Sevinç Nihal Yeşiloğlu | Gazi University (original) (raw)
Papers by Sevinç Nihal Yeşiloğlu
Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, 2010
Bu calismanin temel amaci bilimin dogasinin cesitli boyutlarini derslerine acikdusundurucu yaklas... more Bu calismanin temel amaci bilimin dogasinin cesitli boyutlarini derslerine acikdusundurucu yaklasim kullanarak entegre etmeyi planlayan, bu boyutlari ogrenme kazanimlarindan biri olarak dusunen fen alani ogretmenlerinin ozellikle donem basinda uygulayabilecekleri bir etkinligi bilimin dogasinin hangi boyutlarinin uzerinde durulabilecegini gosterecek sekilde tanitmaktir. Kendi kurallarina gore yasayan yeni bir toplumun bilim insanlari tarafindan kesfedilmesini iceren “Yeni Toplum” etkinligi bilimin dogasi ogretim surecine dahil olan ve hizmet ici-hizmet oncesi ogretmenlerden olusan alti farkli grup uzerinde uygulanmistir. Uygulamalardan elde edilen video kayitlari, gozlem notlari, surecte kullanilan etkinlik kagitlari, ve katilimcilarin etkinlik ve surec hakkindaki gorusleri arastirmacilar tarafindan bilimin dogasinin hangi yonlerinin nasil ogretilebilecegi acisindan ele alinarak analiz edilmistir. Farkli uygulamalardan elde edilen veriler bize Yeni Toplum etkinliginin “Bilim Insaninin Yaraticiligi, Oznelligi ve Bilimde Takim Calismasi”, “Teori-Kanun-Olgu”, “Bilimsel Metot ve Bilimde Şans Faktoru”, “Gozlem ve Cikarim”, ve “Bilimsel Bilginin Degisebilirligi” boyutlarini acikdusundurucu bir sekilde tartismak icin uygun sosyal bir ortam hazirladigini gostermistir
Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Dec 1, 2010
Profesor Doktor Ahmet Inam ile olan gorusmemiz 11 Agustos 2010 tarihinde Orta Dogu Teknik Univers... more Profesor Doktor Ahmet Inam ile olan gorusmemiz 11 Agustos 2010 tarihinde Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi‟nde (ODTU) gerceklesmistir. Bizler “Bilimin Dogasi Ogretimi: Bilim Felsefesi ve Bilim Tarihine Dayanarak Bilimsel Arguman Olusturma ve Akil Yurutme Ogretimine Yonelik Bir Ogretmen Mesleki Gelisim Paketinin Hazirlanmasi” isimli bir TUBITAK projesi kapsaminda bilimin dogasi ile ilgilenen arastirmacilariz. Bilimin dogasini anlamaya ve anlatmaya calisan arastirmacilar olarak Ahmet Inam hocamizin bilim ile ilgili yazdigi makaleleri ve yaptigi konusmalari, yazdigi ya da cevirdigi kitaplari surekli takip ediyoruz. Bilimin yalin ve anlasilabilir bir dille aktarilmasini saglayarak bilim ile mesgul olsun ya da olmasin bircok insanin bilim hakkindaki olumsuz onyargilarinin kirilmasinda Ahmet Inam‟in etkili oldugunu dusunuyoruz. Bu gorusme ile merak ettigimiz konular hakkinda bilim felsefesi ile ilgilenen, bilim ve bilim egitimi hakkinda oldukca degerli gorusleri olan bir bilim insaninin neler dusundugunu ogrenerek, bunlari kendi anladigimiz sekilde yorumlamaya calisip buradan elde ettigimiz cikarimlarla bilim egitimi ile ugrasan arastirmacilara bir katkida bulunmayi dusunduk. Ahmet Inam‟in bilim ve bilimin dogasi hakkindaki goruslerini, bunlarla ilgili makalelerini ve bizim bunlardan yaptigimiz cikarimlari harmanlanmis bir sekilde ortaya koyan bu calismanin bilim ve bilim egitimi ile ugrasan herkes icin bilimin dogasi hakkinda temel duzeyde anlayis saglamasi acisindan yararli olacagina inaniyoruz
Chemistry Education. Research and Practice, 2020
The main purpose of this study is to explore the epistemological problems underlying pre-service ... more The main purpose of this study is to explore the epistemological problems underlying pre-service chemistry teachers’ aims in using practical work,i.e., individual or small group object manipulation or observation, in school science. Twenty-two pre-service chemistry teachers participated in this study. Qualitative data collection tools included participants’ reflections about some practical work cases; participants’ practical work plans; responses given to open-ended questions about practical work, scientific inquiry, the epistemology of science, and science teaching approaches such as discovery and inquiry based learning; and follow-up interviews. Through the qualitative analysis of the data, participants’ aims were grouped under three main themes, which included six categories: providing learning by discovery to students, serving to verify scientific theory, making scientific theories concrete, developing students’ scientific process skills, providing learning about the nature of science, and creating curiosity and motivation towards science. Arguments related to any epistemological problems underlying some of these aims are presented in the Results and discussion section. Based on the results, conclusions were made about the sources of these epistemological problems, why the epistemology of science should be considered explicitly when teaching the science teaching approaches and using the practical work, and why “teaching nature of science implicitly” failed.
Chemistry Education. Research and Practice, 2019
The first purpose of this study was to introduce a laboratory modelling activity focusing on teac... more The first purpose of this study was to introduce a laboratory modelling activity focusing on teaching the concepts of radioactive elements/atoms, radioactive decay, and half-life. The second was to investigate...
Kimya öğretimi: Öğretmen eğitimcileri, öğretmenler ve öğretmen adayları için iyi uygulama örnekleri, 2017
Kimya öğretimi: Öğretmen eğitimcileri, öğretmenler ve öğretmen adayları için iyi uygulama örnekleri, 2017
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı fen derslerindeki pratik çalışmalarda bilimsel epistemolojinin ve bilim... more Bu çalışmanın temel amacı fen derslerindeki pratik çalışmalarda bilimsel epistemolojinin ve bilimin doğası anlayışlarının gözetilmesi gereğini araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla bilimin doğası anlayışları ve pratik çalışmaları kullanma ile ilgili pedagojik anlayışları bir arada/eş zamanlı geliştirmeyi sağlayan bir öğretim tasarlanmıştır. Bu öğretime katılan 22 kimya öğretmen adayının bu anlayışlarının ne şekilde değiştiği incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın tasarımını nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan durum çalışması oluşturmuştur. NVivo programı ile analiz edilmeye hazır hale getirilen veriler, analitik tümevarım ve sürekli karşılaştırma metotları model alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, çalışma öncesinde kimya öğretmen adaylarının bilimin doğası ile ilgili pek çok konuda naif düzeyde anlayışlara sahip olduklarını göstermiştir. Bu naif düzeydeki anlayışların büyük bir kısmı bilimin doğası anlayışları ve pratik çalışmaları kullanma ile ilgili pedagojik anlayışları eş zamanlı geliştirmeyi sa...
Journal of Turkish Science Education, Aug 31, 2021
Introduction COVID-19 has emerged as a global threat; it has had sudden and unexpected effects on... more Introduction COVID-19 has emerged as a global threat; it has had sudden and unexpected effects on our individual and social lives. With the COVID-19 pandemic, social relations began to be conducted remotely and many social lives had to be suspended. Some significant measures have been taken by countries such as restrictions on travel, reducing mass mobility, remote working, and distance education. There has been a rapid transition to distance education after the closure of schools, colleges, and universities. Schools, universities, teachers/instructors, and students have taken responsibility for remote learning. Efforts in many countries included the use of various digital platforms with ABSTRACT With the continued spread of the COVID-19 crisis, the universities were closed temporarily in Turkey just as in the rest of the world. As a result of this, many educators and students tried to adapt online education quickly. This research study examined 67 pre-service teachers' views on online chemistry laboratory learning experiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A data collection tool consisting of seven open-ended questions was used. Data sources included responses given to open-ended questions about the online chemistry laboratory learning experiences, the applications used for the chemistry experiments (e.g., simulations, images, and videos), the methods used for assessing online learning, and the system used for the virtual classroom platform. Content analysis was applied to participants' responses. Participants' views about online chemistry laboratories amid the COVID-19 pandemic were gathered in five themes: (i) advantages and disadvantages of online chemistry laboratories, (ii) effects of online chemistry laboratories on learning outcomes, (iii) views on technological applications used in online chemistry laboratories, (iv) views on measurement and assessment methods used in online chemistry laboratories, and (v) views of pre-service teachers on the virtual classroom platform used in online chemistry laboratories. The findings of the study highlighted that online laboratory learning has both advantages and disadvantages. The findings also included the strengths and weaknesses of the system used for the virtual classroom platform. The findings may provide useful information on how to design a positive online laboratory experience such as integrating hands-on activities as a part of the online laboratories to overcome the lack of "learning by doing" and using videos containing more detailed explanations about the experimental setup. Yeşiloğlu, Gençer, Ekici & Işık, 2021 109 educational content and educational technology solutions (Moreno & Gortazar, 2020), including Turkey. Although distance education and online learning are concepts that have become very much a part of our lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, have been studied for decades. When the literature is examined, efforts have been made to clear up the confusion surrounding these concepts (Bates & Bates, 2005; Hodges et al., 2020; Moore et al., 2011). Distance education describes learning activities that take place when there is a physical separation between the instructor and the learners (Moore et al., 2011). Communication between the instructor and the learners can be through audio and video teleconferences, audio and video recordings, written correspondence, or multimedia systems. At present, the main communication technology is the World Wide Web. Online learning is a form of distance learning and refers to learning that takes place via computers and the Internet (Carliner, 2004). There is an assumption that universities can easily adapt to online learning during a pandemic (Bassett & Arnhold, 2020) since they are no strangers to online education. However, this may not be the case because there are several particular class types at the tertiary level, including lectures, tutorials, laboratories, practical workshops, and fieldwork. Online learning during the pandemic may be particularly challenging for students and educators in practical applications and laboratory-dominated departments. One of those departments is science education. The laboratory has always had a central and distinctive place in science education (Clough, 2002; Hofstein & Lunetta, 1982; Nersessian, 1991). Ausubel (1968) stated the importance of the laboratory with the following words: "The laboratory gives the students appreciation of the spirit and method of science... promotes problem-solving, analytic and generalization ability... provides students with some understanding of the nature of science" (p. 345). With the rapid advancements in information and communication technology, laboratory education environments have changed significantly (Scanlon et al., 2002). Traditional face-to-face laboratories have moved in to online. There are two common types of the online laboratory: remote and virtual laboratories (Budai & Kuczmann, 2018). While in a virtual laboratory, experiments are simulated by using software, the remote laboratory allows the students to work on real-time experiments via the Internet from a remote location (Balamuralıthara & Woods, 2007). Remote and virtual labs can be integrated into the learning management system (LMS) in universities. Since the LMS controls the access of users to a website and ensures that all teaching resources are offered in the same environment, integration of online labs and the LMS is advantageous (Ruano et al., 2013). The type of online laboratory examined in the present study is not a remote lab. However, it is not a virtual lab either because the experiments were not based entirely on simulations. The online chemistry laboratories subjected in this study were designed owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the laboratory courses, pre-service teachers were provided with data previously obtained from face-to-face laboratories or simulation programs and videos of experiments in video-sharing platforms. In science education literature, many studies are investigating the effectiveness of online laboratories or comparing traditional face-to-face laboratories with online laboratories in terms of their advantages and disadvantages (
Bu calismanin amaci Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi’nde gorev yapmakta olan ve gokbilim kampi kapsaminda m... more Bu calismanin amaci Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi’nde gorev yapmakta olan ve gokbilim kampi kapsaminda mesleki gelisim surecine dahil olan ogretmenlerin (1) surec boyunca bilimin dogasi ile ilgili goruslerinde olusan degisiklikleri ve (2) etkinliklerin uygulanma yontemleri ve verimliligi ile ilgili goruslerini incelemektir. Farkli branslarda gorev yapmakta olan 26 ogretmen astronomi kavramlari ile birlikte bilimin dogasinin belli boyutlarinin acik dusundurucu bir sekilde kazandirildigi ve farkli ogretim stratejilerinin kullanilanildigi mesleki gelisim surecine dahil olmuslardir. Surecte anket, alan notlari, video kaydi ve yazili dokumanlar kullanilarak elde dilen veriler nitel-yorumlayici yaklasim kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Analiz sonuclari farkli branslardaki ogretmenlerin katilimiyla olusturulan ve bilimin dogasinin astronomi kavramlari ile entegre bir bicimde farkli ogretim yontemleri kullanarak ogretildigi mesleki gelisim surecinin ogretmenlerin bilimin dogasi ile ilgli kendilerin...
Journal of Kirsehir …
Abstract: The purposes of this study are to investigate (1) how teachers' nature of science ... more Abstract: The purposes of this study are to investigate (1) how teachers' nature of science views have changed during professional development process as a part of astronomy camp and (2) teachers' views on teaching strategies used throughout professional development ...
Journal of Kirsehir Education …
Abstract: The following conversation with Professor Doctor Ahmet İnam took place in August 11, 20... more Abstract: The following conversation with Professor Doctor Ahmet İnam took place in August 11, 2010 at Middle East Technical University (METU). We are the researchers studying on nature of science in the context of a TUBITAK project entitled Teaching the Nature of ...
Bu calismanin temel amaci bilimin dogasinin cesitli boyutlarini derslerine acikdusundurucu yaklas... more Bu calismanin temel amaci bilimin dogasinin cesitli boyutlarini derslerine acikdusundurucu yaklasim kullanarak entegre etmeyi planlayan, bu boyutlari ogrenme kazanimlarindan biri olarak dusunen fen alani ogretmenlerinin ozellikle donem basinda uygulayabilecekleri bir etkinligi bilimin dogasinin hangi boyutlarinin uzerinde durulabilecegini gosterecek sekilde tanitmaktir. Kendi kurallarina gore yasayan yeni bir toplumun bilim insanlari tarafindan kesfedilmesini iceren “Yeni Toplum” etkinligi bilimin dogasi ogretim surecine dahil olan ve hizmet ici-hizmet oncesi ogretmenlerden olusan alti farkli grup uzerinde uygulanmistir. Uygulamalardan elde edilen video kayitlari, gozlem notlari, surecte kullanilan etkinlik kagitlari, ve katilimcilarin etkinlik ve surec hakkindaki gorusleri arastirmacilar tarafindan bilimin dogasinin hangi yonlerinin nasil ogretilebilecegi acisindan ele alinarak analiz edilmistir. Farkli uygulamalardan elde edilen veriler bize Yeni Toplum etkinliginin “Bilim Insanin...
Journal of Chemical Education, 2021
In this paper, the main purpose is to describe the development and use of three flowcharts for id... more In this paper, the main purpose is to describe the development and use of three flowcharts for identifying types of isomers and naming coordination compounds. The first flowchart is designed to hel...
International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Sep 1, 2021
Profesor Doktor Ahmet Inam ile olan gorusmemiz 11 Agustos 2010 tarihinde Orta Dogu Teknik Univers... more Profesor Doktor Ahmet Inam ile olan gorusmemiz 11 Agustos 2010 tarihinde Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi‟nde (ODTU) gerceklesmistir. Bizler “Bilimin Dogasi Ogretimi: Bilim Felsefesi ve Bilim Tarihine Dayanarak Bilimsel Arguman Olusturma ve Akil Yurutme Ogretimine Yonelik Bir Ogretmen Mesleki Gelisim Paketinin Hazirlanmasi” isimli bir TUBITAK projesi kapsaminda bilimin dogasi ile ilgilenen arastirmacilariz. Bilimin dogasini anlamaya ve anlatmaya calisan arastirmacilar olarak Ahmet Inam hocamizin bilim ile ilgili yazdigi makaleleri ve yaptigi konusmalari, yazdigi ya da cevirdigi kitaplari surekli takip ediyoruz. Bilimin yalin ve anlasilabilir bir dille aktarilmasini saglayarak bilim ile mesgul olsun ya da olmasin bircok insanin bilim hakkindaki olumsuz onyargilarinin kirilmasinda Ahmet Inam‟in etkili oldugunu dusunuyoruz. Bu gorusme ile merak ettigimiz konular hakkinda bilim felsefesi ile ilgilenen, bilim ve bilim egitimi hakkinda oldukca degerli gorusleri olan bir bilim insaninin neler...
Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2019
The first purpose of this study was to introduce a laboratory modelling activity focusing on teac... more The first purpose of this study was to introduce a laboratory modelling activity focusing on teaching the concepts of radioactive elements/atoms, radioactive decay, and half-life. The second was to investigate pre-service chemistry teachers’ understanding of these concepts. Fifteen pre-service chemistry teachers who had enrolled in a Physical Chemistry Laboratory course participated in the study. The participants simulated the radioactive decay process of an imaginary radioactive element called Cornium during the laboratory modelling activity. In this way, pre-service chemistry teachers were able to visualize and model what is meant by radioactive decay and half-life. Data sources included responses given to open-response conceptual questions, participants’ drawings about radioactive decay and half-life, semi-structured interviews, activity worksheets, and observation notes. Qualitative analysis of data revealed that the pre-service chemistry teachers had misconceptions about the de...
Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2020
The main purpose of this study is to explore the epistemological problems underlying pre-service ... more The main purpose of this study is to explore the epistemological problems underlying pre-service chemistry teachers’ aims in using practical work, i.e., individual or small group object manipulation or observation, in school science. Twenty-two pre-service chemistry teachers participated in this study. Qualitative data collection tools included participants’ reflections about some practical work cases; participants’ practical work plans; responses given to open-ended questions about practical work, scientific inquiry, the epistemology of science, and science teaching approaches such as discovery and inquiry based learning; and follow-up interviews. Through the qualitative analysis of the data, participants’ aims were grouped under three main themes, which included six categories: providing learning by discovery to students, serving to verify scientific theory, making scientific theories concrete, developing students’ scientific process skills, providing learning about the nature of ...
Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, 2010
Bu calismanin temel amaci bilimin dogasinin cesitli boyutlarini derslerine acikdusundurucu yaklas... more Bu calismanin temel amaci bilimin dogasinin cesitli boyutlarini derslerine acikdusundurucu yaklasim kullanarak entegre etmeyi planlayan, bu boyutlari ogrenme kazanimlarindan biri olarak dusunen fen alani ogretmenlerinin ozellikle donem basinda uygulayabilecekleri bir etkinligi bilimin dogasinin hangi boyutlarinin uzerinde durulabilecegini gosterecek sekilde tanitmaktir. Kendi kurallarina gore yasayan yeni bir toplumun bilim insanlari tarafindan kesfedilmesini iceren “Yeni Toplum” etkinligi bilimin dogasi ogretim surecine dahil olan ve hizmet ici-hizmet oncesi ogretmenlerden olusan alti farkli grup uzerinde uygulanmistir. Uygulamalardan elde edilen video kayitlari, gozlem notlari, surecte kullanilan etkinlik kagitlari, ve katilimcilarin etkinlik ve surec hakkindaki gorusleri arastirmacilar tarafindan bilimin dogasinin hangi yonlerinin nasil ogretilebilecegi acisindan ele alinarak analiz edilmistir. Farkli uygulamalardan elde edilen veriler bize Yeni Toplum etkinliginin “Bilim Insaninin Yaraticiligi, Oznelligi ve Bilimde Takim Calismasi”, “Teori-Kanun-Olgu”, “Bilimsel Metot ve Bilimde Şans Faktoru”, “Gozlem ve Cikarim”, ve “Bilimsel Bilginin Degisebilirligi” boyutlarini acikdusundurucu bir sekilde tartismak icin uygun sosyal bir ortam hazirladigini gostermistir
Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Dec 1, 2010
Profesor Doktor Ahmet Inam ile olan gorusmemiz 11 Agustos 2010 tarihinde Orta Dogu Teknik Univers... more Profesor Doktor Ahmet Inam ile olan gorusmemiz 11 Agustos 2010 tarihinde Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi‟nde (ODTU) gerceklesmistir. Bizler “Bilimin Dogasi Ogretimi: Bilim Felsefesi ve Bilim Tarihine Dayanarak Bilimsel Arguman Olusturma ve Akil Yurutme Ogretimine Yonelik Bir Ogretmen Mesleki Gelisim Paketinin Hazirlanmasi” isimli bir TUBITAK projesi kapsaminda bilimin dogasi ile ilgilenen arastirmacilariz. Bilimin dogasini anlamaya ve anlatmaya calisan arastirmacilar olarak Ahmet Inam hocamizin bilim ile ilgili yazdigi makaleleri ve yaptigi konusmalari, yazdigi ya da cevirdigi kitaplari surekli takip ediyoruz. Bilimin yalin ve anlasilabilir bir dille aktarilmasini saglayarak bilim ile mesgul olsun ya da olmasin bircok insanin bilim hakkindaki olumsuz onyargilarinin kirilmasinda Ahmet Inam‟in etkili oldugunu dusunuyoruz. Bu gorusme ile merak ettigimiz konular hakkinda bilim felsefesi ile ilgilenen, bilim ve bilim egitimi hakkinda oldukca degerli gorusleri olan bir bilim insaninin neler dusundugunu ogrenerek, bunlari kendi anladigimiz sekilde yorumlamaya calisip buradan elde ettigimiz cikarimlarla bilim egitimi ile ugrasan arastirmacilara bir katkida bulunmayi dusunduk. Ahmet Inam‟in bilim ve bilimin dogasi hakkindaki goruslerini, bunlarla ilgili makalelerini ve bizim bunlardan yaptigimiz cikarimlari harmanlanmis bir sekilde ortaya koyan bu calismanin bilim ve bilim egitimi ile ugrasan herkes icin bilimin dogasi hakkinda temel duzeyde anlayis saglamasi acisindan yararli olacagina inaniyoruz
Chemistry Education. Research and Practice, 2020
The main purpose of this study is to explore the epistemological problems underlying pre-service ... more The main purpose of this study is to explore the epistemological problems underlying pre-service chemistry teachers’ aims in using practical work,i.e., individual or small group object manipulation or observation, in school science. Twenty-two pre-service chemistry teachers participated in this study. Qualitative data collection tools included participants’ reflections about some practical work cases; participants’ practical work plans; responses given to open-ended questions about practical work, scientific inquiry, the epistemology of science, and science teaching approaches such as discovery and inquiry based learning; and follow-up interviews. Through the qualitative analysis of the data, participants’ aims were grouped under three main themes, which included six categories: providing learning by discovery to students, serving to verify scientific theory, making scientific theories concrete, developing students’ scientific process skills, providing learning about the nature of science, and creating curiosity and motivation towards science. Arguments related to any epistemological problems underlying some of these aims are presented in the Results and discussion section. Based on the results, conclusions were made about the sources of these epistemological problems, why the epistemology of science should be considered explicitly when teaching the science teaching approaches and using the practical work, and why “teaching nature of science implicitly” failed.
Chemistry Education. Research and Practice, 2019
The first purpose of this study was to introduce a laboratory modelling activity focusing on teac... more The first purpose of this study was to introduce a laboratory modelling activity focusing on teaching the concepts of radioactive elements/atoms, radioactive decay, and half-life. The second was to investigate...
Kimya öğretimi: Öğretmen eğitimcileri, öğretmenler ve öğretmen adayları için iyi uygulama örnekleri, 2017
Kimya öğretimi: Öğretmen eğitimcileri, öğretmenler ve öğretmen adayları için iyi uygulama örnekleri, 2017
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı fen derslerindeki pratik çalışmalarda bilimsel epistemolojinin ve bilim... more Bu çalışmanın temel amacı fen derslerindeki pratik çalışmalarda bilimsel epistemolojinin ve bilimin doğası anlayışlarının gözetilmesi gereğini araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla bilimin doğası anlayışları ve pratik çalışmaları kullanma ile ilgili pedagojik anlayışları bir arada/eş zamanlı geliştirmeyi sağlayan bir öğretim tasarlanmıştır. Bu öğretime katılan 22 kimya öğretmen adayının bu anlayışlarının ne şekilde değiştiği incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın tasarımını nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan durum çalışması oluşturmuştur. NVivo programı ile analiz edilmeye hazır hale getirilen veriler, analitik tümevarım ve sürekli karşılaştırma metotları model alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, çalışma öncesinde kimya öğretmen adaylarının bilimin doğası ile ilgili pek çok konuda naif düzeyde anlayışlara sahip olduklarını göstermiştir. Bu naif düzeydeki anlayışların büyük bir kısmı bilimin doğası anlayışları ve pratik çalışmaları kullanma ile ilgili pedagojik anlayışları eş zamanlı geliştirmeyi sa...
Journal of Turkish Science Education, Aug 31, 2021
Introduction COVID-19 has emerged as a global threat; it has had sudden and unexpected effects on... more Introduction COVID-19 has emerged as a global threat; it has had sudden and unexpected effects on our individual and social lives. With the COVID-19 pandemic, social relations began to be conducted remotely and many social lives had to be suspended. Some significant measures have been taken by countries such as restrictions on travel, reducing mass mobility, remote working, and distance education. There has been a rapid transition to distance education after the closure of schools, colleges, and universities. Schools, universities, teachers/instructors, and students have taken responsibility for remote learning. Efforts in many countries included the use of various digital platforms with ABSTRACT With the continued spread of the COVID-19 crisis, the universities were closed temporarily in Turkey just as in the rest of the world. As a result of this, many educators and students tried to adapt online education quickly. This research study examined 67 pre-service teachers' views on online chemistry laboratory learning experiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A data collection tool consisting of seven open-ended questions was used. Data sources included responses given to open-ended questions about the online chemistry laboratory learning experiences, the applications used for the chemistry experiments (e.g., simulations, images, and videos), the methods used for assessing online learning, and the system used for the virtual classroom platform. Content analysis was applied to participants' responses. Participants' views about online chemistry laboratories amid the COVID-19 pandemic were gathered in five themes: (i) advantages and disadvantages of online chemistry laboratories, (ii) effects of online chemistry laboratories on learning outcomes, (iii) views on technological applications used in online chemistry laboratories, (iv) views on measurement and assessment methods used in online chemistry laboratories, and (v) views of pre-service teachers on the virtual classroom platform used in online chemistry laboratories. The findings of the study highlighted that online laboratory learning has both advantages and disadvantages. The findings also included the strengths and weaknesses of the system used for the virtual classroom platform. The findings may provide useful information on how to design a positive online laboratory experience such as integrating hands-on activities as a part of the online laboratories to overcome the lack of "learning by doing" and using videos containing more detailed explanations about the experimental setup. Yeşiloğlu, Gençer, Ekici & Işık, 2021 109 educational content and educational technology solutions (Moreno & Gortazar, 2020), including Turkey. Although distance education and online learning are concepts that have become very much a part of our lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, have been studied for decades. When the literature is examined, efforts have been made to clear up the confusion surrounding these concepts (Bates & Bates, 2005; Hodges et al., 2020; Moore et al., 2011). Distance education describes learning activities that take place when there is a physical separation between the instructor and the learners (Moore et al., 2011). Communication between the instructor and the learners can be through audio and video teleconferences, audio and video recordings, written correspondence, or multimedia systems. At present, the main communication technology is the World Wide Web. Online learning is a form of distance learning and refers to learning that takes place via computers and the Internet (Carliner, 2004). There is an assumption that universities can easily adapt to online learning during a pandemic (Bassett & Arnhold, 2020) since they are no strangers to online education. However, this may not be the case because there are several particular class types at the tertiary level, including lectures, tutorials, laboratories, practical workshops, and fieldwork. Online learning during the pandemic may be particularly challenging for students and educators in practical applications and laboratory-dominated departments. One of those departments is science education. The laboratory has always had a central and distinctive place in science education (Clough, 2002; Hofstein & Lunetta, 1982; Nersessian, 1991). Ausubel (1968) stated the importance of the laboratory with the following words: "The laboratory gives the students appreciation of the spirit and method of science... promotes problem-solving, analytic and generalization ability... provides students with some understanding of the nature of science" (p. 345). With the rapid advancements in information and communication technology, laboratory education environments have changed significantly (Scanlon et al., 2002). Traditional face-to-face laboratories have moved in to online. There are two common types of the online laboratory: remote and virtual laboratories (Budai & Kuczmann, 2018). While in a virtual laboratory, experiments are simulated by using software, the remote laboratory allows the students to work on real-time experiments via the Internet from a remote location (Balamuralıthara & Woods, 2007). Remote and virtual labs can be integrated into the learning management system (LMS) in universities. Since the LMS controls the access of users to a website and ensures that all teaching resources are offered in the same environment, integration of online labs and the LMS is advantageous (Ruano et al., 2013). The type of online laboratory examined in the present study is not a remote lab. However, it is not a virtual lab either because the experiments were not based entirely on simulations. The online chemistry laboratories subjected in this study were designed owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the laboratory courses, pre-service teachers were provided with data previously obtained from face-to-face laboratories or simulation programs and videos of experiments in video-sharing platforms. In science education literature, many studies are investigating the effectiveness of online laboratories or comparing traditional face-to-face laboratories with online laboratories in terms of their advantages and disadvantages (
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Journal of Kirsehir …
Abstract: The purposes of this study are to investigate (1) how teachers' nature of science ... more Abstract: The purposes of this study are to investigate (1) how teachers' nature of science views have changed during professional development process as a part of astronomy camp and (2) teachers' views on teaching strategies used throughout professional development ...
Journal of Kirsehir Education …
Abstract: The following conversation with Professor Doctor Ahmet İnam took place in August 11, 20... more Abstract: The following conversation with Professor Doctor Ahmet İnam took place in August 11, 2010 at Middle East Technical University (METU). We are the researchers studying on nature of science in the context of a TUBITAK project entitled Teaching the Nature of ...
Bu calismanin temel amaci bilimin dogasinin cesitli boyutlarini derslerine acikdusundurucu yaklas... more Bu calismanin temel amaci bilimin dogasinin cesitli boyutlarini derslerine acikdusundurucu yaklasim kullanarak entegre etmeyi planlayan, bu boyutlari ogrenme kazanimlarindan biri olarak dusunen fen alani ogretmenlerinin ozellikle donem basinda uygulayabilecekleri bir etkinligi bilimin dogasinin hangi boyutlarinin uzerinde durulabilecegini gosterecek sekilde tanitmaktir. Kendi kurallarina gore yasayan yeni bir toplumun bilim insanlari tarafindan kesfedilmesini iceren “Yeni Toplum” etkinligi bilimin dogasi ogretim surecine dahil olan ve hizmet ici-hizmet oncesi ogretmenlerden olusan alti farkli grup uzerinde uygulanmistir. Uygulamalardan elde edilen video kayitlari, gozlem notlari, surecte kullanilan etkinlik kagitlari, ve katilimcilarin etkinlik ve surec hakkindaki gorusleri arastirmacilar tarafindan bilimin dogasinin hangi yonlerinin nasil ogretilebilecegi acisindan ele alinarak analiz edilmistir. Farkli uygulamalardan elde edilen veriler bize Yeni Toplum etkinliginin “Bilim Insanin...
Journal of Chemical Education, 2021
In this paper, the main purpose is to describe the development and use of three flowcharts for id... more In this paper, the main purpose is to describe the development and use of three flowcharts for identifying types of isomers and naming coordination compounds. The first flowchart is designed to hel...
International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Sep 1, 2021
Profesor Doktor Ahmet Inam ile olan gorusmemiz 11 Agustos 2010 tarihinde Orta Dogu Teknik Univers... more Profesor Doktor Ahmet Inam ile olan gorusmemiz 11 Agustos 2010 tarihinde Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi‟nde (ODTU) gerceklesmistir. Bizler “Bilimin Dogasi Ogretimi: Bilim Felsefesi ve Bilim Tarihine Dayanarak Bilimsel Arguman Olusturma ve Akil Yurutme Ogretimine Yonelik Bir Ogretmen Mesleki Gelisim Paketinin Hazirlanmasi” isimli bir TUBITAK projesi kapsaminda bilimin dogasi ile ilgilenen arastirmacilariz. Bilimin dogasini anlamaya ve anlatmaya calisan arastirmacilar olarak Ahmet Inam hocamizin bilim ile ilgili yazdigi makaleleri ve yaptigi konusmalari, yazdigi ya da cevirdigi kitaplari surekli takip ediyoruz. Bilimin yalin ve anlasilabilir bir dille aktarilmasini saglayarak bilim ile mesgul olsun ya da olmasin bircok insanin bilim hakkindaki olumsuz onyargilarinin kirilmasinda Ahmet Inam‟in etkili oldugunu dusunuyoruz. Bu gorusme ile merak ettigimiz konular hakkinda bilim felsefesi ile ilgilenen, bilim ve bilim egitimi hakkinda oldukca degerli gorusleri olan bir bilim insaninin neler...
Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2019
The first purpose of this study was to introduce a laboratory modelling activity focusing on teac... more The first purpose of this study was to introduce a laboratory modelling activity focusing on teaching the concepts of radioactive elements/atoms, radioactive decay, and half-life. The second was to investigate pre-service chemistry teachers’ understanding of these concepts. Fifteen pre-service chemistry teachers who had enrolled in a Physical Chemistry Laboratory course participated in the study. The participants simulated the radioactive decay process of an imaginary radioactive element called Cornium during the laboratory modelling activity. In this way, pre-service chemistry teachers were able to visualize and model what is meant by radioactive decay and half-life. Data sources included responses given to open-response conceptual questions, participants’ drawings about radioactive decay and half-life, semi-structured interviews, activity worksheets, and observation notes. Qualitative analysis of data revealed that the pre-service chemistry teachers had misconceptions about the de...
Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2020
The main purpose of this study is to explore the epistemological problems underlying pre-service ... more The main purpose of this study is to explore the epistemological problems underlying pre-service chemistry teachers’ aims in using practical work, i.e., individual or small group object manipulation or observation, in school science. Twenty-two pre-service chemistry teachers participated in this study. Qualitative data collection tools included participants’ reflections about some practical work cases; participants’ practical work plans; responses given to open-ended questions about practical work, scientific inquiry, the epistemology of science, and science teaching approaches such as discovery and inquiry based learning; and follow-up interviews. Through the qualitative analysis of the data, participants’ aims were grouped under three main themes, which included six categories: providing learning by discovery to students, serving to verify scientific theory, making scientific theories concrete, developing students’ scientific process skills, providing learning about the nature of ...