seyit ateş | Gazi University (original) (raw)

Papers by seyit ateş

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Feedback on Turkish Fourth-Grade Elementary School Students’ Fluent Writing Skills

This study aimed to investigate the effect of feedback on Turkish fourth-grade students’ fluent w... more This study aimed to investigate the effect of feedback on Turkish fourth-grade students’ fluent writing skills. The subjects, which were 42 fourth-grade students (21 in the control group, 21 in the experimental group) from a public elementary school in Turkey’s Ankara province, were enrolled in the present study. The Fluent Writing Evaluation Rubric, story writing topics, and a feedback form were used as data collection tools. The study was carried out in three stages and lasted eight weeks. Analysis of covariance was conducted to analyze the data obtained from the students. Posttest scores of the experimental and control groups were compared. The results revealed that the experimental groups’ posttest scores were significantly higher. Suggestions are offered for implementation and further research based on the results.



Bu araştırmada bir edebî eseri çözümlemeye yönelik örnek bir uygulama yapılmıştır. Araştırmada Sa... more Bu araştırmada bir edebî eseri çözümlemeye yönelik örnek bir
uygulama yapılmıştır. Araştırmada Samed Behrengi’nin Küçük Kara
Balık (KKB) isimli eserini çözümlemek amacıyla Wolf’un (2004) önerdiği
çoklu bakış açısından yararlanılmıştır. Bu çerçevede eserin genetik,
formal, metinlerarası, dönüşümsel ve sosyo-kültürel açılardan çok
boyutlu bir çözümlemesi yapılmıştır. Genetik bakış açısıyla yazarın
eseriyle kendi yaşamı ve kişisel (genetik) özellikleri arasında benzerlikler
bulunduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Yazar hayallerini, beklentilerini,
amaçlarını ve umutlarını LBF’ye de yansıtmıştır. Formal bakış açısıyla
bakıldığında her bir karakterin gerek fiziksel gerekse psikolojik
özellikleri metinde açık ve net bir biçimde ortaya konulduğu
söylenebilir. Çocuklar özdeşim kuracakları, benzemeye çalışacakları ya
da karşısında yer alacakları karakterlerin niteliklerini kolay bir şekilde
tespit edebilirler. Metinlerarası bakış açısıyla LBF’nin, yazarın diğer
eserlerinden izler taşıdığını söylemek mümkündür. Dönüşümsel açıdan
Küçük Kara Balık, ana karakterin karşı karşıya kaldığı durumlar ve bu
durumlarda verdiği tepkiler yönünden okuyucunun kendi yaşamıyla
bağ kurabilmesine olanak sağlayacak nitelikte bir eserdir. Sosyo –
Kültürel açıdan eser yazıldığı dönemin sosyal ve siyasal ortamını
anlatmaktadır. Yapılan çözümlemeler ve alanyazındaki ilgili diğer
araştırmalar eser üzerine çok farklı okumalar yapılabileceğini
göstermektedir. Okumaların bu denli çeşitli oluşu ve üretilen anlamlar dikkate alındığında eserin hitap ettiği hedef kitlenin yaş aralığının
orantılı olarak genişlediği görülmektedir. Eğitim ortamları açısından
düşünüldüğünde bu noktada öğretmenin sorması gereken temel soru
“Bu deneyimden benim öğrencilerimin öğrenmesini istediğim şey
nedir?” sorusudur. KKB gibi eserlerin farklı yönleriyle ele alınıp
işlenebilmesi için yetişkin rehberliğinde etkileşimli okumalar
yapılmasına ihtiyaç vardır. Bu da ancak edebî eserlerin öncelikle
yetişkinler tarafından bilinçli olarak incelenmesi ve bu araştırmada
örneklendirildiği gibi farklı bakış açılarıyla eleştirilmesiyle mümkün


The current research aimed to explore the relations between preservice teachers’ reader beliefs a... more The current research aimed to explore the relations between preservice
teachers’ reader beliefs and reading comprehension skills. With this overall aim of the
present study, this research sample consisted of a total of 241 preservice teachers studying
at department of elementary classroom teaching profession in Turkey’s Mugla province.
Reader beliefs inventory and reading comprehension test were used to gather the data from
the preservice teachers. SEM analyses were used to find required answers in response to the
research aims. The research findings showed that while transmission reader beliefs had the
negative contribution to the prediction of reading comprehension, the transaction reader
beliefs had the positive contribution to the prediction of reading comprehension skills of the
preservice teachers. The results of the study were discussed through related scientific
literature and

Research paper thumbnail of Sınıf İçi Konuşmaların Bir Analizi: Diyalojik mi Monolojik mi? * An Analysis of Speeches of Classroom Inside: Is It Dialogic or Monologic

ÖZ Öğrenmenin gerçekleşmesinde sınıfta kullanılan dilin karakteri oldukça önemlidir. Uluslararası... more ÖZ Öğrenmenin gerçekleşmesinde sınıfta kullanılan dilin karakteri oldukça önemlidir. Uluslararası literatürde diyalojik öğretimi konu edinen çok sayıda araştırmaya rastlanırken Türkiye'de sınırlı sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı öğretmenlerin sınıflarında nasıl bir dil kullandıklarını diyalojik öğretim açısından analiz etmek ve diyalojik öğretimi geliştirmeye yönelik öneriler geliştirmektir. Araştırma nitel yaklaşımla betimsel tarama modeline uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında yer alan sınıflarda, öğrenme – öğretme sürecinde gerçekleşen konuşmaların diyalojik bir yapıya sahip olup olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Gönüllü olarak araştırmaya katılan sınıf öğretmenlerinin Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilgiler derslerindeki sınıf içi konuşmaları kayıt altına alınmış ve her bir kayıt Reznitskaya'nın (2012) belirlediği göstergeler dikkate alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonucunda diyalojik öğretimin göstergeleri olan otorite, sorular, geri bildirim, üst-düzey tepkiler, açıklama ve işbirliği boyutlarında sınıf içi konuşmaların monolojik boyuta yakın olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Diyalojik konuşmaların gerçekleştirilebilmesi için öncelikle onun bir sınıfta olup olmadığının tespit edilmesi ve dikkate alınan göstergeler açısından geliştirmeye yönelik çalışmaların yapılması gerekmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: diyalojik öğretim, monolojik öğretim, sınıf içi konuşmalar ABSTRACT Language used in classroom inside has a profound impact on when learning occurs. Although there is increasing research related to dialogic learning in international scientific literature, the research on dialogic learning do not get much more attention in Turkey. This research aimed to analyze how teachers use the language on the inside of classroom in accordance with dialogic instruction and develop some suggestions for dialogic instruction. The present research used qualitative survey design. In the first phase of the research, it was decided which classrooms had dialogic speeches. The volunteer social studies teachers' and elementary school classroom teachers' speeches of classroom inside were recorded. Every record was analyzed according to the indicators determined by

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Process-Based Writing Focused on Metacognitive Skills-Oriented to Fourth Grade Students' Narrative Writing Skill

Keywords Writing is the basis of success at school and is one of the important means of learning ... more Keywords Writing is the basis of success at school and is one of the important means of learning and assessment in various courses. Writing is one of the most important skills that students need to acquire and improve. In recent years, it seems that in the teaching of writing, the product-based work has been replaced with the process-based one. The latter requires tracking, assessment, and correction in the process of writing; in other words, it requires running with metacognitive skills. In this study used the simultaneous mixed method. Quasi-experimental method used in the quantitative part. Qualitative research method used in order to validate and expand the quantitative data with the qualitative ones, to support the obtained data and examine them profoundly with multi-perspective. The aim of this study was to discover to what extent the writing approach based on metacognitive skills would improve fourth grade students' skills in writing narrative texts, and to observe the changes occurring in their products and writing performances during the study. The study sample included 64 students in a public school in Ereğli, Zonguldak (Turkey). The study used a mixed research method consisting of qualitative and quantitative methods to collect, analyze, and interpret the study data. In the implementation process, the experimental group performed their writing activities based on a process that focuses on metacognitive skills, and the control group performed their writing activities according to the Turkish curriculum. The study was conducted over eight weeks (28 hours) in the experimental group. The study analyzed students' skills in writing narrative texts and the use of metacognitive writing processes in the process of writing narrative text, and it was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the groups to the advantage of the experimental group. It is observed that certain progress for each student in the experimental group in terms of the targeted metacognitive skills, but the control group students were not able to use such metacognitive skills adequately as tracking of

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Dersi Öğrenme-Öğretme Sürecinin Anlama Öğretimi Açisindan Değerlendirilmesi

Turk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Sep 1, 2013

comprehension practices for elementary school students. The research sample consisted of five ele... more comprehension practices for elementary school students. The research sample consisted of five elementary school classroom teachers teaching fifth-grade students in 2008 which is one of the purposive sampling method, was used to select the teacher participants. The data was collected through observations and analyzed in response to the research questions. The research findings showed that teachers do not use classroom instruction time effectively, the adjustments for Turkish elementary school curriculum has not met and reach the expectations, the changes done in Turkish language arts curriculum should be considered as holistic and should be given more attention to teacher preparation.

Research paper thumbnail of Anlamaya Yönelik Nasıl Sorular Soruyoruz?

Mersin Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 2013

Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilköğretim dördüncü ve beşinci sınıf öğretmenlerinin soru sormaya yöne... more Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilköğretim dördüncü ve beşinci sınıf öğretmenlerinin soru sormaya yönelik tercihlerinin yanı sıra bilgilendirici ve hikâye edici olmak üzere kendilerine sunulan metinlere ilişkin sordukları soruların düzeyini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla öncelikle öğretmenlere soru sormada dikkat ettikleri hususlara, kaynağa bağlılık durumlarına ve soru sormada tercih ettikleri cevap kaynaklarına ilişkin sorular sorulmuş, ardından 4. ve 5. sınıf Türkçe ders kitaplarından seçilerek kendilerine sunulan bilgilendirici ve hikâye edici metinlerle ilgili öğretim sürecinde sorabilecekleri beşer adet soru yazmaları istenmiştir. Metinlerle ilgili katılımcıların yazmış oldukları sorular Barrett taksonomisi ve soruların cevap kaynakları esas alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Betimsel bir durum saptaması niteliğinde olan çalışmaya 123 sınıf öğretmeni katılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda katılımcıların büyük bir kısmının öğretim sürecinde soruların kullanımıyla ilgili hizmet içi eğitime ihtiyaç duydukları; soru sormada daha çok basit anlama düzeyine yönelik soruları tercih ettikleri ve metinlere yönelik büyük oranda düşük düzey zihinsel süreçleri gerektiren sorular sordukları anlaşılmıştır. Buna ek olarak öğretmenlerin soruların kullanımında daha çok öğretmen kılavuz kitabından faydalandıklarını ve nadiren kılavuz kitabı kullanmaksızın yeni sorular hazırladıklarını ifade ettikleri görülmüştür.

Research paper thumbnail of Perceptions of Turkish Parents with Children Identified as Dyslexic About the Problems that they and Their Children Experience

Reading Psychology, 2012

This study identified problems encountered by both dyslexic children and their parents. Seven par... more This study identified problems encountered by both dyslexic children and their parents. Seven parents were interviewed. Parents mentioned the negative attitudes of teachers towards them and their children, the use of incorrect practices in the classroom, and educational insufficiency in relation to dyslexia. Similarly, family members were found to display negative attitudes towards dyslexic children manifested in the form of insults, exclusion, psychological pressure, and physical violence. Dyslexic children were also subjected to exclusion and various bullying behaviors by their friends. An additional problem that emerged was the inordinate amount of time taken by schools to make diagnoses of dyslexia.

![Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Pre-Service Teachers` Perceived Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Knowledge about Using Expository Text as an Instructional Tool in Their Future Classroom Settings](

Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2012

The aim of this research was to examine Turkish pre-service teachers` knowledge and perceived sel... more The aim of this research was to examine Turkish pre-service teachers` knowledge and perceived self-efficacy beliefs toward using expository text as an instructional tool in their future classroom settings. The research sample were 346 pre-service teachers who studied in different teacher preparation programs which included elementary classroom and middle content classrooms (for example, science, social studies and Turkish language arts) teaching professions. A teacher efficacy inventory and a knowledge test about using expository text were developed and administered to the pre-service teachers in a public university in Turkey. The research findings showed that there was a small but positive correlation between the pre-service teachers` selfefficacy beliefs scores and the knowledge test scores in spite of the small correlation coefficient between the two variables. In addition, the preservice teachers rated their self-efficacy beliefs as efficacious in using expository texts in their future classrooms. They also identified themselves as having medium level knowledge about use of expository text. Results indicated that while there was not any significant difference regarding pre-service teachers` perceived self-efficacy mean scores in terms of gender, the pre-service teachers` knowledge mean scores about using expository text differed from each other according to gender. Moreover, findings revealed that the pre-service teachers` perceived self efficacy beliefs and knowledge varied significantly from each other according to their training programs. The pre-service teachers` knowledge had significant differences among course years, in contrast to this, their perceived-self efficacy beliefs did not differ from each other according to course year. Additionally, the interaction between course year and training programs had significant effect on the teachers` perceived self-efficacy beliefs and knowledge about using expository text.

Research paper thumbnail of Relations among Contextual Silent Reading Fluency, Non-contextual Silent Reading Fluency, and Reading Comprehension: A Path Analysis of Fifth-grade Readers

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

The aim of this research was to assess Turkish students` contextual and non-contextual silent rea... more The aim of this research was to assess Turkish students` contextual and non-contextual silent reading fluency skills and their relations with reading comprehension. With this aim, the study used correlational survey design and the study sample consisted of total 389 fifth-grade Turkish elementary students studying in elementary schools. The schools were located in middle socioeconomic status and the students` families had middle socioeconomic level. The informed consent letters obtained from all the students before the study began. For assessment process, the appropriate grade level texts were chosen and the students` silent fluency skills were measured at first in the elementary schools, provided by the school principals. After this process, the reading comprehension tests related to the grade level texts read was administered to all the students. The data obtained from testing process were analyzed and the findings were presented in respond to research aims. According to these results, the conclusions were drawn and some recommendations fitted with the results and conclusions were made for future research

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension in Fifth-Grade Turkish Students

International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The evaluation of Turkish language arts course with regard to comprehension instruction - Türkçe dersi öğrenme öğretme sürecinin anlama öğretimi açısından değerlendirilmesi

This study investigated elementary classroom teachers’ Turkish language arts curriculum practices... more This study investigated elementary classroom teachers’ Turkish language arts curriculum practices and reading comprehension practices for elementary school students. The research sample consisted of five elementary school classroom teachers teaching fifth-grade students in 2008-2009 school year. Criterion sampling method, which is one of the purposive sampling method, was used to select the teacher participants. The data was collected through observations and analyzed in response to the research questions. The research findings showed that teachers do not use classroom instruction time effectively, the adjustments for Turkish elementary school curriculum has not met and reach the expectations, the changes done in Turkish language arts curriculum should be considered as holistic and should be given more attention to teacher preparation.

Research paper thumbnail of Elementary School Classroom Teachers’ Views on Writing Difficulties

This study aimed to explore elementary school classroom teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs related t... more This study aimed to explore elementary school classroom teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs related to how to address writing difficulties and knowledge about writing difficulties. Through this aim, the criterion sampling, one of the purposeful sampling techniques, was employed and a total of 226 classroom teachers constituted the research sample. A questionnaire form including an eight-question-section based on rating and two-question-section based on classification and interpretation was used. The frequency, percentage, and content analyses were used to analyze the data obtaining from the research. The research finding showed that the classroom teachers mostly focused on writing difficulties appearing in learning writing skills, they believed that the writing difficulties are caused by learning cursive-slanted handwriting style, and had positive and high efficacy beliefs regarding how to deal with writing difficulties. We concluded from the research that the content dimension of writing difficulties is neglected.

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between reading fluency and vocabulary in fifth-grade Turkish students

Reading fluency has traditionally been recognized as a competency associated with word recognitio... more Reading fluency has traditionally been recognized as a competency associated with word recognition and comprehension. As readers become more automatic in word identification they are able to devote less attention and cognitive resources to word decoding and more to text comprehension. The act of reading itself has been associated with growth in vocabulary. Thus, as readers become more fluent, they should be able to cover more text resulting in greater gains in reading vocabulary. This study explores the relationship between fluency and vocabulary among 119 fifth grade Turkish students. Findings confirm that measures of reading fluency are associated with differential levels of vocabulary in students. The findings are discussed in terms of further research and classroom practice for improving students’ proficiency in reading.

Research paper thumbnail of  Opinions of pre-service teachers about comprehension instruction with regard to changing paradigms

Research paper thumbnail of Elementary Classroom Teachers’ Reading Practices: Strategy Instruction and Comprehension

Research paper thumbnail of Okuma uzmanlığının Türkiye’deki üniversitelerde lisansüstü bir program olarak yapılandırılması.

It is not expected that children having reading difficulties would be successful in different con... more It is not expected that children having reading difficulties would be successful in different content areas and acquiring their native language skills. Thus it is aimed to increase children's reading skills in elementary grades. Researchers show that children with reading difficulties keep having the same problems in upper grades and the children also encounter problems including the other subject matters as long as required measures are taken. These facts give great importance to both classroom teachers' who are responsible for making students acquire literacy skills in Turkey and content area teachers' beliefs, efficacy, awareness, and teaching and learning process concerning being acquired and improved reading skills. So, the aim of this study was twofold. One of them was to present an approach regarding how to be organized reading specialization in Turkish universities and also was to give some recommendations for Ministry of National Education and the Council of Turkish Higher Education how to organize similar programs in Turkey. In that regard, the contents of similar programs were investigated and more detailed information were given about how to be opened similar programs in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of Prozodi: Anlamayı yordayan yükselen bir değer mi?

Özet Bu çalıĢma ile prozodik okumanın ne olduğu, nasıl ve ne zaman akıcı okuma kavramı içerisinde... more Özet Bu çalıĢma ile prozodik okumanın ne olduğu, nasıl ve ne zaman akıcı okuma kavramı içerisinde tanımlanmaya baĢlandığı ve gerçekten prozodik okumanın anlama için gerekli bir unsur olup olmadığı, bu alanda yapılmıĢ çalıĢmalar çerçevesinde tartıĢılarak sunulmuĢtur. Bunun yanında prozodik okumanın nasıl değerlendirildiği, bu değerlendirmeler üzerine yapılan eleĢtiriler ve öğrencilerde bu becerinin nasıl geliĢtirileceği literatür doğrultusunda tartıĢılmıĢtır. Yapılan tartıĢmanın sonunda hem eğitimcilere hem de ailelere gerekli önerilerde bulunulmuĢtur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Akıcı okuma, prozodi, okuduğunu anlama PROSODY: IS IT A RISING VALUE PREDICTING COMPREHENSION? Abstract This research provides new insights into what reading prosody is, when and how it have been started to become a part of reading fluency, and whether it is really an important component of reading comprehension. This research gives detailed information regarding how to evaluate prosodic reading, some concerns which are raised for these  Bu araĢtırma 05-07 Mayıs 2011 tarihleri arasında Sivas'ta düzenlenen 10. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Eğitimi Sempozyumunda sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuĢtur. 

Research paper thumbnail of Anlamaya yönelik nasıl sorular soruyoruz?

Research paper thumbnail of Yetişkin okuma motivasyonu ölçeğinin Türkçe uyarlaması.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Feedback on Turkish Fourth-Grade Elementary School Students’ Fluent Writing Skills

This study aimed to investigate the effect of feedback on Turkish fourth-grade students’ fluent w... more This study aimed to investigate the effect of feedback on Turkish fourth-grade students’ fluent writing skills. The subjects, which were 42 fourth-grade students (21 in the control group, 21 in the experimental group) from a public elementary school in Turkey’s Ankara province, were enrolled in the present study. The Fluent Writing Evaluation Rubric, story writing topics, and a feedback form were used as data collection tools. The study was carried out in three stages and lasted eight weeks. Analysis of covariance was conducted to analyze the data obtained from the students. Posttest scores of the experimental and control groups were compared. The results revealed that the experimental groups’ posttest scores were significantly higher. Suggestions are offered for implementation and further research based on the results.



Bu araştırmada bir edebî eseri çözümlemeye yönelik örnek bir uygulama yapılmıştır. Araştırmada Sa... more Bu araştırmada bir edebî eseri çözümlemeye yönelik örnek bir
uygulama yapılmıştır. Araştırmada Samed Behrengi’nin Küçük Kara
Balık (KKB) isimli eserini çözümlemek amacıyla Wolf’un (2004) önerdiği
çoklu bakış açısından yararlanılmıştır. Bu çerçevede eserin genetik,
formal, metinlerarası, dönüşümsel ve sosyo-kültürel açılardan çok
boyutlu bir çözümlemesi yapılmıştır. Genetik bakış açısıyla yazarın
eseriyle kendi yaşamı ve kişisel (genetik) özellikleri arasında benzerlikler
bulunduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Yazar hayallerini, beklentilerini,
amaçlarını ve umutlarını LBF’ye de yansıtmıştır. Formal bakış açısıyla
bakıldığında her bir karakterin gerek fiziksel gerekse psikolojik
özellikleri metinde açık ve net bir biçimde ortaya konulduğu
söylenebilir. Çocuklar özdeşim kuracakları, benzemeye çalışacakları ya
da karşısında yer alacakları karakterlerin niteliklerini kolay bir şekilde
tespit edebilirler. Metinlerarası bakış açısıyla LBF’nin, yazarın diğer
eserlerinden izler taşıdığını söylemek mümkündür. Dönüşümsel açıdan
Küçük Kara Balık, ana karakterin karşı karşıya kaldığı durumlar ve bu
durumlarda verdiği tepkiler yönünden okuyucunun kendi yaşamıyla
bağ kurabilmesine olanak sağlayacak nitelikte bir eserdir. Sosyo –
Kültürel açıdan eser yazıldığı dönemin sosyal ve siyasal ortamını
anlatmaktadır. Yapılan çözümlemeler ve alanyazındaki ilgili diğer
araştırmalar eser üzerine çok farklı okumalar yapılabileceğini
göstermektedir. Okumaların bu denli çeşitli oluşu ve üretilen anlamlar dikkate alındığında eserin hitap ettiği hedef kitlenin yaş aralığının
orantılı olarak genişlediği görülmektedir. Eğitim ortamları açısından
düşünüldüğünde bu noktada öğretmenin sorması gereken temel soru
“Bu deneyimden benim öğrencilerimin öğrenmesini istediğim şey
nedir?” sorusudur. KKB gibi eserlerin farklı yönleriyle ele alınıp
işlenebilmesi için yetişkin rehberliğinde etkileşimli okumalar
yapılmasına ihtiyaç vardır. Bu da ancak edebî eserlerin öncelikle
yetişkinler tarafından bilinçli olarak incelenmesi ve bu araştırmada
örneklendirildiği gibi farklı bakış açılarıyla eleştirilmesiyle mümkün


The current research aimed to explore the relations between preservice teachers’ reader beliefs a... more The current research aimed to explore the relations between preservice
teachers’ reader beliefs and reading comprehension skills. With this overall aim of the
present study, this research sample consisted of a total of 241 preservice teachers studying
at department of elementary classroom teaching profession in Turkey’s Mugla province.
Reader beliefs inventory and reading comprehension test were used to gather the data from
the preservice teachers. SEM analyses were used to find required answers in response to the
research aims. The research findings showed that while transmission reader beliefs had the
negative contribution to the prediction of reading comprehension, the transaction reader
beliefs had the positive contribution to the prediction of reading comprehension skills of the
preservice teachers. The results of the study were discussed through related scientific
literature and

Research paper thumbnail of Sınıf İçi Konuşmaların Bir Analizi: Diyalojik mi Monolojik mi? * An Analysis of Speeches of Classroom Inside: Is It Dialogic or Monologic

ÖZ Öğrenmenin gerçekleşmesinde sınıfta kullanılan dilin karakteri oldukça önemlidir. Uluslararası... more ÖZ Öğrenmenin gerçekleşmesinde sınıfta kullanılan dilin karakteri oldukça önemlidir. Uluslararası literatürde diyalojik öğretimi konu edinen çok sayıda araştırmaya rastlanırken Türkiye'de sınırlı sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı öğretmenlerin sınıflarında nasıl bir dil kullandıklarını diyalojik öğretim açısından analiz etmek ve diyalojik öğretimi geliştirmeye yönelik öneriler geliştirmektir. Araştırma nitel yaklaşımla betimsel tarama modeline uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında yer alan sınıflarda, öğrenme – öğretme sürecinde gerçekleşen konuşmaların diyalojik bir yapıya sahip olup olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Gönüllü olarak araştırmaya katılan sınıf öğretmenlerinin Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilgiler derslerindeki sınıf içi konuşmaları kayıt altına alınmış ve her bir kayıt Reznitskaya'nın (2012) belirlediği göstergeler dikkate alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonucunda diyalojik öğretimin göstergeleri olan otorite, sorular, geri bildirim, üst-düzey tepkiler, açıklama ve işbirliği boyutlarında sınıf içi konuşmaların monolojik boyuta yakın olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Diyalojik konuşmaların gerçekleştirilebilmesi için öncelikle onun bir sınıfta olup olmadığının tespit edilmesi ve dikkate alınan göstergeler açısından geliştirmeye yönelik çalışmaların yapılması gerekmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: diyalojik öğretim, monolojik öğretim, sınıf içi konuşmalar ABSTRACT Language used in classroom inside has a profound impact on when learning occurs. Although there is increasing research related to dialogic learning in international scientific literature, the research on dialogic learning do not get much more attention in Turkey. This research aimed to analyze how teachers use the language on the inside of classroom in accordance with dialogic instruction and develop some suggestions for dialogic instruction. The present research used qualitative survey design. In the first phase of the research, it was decided which classrooms had dialogic speeches. The volunteer social studies teachers' and elementary school classroom teachers' speeches of classroom inside were recorded. Every record was analyzed according to the indicators determined by

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Process-Based Writing Focused on Metacognitive Skills-Oriented to Fourth Grade Students' Narrative Writing Skill

Keywords Writing is the basis of success at school and is one of the important means of learning ... more Keywords Writing is the basis of success at school and is one of the important means of learning and assessment in various courses. Writing is one of the most important skills that students need to acquire and improve. In recent years, it seems that in the teaching of writing, the product-based work has been replaced with the process-based one. The latter requires tracking, assessment, and correction in the process of writing; in other words, it requires running with metacognitive skills. In this study used the simultaneous mixed method. Quasi-experimental method used in the quantitative part. Qualitative research method used in order to validate and expand the quantitative data with the qualitative ones, to support the obtained data and examine them profoundly with multi-perspective. The aim of this study was to discover to what extent the writing approach based on metacognitive skills would improve fourth grade students' skills in writing narrative texts, and to observe the changes occurring in their products and writing performances during the study. The study sample included 64 students in a public school in Ereğli, Zonguldak (Turkey). The study used a mixed research method consisting of qualitative and quantitative methods to collect, analyze, and interpret the study data. In the implementation process, the experimental group performed their writing activities based on a process that focuses on metacognitive skills, and the control group performed their writing activities according to the Turkish curriculum. The study was conducted over eight weeks (28 hours) in the experimental group. The study analyzed students' skills in writing narrative texts and the use of metacognitive writing processes in the process of writing narrative text, and it was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the groups to the advantage of the experimental group. It is observed that certain progress for each student in the experimental group in terms of the targeted metacognitive skills, but the control group students were not able to use such metacognitive skills adequately as tracking of

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Dersi Öğrenme-Öğretme Sürecinin Anlama Öğretimi Açisindan Değerlendirilmesi

Turk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Sep 1, 2013

comprehension practices for elementary school students. The research sample consisted of five ele... more comprehension practices for elementary school students. The research sample consisted of five elementary school classroom teachers teaching fifth-grade students in 2008 which is one of the purposive sampling method, was used to select the teacher participants. The data was collected through observations and analyzed in response to the research questions. The research findings showed that teachers do not use classroom instruction time effectively, the adjustments for Turkish elementary school curriculum has not met and reach the expectations, the changes done in Turkish language arts curriculum should be considered as holistic and should be given more attention to teacher preparation.

Research paper thumbnail of Anlamaya Yönelik Nasıl Sorular Soruyoruz?

Mersin Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 2013

Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilköğretim dördüncü ve beşinci sınıf öğretmenlerinin soru sormaya yöne... more Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilköğretim dördüncü ve beşinci sınıf öğretmenlerinin soru sormaya yönelik tercihlerinin yanı sıra bilgilendirici ve hikâye edici olmak üzere kendilerine sunulan metinlere ilişkin sordukları soruların düzeyini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla öncelikle öğretmenlere soru sormada dikkat ettikleri hususlara, kaynağa bağlılık durumlarına ve soru sormada tercih ettikleri cevap kaynaklarına ilişkin sorular sorulmuş, ardından 4. ve 5. sınıf Türkçe ders kitaplarından seçilerek kendilerine sunulan bilgilendirici ve hikâye edici metinlerle ilgili öğretim sürecinde sorabilecekleri beşer adet soru yazmaları istenmiştir. Metinlerle ilgili katılımcıların yazmış oldukları sorular Barrett taksonomisi ve soruların cevap kaynakları esas alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Betimsel bir durum saptaması niteliğinde olan çalışmaya 123 sınıf öğretmeni katılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda katılımcıların büyük bir kısmının öğretim sürecinde soruların kullanımıyla ilgili hizmet içi eğitime ihtiyaç duydukları; soru sormada daha çok basit anlama düzeyine yönelik soruları tercih ettikleri ve metinlere yönelik büyük oranda düşük düzey zihinsel süreçleri gerektiren sorular sordukları anlaşılmıştır. Buna ek olarak öğretmenlerin soruların kullanımında daha çok öğretmen kılavuz kitabından faydalandıklarını ve nadiren kılavuz kitabı kullanmaksızın yeni sorular hazırladıklarını ifade ettikleri görülmüştür.

Research paper thumbnail of Perceptions of Turkish Parents with Children Identified as Dyslexic About the Problems that they and Their Children Experience

Reading Psychology, 2012

This study identified problems encountered by both dyslexic children and their parents. Seven par... more This study identified problems encountered by both dyslexic children and their parents. Seven parents were interviewed. Parents mentioned the negative attitudes of teachers towards them and their children, the use of incorrect practices in the classroom, and educational insufficiency in relation to dyslexia. Similarly, family members were found to display negative attitudes towards dyslexic children manifested in the form of insults, exclusion, psychological pressure, and physical violence. Dyslexic children were also subjected to exclusion and various bullying behaviors by their friends. An additional problem that emerged was the inordinate amount of time taken by schools to make diagnoses of dyslexia.

![Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Pre-Service Teachers` Perceived Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Knowledge about Using Expository Text as an Instructional Tool in Their Future Classroom Settings](

Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2012

The aim of this research was to examine Turkish pre-service teachers` knowledge and perceived sel... more The aim of this research was to examine Turkish pre-service teachers` knowledge and perceived self-efficacy beliefs toward using expository text as an instructional tool in their future classroom settings. The research sample were 346 pre-service teachers who studied in different teacher preparation programs which included elementary classroom and middle content classrooms (for example, science, social studies and Turkish language arts) teaching professions. A teacher efficacy inventory and a knowledge test about using expository text were developed and administered to the pre-service teachers in a public university in Turkey. The research findings showed that there was a small but positive correlation between the pre-service teachers` selfefficacy beliefs scores and the knowledge test scores in spite of the small correlation coefficient between the two variables. In addition, the preservice teachers rated their self-efficacy beliefs as efficacious in using expository texts in their future classrooms. They also identified themselves as having medium level knowledge about use of expository text. Results indicated that while there was not any significant difference regarding pre-service teachers` perceived self-efficacy mean scores in terms of gender, the pre-service teachers` knowledge mean scores about using expository text differed from each other according to gender. Moreover, findings revealed that the pre-service teachers` perceived self efficacy beliefs and knowledge varied significantly from each other according to their training programs. The pre-service teachers` knowledge had significant differences among course years, in contrast to this, their perceived-self efficacy beliefs did not differ from each other according to course year. Additionally, the interaction between course year and training programs had significant effect on the teachers` perceived self-efficacy beliefs and knowledge about using expository text.

Research paper thumbnail of Relations among Contextual Silent Reading Fluency, Non-contextual Silent Reading Fluency, and Reading Comprehension: A Path Analysis of Fifth-grade Readers

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

The aim of this research was to assess Turkish students` contextual and non-contextual silent rea... more The aim of this research was to assess Turkish students` contextual and non-contextual silent reading fluency skills and their relations with reading comprehension. With this aim, the study used correlational survey design and the study sample consisted of total 389 fifth-grade Turkish elementary students studying in elementary schools. The schools were located in middle socioeconomic status and the students` families had middle socioeconomic level. The informed consent letters obtained from all the students before the study began. For assessment process, the appropriate grade level texts were chosen and the students` silent fluency skills were measured at first in the elementary schools, provided by the school principals. After this process, the reading comprehension tests related to the grade level texts read was administered to all the students. The data obtained from testing process were analyzed and the findings were presented in respond to research aims. According to these results, the conclusions were drawn and some recommendations fitted with the results and conclusions were made for future research

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension in Fifth-Grade Turkish Students

International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The evaluation of Turkish language arts course with regard to comprehension instruction - Türkçe dersi öğrenme öğretme sürecinin anlama öğretimi açısından değerlendirilmesi

This study investigated elementary classroom teachers’ Turkish language arts curriculum practices... more This study investigated elementary classroom teachers’ Turkish language arts curriculum practices and reading comprehension practices for elementary school students. The research sample consisted of five elementary school classroom teachers teaching fifth-grade students in 2008-2009 school year. Criterion sampling method, which is one of the purposive sampling method, was used to select the teacher participants. The data was collected through observations and analyzed in response to the research questions. The research findings showed that teachers do not use classroom instruction time effectively, the adjustments for Turkish elementary school curriculum has not met and reach the expectations, the changes done in Turkish language arts curriculum should be considered as holistic and should be given more attention to teacher preparation.

Research paper thumbnail of Elementary School Classroom Teachers’ Views on Writing Difficulties

This study aimed to explore elementary school classroom teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs related t... more This study aimed to explore elementary school classroom teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs related to how to address writing difficulties and knowledge about writing difficulties. Through this aim, the criterion sampling, one of the purposeful sampling techniques, was employed and a total of 226 classroom teachers constituted the research sample. A questionnaire form including an eight-question-section based on rating and two-question-section based on classification and interpretation was used. The frequency, percentage, and content analyses were used to analyze the data obtaining from the research. The research finding showed that the classroom teachers mostly focused on writing difficulties appearing in learning writing skills, they believed that the writing difficulties are caused by learning cursive-slanted handwriting style, and had positive and high efficacy beliefs regarding how to deal with writing difficulties. We concluded from the research that the content dimension of writing difficulties is neglected.

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between reading fluency and vocabulary in fifth-grade Turkish students

Reading fluency has traditionally been recognized as a competency associated with word recognitio... more Reading fluency has traditionally been recognized as a competency associated with word recognition and comprehension. As readers become more automatic in word identification they are able to devote less attention and cognitive resources to word decoding and more to text comprehension. The act of reading itself has been associated with growth in vocabulary. Thus, as readers become more fluent, they should be able to cover more text resulting in greater gains in reading vocabulary. This study explores the relationship between fluency and vocabulary among 119 fifth grade Turkish students. Findings confirm that measures of reading fluency are associated with differential levels of vocabulary in students. The findings are discussed in terms of further research and classroom practice for improving students’ proficiency in reading.

Research paper thumbnail of  Opinions of pre-service teachers about comprehension instruction with regard to changing paradigms

Research paper thumbnail of Elementary Classroom Teachers’ Reading Practices: Strategy Instruction and Comprehension

Research paper thumbnail of Okuma uzmanlığının Türkiye’deki üniversitelerde lisansüstü bir program olarak yapılandırılması.

It is not expected that children having reading difficulties would be successful in different con... more It is not expected that children having reading difficulties would be successful in different content areas and acquiring their native language skills. Thus it is aimed to increase children's reading skills in elementary grades. Researchers show that children with reading difficulties keep having the same problems in upper grades and the children also encounter problems including the other subject matters as long as required measures are taken. These facts give great importance to both classroom teachers' who are responsible for making students acquire literacy skills in Turkey and content area teachers' beliefs, efficacy, awareness, and teaching and learning process concerning being acquired and improved reading skills. So, the aim of this study was twofold. One of them was to present an approach regarding how to be organized reading specialization in Turkish universities and also was to give some recommendations for Ministry of National Education and the Council of Turkish Higher Education how to organize similar programs in Turkey. In that regard, the contents of similar programs were investigated and more detailed information were given about how to be opened similar programs in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of Prozodi: Anlamayı yordayan yükselen bir değer mi?

Özet Bu çalıĢma ile prozodik okumanın ne olduğu, nasıl ve ne zaman akıcı okuma kavramı içerisinde... more Özet Bu çalıĢma ile prozodik okumanın ne olduğu, nasıl ve ne zaman akıcı okuma kavramı içerisinde tanımlanmaya baĢlandığı ve gerçekten prozodik okumanın anlama için gerekli bir unsur olup olmadığı, bu alanda yapılmıĢ çalıĢmalar çerçevesinde tartıĢılarak sunulmuĢtur. Bunun yanında prozodik okumanın nasıl değerlendirildiği, bu değerlendirmeler üzerine yapılan eleĢtiriler ve öğrencilerde bu becerinin nasıl geliĢtirileceği literatür doğrultusunda tartıĢılmıĢtır. Yapılan tartıĢmanın sonunda hem eğitimcilere hem de ailelere gerekli önerilerde bulunulmuĢtur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Akıcı okuma, prozodi, okuduğunu anlama PROSODY: IS IT A RISING VALUE PREDICTING COMPREHENSION? Abstract This research provides new insights into what reading prosody is, when and how it have been started to become a part of reading fluency, and whether it is really an important component of reading comprehension. This research gives detailed information regarding how to evaluate prosodic reading, some concerns which are raised for these  Bu araĢtırma 05-07 Mayıs 2011 tarihleri arasında Sivas'ta düzenlenen 10. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Eğitimi Sempozyumunda sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuĢtur. 

Research paper thumbnail of Anlamaya yönelik nasıl sorular soruyoruz?

Research paper thumbnail of Yetişkin okuma motivasyonu ölçeğinin Türkçe uyarlaması.