FUCK THAT ! (original) (raw)

| Tired of playing nice? We're all heartless here... | [**entries**|friends|calendar] | | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |

[17 Apr 2005|12:18am]
i kind of like this community. i think it has a lot of potential, and i will volunteer to mod it if need be. just saying.
( 4 ) l FUCK THAT!
Maintainer // Update. [12 Apr 2005|11:52pm]
As of right now, this community is closed. One of the co-mods felt the undying need to start shit with me tonight over a craptacular argument he had with a member. Not only did he piss me off, he left the community and ruined my good mood (not a causal-effectual thing). Nonetheless. I have no desire to run this community without him, and I have no desire to speak to him at ALL at the moment.So he can fuck off. And this community, which consequently didn't really ever start, is done.24 hours before deletion.
Maintainer // VOTE. [08 Apr 2005|03:33pm]
Due to circumstances, I am putting the latest applicant's application to vote.This means you may vote on her and be as cruel as you want. Whether this will be the only applicant voted on until we get more people, I don't know.Vote Here
OPENING // [31 Mar 2005|09:14pm]
This community is now open. The first 10 applicants will be either auto-accepted or auto-rejected. If you are not cruel or bitchy -- leave now.- Management.
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