ftmvanity @ livejournal (original) (raw)

Hello Fellow Vain FTMs! [Apr. 13th, 2011 - 03:41 pm]FTM Vanity
My name is Elliott DeLine (note the clever pun of my username). I used to post on here back before I transitioned, but it's been a while and I can always use an ego boost. So let's see. I am 22, have been on testosterone for 2 years and 7 months and had chest surgery last August on my birthday, so that is 8 months I believe. In fact, beneath the cut, you will find pictures of my sunbathing for the first time. Please excuse my pasty paleness. Result of being Irish-American and of course never shirtless until recently**( Read more...Collapse )**
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vanity! [Feb. 16th, 2011 - 09:57 pm]FTM Vanity
[Current Location |Home] [Current Mood contemplativecontemplative] [Current Music Top Chef]Hey all-I'm Simon, 23, 2+ years post DI, and a lil over 3 years on T. **( Timeline and Video!!Collapse )**Thanks!!
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Video! [Jan. 24th, 2011 - 03:36 pm]FTM Vanity
Hey Everybody-I just made this video I thought I would share. It's done (sort of) in the style of Vagina Monologues, and I meant for it to be my own, ftm, trans genital monologue. That being said:Disclaimer: This could be triggering and offensive to some folks. I refer to my junk as my "vagina" repeatedly.( check it out!Collapse )
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snowed in, feeling crappy, and thinking about hair [Jan. 12th, 2011 - 04:12 pm]FTM Vanity
hey everybody-simon here, 23, 3 years on T. I'm snowed-in, bored, and contemplating whether or not to cut my hair. . . opinions? ( here's my hair as of about 4 minutes ago. ..Collapse )
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2 weeks on T! (or really, 13 days.) [Oct. 3rd, 2010 - 10:17 pm]FTM Vanity
The gist: my dick grew, it hurts to walk sometimes, my voice dropped, gay-squealing also hurts sometimes, and a few other things MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED because I am convinced everything is placebo effect. (Just watch how many times I say "placebo effect" in the video. Drinking game, anyone?)My channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/fuddlejig (subscribe away, I'll probably be uploading a lot of stuff.)**( Random vanity. (I am feeling reeallllyy vain lately, probably related to the fact that I finally feel like I look like a boy. Sometimes.)Collapse )**Also: after I made the above video my voice dropped again (!!) and it's way lower than I would have ever expected it to be at this point. It's REALLY exciting. I'm just still really excited about the whole OMFG I'M ON T thing. I feel amazing with testosterone in my body; it's like I'm finally hormonally balanced. I think I should write a love poem to testosterone.This does sort of mean I need to come out to my employers now though.
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intro [Jun. 28th, 2010 - 11:28 pm]FTM Vanity
I've been lurking and commenting for a little while now and thought I'd introduce myself. Maxwell, 19, femme trans boy. Pre-op, unsure about hormones (I plan to see how I feel after top surgery).**( :)Collapse )**And just for kicks:
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new blog, old likeness [Mar. 5th, 2010 - 04:19 am]FTM Vanity
I started a new blog this morning, and decided to use a childhood picture on it. What do you think?( Read more...Collapse )
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(no subject) [Mar. 4th, 2010 - 05:15 pm]FTM Vanity
Roommate was doing some work for a photo class, got a couple nice pictures of me + a couple of my tats**( 18, pre-everythingCollapse )**
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Long time.. [Mar. 4th, 2010 - 12:29 pm]FTM Vanity
As things progress, I want to keep in better contact with everyone:Leo, 27, 7 months on T...( check itCollapse )
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