G-Town Support Group's Journal (original) (raw)

[ mood | crazy ]

Free show info! It's FREE! Everybody loves free shit! Eeeverybody!

Saturday, July 27th, come see the widest variety of punk rawk and metal your local scene has to offer. At least 8 hours of music, from 10 different bands. All this for the low cost of absofuckinglutely nothing! Golly gosh WOW, how could you say no to that?!

Who are all these crazy bands playing? I'll tells ya! (Descriptions stoled from da flyer, 'cause I'm unoriginal. Haw.)

Def Con IV - G-Town political street punk. They're selling their brand spanking new CD, so be sure to bring money for a copy all your own.
Morbid Nutsac - Sick and twister sex with yer hand punk.
Final Obsession - G-Town "I hate myself and want to die!" metal kidz.
Dead Last - Back to the old skool punk thrash.
4 To Nothing - G-Town hardcore beer rock.
Slatter House - Splatter core.
Rukus - More metal kidz. Uh, my input, kinda icky radio metal, but uh, hey, whatever rocks your socks.
Black Water - Richmond emo-crust kidz.
Cosmonauts - These guys are a bunch of Kim Gordon wanna-be's. (Haw haw.)
And, freshly added to the line up as of...yesterday...
Young Al Capone - These guys, man, these guys!

So where is all this cah-ray-ziness happening? Here's where I get real technical! That Moose Lodge-like thing right beside the 7-11 by the hospital up hyah in the Courthouse area, across from the Food Lion shopping center. And there's a sign posted.

This is a drug free show! Come intoxicated, come completely fucked up, we don't care. Just don't bring your shit to the show! That's what after-parties are for. :)

Tell your friends, tell your enemies! Bring people!

Thank you and goodnight. *steps off box*

Oh yeah, and...buy a CD! *shameless plug* I made the labels and booklets! *end shameless plug*