fxk - Profile (original) (raw)
Welcome to the FuumaxKamui Community.
This comm is for people who support Monou Fuuma and Shirou Kamui, of the CLAMP anime/manga series X, together as a potential couple. We say SCREW DESTINY.
Policy and Protocol:
1) Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you have a valid argument on a certain topic, it should be done in a civil/mature manner. Flamers will not be tolerated.
2) When posting anything that may be considered spoiler material (i.e. the anime/game ending(s), recent Asuka updates) please mark and lj-cut your entry.
3) Please stay on topic. It's fine to speculate on the series and where CLAMP intends to take it, but only as long as it is relevant. The one exception I'm making to this rule is FuumaxKamuixKotori. Discussions of KamuixKotori are welcome, but if you're going to advocate Subaru pairings, you'd better take it to _notalone or
seixsub. Provisions are made for comparison essays/rants, but only as long as you don't do things like go on purely SxS tangents. The maintainers will consider those posts spam.
4) We encourage sharing fanart and fanfiction, but if you want to post, please help keep the comm streamlined and lj-cut it. Below is the format that we request you use when posting fics. Also, lemons are nice, but not everyone wants to read them, so please be courteous and label NC-17 fics appropriately. Same goes for fanart - if it's steamy, warn us!
FINAL NOTE: Here at Screw Destiny, we support the FxK romance. The Moderators reserve the right to reject any material we deem inappropriate to the spirit of MEANINGFUL FxK. We like BDSM, head games, and the occasional bout of emotional torture PROVIDED that it actually facilitates character/relationship development. We have zero tolerance for half-assed torture-pr0n AND half-assed high school AU. If you're just here to encourage rape of children, we suggest you pack your shit and leave. NOW.