Hooray for Geeks! (original) (raw)
Our second meeting went of with nearly nary a hitch. Another room SNAFU, but what the hell...Last night included:
1. Trivia questions. Everyone is invited to bring a few next time. Just to keep it wild and crazy.
2. Sugar cookies. Very expensive sugar cookies.
3. General discussion included: various kinds of kryptonite (thanks a lot, Francisco), new TV shows that are miserably failing, mutants in comic books and TV.
4. Viewing of Futurama episode "Where No Fan Has Gone Before." I believe it's safe to say that the collective opinion was "freakin' hilarious." Thanks for bringing it in, Raven.
5. Plans made for next meeting.
6. Group focus: We've decided to make the group more of a science-fiction--based group. That seems to be the common denominator, so while we're not excluding anyone, be forewarned that if you come to Triple-G raving about your favorite obscure genre of geekdom, we're going to look at you like, well... a geek. :-)COMING UP NEXT MONTH....
*Next meeting, Tuesday, November 27 (after Turkey Day). 7:30 PM, Center on Halsted.
*Bring some trivia questions!
*Viewing of Star Trek blooper reel, courtesy of Tim.
*Discussion of Heroes - lots of comic book and sci-fi themes to go around, so things should get interesting. Also think about the context of the traditional "hero," which is interesting, since "Beowulf" is being released in the theater. It's all related.
*Discussion of "The Forever War" by Joe Haldeman. Follow William Mandela as he battles the Taurans over the course of a millenia. Time dilation/space travel, peace, and homosexuality as population control are themes explored in this novel.