Gale Harold (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Nov. 12th, 2008|07:24 pm]Gale Harold Fans
way more here :DD join?
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Gale/Kate Mash-Up [Oct. 22nd, 2008|04:12 pm]Gale Harold Fans
I hope no one's offended by this, because it was done mostly for laughs, but I mashed up footage of Brian of QAF with Shane from The L Word . I wondered if it was possible to sequence anything using clips of two of the most iconic (and hot) gay characters to ever grace the TV screen. Anyhow, I find it amusing, and again I hope no one's upset that it makes them look...well, straight. :P
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QaF video [Oct. 19th, 2008|05:36 am]Gale Harold Fans
Vidder: LokiFandom: Queer As FolkTitle: The Light That Fills The EmptinessSong: Without You HereArtist: Goo Goo DollsWarnings: If you`ve seen the show, you won`t find anything strange here ;)Category: slightly AUCharacters/Pairings: Brian\JustinSummary: This video is basically about the relationships between Brian and Justin through season one and how Brian deals with the awful tragedy that happened to Justin.Links: here at my LJ
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To whoever runs this site [Sep. 4th, 2008|08:44 am]Gale Harold Fans
Hi! I'm a HUGE fan of Gale Harold and the QAF character, Brian [well, and the other characters Gale's portrayed]. I just thought I'd mention that the LJ address has the name "Howard", as in "Gale Howard" as opposed to "Gale Harold"... It might put some folks off...*clears throat*--grover
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Mutual Masturbation [Jan. 26th, 2008|05:26 pm]Gale Harold Fans
Hot off the press, the first edition of Mutual Masturbation, your number one source for all things Queer as FolkClick here to see for yourself!
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(no subject) [Sep. 10th, 2007|05:41 pm]Gale Harold Fans
Icons:[05] Hermione/Emma Watson @ Harry Potter[01] Ronald Weasley/Rupert Grint @ Harry Potter[01] Harry Potter/Daniel Radcliff @ Harry Potter[02] Ewan McGregor[02] Zach Braff[02] Nicole Kidman @ Invasion[10] Stock japanese girls[09] Brian and Justin/Gale and Randy @ Queer as Folk[03] Stock Models[02} Stock DollsHeaders:[01] Brian Kinney/Gale Harold @ Queer as Folk header[01] Brian and Justin/Gale and Randy @ Queer as Folk headerteasers:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketfollow the fake cut
(no subject) [Aug. 6th, 2007|01:09 am]Gale Harold Fans
[Current Location |my room] [mood apatheticapathetic] [music andy stochansky ~ here nor there]I've made those icons cause livejournal is really crazy these days. Since our journals are full of big words, sex related subjects, violence, drugs or any shit like life and we don't wanna get our accounts cancelled, it's better use some protection... like condoms and "nc17 rated" warnings. aHUAhuaHHAuaA xPAlso, something of Brian and Justin on season 3 (ep. 9, I've watched this one today), cause it's my favorite season (i guess xP) and let's face it... it's the BEST season for Brian's and Justin's hair! They look so fucking great... >.<I'll be posting more BJ this week! Stay tune xP[42] NC17 warning textonly icons[17]Queer as Folk (B/J, mostly season 3, episode 9) iconsteaser:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketTHE ICONS ARE UNDER THE FAKE CUT, HERE @ love_higher_law
HAPPY GALEDAAAY!!! [Jul. 10th, 2007|07:39 pm]Gale Harold Fans
[Current Location |my room] [mood busy] [music The City Lights - Umbrellas]HAPPY GALEDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!![04] Gale Harold headersteaser:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHEADERS HEEEEEEEERE
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REQUEEEEEESTS!!!! [Jul. 7th, 2007|03:29 pm]Gale Harold Fans
[Current Location |my room] [mood busy] [music This Mess We're In - Radiohead with PJ Harvey]anyway, i'm taking requests!1.So, you can request: Icons, Banners, Headers and Friends Only.2.You can choose what you want, what's the theme or the image and comment here.3.I accept fandoms, but only the ones that i like it.4.And I have the right to deny your request if I don't feel like doing it or don't have time for doing it... what's being a big big problem these days >.<Now, what's new in this post:[01] Queer as Folk (BJ) Header with matching F/O Banner, Icon and Color scheme[01] Gale Harold Header with matching F/O Banner, Icon and Color scheme[01] Scrubs (JD/Cox) Header with matching F/O Banner, Icon and Color scheme[05] Queer as Folk F/O Banner[11] Gale Harold Icons[05] Queer as Folk (Brian) Icons[02] Dance and swing Iconsteaser:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketALL HEADERS, F/O BANNERS AND ICONS ARE HERE @ love_higher_lawp.s: the asshole that comment on the community post and not on the REAL post, at my journal, will wake up without the dick next morning.
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More Queer as Folk! [Jun. 18th, 2007|11:38 pm]Gale Harold Fans
[Current Location |my room] [mood blahblah] [music weapon ~ matthew good band]i'm opening requests! 1.So, you can request: Icons, Banners, Headers and Friends Only. 2.You can choose what you want, what's the theme or the image and comment here.3.I accept fandoms, but only the ones that i like it.4.And I have the right to deny your request if I don't feel like doing it or don't have time for doing it... what's being a big big problem these days >.<SOOOO... REQUEST![17] Queer as Folk - Brian mood icons[28] Queer as Folk - general icons[46] Queer as Folk - song quotesteaser:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketICONS HERE @ love_higher_law
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