Agustono Setiawan | University of Mataram (original) (raw)
Papers by Agustono Setiawan
Civil engineering and architecture, Jul 1, 2023
The growth of urban areas is overgrowing, which has an impact on changes in land use. Green land ... more The growth of urban areas is overgrowing, which has an impact on changes in land use. Green land that functions as rainwater catchment is covered with an impermeable surface, so runoff will increase and infiltration capacity will decrease. The method that can be done to reduce runoff is by using an impermeable cover with green plants. The pavement model used is an environmentally friendly pavement that can function to reduce surface runoff. The surface runoff coefficient is an indicator of land conditions. Surface land with the pavement will produce a large runoff coefficient while on natural land the runoff coefficient will be small. The grass block paving experimental model allows it to be used more widely because it has pores that can reduce runoff and increase the volume of water that enters the soil. The test results show differences in the runoff coefficient resulting in the tested land cover variations. The average runoff coefficient on land with a sandy loam texture without pavement is 0.41. Meanwhile, the average runoff coefficient for grass block paving is 0.43. On land with impermeable pavement, the runoff coefficient ranges from 0.50 to 0.70.
Jurnal Wicara Desa
Desa Sajang, Kecamatan Sembalun, Kabupaten Lombok Timur adalah salah satu desa yang berada dibawa... more Desa Sajang, Kecamatan Sembalun, Kabupaten Lombok Timur adalah salah satu desa yang berada dibawah kaki Gunung Rinjani yang memiliki komoditas kopi yang sangat baik namun hanya dipasarkan dari mulut ke mulut saja. Transformasi digital menjadi kunci dalam mengangkat potensi komoditas kopi sebagai elemen sentral dalam pengembangan ekonomi lokal. Desa Sajang perlu mempublikasikan potensi kopi yang dimilikinya sehingga masyarakat luas semakin mudah untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang desa. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut, program pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Desa Sajang memberikan bantuan pengembangan sistem informasi untuk mengelola pemasaran kopi di desa, sekaligus pelatihan pengelolaan pemasaran digital menggunakan sistem manajemen informasi yang telah dikembangkan. Metode yang digunakan adalah meningkatkan metode pemasaran kopi dengan kemasan yang menarik, pemasaran kopi dengan wisata kebun, membuat akun pemasaran digital, serta pelatihan kewirausahaan dan pemasaran dengan sosial me...
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Jenggala Village is one of the villages in North Lombok Regency that was affected by the 2018 Lom... more Jenggala Village is one of the villages in North Lombok Regency that was affected by the 2018 Lombok earthquake. Most damage to buildings and houses was caused by noncompliance with earthquake-resistant building standards. As the lower structure, the foundation is essential to distribute the structure's load, preferably given a layer that dampens vibrations. Used tires are an alternative material that can reduce seismic vibrations and be used as an earthquake-resistant house foundation. This community service project aims to raise public awareness about earthquake-resistant houses by using used tires as a foundation to reduce seismic vibrations. The methods used in this service activity are the lecture approach, discussion, question-and-answer sessions, and demonstrations with the foundation model made from used tires. The approach used is a participatory approach that is oriented towards efforts to increase community participation. The preparation stage, the implementation stag...
Jurnal Wicara Desa
Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) have an important role in the country's economic devel... more Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) have an important role in the country's economic development. Even though UMKM make a large contribution and are the backbone of the national economy, they face many problems, including: 1) Not having a business license, 2) Low knowledge on how to run a business, 3) Not using digital marketing to increase sales, 4) Not doing business branding, and 5) Lack of product innovation. This is also a problem UMKM in Keroya Village which makes the community's economy not increase. So it is necessary to empower UMKM and assistance in carrying out product innovations to be able to improve the community's economy. With regard to the description above, an experiment was carried out in innovating processed tempe products, namely making tempeh chocolate. Making this product innovation aims to improve Value Added of tempe products in Keroya Village. It is hoped that through the empowerment of UMKM and innovation of tempeh chocolate products, it can...
Jurnal Gema Ngabdi, Nov 30, 2022
Jelantik Village is one of the 13 (thirteen) villages in Jonggat District. Jelantik Village has v... more Jelantik Village is one of the 13 (thirteen) villages in Jonggat District. Jelantik Village has various undeveloped tourism potentials including beautiful river channels, geotourism tourism potential, shadow puppet art cultural tourism, bicycle tracks with beautiful views of rice fields, and has the Jelantik Dam (Telaga Ijo) which has stunning views. Among the tourism potentials in Jelantik Village, the Jelantik Dam has the most potential to attract tourists. Some of the advantages of the Jelantik Dam include beautiful scenery, fresh air, easy access from the main Praya-Mataram road and culinary delights. The purpose of this activity is the arrangement of the Telaga Ijo area. The methods used in this activity are site surveys and questionnaires. A site survey is conducted to determine the physical condition of the dam and the people around it. Meanwhile, a questionnaire was given to visitors to get an overview of tourists' wishes. The survey results show that the Jelantik Dam is flanked by rice fields, has a beautiful view of the trees surrounding the lake. Communities around the dam support the development of the dam. Based on the questionnaire, tourists want boat tours, bicycle paths around the lake, spots for selfies, parking lots, additional berugak, trees for shelter, additional sales stalls, sports facilities and facilities for horse riding around the lake. The conclusion of this area arrangement activity is as a reference in the development and construction of facilities and infrastructure that support tourism activities at the Jelantik Dam (Telaga Ijo).
A phenomenon that often occurs in Indonesia which is also an annual disaster that hit several are... more A phenomenon that often occurs in Indonesia which is also an annual disaster that hit several areas is drought. Drought is a condition in which an area, land, or community experiences a shortage of water so that it cannot meet their needs. Drought can be caused because an area does not experience rain or is dry for a long period of time or the rainfall is below normal, so that the water content in the soil is reduced or even non-existent. The areas to be analyzed are the Hidirasa watershed, the Rontu watershed, and the Jangka watershed in Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. The analysis drought aims to determine the deficit, drought duration, drought criteria based on deficits and surpluses that occur by analogy to Oldeman's criteria, hydrological drought index analysis, and hydrological drought distribution maps. In this study, data were used for the Tawali watershed in the Hidirasa watershed, the Sari watershed for the Jangka and the Kumbe water for the Rontu watershed to deter...
Spektrum Sipil
Pemanfaatan data hujan satelit sebagai salah satu alternatif penyedia jasa semakin dirasakan manf... more Pemanfaatan data hujan satelit sebagai salah satu alternatif penyedia jasa semakin dirasakan manfaatnya, utamanya bagi daerah yang memiliki stasiun penakar hujan terbatas. Salah satu satelit penyedia data hujan yang cakupan wilayahnya termasuk Indonesia adalah TRMM JAXA. Penelitian ini menguji seberapa jauh kedekatan data hujan dari TRMM JAXA dibandingkan data hujan pengukuran. Tahapan dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data hujan dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan hujan rancangan, dan mengukur penyimpangannya dengan nilai RMSE dan BIAS. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa data hujan dari satelit TRMM JAXA di Wilayah Sumbawa cenderung underestimate dan memiliki tingkat akurasi yang cukup dibandingkan data hujan pengamatan dengan penyimpangan rerata sebesar -0.05. Besaran hujan rancangan yang dihasilkan dari analisis frekuensi menggunakan data hujan satelit TRMM JAXA memiliki penyimpangan yang cukup besar yaitu sebesar 21%.
PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa
Estimasi nilai debit banjir rencana untuk perencanaan bangunan air, idealnya ditentukan berdasark... more Estimasi nilai debit banjir rencana untuk perencanaan bangunan air, idealnya ditentukan berdasarkan analisis frekuensi menggunakan data debit terukur. Namun keberadaan data debit terukur seringkali tidak tersedia atau kalaupun ada terbatas. Sehingga diperlukan teknik untuk mendapatkan nilai banjir rancangan dari data hujan melalui metode Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik (HSS). Penelitian ini menguji kesesuaian tiga metode HSS (Nakayasu, Limantara dan ITB2) dalam menghasilkan debit banjir rancangan dan membandingkannya dengan debit rancangan dari debit terukur pada DAS yang berbentuk memanjang, yaitu DAS Sidutan dan DAS Reak. Nilai utama yang dibandingkan yaitu debit puncak, waktu mencapai puncak, dan waktu dasar dari HSS terhadap nilai dari HSO. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa DAS Sidutan dan DAS Reak sama-sama berbentuk memanjang, memiliki panjang sungai utama yang hampir sama namun luas DAS Sidutan lebih besar dari DAS Reak. Hasil penurunan HSO rerata kedua DAS menunjukkan bahwa Qp dan Tb DAS...
Prosiding PEPADU, Dec 13, 2020
This study aims to evaluate the ability of the ECHAM5 GCM model output data in estimating monthly... more This study aims to evaluate the ability of the ECHAM5 GCM model output data in estimating monthly rainfall on the island of Lombok. The data used in this study are ECHAM5 monthly rainfall data and automatic rainfall recorder (ARR) measurement rain data for 2000-2018 obtained from ARR Gunung Sari. Correction of bias is conducted by using the mean ratio method and the regression method. The method that produces the best approach is then used to obtain rain data projections and a simple regression method. Evaluation and validation used the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) values. The results obtained are that the daily and monthly rainfall data from the ECHAM5 model cannot be directly used to replace the rain measurement data because of its very low accuracy. The downscaling technique performed on daily and monthly rainfall data using the average ratio method does not show satisfactory performance where the efficienc...
Spektrum Sipil, Aug 2, 2017
Keseragaman tetesan adalah parameter yang krusial dalammengukur kinierja jaringan irigasi tetes. ... more Keseragaman tetesan adalah parameter yang krusial dalammengukur kinierja jaringan irigasi tetes. Semakin tinggi koefisien keseragaman tetesan menunjukkan kinerja jaringan yang semakin baik. Dan kinerja terbaik dari jaringan irigasi tetes dapat diperoleh dengan mengoptimasi parameter-parameter yang mempengaruhi, seperti panjang dan kemiringan pipa lateral, diameter dan jarak antar emitter, serta panjang durasi penetesan. Penelitian ini dijalankan dengan metode eksperimental di Laboratorium dengan cara mengamati dan mengukur langsung hasil tetesan di masing-masing emitter menggunakan pipa lateral dari PVC. Kemudian perhitungan koefisien keseragaman dihubungkan terhadap parameter aliran pipa dripline untuk mendapatkan parameter yang menghasilkan keseragaman terbaik. Penelitian menghasilkan bahwa keseragaman tetesan optimum diperoleh pada kemiringan pipa lateral terbaiknya yaitu 0.2% dan panjang pipa lateral kurang dari 12 meter. Sementara semakin besar diameter lubang penetes menghasilkan keseragaman tetesan yang semakin menurun, dan semakin besar jarak antar penetes menghasilkan keseragaman tetesan yang semakin baik.
Many efforts have been made by various parties in overcoming the problem of waste and flood... more Many efforts have been made by various parties in overcoming the problem of waste and flooding, in residential areas that are starting to develop, one of which is by utilizing organic waste as a biopore filler to improve soil absorption and produce compost. The biopore infiltration hole technology can utilize organic waste to fill biopore media, which is used as a food source by biota in the soil layer. This study aims to determine the rate of biopore infiltration in the use of several types of organic waste such as (1) straw, (2) leaves and (3) household waste. Biopori is made from pipapvc 4 ”and 1 m in length with installation into the ground 80 cm and the rest above the soil surface 20 cm for testing purposes with a total of 12 test points and tested after 7 days to 21 days. For biopore holes without filler, the highest absorption rate was 85 cm / hour and the lowest was 42,167 cm / hour. The type of straw waste obtained infiltration rate of 179.34 cm / hour and the lowest ...
Pembangunan yang cukup pesat di Desa Sisik Kab. Lombok Tengah memberikan berbagai dampak bagi mas... more Pembangunan yang cukup pesat di Desa Sisik Kab. Lombok Tengah memberikan berbagai dampak bagi masyarakat, dampak positif maupun negatif. Salah satu dampak negatif adalah meningkatkan timbulan sampah. Meningkatnya timbulan sampah yang tidak diimbangi dengan pengelolaan sampah yang baik menyebabkan sampah berserakan, sehingga menimbulkan berbagai dampak lingkungan. Sampah tersebut menjadi sumber berbagai penyakit, menyebabkan bau tidak enak, menyebabkan pemandangan kurang bagus, dan menyebabkan banjir. Masyarakat desa saat ini mempunyai kesulitan tempat untuk membuang sampah, oleh karena itu perlu upaya mengurangi jumlah sampah. Program pengelolaan sampah “3R” (reduce-reuse-recycle) merupakan program yang cocok untuk dikembangkan di desa ini. Program mendaur ulang sampah (recycle) menjadi barang yang lebih berguna sangat cocok, apalagi hasil daur ulang sampah bisa di jual dan menjadi penghasilan tambahan bagi masyarakat. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan informasi dan meningkatkan...
Many efforts have been made by various parties in overcoming the problem of waste and flooding, i... more Many efforts have been made by various parties in overcoming the problem of waste and flooding, in residential areas that are starting to develop, one of which is by utilizing organic waste as a biopore filler to improve soil absorption and produce compost. The biopore infiltration hole technology can utilize organic waste to fill biopore media, which is used as a food source by biota in the soil layer. This study aims to determine the rate of biopore infiltration in the use of several types of organic waste such as (1) straw, (2) leaves and (3) household waste. Biopori is made from pipapvc 4 ”and 1 m in length with installation into the ground 80 cm and the rest above the soil surface 20 cm for testing purposes with a total of 12 test points and tested after 7 days to 21 days. For biopore holes without filler, the highest absorption rate was 85 cm / hour and the lowest was 42,167 cm / hour. The type of straw waste obtained infiltration rate of 179.34 cm / hour and the lowest infilt...
ICST 2018, 2018
The Unus Drainage System (UDS) is one of the drainage systems in the city of Mataram. Nowdays, th... more The Unus Drainage System (UDS) is one of the drainage systems in the city of Mataram. Nowdays, this catchment area in the UDS has a fairly large and rapid change in land use, from agricultural land to housing, building shops, offices and other buildings, so causing floods in several area. New construction and maintenance of drainage channels have been carried out by several agencies, both the City, Provincial, and Central Government, but the development are still partial or not comprehensive, so that many inundation problems become moved to other place and not resolved properly. For this reason, it is necessary to do zonation of the drainage network and its catchment area in order to facilitate the arrangement of drainage network. The objectives of this study are to find out the drainage network and catchment area of each drainage channel, so that the mapping can be made, and to evaluate the drainage channels capacity or the ability of the drainage channels to accommodate runoff. The conclusions of research are the results of mapping or zonation of the UDS are divided into 20 Primary Drainage Blocks in the Right UDS and 10 Primary Drainage Blocks in the Left UDS, the capacity evaluation of the existing drainage channel in this system is that most primary channels are still able to accommodate flood discharge, except the Sekarbela, Asrama Gebang, and Abian Tubuh Mayura primary channel. With zonation and evaluation the capacity of this drainage channel, planning for the development and maintenance of drainage system can be integrated and comprehensive, so that flood control can be better in accordance with its priorities.
Civil engineering and architecture, Jul 1, 2023
The growth of urban areas is overgrowing, which has an impact on changes in land use. Green land ... more The growth of urban areas is overgrowing, which has an impact on changes in land use. Green land that functions as rainwater catchment is covered with an impermeable surface, so runoff will increase and infiltration capacity will decrease. The method that can be done to reduce runoff is by using an impermeable cover with green plants. The pavement model used is an environmentally friendly pavement that can function to reduce surface runoff. The surface runoff coefficient is an indicator of land conditions. Surface land with the pavement will produce a large runoff coefficient while on natural land the runoff coefficient will be small. The grass block paving experimental model allows it to be used more widely because it has pores that can reduce runoff and increase the volume of water that enters the soil. The test results show differences in the runoff coefficient resulting in the tested land cover variations. The average runoff coefficient on land with a sandy loam texture without pavement is 0.41. Meanwhile, the average runoff coefficient for grass block paving is 0.43. On land with impermeable pavement, the runoff coefficient ranges from 0.50 to 0.70.
Jurnal Wicara Desa
Desa Sajang, Kecamatan Sembalun, Kabupaten Lombok Timur adalah salah satu desa yang berada dibawa... more Desa Sajang, Kecamatan Sembalun, Kabupaten Lombok Timur adalah salah satu desa yang berada dibawah kaki Gunung Rinjani yang memiliki komoditas kopi yang sangat baik namun hanya dipasarkan dari mulut ke mulut saja. Transformasi digital menjadi kunci dalam mengangkat potensi komoditas kopi sebagai elemen sentral dalam pengembangan ekonomi lokal. Desa Sajang perlu mempublikasikan potensi kopi yang dimilikinya sehingga masyarakat luas semakin mudah untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang desa. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut, program pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Desa Sajang memberikan bantuan pengembangan sistem informasi untuk mengelola pemasaran kopi di desa, sekaligus pelatihan pengelolaan pemasaran digital menggunakan sistem manajemen informasi yang telah dikembangkan. Metode yang digunakan adalah meningkatkan metode pemasaran kopi dengan kemasan yang menarik, pemasaran kopi dengan wisata kebun, membuat akun pemasaran digital, serta pelatihan kewirausahaan dan pemasaran dengan sosial me...
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Jenggala Village is one of the villages in North Lombok Regency that was affected by the 2018 Lom... more Jenggala Village is one of the villages in North Lombok Regency that was affected by the 2018 Lombok earthquake. Most damage to buildings and houses was caused by noncompliance with earthquake-resistant building standards. As the lower structure, the foundation is essential to distribute the structure's load, preferably given a layer that dampens vibrations. Used tires are an alternative material that can reduce seismic vibrations and be used as an earthquake-resistant house foundation. This community service project aims to raise public awareness about earthquake-resistant houses by using used tires as a foundation to reduce seismic vibrations. The methods used in this service activity are the lecture approach, discussion, question-and-answer sessions, and demonstrations with the foundation model made from used tires. The approach used is a participatory approach that is oriented towards efforts to increase community participation. The preparation stage, the implementation stag...
Jurnal Wicara Desa
Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) have an important role in the country's economic devel... more Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) have an important role in the country's economic development. Even though UMKM make a large contribution and are the backbone of the national economy, they face many problems, including: 1) Not having a business license, 2) Low knowledge on how to run a business, 3) Not using digital marketing to increase sales, 4) Not doing business branding, and 5) Lack of product innovation. This is also a problem UMKM in Keroya Village which makes the community's economy not increase. So it is necessary to empower UMKM and assistance in carrying out product innovations to be able to improve the community's economy. With regard to the description above, an experiment was carried out in innovating processed tempe products, namely making tempeh chocolate. Making this product innovation aims to improve Value Added of tempe products in Keroya Village. It is hoped that through the empowerment of UMKM and innovation of tempeh chocolate products, it can...
Jurnal Gema Ngabdi, Nov 30, 2022
Jelantik Village is one of the 13 (thirteen) villages in Jonggat District. Jelantik Village has v... more Jelantik Village is one of the 13 (thirteen) villages in Jonggat District. Jelantik Village has various undeveloped tourism potentials including beautiful river channels, geotourism tourism potential, shadow puppet art cultural tourism, bicycle tracks with beautiful views of rice fields, and has the Jelantik Dam (Telaga Ijo) which has stunning views. Among the tourism potentials in Jelantik Village, the Jelantik Dam has the most potential to attract tourists. Some of the advantages of the Jelantik Dam include beautiful scenery, fresh air, easy access from the main Praya-Mataram road and culinary delights. The purpose of this activity is the arrangement of the Telaga Ijo area. The methods used in this activity are site surveys and questionnaires. A site survey is conducted to determine the physical condition of the dam and the people around it. Meanwhile, a questionnaire was given to visitors to get an overview of tourists' wishes. The survey results show that the Jelantik Dam is flanked by rice fields, has a beautiful view of the trees surrounding the lake. Communities around the dam support the development of the dam. Based on the questionnaire, tourists want boat tours, bicycle paths around the lake, spots for selfies, parking lots, additional berugak, trees for shelter, additional sales stalls, sports facilities and facilities for horse riding around the lake. The conclusion of this area arrangement activity is as a reference in the development and construction of facilities and infrastructure that support tourism activities at the Jelantik Dam (Telaga Ijo).
A phenomenon that often occurs in Indonesia which is also an annual disaster that hit several are... more A phenomenon that often occurs in Indonesia which is also an annual disaster that hit several areas is drought. Drought is a condition in which an area, land, or community experiences a shortage of water so that it cannot meet their needs. Drought can be caused because an area does not experience rain or is dry for a long period of time or the rainfall is below normal, so that the water content in the soil is reduced or even non-existent. The areas to be analyzed are the Hidirasa watershed, the Rontu watershed, and the Jangka watershed in Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. The analysis drought aims to determine the deficit, drought duration, drought criteria based on deficits and surpluses that occur by analogy to Oldeman's criteria, hydrological drought index analysis, and hydrological drought distribution maps. In this study, data were used for the Tawali watershed in the Hidirasa watershed, the Sari watershed for the Jangka and the Kumbe water for the Rontu watershed to deter...
Spektrum Sipil
Pemanfaatan data hujan satelit sebagai salah satu alternatif penyedia jasa semakin dirasakan manf... more Pemanfaatan data hujan satelit sebagai salah satu alternatif penyedia jasa semakin dirasakan manfaatnya, utamanya bagi daerah yang memiliki stasiun penakar hujan terbatas. Salah satu satelit penyedia data hujan yang cakupan wilayahnya termasuk Indonesia adalah TRMM JAXA. Penelitian ini menguji seberapa jauh kedekatan data hujan dari TRMM JAXA dibandingkan data hujan pengukuran. Tahapan dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data hujan dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan hujan rancangan, dan mengukur penyimpangannya dengan nilai RMSE dan BIAS. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa data hujan dari satelit TRMM JAXA di Wilayah Sumbawa cenderung underestimate dan memiliki tingkat akurasi yang cukup dibandingkan data hujan pengamatan dengan penyimpangan rerata sebesar -0.05. Besaran hujan rancangan yang dihasilkan dari analisis frekuensi menggunakan data hujan satelit TRMM JAXA memiliki penyimpangan yang cukup besar yaitu sebesar 21%.
PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa
Estimasi nilai debit banjir rencana untuk perencanaan bangunan air, idealnya ditentukan berdasark... more Estimasi nilai debit banjir rencana untuk perencanaan bangunan air, idealnya ditentukan berdasarkan analisis frekuensi menggunakan data debit terukur. Namun keberadaan data debit terukur seringkali tidak tersedia atau kalaupun ada terbatas. Sehingga diperlukan teknik untuk mendapatkan nilai banjir rancangan dari data hujan melalui metode Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik (HSS). Penelitian ini menguji kesesuaian tiga metode HSS (Nakayasu, Limantara dan ITB2) dalam menghasilkan debit banjir rancangan dan membandingkannya dengan debit rancangan dari debit terukur pada DAS yang berbentuk memanjang, yaitu DAS Sidutan dan DAS Reak. Nilai utama yang dibandingkan yaitu debit puncak, waktu mencapai puncak, dan waktu dasar dari HSS terhadap nilai dari HSO. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa DAS Sidutan dan DAS Reak sama-sama berbentuk memanjang, memiliki panjang sungai utama yang hampir sama namun luas DAS Sidutan lebih besar dari DAS Reak. Hasil penurunan HSO rerata kedua DAS menunjukkan bahwa Qp dan Tb DAS...
Prosiding PEPADU, Dec 13, 2020
This study aims to evaluate the ability of the ECHAM5 GCM model output data in estimating monthly... more This study aims to evaluate the ability of the ECHAM5 GCM model output data in estimating monthly rainfall on the island of Lombok. The data used in this study are ECHAM5 monthly rainfall data and automatic rainfall recorder (ARR) measurement rain data for 2000-2018 obtained from ARR Gunung Sari. Correction of bias is conducted by using the mean ratio method and the regression method. The method that produces the best approach is then used to obtain rain data projections and a simple regression method. Evaluation and validation used the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) values. The results obtained are that the daily and monthly rainfall data from the ECHAM5 model cannot be directly used to replace the rain measurement data because of its very low accuracy. The downscaling technique performed on daily and monthly rainfall data using the average ratio method does not show satisfactory performance where the efficienc...
Spektrum Sipil, Aug 2, 2017
Keseragaman tetesan adalah parameter yang krusial dalammengukur kinierja jaringan irigasi tetes. ... more Keseragaman tetesan adalah parameter yang krusial dalammengukur kinierja jaringan irigasi tetes. Semakin tinggi koefisien keseragaman tetesan menunjukkan kinerja jaringan yang semakin baik. Dan kinerja terbaik dari jaringan irigasi tetes dapat diperoleh dengan mengoptimasi parameter-parameter yang mempengaruhi, seperti panjang dan kemiringan pipa lateral, diameter dan jarak antar emitter, serta panjang durasi penetesan. Penelitian ini dijalankan dengan metode eksperimental di Laboratorium dengan cara mengamati dan mengukur langsung hasil tetesan di masing-masing emitter menggunakan pipa lateral dari PVC. Kemudian perhitungan koefisien keseragaman dihubungkan terhadap parameter aliran pipa dripline untuk mendapatkan parameter yang menghasilkan keseragaman terbaik. Penelitian menghasilkan bahwa keseragaman tetesan optimum diperoleh pada kemiringan pipa lateral terbaiknya yaitu 0.2% dan panjang pipa lateral kurang dari 12 meter. Sementara semakin besar diameter lubang penetes menghasilkan keseragaman tetesan yang semakin menurun, dan semakin besar jarak antar penetes menghasilkan keseragaman tetesan yang semakin baik.
Many efforts have been made by various parties in overcoming the problem of waste and flood... more Many efforts have been made by various parties in overcoming the problem of waste and flooding, in residential areas that are starting to develop, one of which is by utilizing organic waste as a biopore filler to improve soil absorption and produce compost. The biopore infiltration hole technology can utilize organic waste to fill biopore media, which is used as a food source by biota in the soil layer. This study aims to determine the rate of biopore infiltration in the use of several types of organic waste such as (1) straw, (2) leaves and (3) household waste. Biopori is made from pipapvc 4 ”and 1 m in length with installation into the ground 80 cm and the rest above the soil surface 20 cm for testing purposes with a total of 12 test points and tested after 7 days to 21 days. For biopore holes without filler, the highest absorption rate was 85 cm / hour and the lowest was 42,167 cm / hour. The type of straw waste obtained infiltration rate of 179.34 cm / hour and the lowest ...
Pembangunan yang cukup pesat di Desa Sisik Kab. Lombok Tengah memberikan berbagai dampak bagi mas... more Pembangunan yang cukup pesat di Desa Sisik Kab. Lombok Tengah memberikan berbagai dampak bagi masyarakat, dampak positif maupun negatif. Salah satu dampak negatif adalah meningkatkan timbulan sampah. Meningkatnya timbulan sampah yang tidak diimbangi dengan pengelolaan sampah yang baik menyebabkan sampah berserakan, sehingga menimbulkan berbagai dampak lingkungan. Sampah tersebut menjadi sumber berbagai penyakit, menyebabkan bau tidak enak, menyebabkan pemandangan kurang bagus, dan menyebabkan banjir. Masyarakat desa saat ini mempunyai kesulitan tempat untuk membuang sampah, oleh karena itu perlu upaya mengurangi jumlah sampah. Program pengelolaan sampah “3R” (reduce-reuse-recycle) merupakan program yang cocok untuk dikembangkan di desa ini. Program mendaur ulang sampah (recycle) menjadi barang yang lebih berguna sangat cocok, apalagi hasil daur ulang sampah bisa di jual dan menjadi penghasilan tambahan bagi masyarakat. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan informasi dan meningkatkan...
Many efforts have been made by various parties in overcoming the problem of waste and flooding, i... more Many efforts have been made by various parties in overcoming the problem of waste and flooding, in residential areas that are starting to develop, one of which is by utilizing organic waste as a biopore filler to improve soil absorption and produce compost. The biopore infiltration hole technology can utilize organic waste to fill biopore media, which is used as a food source by biota in the soil layer. This study aims to determine the rate of biopore infiltration in the use of several types of organic waste such as (1) straw, (2) leaves and (3) household waste. Biopori is made from pipapvc 4 ”and 1 m in length with installation into the ground 80 cm and the rest above the soil surface 20 cm for testing purposes with a total of 12 test points and tested after 7 days to 21 days. For biopore holes without filler, the highest absorption rate was 85 cm / hour and the lowest was 42,167 cm / hour. The type of straw waste obtained infiltration rate of 179.34 cm / hour and the lowest infilt...
ICST 2018, 2018
The Unus Drainage System (UDS) is one of the drainage systems in the city of Mataram. Nowdays, th... more The Unus Drainage System (UDS) is one of the drainage systems in the city of Mataram. Nowdays, this catchment area in the UDS has a fairly large and rapid change in land use, from agricultural land to housing, building shops, offices and other buildings, so causing floods in several area. New construction and maintenance of drainage channels have been carried out by several agencies, both the City, Provincial, and Central Government, but the development are still partial or not comprehensive, so that many inundation problems become moved to other place and not resolved properly. For this reason, it is necessary to do zonation of the drainage network and its catchment area in order to facilitate the arrangement of drainage network. The objectives of this study are to find out the drainage network and catchment area of each drainage channel, so that the mapping can be made, and to evaluate the drainage channels capacity or the ability of the drainage channels to accommodate runoff. The conclusions of research are the results of mapping or zonation of the UDS are divided into 20 Primary Drainage Blocks in the Right UDS and 10 Primary Drainage Blocks in the Left UDS, the capacity evaluation of the existing drainage channel in this system is that most primary channels are still able to accommodate flood discharge, except the Sekarbela, Asrama Gebang, and Abian Tubuh Mayura primary channel. With zonation and evaluation the capacity of this drainage channel, planning for the development and maintenance of drainage system can be integrated and comprehensive, so that flood control can be better in accordance with its priorities.