J'suis nouveau-monde (original) (raw)
We're recruiting for new players and characters for the "next phase" of the former Veiled Intentions RPG, which is changing its name and re-launching as VISIBLE INFINITY.
Visible Infinity is a Harry Potter-based (HBP-compliant) game, taking place in London 3 years after Voldemort's fall, at a time when many people are trying to rebuild their lives after the war, but Lucius Malfoy is undermining the Ministry with terrorist attacks and rebuilding the Death Eaters to support blood purity. We are currently casting for new players to join the ranks.
Still available: Hermione, Luna, Lavender, the Patil twins, Dean, Blaise, Terry Boot, & many others.
We look forward to hearing from you!
You've got 13 hours and 20 minutes to get your act together. I will not put up with a white April. If you refuse to get Mr. Sun out here and start melting stuff there will be severe consequences.
You have been warned...
The following are the first words Christine Griese has said to me in the past three days.
Monday: Gaffot and Colin are sitting at the dining room table after just eating breakfast, they are talking about cookie monster and they hear a THUMP THUMP CRASH BANG "WHY are there all these fucking dishes in my sink?!"
Tuesday: Gaffot walks out of her room after just waking up. Unknown to her Scowly McScowlerpants is waiting outside her bedroom door. "I want that room clean. Today! Jesus it's the second day of March Break and I'm already pissed off."
Wednsday: Gaffot spent the night in her sisters room because it was the only computer working. She locked the door to the room when she was getting changed and forgot to unlock it for the night. BANG BANG BANG "What are you doing in there?!?" "Mrrrmmrghhsweeeping?" "I don't want this door locked, Emily, open it!"
Whenever a child needs scolding for no particular reason, she will be there. Whenever someone wants to add some personality to the decor of houses, she will be there. Whenever someone needs assuring that this is her house and everything in it belongs to her she will be there. And whenever a teenagers self esteem is getting a little too high, you can bet she'll be there to beat it back down to the sniveling, fetal position "Why-doesn't-she-love-me" thing it once was.
Christine, inspiration for punching bags everywhere.
This really isn't meant to be anything other than therapy to keep me from nailing her in the face. I'm holding out for a couple of days until she's at the end of her period or something because no woman can be uuber bitch like that without some blood. I should thank her, I got a great workout on the punching bag yesterday. I think my dad heard me yelling at it and knew what was up because he had this understanding look on his face.
I'm pretty sure she just wants me out. I'll go tell her to stop cooking with cheese.
18 February 2008 @ 11:49 am
How to:
1.) (Insert Username)
2.) (Righty or Lefty?)
3.) (Favorite letters to write)
4.) (Least Favorite letters to write)
5.) (The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog)
6.) (Pick five people to do this~!)
14 February 2008 @ 09:27 am
I love this icon, someone made it for me out of a picture I took for this other mini-fandom I'm seeing, I feel like such a cad because I don't remember who it was but much love for her.
Happy Valentines Day/Corporate Love Day/Singles Awareness Day! There's so much hate for February 14, and no wonder, it's right in the middle of international depression month and it's all about relationships, chocolate and the Journey Diamond Graduated Pendant.
Seriously, if you haven't seen this thing yet, you don't watch TV.
Every jewellery store commercial I've seen in the past two weeks has featured this little number as it's main piece o' resistance. Do they not realize every other store in the world is selling these things? Okay, so they're cute. But I think diamonds are the easy way out for guys. That isn't to say if a boy bought me this necklace I would throw it back in hisface, but it doesn't really count as evidence that the dude knows me at all. I'd rather have one of these things made of paperclip wire and cinnamon hearts and an "I love you". Keep in mind, I'm still young and this 'love is all you need' attitude may fade in years to come but as of now, the sparkly thing to my right induces no desire.
But maybe I'm being ridiculous, maybe a diamond necklace is the ultimate expression of love for a man because they are so into their career and their money that spending it on you is a big sacrifice and shows a lot of commitment. I don't know, guys are confusing. What do you all think?
Anyway, an eighty-something, local-celebrity resident at the retirement home I work at asked me to be his Valentine, I had to respectfully decline because my flist gets first crack at me. Who wants some?
Current Mood: cheerful
21 January 2008 @ 12:10 pm
I just did my french oral exam in class. It was pretty sketchy, pick a topic, talk about it for ten minutes and then answer questions about it. I kind of, sort of forgot about it until yesterday so I thought I was going to suck big time, but I got 100%! So, naturally, I'm very proud right now and I wanted to brag a bit. That is all.
J'ai juste fait mon examen oral en classe. C'était assez sommaire, choisir un sujet, en parler pendant dix minutes, puis répondre aux questions à ce sujet. Je les ai oubliés jusqu'à hier, et je pensais que j'allais être très échec, mais j'ai eu 100%! Donc, naturellement, je suis très fier pour le moment et je voulais vanter un peu. C'est tout.
Current Mood: happy
20 January 2008 @ 11:51 am
So since sans_scrupules did one of these thingies I've decided I will too because I'm just a crayzee plagiarist like that :D
Ladies and Gentlemen behold my New Years Resolutions.
♂- Write more fic, or just write more in general.
♀- Get my grade average in the 90s this semester
♂- Get that 'bikini body' ready for the Grad trip to Cuba
♀- Save money for the Grad trip to Cuba
♂- Get a Job
♀- Get my driver's license
♂- Learn a new, valuable skill.
♀- Make 1000 origami cranes
♂- Collect more friends on this journal.
Who the fuck reads this thing anyway?
♀- Learn to Cook
♂- Be nice to straight boys.
♀- Teach Bela Lugosi II cool tricks (Like sucking blood and talking with a funny accent)
♂- Same thing we do every night. Try to take over the world!
♀- Apply to Universities and get at least one scholarship
Will cross things out as they happen
Current Mood: amused
05 January 2008 @ 03:55 pm
This is the man I one day want to marry, our children will be Snap, Crackle and Pop.
Sorry Mr. Beefy, this is good, and that's a punderstatement. He made a reference to Hamlet and that clinched it, you've been replaced, my good man, very sorry.
11 December 2007 @ 11:14 am
I don't have time to put the proper fic intro format stuff just yet, but it doesn't have a name, it's from Percy's POV and it's angsty, but worksafe. I'm going to say PG-13. If that.
I'll redo this whole thing tonight I just didn't want to email it to myself, I also haven't had time to edit, so this is straight from my mind onto the computer. Ignore that for now. :) laters
06 December 2007 @ 09:33 pm
My eyes can't believe what they have seen,
In the corner of your room, you've stockpiled millions of my memories.
I'm going to miss you so much, Kyle. You had this smile... I could put a magnifying glass in front of your face and kill ants with it. You would have been someone great, you had the face shape of success... heh, and the hat.
Sweet sixteen soon, huh? Don't worry, we're gonna throw you an amazing party you'll never forget.
You'll always be a star to me, sunshine, and you're up with them now. Everyone down here loves you and we'll meet you at your locker again someday.
R.I.P. Kyle, peace.
Hold your Head High, Heavy Hearts. <3
And Save your Strength for the Morning After...