksa ugnjetavanja žena. Na ovaj način postkolonijalna gotika, pored toga što kritikuje sam kolonijalizam, razotkriva i kolonijalne prakse u dekolonizovanom društvu.
Ključne reči: gotika, postkolonijalizam, istorija, gotski ambijent, granice, čudovišta, položaj žene

Research paper thumbnail of Daoistički koreni shvatanja slobode u pripoveci "Dan uoči revolucije"​ Ursule Le Gvin

Almanah Instituta Konfucije, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Prevođenje kao veština skrivanja: intervju sa Radošem Kosovićem

Reči: časopis za jezik, književnost i kulturu, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Disfunkcionalne porodice kao mikrokosmos kolonijalnog društva u romanu Post i gozba Anite Desai

Anali Filološkog fakulteta, 2013

Rad analizira roman Anite Desai Post i gozba sa stanovišta postkolonijalnih studija. Razmatranjem... more Rad analizira roman Anite Desai Post i gozba sa stanovišta postkolonijalnih studija. Razmatranjem i upoređivanjem porodičnih odnosa i nasleđenih struktura moći u tradicionalnoj, patrijarhalnoj i postkolonijalnoj Indiji, opaža se kako se mnoge osobine kolonijalnog društva ispoljavaju na planu porodice. Među tim osobinama su čvrsto uspostavljen hijerarhijski odnos centra (roditelji) i periferije (deca), rodna diskriminacija, upotreba tropa invaliditeta u opisivanju dece, te duh dekolonizacije i antikolonizacije oličen u želji dece da od porodice pobegnu. Kod glavnog kolonizatora u porodici, oca, uočavaju se mimikrija i internalizovana represija tipične za domorodačku elitu u kolonizovanim zemljama. Zaključuje se da ovaj roman ukazuje da su u Indiji i posle sticanja nezavisnosti kolonijalni odnosi opstali na nivou porodice, gde ih je mnogo teže zatreti, i da kao takvi nisu ograničeni samo na nekadašnje kolonije, te da se stoga jedno društvo ne može smatrati slobodnim dokle god se oni potpuno ne iskorene.
Ključne reči: porodica, kolonijalno društvo, postkolonijalizam, represija.

Research paper thumbnail of Filmska adaptacija Šekspirovog Kralja Lira: Ran Akire Kurosave

Kultura u ogledalu jezika i književnosti, 2015

U radu se istražuju i upoređuju različiti aspekti drame Kralj Lir i filma Ran i ukazuje se na ne... more U radu se istražuju i upoređuju različiti aspekti drame Kralj Lir i filma
Ran i ukazuje se na neke od postupaka preoblikovanja i prekodiranja koje Akira
Kurosava upotrebljava u obradi Šekspirove drame. Japanski reditelj prilično
slobodno pristupa adaptaciji izvornog dela. Smeštanje elizabetinske drame u
srednjovekovni Japan podrazumeva značajne izmene kako u formalnom
oblikovanju dela tako i na planu radnje i karakterizacije likova. Elementi
tradicionalnog japanskog pozorišta uočavaju se na svim nivoima filma. Na planu
strukture, Šekspirov komad u pet činova pretvara se u trodelni đo-ha-kju no
drame, a u tumačenju likova uočljivo je naglašeno stilizovano ponašanje
glumaca, čiji su način kretanja, govor i kostimi inspirisani no pozorištem. Uz ove
formalne elemente no teatra, Kurosava u Ran unosi i religiozno-filozofsku osnovu
na kojoj počiva japanska tradicionalna drama: dajući Šekspirovim likovima
prošlost i motivaciju za delanje, on Lira izvlači iz arhetipske aistoričnosti i svoju
adaptaciju pretvara u budističku tragediju.
Ključne reči: adaptacija, film, elizabetinska drama, no drama

Research paper thumbnail of Narrative Strategies in Woman Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros

Reči - časopis za jezik, književnost i kulturološke studije, 2010

The paper analyzes the main narrative strategies used in Woman Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisnero... more The paper analyzes the main narrative strategies used in Woman
Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros. It explores the influence of the author’s
cultural identity on the formal characteristics of her work. In the choice of genre,
she opted for the short story cycle because it enables the covering of various aspects
of the main theme – lives of Mexican women on both sides of the US–Mexican
border. She also chose a hybrid form – a fusion of prose and poetry – in order to
emphasize the need for erasing the borders between traditional dualities: prose/
poetry, Mexican/American, male/female. Writing mainly in the first person, the
author gives voice to marginalized women who have never had the opportunity to
tell their stories. Thus, by subverting the established literary conventions of genre,
form and voice, Cisneros creates hybrids which reflect her gender and culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Story-Telling from the Margins: Narrative Techniques in Woman Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros

Reči: časopis za jezik, književnost i kulturološke studije, 2011

The paper analyses some narrative techniques used by the Chicana writer Sandra Cisneros in her s... more The paper analyses some narrative techniques used by the Chicana
writer Sandra Cisneros in her short-story cycle Woman Hollering Creek.
First, her specific use of language is addressed. By using the techniques
of mixing and switching of codes she subverts the dominant language and
puts the reader in the position of immigrants who do not understand the
English language. The paper further analyses the deployment of religion
as a recurring theme. The older autochtonous Mexican religion and newer
Catholicism create a hybrid which empowers the characters in this book.
Finally, we focus on the author’s use of parody and irony to tackle serious
issues such as the status of women, tradition, religion, identity, crime and

Research paper thumbnail of Sinhronicitet u romanu Bleda vatra Vladimira Nabokova

Savremena proučavanja jezika i književnosti: zbornik radova sa I naučnog skupa mladih filologa Srbije, 2010

U tekstu se definišu tri vrste sinhroniciteta koje se javljaju u romanu – sinhronicitet kao knjiž... more U tekstu se definišu tri vrste sinhroniciteta koje se javljaju u romanu – sinhronicitet kao književni postupak, sinhronicitet kao fenomen stvarnosti i pseudosinhronicitet. Obrazlaže se gde i kako se one javljaju u romanu, kao i načini na koje se prožimaju. Konstatuje se dominacija pseudosinhroniciteta kao načina da se čitaoci ubede u realnost naratorove priče. Objašnjavaju se mehanizmi koje narator koristi da bi sinhronizovao dešavanja na dva plana realnosti, nastajanje jedne pesme i fiktivno putovanje lika iz njegove uobrazilje. Na kraju se određuju mesto i uloga sinhroniciteta unutar šireg pojma tretmana vremena u ovom delu, kao i njegov značaj za celinu romana.
Ključne reči: Vladimir Nabokov, Bleda vatra, sinhronicitet, vreme, naracija