Bengi Su Ertürkmen Aksoy | Gazi University (original) (raw)

Articles by Bengi Su Ertürkmen Aksoy

Research paper thumbnail of European women’s gaze on both Ottoman Istanbul and the(ir) other

Gender, Place & Culture, 2023

In 1869, the year the Suez Canal was completed, visits to Egypt and, therefore voyages to the Ori... more In 1869, the year the Suez Canal was completed, visits to Egypt and, therefore voyages to the Orient were increased. Crowned royals such as Prince and Princess of Wales, French Empress, Prince of Prussia, Austrian Emperor, Prince and Princess of Holland, and Duke of Aosta went on these voyages, which included cities like Alexandria, Cairo, Istanbul, and Athens. What makes these crowned royal’s travels to the Orient in 1869 distinguishing and worth investigating is the presence of women. Examining on the Istanbul part of the voyages, this research accepts women as historical actors. It aims to interpret European women’s gaze on both Ottoman Istanbul and their ‘other’, local Muslim women, through their time-space experiences. This paper focuses on travel narratives produced by the women in the suite of British and French crowned royals in the 1869 travels to decipher women’s real time-space experiences. Levant Herald (LH), a local newspaper published daily in Istanbul, was also examined to grasp locals’ perspectives simultaneously. While emphasizing the [un]met expectations of both counterparts’ (guest/local), this paper discovers diversifying positionalities of women towards their other and reveals their heterogeneous gaze. Although women’s gaze -and thus narratives- contain many orientalist codifications, their gender privileged time-space experiences challenge and disrupt some of the stereotypes and prejudices prevalent in the male-dominated literature of the period.

Research paper thumbnail of Ankara Spor Kulüpleri Etkinliklerinin Rekreatif Boş Zaman Etkinliğine Dönüşümü ve Yeni “Mahal”lerinin Üretimi: 1922-1946 / The Transformation of Ankara Sports Clubs’ Activities into Recreational Leisure Activities and the Production of New Locales: 1922-1946

Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Ankara Studies, Dec 2022

Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde devletin beden terbiyesi politikalarına paralel olarak spor... more Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde devletin beden terbiyesi politikalarına paralel olarak sporun kamusal alanda sergilenmesi, yaygın olmayan sporların yaygınlaştırılması ve spor etkinliklerinin rekreatif boş zaman etkinliğine dönüşmesinde spor kulüplerinin aracılığı önemlidir. 1922-1946 olarak belirlenen tarih aralığında Ankara spor kulüplerinin, farklı niteliklere sahip modern boş zaman etkinliklerini ve bu etkinliklerin yeni “mahallerini” (locales) üretmiş olduğu görülmüştür. Farklı spor branşlarında etkin olan spor kulüpleri, düzenledikleri veya dâhil oldukları rekreatif boş zaman etkinlikleri aracılığıyla kentli için aidiyet, eğlence ve dinlence gibi yeni anlamlar üreterek gündelik hayat bağlamında kent mekânının dönüşümünde etkin role sahip olmuşlardır. Çalışmada, modern bireyin, toplumun ve mekânın inşa edildiği yeni başkent Ankara’da, Türkiye İdman Cemiyetleri İttifakı (TİCİ) ile sporda kurumsallaşmanın başladığı 1922 yılından spor etkinliklerinin örgütlü bir kitleselliğe ulaştığı 1946 yılına kadar, etkin olan spor kulüpleri ve kulüplerin düzenlediği veya dâhil oldukları spor etkinlikleri spor müsabakaları, spor şenlikleri, yıldönümü kutlamaları, yıllık kongreler gibi spor etkinlikleri ve etkinliklerin gerçekleştiği mahaller araştırılmıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada, spor etkinliklerinin rekreatif boş zaman etkinliklerine dönüşümü ile kulüplerin bu etkinlikler aracılığıyla gündelik hayatı ve kent mekânını yeniden üretme ilişkileri, farklı tür etkinlikler ve etkinliklerin gerçekleştiği farklı ölçek ve nitelikteki mahaller üzerinden incelenmiştir. Birincil kaynakları araştırmanın temeline koyan çalışmada gündelik hayat pratiklerinin takip edilebildiği, günlük süreli yayınlardan Ankara’da yayımlanmış olan Hakimiyet-i Milliye [1934’ten itibaren Ulus] gazetesi, araştırmanın beslendiği en önemli kaynak olmuştur. Bununla birlikte Resimli Uyanış (Servet-i Fünun) ve Gol Spor gibi haftalık olarak yayımlanan dergiler de incelenmiş ve elde edilen kayıtlardan araştırma nesnelerine ilişkin mekân odaklı okumalar ve analizler yapılmıştır.
In the early period of the Republic of Turkey, sports clubs played a critical role in the promotion of sports in the public sphere, particularly less widespread sports, and the transformation of sporting activities into recreational leisure activities. This was all done in line with the physical training policies of the state. During this period, Ankara sports clubs introduced different qualities to modern leisure activities within new ‘locales’, and so played an active role in the transformation of urban space. They did this through the use of recreational leisure activities to emphasise a sense of belonging, entertainment, and recreation amongst the citizens. This study considers the sporting events, as well as the locales where they took place, that were organized by sport clubs in Ankara, the new capital. The period considered begins in 1922, when the institutionalization of sports began with the formation of The Turkish Alliance of Associations Promoting Exercise, until 1946 when the sporting activities were more comprehensively organised. Analysis of the transformation of sports activities into recreational leisure activities, as well as the role of sports clubs in redefining daily life and urban space, considers a variety, in terms of scales and qualities, of activities and locales. The Ankara daily newspaper Hakimiyet-i Milliye [which was renamed Ulus in 1934), was the main primary source used in this study, although certain weekly magazines, such as Resimli Uyanış, (Servet-i Fünun) and Gol Spor, were used to obtain further information and analysis of events and locations.


METU JFA , 2020

In the 19th century, specific times of the year were named accordingly to seasonal changes and / ... more In the 19th century, specific times of the year were named accordingly to seasonal changes and / or the activities individuals performed in their daily (bad season, theatrical season, carnival season and beautiful season). Regattas, which were maritime / nautical festivals seen in cities such as London and Marseille, were important urban actions of the beautiful season of Istanbul. These festivals functioned as urban social events that span a whole day. The first regatta in Istanbul was organized in 1859 with the attempts and under the patronage of British Ambassador Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer in different parts of the city such as Moda and Büyükdere, yet in time regattas became signature events of Büyükada.
Regattas attracted the attention of all the citizens, especially the public officials, diplomats and bankers, namely the high society of Istanbul. Of the periodicals published in the 19th century, the turnout in the festivals in the 1870s was about 10,000 people. This very high level of participation brings into question the existence and extent of the effect of these events that could have transformed the places where these particular social events took place. From this perspective, such a transformative effect of an urban action can be investigated through the Büyükada regattas. There are no studies on the regattas of Büyükada and Istanbul in particular. However, the periodicals such as Journal de Constantinople, Levant Herald, Le Monde Illustré, Levant Herald and Eastern Express, Servet-i Fünûn, Malûmat and memoirs written by the individuals like Samuel S. Cox and Lady Hornby who travelled Istanbul in the 19th century present primary evidence about the events. By applying these findings onto the Büyükada Map of Antoine Raymund, published in 1912, this paper analyses regattas’ major effects on the formation, transformation and modernization of the urban space in the 19th century Istanbul.

On dokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul’unda bir yıl, mevsimsel değişikliklere ve / veya bireylerin gündelik hayatlarında gerçekleştirdiği etkinliklerine (kötü sezon, tiyatro sezonu, karnaval sezonu ve güzel sezon) göre adlandırılmıştır. Londra ve Marsilya gibi kentlerde düzenlenen gemicilik şenlikleri regattalar, İstanbul’da güzel sezonunun önemli kentsel eylemleri olmuştur. Denizciliği odağa alarak kayık yarışları içeren ve farklı aktiviteler ile bütün bir güne yayılan şenlik, kentsel bir sosyal etkinlik olarak kentlilerin gündelik hayatlarına dahil olmuştur. İstanbul’daki ilk regatta, 1859 yılında İngiliz Büyükelçi Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer’in girişimleriyle ve himayesinde Büyükada’da düzenlenmiştir. Gemicilik şenliği, Moda ve Büyükdere gibi farklı yerlerde de gerçekleşmiş ancak zamanla Büyükada ile özdeşleşmiştir.

Regattalar, başta İstanbul’un yüksek sosyetesini oluşturan bürokrat, diplomat ve bankerler olmak üzere, tüm kentlinin ilgisini çekmiştir. Öyle ki on dokuzuncu yüzyılda yayımlanan süreli yayınlarda 1870 yılı regattalarına katılımın 10.000 kişi civarında olduğu belirtilmiştir. İfade edilen bu yüksek katılım düzeyi, kentsel ve sosyal bir etkinlik olarak gemicilik şenliklerinin, gerçekleştiği yerlerdeki mekânsal dönüşümlerdeki varlığını ve etkinliğini sorgulatmaktadır. Buradan yola çıkılarak sosyal bir etkinliğin dönüştürücü etkisi, Büyükada regattaları aracılığıyla araştırılmıştır. İstanbul ve Büyükada özelinde şenlik hakkında herhangi bir çalışmanın bulunmaması bu konuyu ayrıca özgün kılmaktadır. Regattalar hakkındaki bilgiler, Journal de Constantinople, Levant Herald, Le Monde Illustré, Levant Herald and Eastern Express, Servet-i Fünûn, Malûmat gibi gündelik süreli yayınlara ve on dokuzuncu yüzyılda İstanbul’da yaşayan ya da kenti ziyaret eden Samuel S. Cox ve Lady Hornby gibi kişilerin yazdığı anılara dayanmaktadır. Burada bahsi geçen birincil kaynaklardan edinilen bulgular, 1912’de yayımlanan Antoine Raymund’un Büyükada Haritası üzerinden görsel olarak yeniden temsil edilerek, regattaların on dokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul’undaki kentsel mekanların biçimlenmesinde, dönüşümünde ve modernleşmesindeki etkinliği analiz edilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Kentin Yeniden İnşası Sürecinde Etkin Bir Aktör Olarak “Kentli”: 5 Haziran 1870 Pera Yangını

Mimarlık, Mart-Nisan 2020: 412, 2020

İstanbul’da 19. yüzyılda gerçekleşmiş en büyük felaketlerden biri olan Pera Yangını, birçok araşt... more İstanbul’da 19. yüzyılda gerçekleşmiş en büyük
felaketlerden biri olan Pera Yangını, birçok
araştırmanın yıkıcılığına ve dönüştürücülüğüne
değindiği planlama açısından bölgenin önemli
dönüm noktalarından biri olarak karşımıza çıkıyor.
Bu çalışmalardan yola çıkarak yangında, yangın
sonrası süreçte ve bu dönemde yapılan plan
önerilerinde kentlinin rolünü araştıran yazar,
kentlinin kentin dönüşümündeki “etkin” ve “etkili”
varlına dikkat çekiyor.

Dissertations by Bengi Su Ertürkmen Aksoy

Research paper thumbnail of İstanbul Kent Mekanlarında “Yüksek Sosyete” İletişim Ağı ve Modernlik Halleri, 1856-1896

Network and Modernity of “High Society” in Urban Spaces of Istanbul , 1856-1896, 2019

19. yüzyıl İstanbul’unda gerçekleşen değişim ve dönüşümler, ağırlıkla merkezi otoritenin teped... more 19. yüzyıl İstanbul’unda gerçekleşen değişim ve dönüşümler, ağırlıkla merkezi otoritenin tepeden dayattığı reformist hareketler olarak algılanmıştır. Bu tez ise yaşanan dönüşümü kentli tarafından talep edilen bir modernleşme isteği olarak görmektedir. Bu bağlamda da değişim ve dönüşümler tez çalışmasında modernlik halleri olarak tanımlanmış ve izleri İstanbul kent mekânlarında araştırılmıştır. Edilgen olmayan kentli, yaşadığı çevreyi –ya da kenti- modern hayatın yeni eylemlerinden doğan yeni hayat tarzına uygun hale getirmeye çabalarken kentin modernleşmesinde söz sahibi olmuştur. Kent toplumunda spekülatör ya da sermayedar olarak bilinen banker, sarraf ya da benzeri mesleklerle uğraşan, piyasada güç sahibi oldukları gibi tabii oldukları cemaatlerde öncü / lider olarak görülen, yönetimsel güçleri sayesinde merkezi otorite dışında / yanında olan edilgen olmayan aktör-bireylerden oluşan kentli topluluğu, tez çalışmasında yüksek sosyete olarak adlandırılmıştır. Tanımlı aktörler olarak yüksek sosyetenin modernlik halleri Giddens’a atıfla, tanımlı bir zaman-mekânda -1856-1896 yılları arasında İstanbul kent mekânlarında gerçekleştirdikleri tanımlı eylemler –temel gündelik hayat etkinlikleri barınma ve çalışma ile rutinlerin bozulduğu sosyal etkinlikler- üzerinden araştırılmıştır. İstanbul’un bir yılında yüksek sosyetenin gerçekleştirmiş olduğu etkinliklerin çeşitliliği, mevsimlerdeki sezonları buna bağlı olarak da aktör-bireylerin gündelik hayatlarını farklılaştırmıştır. Mevsimlerin devingenliğindeki bu özgün durumun varlığına göre biçimlenmiş olan tez çalışmasında gündelik hayattaki farklılaşmalar muhtelif yöntemler kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Yüksek sosyetenin belirlenmesinde, topluluğun biyografisini oluşturmak olarak tanımlanabilecek maddi bir araştırma yöntemi olan prosopografi kullanılmıştır. Daha sonra, prosopografinin çıktıları olan biyografik sözlük ve iletişim ağından yararlanılarak, gündelik güzergâhlar ya da zaman mekân izleri haritaları üretilmiştir. Haritalama yönteminin kullanıldığı bu aşamadan sonra da süreli yayınlardan elde edilen enstantanelerden eylemler aracılığıyla eylemin gerçekleştiği yerlerin ya da başka bir deyişle kentsel mekânların biyografileri oluşturulmuştur. Merkezi otorite açısından bakan genel değerlendirmeler yerine gerçek zaman-mekânda, aktörlerin eylemleri üzerinden araştırılan modernlik halleri için birincil kaynaklar olan dönemin ticaret yıllıklarından, süreli yayınlardan ve haritalardan faydalanılmıştır.

The changes and transformations that took place in 19th century Istanbul were seen as a desire for modernization rather than reformist movements imposed by the central authority. In this context, changes and transformations have been defined as the states of modernity in the thesis and their traces have been investigated in urban spaces of İstanbul. The non-passive urban citizen has had a say in the modernization of the city while trying to adapt the environment in which he/she lives for the new life style arising from the new activities of modern life. The urban community of nonpassive actor-individuals, known as speculators or capitalists in urban society, engaged in banker, sarraf or similar professions, are seen as pioneers / leaders in their communities who are related or not related to the central authority through their administrative powers, was called high society. The state of modernity of the high society as defined actors, with reference to Giddens, was investigated in a defined time-space (urban spaces of Istanbul between the years 1856-1896) through defined activities they took (such as basic daily activities like dwelling, working and also social activities where routines were broken). The diversity of the high society's activities in one year of Istanbul differentiated the seasons and the daily lives of actor-individuals -accordingly to the seasons. In this thesis, which is shaped according to the existence of this unique situation on the seasons, the differences in daily life were investigated by using various methods. In the determination of high society, prosopography, a material research method that can be defined as forming the biography of the community, was used. Then, maps of daily routes or time-space traces were produced by using the biographical lexicon and communication network which are the outputs of prosopography. After this stage in which mapping method was used, biographies of the places or in other words urban spaces where the activities took place were created through the snapshots obtained from periodicals published in the second half of the 19th century. In order to avoid general evaluations primary sources like annuals, periodicals and maps of the period, were researched.

Research paper thumbnail of Ankara Yahudi Mahallesi Birlik Sokak'ta Bulunan Ankara Sinagogu ile Albukrek ve Araf Konutlarının 19.yy Osmanlı Batılılaşması Bağlamında İncelenmesi

Research on the Ankara Synagogue along with the Houses of Albukrek and Araf at the Jewish Quarter Located in Ankara, Birlik Sokak within the Concept of 19th Century Ottoman Westernization , 2013

19. yüzyıl, Avrupa ve Osmanlı’da azınlık olarak yaşayan Yahudilerin, kazandıkları hakları mimari... more 19. yüzyıl, Avrupa ve Osmanlı’da azınlık olarak yaşayan Yahudilerin, kazandıkları hakları mimari alanda da ifade edebilecekleri önemli bir dönem olmuştur. Çalışmanın amacı, Batılılaşma olgusu ile değişen sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel ve demografik verilerin mekana olan yansımalarının, 19. yüzyılda yapılan Ankara Sinagogu ile karşısındaki Araf ve Albukrek konutları üzerinden okumaları yapılarak, Ankara’da yaşayan Yahudi Cemaatinin Osmanlı Batılılaşması veya Batılı etkenlere karşı nerede konumlandığının tespit edilmesi olmuştur.

19th century is a significant era in which, the Jews who lived as a minority in both Europe and Ottoman Empire acquired their civil rights and expressed them in the field of architecture.The purpose of this study is to define the impact of Westernization based on the socio-economic, cultural and demographic data by the architectural readings done in the Jewish Quarter of Ankara. It is focused on the Ankara Synagogue and the Araf and Albukrek houses across it. The aim is to position the Jewish community that lived in Ankara and understand whether they were influenced by the Ottoman Westernization or by direct Western impacts.

Proceedings by Bengi Su Ertürkmen Aksoy

Research paper thumbnail of The Architectural Analysis of Tabernacle, Temples I and II

Architectural and Urban History and Historiography, 2015

Brenner (2008) defines Judaism as a religion focused community that was forced to migrate, settle... more Brenner (2008) defines Judaism as a religion focused community that was forced to migrate, settle in different geographies and lives under different sovereignties, beginning with the exile of Babylonian, rather than a particular ethnic group living in their homeland. In addition to that definition, Jewish identity is also a commitment to the common past, which includes the idea of the Temple. It began with the Tabernacle that epitomizes Judaism with sociocultural phenomena. Besides, the Tabernacle and the Temples’ architectural features and their spatial provisions have been very significant to the history of architecture as well as Jewish architecture. Them being the first worshipping place for monotheistic religions acted as a model for the forthcoming spaces such as cathedrals, even mosques. In this context, this paper is an analysis of the Tabernacle and the Temples, which were the architectural and socio-cultural symbols of Judaism. Due to the lack of physical traces or excavations, the spatial analysis for these places was performed by the architectural readings from the Torah, the Pentateuch and the Talmud. It is supported with some illustrations that have been produced by several artists, historians or architects.

Research paper thumbnail of The Process of Functional / Spatial Identity Transformation in Demolition and Reconstruction of Risky Structures : A Case Study on Şen Palas Apartment

UPAD 2014//1st International Urban Planning-Architecture-Design Congress, Proceedings, 2014

Based on the Turkish Law No. 6306 concerning the transformation of areas under risk of disaster, ... more Based on the Turkish Law No. 6306 concerning the transformation of areas under risk of disaster, urban/structural transformation in scale of ‘area’ and/or ‘structure’ is happening in cities around Turkey, mostly İstanbul. It is expected that these transformations are ‘remedial designs’ that provide permanent solutions to economic, physical, social and environmental issues. The transformations of ‘risky structures’ should have similar results to those of ‘risky areas’. They should be perceived as urban entities beyond an individual building and should align with urban transformation. In the process of urban transformation, urban identity, regarded as a binder for all regulations of urban aesthetics is re-written. In this study, the concept of this re-writing will be discussed from the smaller perspective of the dwellings.

The process of regaining its position as part of a city by attaining commercial functions besides housing, and the negative impact on the architectural value due to this functional integration initiate a transformation of the functional and spatial identity of a dwelling that is positioned on a major artery of a city. This can be observed when the direct communication between the dwelling with its private spaces, along with its habitants to the city is severed by the additional commercial function on the ground floors. The subject of this discussion, functional/spatial transformation of the identity, is caused by the loss of architectural value resulting from the changes due to the augmentation of commercial functions to the basic housing functions.

Şen Palas Apartment which was built in 1964 is located on one of the major arteries of the Anatolian side of Istanbul, the Minibüs Street. The building was identified as a ‘risky structure’ by the Turkish Law No. 6306 (2012) and will be demolished. The aim of this study is to discuss the transformation of the functional/spatial identities of buildings, in the context of Şen Palas Apartment and the replacement project proposal.

Research paper thumbnail of The Shifting Image of the City: The Case of TCDD (Turkish State Railways) Workmen’s Housings and Center for the Municipality of Ankara As An Urban Interface

UPAD 2014//1st International Urban Planning-Architecture-Design Congress, Proceedings, 2014

Acknowledgement of the architectural artifact as a component of a greater structure, the city, ra... more Acknowledgement of the architectural artifact as a component of a greater structure, the city, rather than being a mere structure in itself, highlights the concept of “urban interface”. Urban interfaces within the city-building, private-public intersections, could be defined as harmonious and balanced graphic images of organized figurations created by the horizontal and vertical components of the city. Horizontal components are the outer spaces which embodies the positioning of the buildings in relation to each other, compositions of the buildings, and the void between the buildings. In the meantime, vertical components cover series of architectural facades that defines the boundaries of outer spaces.

Singular upgrowth decisions in the city results in the arbitrary aggregations of the urban figurations, which has a negative effect on the aesthetics of the city. In a similar way, the Center for the Municipality of Ankara took its part in the urban composition with Turkish State Railways Workmen’s Housings. In this sense the perceived image of the city from Ankara railway terminal that has a horizontally dominant pattern, has been overridden by the vertical emphasis of the singular intervention. Turkish State Railways Workmen’s Housings, which strives for existence within this urban interface, faces the threat of demolition despite of the applications for their registration. Together with the Workmen’s Housings, the railway terminal that was designed as a gate for Ankara, has defined the primary image of the city and formed an important part of the urban memory. With the sudden rise of the Center for the Municipality in the city silhouette has led to a “shift” in the memory, so the image of the city.

In this context, the object of this study will be the re-defined interface which is constituted by Workmen’s Housings and Center for the Municipality. The concept of the “shifting image” is aimed to be discussed through the photographic representations of the existing interface.

Research paper thumbnail of Simulating “CerModern” Via Photograph An Experiment on the Virtual Space “chronicle707”

Congreso Internacional / International Conference inter- fotografía y arquitectura inter- photography and architecture, Volume 1: interacciones / interactions (paperback), 2016

This study will be an inquiry into the interactions between [architectural] space and photography... more This study will be an inquiry into the interactions between [architectural] space and photography, which gets its inspiration from the authors’ personal blog “chronicle707”, by introducing an experiment via photographs to simulate exhibitions. This paper will be derived from the shared posts on the blog about the exhibitions realized specifically
at CerModern, which is the modern art center of Ankara –the capital city of Turkey. With
an architectural perspective, photograph is not only an instrument of documentation or recording, but also a creative tool which produce alternative narratives of architectural space. Considering the theme exhibitions; “photographs” of a painting, photograph, sculpture etc. –as an artwork installed in– tries to recreate the physical / experienced exhibition space in the virtual medium / space of the blog. The photographic representations of the exhibition become a “simulation” (in Jean Baudrillard’ terms) of both the artwork and the space as an entity. Therefore, the blog itself becomes a visual simulation. Since the potential of the temporary exhibitions serve for the blog to create multiple simulations, “CerModern” (the physical space) and “chronicle707” (the virtual space) are considered as experimental spaces. This paper will use a comparative approach addressing the published photographs on the virtual spaces of the blog and CerModern’s official website. Referring to Walter Benjamin, an artwork loses its aura when it is transformed into a photographic image (reproduced) by disregarding its context. Rather than capturing only the artworks, the blog seeks to recreate the aura by (re)presenting the artworks together with the space they “exist”. The possibilities of recreating the aura will be discussed in this paper by analyzing the virtual space of chronicle707, which is itself a simulation.

Research paper thumbnail of A Research on 'Jews and Privacy' in the Ottoman Empire: from Neighborhood Organization to Dwellings, Ankara Jewish Quarter

Spaces Times Peoples Domesticity Dwelling and Architectural HistoryMekanlar Zamanlar Insanlar Evsellik Ev Barınma ve Mimarlık Tarihi, 2016

According to Loos, modern life through individual and social existence has progressed into two di... more According to Loos, modern life through individual and social existence has progressed into two different directions. The inside is formed by ‘culture’ while the outside is formed by ‘information and civilization’ (Loos as cited in Colomina, 2011, 33). In this study, Loos’ definition of privacy in modern life will be examined under the concept of ‘religious identity’ in the Ottoman Empire. The aim is to define the perception of the concept of privacy of the Jewish community' –who lived in the multinational Ottoman Empire- through a comparison with the Muslim stance. In order to understand the variations of perceptions by religious identities, the scope of this study will include the neighborhood organization, and the dwellings, through a focus on the Jewish Quarter in Ankara. The social-political stance of the non-Muslim communities in the Ottoman Empire will be presented in the paper. Consequently, as a result of varying perceptions of privacy through religious identities it is pointed out in this study that the spatial differentiation started to evolve and transform by the Westernization ideology in the 19th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Simulating “CerModern” Via Photograph: An Experiment on the Virtual Space “chronicle707”

This study will be an inquiry into the interactions between [architectural] space and photography... more This study will be an inquiry into the interactions between [architectural] space and photography, which gets its inspiration from the authors' personal blog "chronicle707", by introducing an experiment via photographs to simulate exhibitions. This paper will be derived from the shared posts on the blog about the exhibitions realized specifically at CerModern, which is the modern art center of Ankara-the capital city of Turkey. With an architectural perspective, photograph is not only an instrument of documentation or recording, but also a creative tool which produce alternative narratives of architectural space. Considering the theme exhibitions; "photographs" of a painting, photograph, sculpture etc.-as an artwork installed in-tries to recreate the physical / experienced exhibition space in the virtual medium / space of the blog. The photographic representations of the exhibition become a "simulation" (in Jean Baudrillard' terms) of both the artwork and the space as an entity. Therefore, the blog itself becomes a visual simulation. Since the potential of the temporary exhibitions serve for the blog to create multiple simulations, "CerModern" (the physical space) and "chronicle707" (the virtual space) are considered as experimental spaces. This paper will use a comparative approach addressing the published photographs on the virtual spaces of the blog and CerModern's official website. Referring to Walter Benjamin, an artwork loses its aura when it is transformed into a photographic image (reproduced) by disregarding its context. Rather than capturing only the artworks, the blog seeks to recreate the aura by (re)presenting the artworks together with the space they "exist". The possibilities of recreating the aura will be discussed in this paper by analyzing the virtual space of chronicle707, which is itself a simulation

Research paper thumbnail of Amps Proceedings Series 28.1 sketching


The elective course "Sketching in Architecture" in the third-year curriculum of the departments a... more The elective course "Sketching in Architecture" in the third-year curriculum of the departments at Gazi University Faculty of Architecture, basically aims to exercise the act of sketching as not only a representational tool but a discursive one. In the act of sketching 'line' turns into a tool for communication. Here, the communication is a monologue and dialogue that designer establishes with herself/himself and others. Sketching is a process of production of knowledge and creation of ideas on the built environment. In other words it creates a common ground for formal, spatial, social and cultural discoveries while assigning the designer a critical perspective.

In the last two semesters, when distance learning started with the Covid-19 pandemic, the usual site trips organized by design studios to understand the context of an urban space, couldn’t be carried out. As a result, students had to design a project in a place where they don’t have any –spatial- experience. The lack of direct experience of the site and the knowledge about the context started an important discussion about whether it is possible to discover an urban context in the virtual environment. In this direction, throughout the course held in the spring semester of 2020-2021, the students were expected to make observations and understand the urban space and its context by means of sketches during a virtual trip on web-mapping platforms. The students were asked to let themselves in a virtual reality of a chosen city as a virtual flaneur/flaneuse on their virtual trips. Then, students were expected to produce several sketches during their trips and create a narrative using them. Examining the students’ works, this paper aims to investigate the possibility of experiencing the context virtually and gain the habit sketching as mediation of virtual site analysis in architectural design studio in the post-pandemic education.

Book Chapters by Bengi Su Ertürkmen Aksoy

Research paper thumbnail of Batılılasma ile Ortaya Çıkan Koruma(ma) Olgusu ve Imar Kararlarının Ankara Yahudi Mahallesi Üzerinden Okunması

Mimari, Koruma, Yenileme ve Restorasyon ( Prof.Dr. Isık Aksulu’ya Armagan), 2017

Tarihi çevre ve o çevrenin korunması olguları, yapıları itibariyle doğal ya da insan kaynaklı teh... more Tarihi çevre ve o çevrenin korunması olguları, yapıları itibariyle doğal ya da insan kaynaklı tehditlerin meydana getirdiği bozulmalar ile doğrudan ilişkilidir.
Doğal tehditler; 'Yaşlanma (Eskime)' ile uzun süreli, 'Doğal Afetler' sonucu ise ani bozulmalardır. İnsan kaynaklı tehditler ise daha karmaşık bir yapıya sahiptir. Bir ya da birden fazla etkenin bir araya gelmesi ile oluşurlar. Bunlar; politika, ekonomi, yönetim, planlama vb. şeklinde çeşitlenebilir [Anonim, 2009: 16].
Bu çalışma; yukarıda sayılan tehditlerin birebir rol aldığı tarihi bir çevre olan Ankara Yahudi (İstiklal Mahallesi) Mahallesi'nin batılılaşma döneminden günümüze kadar geçirdiği sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel ve yapısal dönüşümler tarihsel ve kronolojik bir bakış açısıyla inceleyerek 'koruma(ma)' olgusunun çok katmanlılığına vurgu yapmayı amaçlamaktadır.

Papers by Bengi Su Ertürkmen Aksoy

Research paper thumbnail of 19. Yüzyilin İki̇nci̇ Yarisinda İstanbul Gemi̇ci̇li̇k Şenli̇kleri̇: Büyükada (Pri̇nki̇po) Regattalari Ve Adanin Dönüşümü

Mimarlık Fakültesi dergisi, Jun 30, 2020

On dokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul'unda dönüşüm, büyük çoğunlukla merkezi otoritenin yönlendirdiği, ask... more On dokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul'unda dönüşüm, büyük çoğunlukla merkezi otoritenin yönlendirdiği, askeri ve idari yapıdan başlayan, ardından kenti ve kentliyi dönüştüren bir olgu olarak çalışılmıştır. Söz konusu yaygın kabul, merkezi otoritenin önemini vurgular ancak kentlileri dönüşümü inşa eden özneler olarak algılamaz. Bu yazıda ise dönüşüm, edilgen olmayan, yaşadığı çevreyi kendi yaşam biçimine uygun hale getirme çabası gösteren, modern kenti ve modern kent hayatının yeni eylemlerini talep eden, böylelikle dönüşümü inşa eden özneler üzerinden incelenmektedir. Aynı zamanda yazı, söz konusu öznelerin merkezi otorite ile, hem işbirliği hem de örtük çatışmalar barındıran ilişkilerine işaret etmektedir(1). Dönüşüm, Giddens'ın (1986) Yapılanma Kuramını oluşturduğu, The Constitution of Society adlı kitaptaki tanımlar ödünç alınarak, belirli "zamanmekân"da, belirli "aktör"lerin gerçekleştirdikleri "eylemler" üzerinden araştırılmıştır. Burada bahsedilen eylemler Giddens'ın kuramındaki çoğul bireysellikleri içeren toplanmalar olarak tanımlanan "sosyal etkinliklerdir" (social occasions) (2). Bu bakma biçimi doğrultusunda, modern kentli ve modern kent hayatının izlerinin gözlemlenebileceği kentsel ve sosyal bir etkinlik olan regattalar, yazının araştırma nesnesi olarak seçilmiştir. Mevcut literatürde, değişen kent hayatında gerçekleştirilen eylemlerin mekân üzerindeki dönüştürücü etkisinin çalışıldığı söylenemez. 1859 yılından itibaren kentsel bir etkinlik olarak gelenekselleşmiş regattalarla ilgili yapılmış herhangi bir yayına rastlanılmamış olması da konuyu ayrıca değerli kılmaktadır. Bilindiği gibi, 19. yüzyıl İstanbul'unda deniz, vapur seferleri ile gündelik hayata gittikçe daha fazla dahil olmuştur. Böylece ulaşım dışında, boş zaman aktivitesi olarak deniz üzerinde regatta gibi modern sosyal etkinliklerin düzenlenmiş olması, İstanbul'a özgün önemli bir farklılık olarak görülmüş ve incelenmesi gerektiği düşünülmüştür.

Research paper thumbnail of European women’s gaze on both Ottoman Istanbul and the(ir) other

Gender, Place & Culture

In 1869, the year the Suez Canal was completed, visits to Egypt and, therefore voyages to the Ori... more In 1869, the year the Suez Canal was completed, visits to Egypt and, therefore voyages to the Orient were increased. Crowned royals such as Prince and Princess of Wales, French Empress, Prince of Prussia, Austrian Emperor, Prince and Princess of Holland, and Duke of Aosta went on these voyages, which included cities like Alexandria, Cairo, Istanbul, and Athens. What makes these crowned royal’s travels to the Orient in 1869 distinguishing and worth investigating is the presence of women. Examining on the Istanbul part of the voyages, this research accepts women as historical actors. It aims to interpret European women’s gaze on both Ottoman Istanbul and their ‘other’, local Muslim women, through their time-space experiences. This paper focuses on travel narratives produced by the women in the suite of British and French crowned royals in the 1869 travels to decipher women’s real time-space experiences. Levant Herald (LH), a local newspaper published daily in Istanbul, was also examined to grasp locals’ perspectives simultaneously. While emphasizing the [un]met expectations of both counterparts’ (guest/local), this paper discovers diversifying positionalities of women towards their other and reveals their heterogeneous gaze. Although women’s gaze -and thus narratives- contain many orientalist codifications, their gender privileged time-space experiences challenge and disrupt some of the stereotypes and prejudices prevalent in the male-dominated literature of the period.

Research paper thumbnail of European women’s gaze on both Ottoman Istanbul and the(ir) other

Gender, Place & Culture, 2023

In 1869, the year the Suez Canal was completed, visits to Egypt and, therefore voyages to the Ori... more In 1869, the year the Suez Canal was completed, visits to Egypt and, therefore voyages to the Orient were increased. Crowned royals such as Prince and Princess of Wales, French Empress, Prince of Prussia, Austrian Emperor, Prince and Princess of Holland, and Duke of Aosta went on these voyages, which included cities like Alexandria, Cairo, Istanbul, and Athens. What makes these crowned royal’s travels to the Orient in 1869 distinguishing and worth investigating is the presence of women. Examining on the Istanbul part of the voyages, this research accepts women as historical actors. It aims to interpret European women’s gaze on both Ottoman Istanbul and their ‘other’, local Muslim women, through their time-space experiences. This paper focuses on travel narratives produced by the women in the suite of British and French crowned royals in the 1869 travels to decipher women’s real time-space experiences. Levant Herald (LH), a local newspaper published daily in Istanbul, was also examined to grasp locals’ perspectives simultaneously. While emphasizing the [un]met expectations of both counterparts’ (guest/local), this paper discovers diversifying positionalities of women towards their other and reveals their heterogeneous gaze. Although women’s gaze -and thus narratives- contain many orientalist codifications, their gender privileged time-space experiences challenge and disrupt some of the stereotypes and prejudices prevalent in the male-dominated literature of the period.

Research paper thumbnail of Ankara Spor Kulüpleri Etkinliklerinin Rekreatif Boş Zaman Etkinliğine Dönüşümü ve Yeni “Mahal”lerinin Üretimi: 1922-1946 / The Transformation of Ankara Sports Clubs’ Activities into Recreational Leisure Activities and the Production of New Locales: 1922-1946

Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Ankara Studies, Dec 2022

Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde devletin beden terbiyesi politikalarına paralel olarak spor... more Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde devletin beden terbiyesi politikalarına paralel olarak sporun kamusal alanda sergilenmesi, yaygın olmayan sporların yaygınlaştırılması ve spor etkinliklerinin rekreatif boş zaman etkinliğine dönüşmesinde spor kulüplerinin aracılığı önemlidir. 1922-1946 olarak belirlenen tarih aralığında Ankara spor kulüplerinin, farklı niteliklere sahip modern boş zaman etkinliklerini ve bu etkinliklerin yeni “mahallerini” (locales) üretmiş olduğu görülmüştür. Farklı spor branşlarında etkin olan spor kulüpleri, düzenledikleri veya dâhil oldukları rekreatif boş zaman etkinlikleri aracılığıyla kentli için aidiyet, eğlence ve dinlence gibi yeni anlamlar üreterek gündelik hayat bağlamında kent mekânının dönüşümünde etkin role sahip olmuşlardır. Çalışmada, modern bireyin, toplumun ve mekânın inşa edildiği yeni başkent Ankara’da, Türkiye İdman Cemiyetleri İttifakı (TİCİ) ile sporda kurumsallaşmanın başladığı 1922 yılından spor etkinliklerinin örgütlü bir kitleselliğe ulaştığı 1946 yılına kadar, etkin olan spor kulüpleri ve kulüplerin düzenlediği veya dâhil oldukları spor etkinlikleri spor müsabakaları, spor şenlikleri, yıldönümü kutlamaları, yıllık kongreler gibi spor etkinlikleri ve etkinliklerin gerçekleştiği mahaller araştırılmıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada, spor etkinliklerinin rekreatif boş zaman etkinliklerine dönüşümü ile kulüplerin bu etkinlikler aracılığıyla gündelik hayatı ve kent mekânını yeniden üretme ilişkileri, farklı tür etkinlikler ve etkinliklerin gerçekleştiği farklı ölçek ve nitelikteki mahaller üzerinden incelenmiştir. Birincil kaynakları araştırmanın temeline koyan çalışmada gündelik hayat pratiklerinin takip edilebildiği, günlük süreli yayınlardan Ankara’da yayımlanmış olan Hakimiyet-i Milliye [1934’ten itibaren Ulus] gazetesi, araştırmanın beslendiği en önemli kaynak olmuştur. Bununla birlikte Resimli Uyanış (Servet-i Fünun) ve Gol Spor gibi haftalık olarak yayımlanan dergiler de incelenmiş ve elde edilen kayıtlardan araştırma nesnelerine ilişkin mekân odaklı okumalar ve analizler yapılmıştır.
In the early period of the Republic of Turkey, sports clubs played a critical role in the promotion of sports in the public sphere, particularly less widespread sports, and the transformation of sporting activities into recreational leisure activities. This was all done in line with the physical training policies of the state. During this period, Ankara sports clubs introduced different qualities to modern leisure activities within new ‘locales’, and so played an active role in the transformation of urban space. They did this through the use of recreational leisure activities to emphasise a sense of belonging, entertainment, and recreation amongst the citizens. This study considers the sporting events, as well as the locales where they took place, that were organized by sport clubs in Ankara, the new capital. The period considered begins in 1922, when the institutionalization of sports began with the formation of The Turkish Alliance of Associations Promoting Exercise, until 1946 when the sporting activities were more comprehensively organised. Analysis of the transformation of sports activities into recreational leisure activities, as well as the role of sports clubs in redefining daily life and urban space, considers a variety, in terms of scales and qualities, of activities and locales. The Ankara daily newspaper Hakimiyet-i Milliye [which was renamed Ulus in 1934), was the main primary source used in this study, although certain weekly magazines, such as Resimli Uyanış, (Servet-i Fünun) and Gol Spor, were used to obtain further information and analysis of events and locations.


METU JFA , 2020

In the 19th century, specific times of the year were named accordingly to seasonal changes and / ... more In the 19th century, specific times of the year were named accordingly to seasonal changes and / or the activities individuals performed in their daily (bad season, theatrical season, carnival season and beautiful season). Regattas, which were maritime / nautical festivals seen in cities such as London and Marseille, were important urban actions of the beautiful season of Istanbul. These festivals functioned as urban social events that span a whole day. The first regatta in Istanbul was organized in 1859 with the attempts and under the patronage of British Ambassador Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer in different parts of the city such as Moda and Büyükdere, yet in time regattas became signature events of Büyükada.
Regattas attracted the attention of all the citizens, especially the public officials, diplomats and bankers, namely the high society of Istanbul. Of the periodicals published in the 19th century, the turnout in the festivals in the 1870s was about 10,000 people. This very high level of participation brings into question the existence and extent of the effect of these events that could have transformed the places where these particular social events took place. From this perspective, such a transformative effect of an urban action can be investigated through the Büyükada regattas. There are no studies on the regattas of Büyükada and Istanbul in particular. However, the periodicals such as Journal de Constantinople, Levant Herald, Le Monde Illustré, Levant Herald and Eastern Express, Servet-i Fünûn, Malûmat and memoirs written by the individuals like Samuel S. Cox and Lady Hornby who travelled Istanbul in the 19th century present primary evidence about the events. By applying these findings onto the Büyükada Map of Antoine Raymund, published in 1912, this paper analyses regattas’ major effects on the formation, transformation and modernization of the urban space in the 19th century Istanbul.

On dokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul’unda bir yıl, mevsimsel değişikliklere ve / veya bireylerin gündelik hayatlarında gerçekleştirdiği etkinliklerine (kötü sezon, tiyatro sezonu, karnaval sezonu ve güzel sezon) göre adlandırılmıştır. Londra ve Marsilya gibi kentlerde düzenlenen gemicilik şenlikleri regattalar, İstanbul’da güzel sezonunun önemli kentsel eylemleri olmuştur. Denizciliği odağa alarak kayık yarışları içeren ve farklı aktiviteler ile bütün bir güne yayılan şenlik, kentsel bir sosyal etkinlik olarak kentlilerin gündelik hayatlarına dahil olmuştur. İstanbul’daki ilk regatta, 1859 yılında İngiliz Büyükelçi Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer’in girişimleriyle ve himayesinde Büyükada’da düzenlenmiştir. Gemicilik şenliği, Moda ve Büyükdere gibi farklı yerlerde de gerçekleşmiş ancak zamanla Büyükada ile özdeşleşmiştir.

Regattalar, başta İstanbul’un yüksek sosyetesini oluşturan bürokrat, diplomat ve bankerler olmak üzere, tüm kentlinin ilgisini çekmiştir. Öyle ki on dokuzuncu yüzyılda yayımlanan süreli yayınlarda 1870 yılı regattalarına katılımın 10.000 kişi civarında olduğu belirtilmiştir. İfade edilen bu yüksek katılım düzeyi, kentsel ve sosyal bir etkinlik olarak gemicilik şenliklerinin, gerçekleştiği yerlerdeki mekânsal dönüşümlerdeki varlığını ve etkinliğini sorgulatmaktadır. Buradan yola çıkılarak sosyal bir etkinliğin dönüştürücü etkisi, Büyükada regattaları aracılığıyla araştırılmıştır. İstanbul ve Büyükada özelinde şenlik hakkında herhangi bir çalışmanın bulunmaması bu konuyu ayrıca özgün kılmaktadır. Regattalar hakkındaki bilgiler, Journal de Constantinople, Levant Herald, Le Monde Illustré, Levant Herald and Eastern Express, Servet-i Fünûn, Malûmat gibi gündelik süreli yayınlara ve on dokuzuncu yüzyılda İstanbul’da yaşayan ya da kenti ziyaret eden Samuel S. Cox ve Lady Hornby gibi kişilerin yazdığı anılara dayanmaktadır. Burada bahsi geçen birincil kaynaklardan edinilen bulgular, 1912’de yayımlanan Antoine Raymund’un Büyükada Haritası üzerinden görsel olarak yeniden temsil edilerek, regattaların on dokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul’undaki kentsel mekanların biçimlenmesinde, dönüşümünde ve modernleşmesindeki etkinliği analiz edilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Kentin Yeniden İnşası Sürecinde Etkin Bir Aktör Olarak “Kentli”: 5 Haziran 1870 Pera Yangını

Mimarlık, Mart-Nisan 2020: 412, 2020

İstanbul’da 19. yüzyılda gerçekleşmiş en büyük felaketlerden biri olan Pera Yangını, birçok araşt... more İstanbul’da 19. yüzyılda gerçekleşmiş en büyük
felaketlerden biri olan Pera Yangını, birçok
araştırmanın yıkıcılığına ve dönüştürücülüğüne
değindiği planlama açısından bölgenin önemli
dönüm noktalarından biri olarak karşımıza çıkıyor.
Bu çalışmalardan yola çıkarak yangında, yangın
sonrası süreçte ve bu dönemde yapılan plan
önerilerinde kentlinin rolünü araştıran yazar,
kentlinin kentin dönüşümündeki “etkin” ve “etkili”
varlına dikkat çekiyor.

Research paper thumbnail of İstanbul Kent Mekanlarında “Yüksek Sosyete” İletişim Ağı ve Modernlik Halleri, 1856-1896

Network and Modernity of “High Society” in Urban Spaces of Istanbul , 1856-1896, 2019

19. yüzyıl İstanbul’unda gerçekleşen değişim ve dönüşümler, ağırlıkla merkezi otoritenin teped... more 19. yüzyıl İstanbul’unda gerçekleşen değişim ve dönüşümler, ağırlıkla merkezi otoritenin tepeden dayattığı reformist hareketler olarak algılanmıştır. Bu tez ise yaşanan dönüşümü kentli tarafından talep edilen bir modernleşme isteği olarak görmektedir. Bu bağlamda da değişim ve dönüşümler tez çalışmasında modernlik halleri olarak tanımlanmış ve izleri İstanbul kent mekânlarında araştırılmıştır. Edilgen olmayan kentli, yaşadığı çevreyi –ya da kenti- modern hayatın yeni eylemlerinden doğan yeni hayat tarzına uygun hale getirmeye çabalarken kentin modernleşmesinde söz sahibi olmuştur. Kent toplumunda spekülatör ya da sermayedar olarak bilinen banker, sarraf ya da benzeri mesleklerle uğraşan, piyasada güç sahibi oldukları gibi tabii oldukları cemaatlerde öncü / lider olarak görülen, yönetimsel güçleri sayesinde merkezi otorite dışında / yanında olan edilgen olmayan aktör-bireylerden oluşan kentli topluluğu, tez çalışmasında yüksek sosyete olarak adlandırılmıştır. Tanımlı aktörler olarak yüksek sosyetenin modernlik halleri Giddens’a atıfla, tanımlı bir zaman-mekânda -1856-1896 yılları arasında İstanbul kent mekânlarında gerçekleştirdikleri tanımlı eylemler –temel gündelik hayat etkinlikleri barınma ve çalışma ile rutinlerin bozulduğu sosyal etkinlikler- üzerinden araştırılmıştır. İstanbul’un bir yılında yüksek sosyetenin gerçekleştirmiş olduğu etkinliklerin çeşitliliği, mevsimlerdeki sezonları buna bağlı olarak da aktör-bireylerin gündelik hayatlarını farklılaştırmıştır. Mevsimlerin devingenliğindeki bu özgün durumun varlığına göre biçimlenmiş olan tez çalışmasında gündelik hayattaki farklılaşmalar muhtelif yöntemler kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Yüksek sosyetenin belirlenmesinde, topluluğun biyografisini oluşturmak olarak tanımlanabilecek maddi bir araştırma yöntemi olan prosopografi kullanılmıştır. Daha sonra, prosopografinin çıktıları olan biyografik sözlük ve iletişim ağından yararlanılarak, gündelik güzergâhlar ya da zaman mekân izleri haritaları üretilmiştir. Haritalama yönteminin kullanıldığı bu aşamadan sonra da süreli yayınlardan elde edilen enstantanelerden eylemler aracılığıyla eylemin gerçekleştiği yerlerin ya da başka bir deyişle kentsel mekânların biyografileri oluşturulmuştur. Merkezi otorite açısından bakan genel değerlendirmeler yerine gerçek zaman-mekânda, aktörlerin eylemleri üzerinden araştırılan modernlik halleri için birincil kaynaklar olan dönemin ticaret yıllıklarından, süreli yayınlardan ve haritalardan faydalanılmıştır.

The changes and transformations that took place in 19th century Istanbul were seen as a desire for modernization rather than reformist movements imposed by the central authority. In this context, changes and transformations have been defined as the states of modernity in the thesis and their traces have been investigated in urban spaces of İstanbul. The non-passive urban citizen has had a say in the modernization of the city while trying to adapt the environment in which he/she lives for the new life style arising from the new activities of modern life. The urban community of nonpassive actor-individuals, known as speculators or capitalists in urban society, engaged in banker, sarraf or similar professions, are seen as pioneers / leaders in their communities who are related or not related to the central authority through their administrative powers, was called high society. The state of modernity of the high society as defined actors, with reference to Giddens, was investigated in a defined time-space (urban spaces of Istanbul between the years 1856-1896) through defined activities they took (such as basic daily activities like dwelling, working and also social activities where routines were broken). The diversity of the high society's activities in one year of Istanbul differentiated the seasons and the daily lives of actor-individuals -accordingly to the seasons. In this thesis, which is shaped according to the existence of this unique situation on the seasons, the differences in daily life were investigated by using various methods. In the determination of high society, prosopography, a material research method that can be defined as forming the biography of the community, was used. Then, maps of daily routes or time-space traces were produced by using the biographical lexicon and communication network which are the outputs of prosopography. After this stage in which mapping method was used, biographies of the places or in other words urban spaces where the activities took place were created through the snapshots obtained from periodicals published in the second half of the 19th century. In order to avoid general evaluations primary sources like annuals, periodicals and maps of the period, were researched.

Research paper thumbnail of Ankara Yahudi Mahallesi Birlik Sokak'ta Bulunan Ankara Sinagogu ile Albukrek ve Araf Konutlarının 19.yy Osmanlı Batılılaşması Bağlamında İncelenmesi

Research on the Ankara Synagogue along with the Houses of Albukrek and Araf at the Jewish Quarter Located in Ankara, Birlik Sokak within the Concept of 19th Century Ottoman Westernization , 2013

19. yüzyıl, Avrupa ve Osmanlı’da azınlık olarak yaşayan Yahudilerin, kazandıkları hakları mimari... more 19. yüzyıl, Avrupa ve Osmanlı’da azınlık olarak yaşayan Yahudilerin, kazandıkları hakları mimari alanda da ifade edebilecekleri önemli bir dönem olmuştur. Çalışmanın amacı, Batılılaşma olgusu ile değişen sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel ve demografik verilerin mekana olan yansımalarının, 19. yüzyılda yapılan Ankara Sinagogu ile karşısındaki Araf ve Albukrek konutları üzerinden okumaları yapılarak, Ankara’da yaşayan Yahudi Cemaatinin Osmanlı Batılılaşması veya Batılı etkenlere karşı nerede konumlandığının tespit edilmesi olmuştur.

19th century is a significant era in which, the Jews who lived as a minority in both Europe and Ottoman Empire acquired their civil rights and expressed them in the field of architecture.The purpose of this study is to define the impact of Westernization based on the socio-economic, cultural and demographic data by the architectural readings done in the Jewish Quarter of Ankara. It is focused on the Ankara Synagogue and the Araf and Albukrek houses across it. The aim is to position the Jewish community that lived in Ankara and understand whether they were influenced by the Ottoman Westernization or by direct Western impacts.

Research paper thumbnail of The Architectural Analysis of Tabernacle, Temples I and II

Architectural and Urban History and Historiography, 2015

Brenner (2008) defines Judaism as a religion focused community that was forced to migrate, settle... more Brenner (2008) defines Judaism as a religion focused community that was forced to migrate, settle in different geographies and lives under different sovereignties, beginning with the exile of Babylonian, rather than a particular ethnic group living in their homeland. In addition to that definition, Jewish identity is also a commitment to the common past, which includes the idea of the Temple. It began with the Tabernacle that epitomizes Judaism with sociocultural phenomena. Besides, the Tabernacle and the Temples’ architectural features and their spatial provisions have been very significant to the history of architecture as well as Jewish architecture. Them being the first worshipping place for monotheistic religions acted as a model for the forthcoming spaces such as cathedrals, even mosques. In this context, this paper is an analysis of the Tabernacle and the Temples, which were the architectural and socio-cultural symbols of Judaism. Due to the lack of physical traces or excavations, the spatial analysis for these places was performed by the architectural readings from the Torah, the Pentateuch and the Talmud. It is supported with some illustrations that have been produced by several artists, historians or architects.

Research paper thumbnail of The Process of Functional / Spatial Identity Transformation in Demolition and Reconstruction of Risky Structures : A Case Study on Şen Palas Apartment

UPAD 2014//1st International Urban Planning-Architecture-Design Congress, Proceedings, 2014

Based on the Turkish Law No. 6306 concerning the transformation of areas under risk of disaster, ... more Based on the Turkish Law No. 6306 concerning the transformation of areas under risk of disaster, urban/structural transformation in scale of ‘area’ and/or ‘structure’ is happening in cities around Turkey, mostly İstanbul. It is expected that these transformations are ‘remedial designs’ that provide permanent solutions to economic, physical, social and environmental issues. The transformations of ‘risky structures’ should have similar results to those of ‘risky areas’. They should be perceived as urban entities beyond an individual building and should align with urban transformation. In the process of urban transformation, urban identity, regarded as a binder for all regulations of urban aesthetics is re-written. In this study, the concept of this re-writing will be discussed from the smaller perspective of the dwellings.

The process of regaining its position as part of a city by attaining commercial functions besides housing, and the negative impact on the architectural value due to this functional integration initiate a transformation of the functional and spatial identity of a dwelling that is positioned on a major artery of a city. This can be observed when the direct communication between the dwelling with its private spaces, along with its habitants to the city is severed by the additional commercial function on the ground floors. The subject of this discussion, functional/spatial transformation of the identity, is caused by the loss of architectural value resulting from the changes due to the augmentation of commercial functions to the basic housing functions.

Şen Palas Apartment which was built in 1964 is located on one of the major arteries of the Anatolian side of Istanbul, the Minibüs Street. The building was identified as a ‘risky structure’ by the Turkish Law No. 6306 (2012) and will be demolished. The aim of this study is to discuss the transformation of the functional/spatial identities of buildings, in the context of Şen Palas Apartment and the replacement project proposal.

Research paper thumbnail of The Shifting Image of the City: The Case of TCDD (Turkish State Railways) Workmen’s Housings and Center for the Municipality of Ankara As An Urban Interface

UPAD 2014//1st International Urban Planning-Architecture-Design Congress, Proceedings, 2014

Acknowledgement of the architectural artifact as a component of a greater structure, the city, ra... more Acknowledgement of the architectural artifact as a component of a greater structure, the city, rather than being a mere structure in itself, highlights the concept of “urban interface”. Urban interfaces within the city-building, private-public intersections, could be defined as harmonious and balanced graphic images of organized figurations created by the horizontal and vertical components of the city. Horizontal components are the outer spaces which embodies the positioning of the buildings in relation to each other, compositions of the buildings, and the void between the buildings. In the meantime, vertical components cover series of architectural facades that defines the boundaries of outer spaces.

Singular upgrowth decisions in the city results in the arbitrary aggregations of the urban figurations, which has a negative effect on the aesthetics of the city. In a similar way, the Center for the Municipality of Ankara took its part in the urban composition with Turkish State Railways Workmen’s Housings. In this sense the perceived image of the city from Ankara railway terminal that has a horizontally dominant pattern, has been overridden by the vertical emphasis of the singular intervention. Turkish State Railways Workmen’s Housings, which strives for existence within this urban interface, faces the threat of demolition despite of the applications for their registration. Together with the Workmen’s Housings, the railway terminal that was designed as a gate for Ankara, has defined the primary image of the city and formed an important part of the urban memory. With the sudden rise of the Center for the Municipality in the city silhouette has led to a “shift” in the memory, so the image of the city.

In this context, the object of this study will be the re-defined interface which is constituted by Workmen’s Housings and Center for the Municipality. The concept of the “shifting image” is aimed to be discussed through the photographic representations of the existing interface.

Research paper thumbnail of Simulating “CerModern” Via Photograph An Experiment on the Virtual Space “chronicle707”

Congreso Internacional / International Conference inter- fotografía y arquitectura inter- photography and architecture, Volume 1: interacciones / interactions (paperback), 2016

This study will be an inquiry into the interactions between [architectural] space and photography... more This study will be an inquiry into the interactions between [architectural] space and photography, which gets its inspiration from the authors’ personal blog “chronicle707”, by introducing an experiment via photographs to simulate exhibitions. This paper will be derived from the shared posts on the blog about the exhibitions realized specifically
at CerModern, which is the modern art center of Ankara –the capital city of Turkey. With
an architectural perspective, photograph is not only an instrument of documentation or recording, but also a creative tool which produce alternative narratives of architectural space. Considering the theme exhibitions; “photographs” of a painting, photograph, sculpture etc. –as an artwork installed in– tries to recreate the physical / experienced exhibition space in the virtual medium / space of the blog. The photographic representations of the exhibition become a “simulation” (in Jean Baudrillard’ terms) of both the artwork and the space as an entity. Therefore, the blog itself becomes a visual simulation. Since the potential of the temporary exhibitions serve for the blog to create multiple simulations, “CerModern” (the physical space) and “chronicle707” (the virtual space) are considered as experimental spaces. This paper will use a comparative approach addressing the published photographs on the virtual spaces of the blog and CerModern’s official website. Referring to Walter Benjamin, an artwork loses its aura when it is transformed into a photographic image (reproduced) by disregarding its context. Rather than capturing only the artworks, the blog seeks to recreate the aura by (re)presenting the artworks together with the space they “exist”. The possibilities of recreating the aura will be discussed in this paper by analyzing the virtual space of chronicle707, which is itself a simulation.

Research paper thumbnail of A Research on 'Jews and Privacy' in the Ottoman Empire: from Neighborhood Organization to Dwellings, Ankara Jewish Quarter

Spaces Times Peoples Domesticity Dwelling and Architectural HistoryMekanlar Zamanlar Insanlar Evsellik Ev Barınma ve Mimarlık Tarihi, 2016

According to Loos, modern life through individual and social existence has progressed into two di... more According to Loos, modern life through individual and social existence has progressed into two different directions. The inside is formed by ‘culture’ while the outside is formed by ‘information and civilization’ (Loos as cited in Colomina, 2011, 33). In this study, Loos’ definition of privacy in modern life will be examined under the concept of ‘religious identity’ in the Ottoman Empire. The aim is to define the perception of the concept of privacy of the Jewish community' –who lived in the multinational Ottoman Empire- through a comparison with the Muslim stance. In order to understand the variations of perceptions by religious identities, the scope of this study will include the neighborhood organization, and the dwellings, through a focus on the Jewish Quarter in Ankara. The social-political stance of the non-Muslim communities in the Ottoman Empire will be presented in the paper. Consequently, as a result of varying perceptions of privacy through religious identities it is pointed out in this study that the spatial differentiation started to evolve and transform by the Westernization ideology in the 19th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Simulating “CerModern” Via Photograph: An Experiment on the Virtual Space “chronicle707”

This study will be an inquiry into the interactions between [architectural] space and photography... more This study will be an inquiry into the interactions between [architectural] space and photography, which gets its inspiration from the authors' personal blog "chronicle707", by introducing an experiment via photographs to simulate exhibitions. This paper will be derived from the shared posts on the blog about the exhibitions realized specifically at CerModern, which is the modern art center of Ankara-the capital city of Turkey. With an architectural perspective, photograph is not only an instrument of documentation or recording, but also a creative tool which produce alternative narratives of architectural space. Considering the theme exhibitions; "photographs" of a painting, photograph, sculpture etc.-as an artwork installed in-tries to recreate the physical / experienced exhibition space in the virtual medium / space of the blog. The photographic representations of the exhibition become a "simulation" (in Jean Baudrillard' terms) of both the artwork and the space as an entity. Therefore, the blog itself becomes a visual simulation. Since the potential of the temporary exhibitions serve for the blog to create multiple simulations, "CerModern" (the physical space) and "chronicle707" (the virtual space) are considered as experimental spaces. This paper will use a comparative approach addressing the published photographs on the virtual spaces of the blog and CerModern's official website. Referring to Walter Benjamin, an artwork loses its aura when it is transformed into a photographic image (reproduced) by disregarding its context. Rather than capturing only the artworks, the blog seeks to recreate the aura by (re)presenting the artworks together with the space they "exist". The possibilities of recreating the aura will be discussed in this paper by analyzing the virtual space of chronicle707, which is itself a simulation

Research paper thumbnail of Amps Proceedings Series 28.1 sketching


The elective course "Sketching in Architecture" in the third-year curriculum of the departments a... more The elective course "Sketching in Architecture" in the third-year curriculum of the departments at Gazi University Faculty of Architecture, basically aims to exercise the act of sketching as not only a representational tool but a discursive one. In the act of sketching 'line' turns into a tool for communication. Here, the communication is a monologue and dialogue that designer establishes with herself/himself and others. Sketching is a process of production of knowledge and creation of ideas on the built environment. In other words it creates a common ground for formal, spatial, social and cultural discoveries while assigning the designer a critical perspective.

In the last two semesters, when distance learning started with the Covid-19 pandemic, the usual site trips organized by design studios to understand the context of an urban space, couldn’t be carried out. As a result, students had to design a project in a place where they don’t have any –spatial- experience. The lack of direct experience of the site and the knowledge about the context started an important discussion about whether it is possible to discover an urban context in the virtual environment. In this direction, throughout the course held in the spring semester of 2020-2021, the students were expected to make observations and understand the urban space and its context by means of sketches during a virtual trip on web-mapping platforms. The students were asked to let themselves in a virtual reality of a chosen city as a virtual flaneur/flaneuse on their virtual trips. Then, students were expected to produce several sketches during their trips and create a narrative using them. Examining the students’ works, this paper aims to investigate the possibility of experiencing the context virtually and gain the habit sketching as mediation of virtual site analysis in architectural design studio in the post-pandemic education.

Research paper thumbnail of Batılılasma ile Ortaya Çıkan Koruma(ma) Olgusu ve Imar Kararlarının Ankara Yahudi Mahallesi Üzerinden Okunması

Mimari, Koruma, Yenileme ve Restorasyon ( Prof.Dr. Isık Aksulu’ya Armagan), 2017

Tarihi çevre ve o çevrenin korunması olguları, yapıları itibariyle doğal ya da insan kaynaklı teh... more Tarihi çevre ve o çevrenin korunması olguları, yapıları itibariyle doğal ya da insan kaynaklı tehditlerin meydana getirdiği bozulmalar ile doğrudan ilişkilidir.
Doğal tehditler; 'Yaşlanma (Eskime)' ile uzun süreli, 'Doğal Afetler' sonucu ise ani bozulmalardır. İnsan kaynaklı tehditler ise daha karmaşık bir yapıya sahiptir. Bir ya da birden fazla etkenin bir araya gelmesi ile oluşurlar. Bunlar; politika, ekonomi, yönetim, planlama vb. şeklinde çeşitlenebilir [Anonim, 2009: 16].
Bu çalışma; yukarıda sayılan tehditlerin birebir rol aldığı tarihi bir çevre olan Ankara Yahudi (İstiklal Mahallesi) Mahallesi'nin batılılaşma döneminden günümüze kadar geçirdiği sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel ve yapısal dönüşümler tarihsel ve kronolojik bir bakış açısıyla inceleyerek 'koruma(ma)' olgusunun çok katmanlılığına vurgu yapmayı amaçlamaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of 19. Yüzyilin İki̇nci̇ Yarisinda İstanbul Gemi̇ci̇li̇k Şenli̇kleri̇: Büyükada (Pri̇nki̇po) Regattalari Ve Adanin Dönüşümü

Mimarlık Fakültesi dergisi, Jun 30, 2020

On dokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul'unda dönüşüm, büyük çoğunlukla merkezi otoritenin yönlendirdiği, ask... more On dokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul'unda dönüşüm, büyük çoğunlukla merkezi otoritenin yönlendirdiği, askeri ve idari yapıdan başlayan, ardından kenti ve kentliyi dönüştüren bir olgu olarak çalışılmıştır. Söz konusu yaygın kabul, merkezi otoritenin önemini vurgular ancak kentlileri dönüşümü inşa eden özneler olarak algılamaz. Bu yazıda ise dönüşüm, edilgen olmayan, yaşadığı çevreyi kendi yaşam biçimine uygun hale getirme çabası gösteren, modern kenti ve modern kent hayatının yeni eylemlerini talep eden, böylelikle dönüşümü inşa eden özneler üzerinden incelenmektedir. Aynı zamanda yazı, söz konusu öznelerin merkezi otorite ile, hem işbirliği hem de örtük çatışmalar barındıran ilişkilerine işaret etmektedir(1). Dönüşüm, Giddens'ın (1986) Yapılanma Kuramını oluşturduğu, The Constitution of Society adlı kitaptaki tanımlar ödünç alınarak, belirli "zamanmekân"da, belirli "aktör"lerin gerçekleştirdikleri "eylemler" üzerinden araştırılmıştır. Burada bahsedilen eylemler Giddens'ın kuramındaki çoğul bireysellikleri içeren toplanmalar olarak tanımlanan "sosyal etkinliklerdir" (social occasions) (2). Bu bakma biçimi doğrultusunda, modern kentli ve modern kent hayatının izlerinin gözlemlenebileceği kentsel ve sosyal bir etkinlik olan regattalar, yazının araştırma nesnesi olarak seçilmiştir. Mevcut literatürde, değişen kent hayatında gerçekleştirilen eylemlerin mekân üzerindeki dönüştürücü etkisinin çalışıldığı söylenemez. 1859 yılından itibaren kentsel bir etkinlik olarak gelenekselleşmiş regattalarla ilgili yapılmış herhangi bir yayına rastlanılmamış olması da konuyu ayrıca değerli kılmaktadır. Bilindiği gibi, 19. yüzyıl İstanbul'unda deniz, vapur seferleri ile gündelik hayata gittikçe daha fazla dahil olmuştur. Böylece ulaşım dışında, boş zaman aktivitesi olarak deniz üzerinde regatta gibi modern sosyal etkinliklerin düzenlenmiş olması, İstanbul'a özgün önemli bir farklılık olarak görülmüş ve incelenmesi gerektiği düşünülmüştür.

Research paper thumbnail of European women’s gaze on both Ottoman Istanbul and the(ir) other

Gender, Place & Culture

In 1869, the year the Suez Canal was completed, visits to Egypt and, therefore voyages to the Ori... more In 1869, the year the Suez Canal was completed, visits to Egypt and, therefore voyages to the Orient were increased. Crowned royals such as Prince and Princess of Wales, French Empress, Prince of Prussia, Austrian Emperor, Prince and Princess of Holland, and Duke of Aosta went on these voyages, which included cities like Alexandria, Cairo, Istanbul, and Athens. What makes these crowned royal’s travels to the Orient in 1869 distinguishing and worth investigating is the presence of women. Examining on the Istanbul part of the voyages, this research accepts women as historical actors. It aims to interpret European women’s gaze on both Ottoman Istanbul and their ‘other’, local Muslim women, through their time-space experiences. This paper focuses on travel narratives produced by the women in the suite of British and French crowned royals in the 1869 travels to decipher women’s real time-space experiences. Levant Herald (LH), a local newspaper published daily in Istanbul, was also examined to grasp locals’ perspectives simultaneously. While emphasizing the [un]met expectations of both counterparts’ (guest/local), this paper discovers diversifying positionalities of women towards their other and reveals their heterogeneous gaze. Although women’s gaze -and thus narratives- contain many orientalist codifications, their gender privileged time-space experiences challenge and disrupt some of the stereotypes and prejudices prevalent in the male-dominated literature of the period.