garney (original) (raw)

Another GW tittle~ or two rather.

( One screenieCollapse )

Click on piccy to go see more screenies in my GW journal. If you didn't know, s'where I'm posting more lately cos my creative has died, I've nearly died, real life is suck, and I'd have nothing but depressive emo shit. So I post over there to spare friends who don't care about GW from game babble, but these titles deserve double posting, cos dammit they take work >3

breathing was fine until a little while ago, now i can't breathe and my heart is fluttery and I'm trying VERY HARD TO NOT PANIC

cos panic doesn't really help breathing

but omgomgomg T___T

and I have class in an hour that I can't... fuuuck *whinewhinebitch*

Very, very, VERY mad at myself right now.

Out of all the things I managed to save onto the laptop before the harddrive wipe... I forgot my FAVOURITES folder.

All those links gone T___T

I had the most used in the direct dropdown, then folders for "Common (banking sites, school sites)" "Sallie" "Links > Watching (YouTube mostly), Reading, Writing (babyname sites and other writing tools)" "Games > RO, GW, Sims, etc."

So.. argh, all those links lost T____T

Anyone care to drop lovely links that a Garney probably visited? I currently have... google and livejournal (_ _);;

Like I needed more shit to deal with, really.

I was going to say this yesterday that I'm not checking this journal like I should right now, so I'm basically taking a break - I didn't mean it literally to break my internet, fucking hells.

So yeah, best to leave me alone until at least... Friday. Kay? Kay.

Not feeling at all well yesterady and today, very fuzzy, feverish even. Doctor threatened to put me in the hospital because he's worried about infection. Drug my booty out to see him this morning and he gave me antibiotics. so yeah, discoherent a lot ^^; sleeping alot, and generally feeling like warmed over death

But! AFtr a few runs on GW with Gemkamafae for LBSS choochoo, i tried it myself, and ended up blearily vanquishing sulfurous wastes, which gave me enough gold for Damy's last bit of armour.

( PiccyCollapse )

And more piccies from there forward

Alexander sucked, oh yes it did, I want my two and half hours back.

Pathfinder, on the other hand, is actually quite good.

Mrrrr. Woke up this morning to my left arm numb. Happens often enough, I sleep on my sides afterall. I was more concerned with cleaning myself up X__x

Lay back down after getting clean, on my right side, I was sure, cos my left side was still numb and had given me problems while trying to wash myself.

So it's been... nearly two hours? And my left arm is still numb despite any stretching and curling and exercising I do. Not happy. >(

I'm attempting to roast, err.. crock pot? That thing where you throw potatoes and veggies and meat into a crock pot and let it sit for hours and hours and hours

And watch me let the kids make something else for dinner and totally forget about it until tomorrow when the food is crispy blackness stuck to the sides.

Meanwhile, Damy has two more bonuses to go to finish Prophecies, rar! Got him to all the outposts, and got him half of his new armour. Been hoarding every bit of gold since he was in Ascalon and he could only afford half his armour when he finished HP >( *pout* Damn vermin farming nerf, how is a moron like me supposed to earn gold?

Lookatitlookatit omg it's still shiny. *still spazzing*

I played Sims and orgasmed the entire time, cos Sims behaved and let me resize yaayyy *^-^*

Jeniiputer looks so old and pitiful now XD;