Get Backers Mary Sues (original) (raw)

Been a while... [May. 30th, 2005|06:27 pm]Get Backers Mary Sues
I'll admit I've lost a bit of my steam when it comes to this, but having actually been contacted by one of the authors I sporked on here asking for help (the last one, actually) I decided to dust off this recommendation from silverstrings. I personally think this one is meant to be a troll, and as such I didn't want to feed into it, but it sure beats frustrating myself on the Pit trying to find a new one. Recommend things to me again and I'll try to catch up on stuff.Story Or Series Title: Big BrotherFandom: Get Backers**Culprit Author's Name:** aminelover [sic]. This was my first tip-off that this person is actually a troll. Also, their profile is empty and they only have two fics: one that is a poem with the summary in Taglog although the thing itself is in English, and this.Full Name (plus titles if any): Lea Amano, although she disguised herself as a boy named Haru originally.Full Species(es):Long-lost sibling Sue! And author avatar/self-insert! Although she did prompt the best line in GB Sue history, which I will highlight later.Hair Color (include adjectives): "his hair has blue and white color. Extraordinary."Eye Color (include adjectives): Not given.Unusual Markings/Colorations: None that I saw.Special Possessions (if any): ”Something is wrong here, a boy with a mask and the first time I saw him he was holding a bloody knife “Annoying Origin: Ginji's sister that...wait, no, I'm saving that for later.Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Is Akabane's "friend" (because he has so many!) and Ginji's long-lost younger sister! Huzzah!Annoying Special Abilities: None shown yet.Other Annoying Traits: The fact that the author likes to affirm how great she is by constantly pointing out she's just like her. Yeah, that helps.Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:_“Ok all 4 of you will enter the UNDERGROUND TOURNAMENT and all of you will join as pairs” Hevn explained everythingThey need to win the Silver Dragon with Ruby Eyes_The plot, such as it is. Can you tell what the important terms you are supposed to notice are?_Ginji choked” What, maybe his is poisonous said Ginji while spitting the hamburger.Haru looked at Ginji “Why did you turned into an IDIOT?” Haru said to himself.Then they entered the dome, they went to the basement. Where the tournament is going to be held.Ban noticed Dr. Jackal and Haru disappeared.3 days passed both group kept fighting and winningThen the time came, it was the finals. Each group needs a representative. Dr. Jackal let Haru fight, because the boy requested it .And Ginji for his group. Ban had a serious injury from his last fight.“Hey Ginji good luck, I have this strange feeling for Haru “Ban said.“You worry too much “Ginji giggled.”I’m serious Ginji” Ban stared at Ginji.Ginji smiled at Ban, the smile had this “don’t worry phrase “._If you can figure out what the hell this means, you win the Internet.And here it is, the winner for Best Line in GBSues History:_“Yes Ban-Chan Lea is my younger sister, I left her without any reason and now she’s here to see me” Ginji explained._And in case any of you had any lingering doubt that this story is a troll fic, here is the last line of the story before the author makes the characters grovel at her feet before her greatness:_Lea decided to join the GB at first Ban didn’t liked the idea ,But ginji forced Ban .and now Ginji, Ban, and Lea lived a HAPPY, ANNOYING, COMPLICATED, AND FULL OF ADVENTURE LIVES._Okay, so maybe that one is the Best Line in GBSues History, but the other line made me laugh harder than anything else I have ever seen in any of these fics ever for some reason.
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Emergency GB Sue [Feb. 22nd, 2005|09:37 pm]Get Backers Mary Sues
[Current Mood** |depressedsuicidal] [Current Music** "Moonlight Shadow" by Dana Winner]If I ever said "this is the worst Sue I've seen" before, I was woefully naiive, living in a dream world full of sunshine and gumdrops. Because I had never encountered this fic. Nine Sues and Stus, people. And every one of them is so incredibly annoying I actually seriously think it is triggering a heart attack. This person manages to hit on all of my pet peeves in the Get Backers fandom with just one sentence. And that sentence was in the disclaimer. Hacking through this fic should count as time served in Purgatory. What this story did to my blood pressure is making me seriously consider retiring from this job.Story Or Series Title: Get Backing with the Motley Crew Sadly, despite the title we will not be treated to Tommy Lee as a retrieval specialist, nor will we get to see a charming rendition "Too Fast For Love" by the GB boys.Fandom: Get Backers**Culprit Author's Name:** Mikazuki Senshi. This gal claims to be in her twenties and own a bar in Hell where she supports yaoi and smut. Seriously, she seems to honestly believe this.Full Name (plus titles if any): Ten of them people. What the hell did I do to deserve this? *Takes deep breath* Ethuil Locke a.k.a. Lockpick, Raven, Pydro, Negate, Jinx, Lissa a.k.a. Lemur, Puck, Alesca, Loophole, and possibly one yet to be named.Full Species(es): Remember: a group of Sues is called a plague.Hair Color (include adjectives): Ethuil Locke: "short dark hair", Raven: "red and black hair", Pydro: "redheaded", Negate: "brown", Jinx: "brown", Lemur (who the hell seriously names their characters "Lemur"?): N/A, Puck: "purple dyed hair", Alesca: "blonde pigtails that nearly touched the floor", Loophole: "white hair was almost as long [as Alesca's]".Eye Color (include adjectives): Ethuil Locke: "One purple eye, one green", Raven: "dark eyes", Pydro: "green eyes", Negate: N/A, Jinx: N/A (he and Negate are twins), Lemur: N/A, Puck: N/A, Alesca: N/A, Loophole: N/AUnusual Markings/Colorations: Ethuil's two-colored eyes, Raven's striped hair.Special Possessions (if any): A small bus to cart around their herd.Annoying Origin: All over the world, apparently. But I personally think they were specially invented to hurt me personally. Lemur's from Mugenjyou.Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: They are getting Akabane to become their tenth member. Akabane! No no no no no!Annoying Special Abilities: Ethuil: Can lock/unlock anything with her touch, Lemur: can turn into a small animal. Ostensibly a lemur.Other Annoying Traits: I am going to take this time to tell you the sexes of these monstrosities because it's not like you can tell from their names: Ethuil: Sue, Raven: Sue, Pydro: Stu, Negate: Stu, Jinx: Stu, Lemur: Sue, Puck: Stu, Alesca: Sue, Loophole: Stu.Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:_“Ah, you must be Ban Mido of the Get Backers duo.” Her eyes glinted maliciously and Ban almost stepped back when she smiled. “Meet your competition, then.”HEVN decided to intervene. “Listen, kid, you don’t stand a chance in this business. I’m the Get Backers’ Coordinator, HEVN. I would know.”“I don’t stand a chance?” Locke looked amused by this. “HEVN-san, my name is Ethuil Locke, not ‘kid’. My crew consists of four Transporters, four Retrievers, and myself, the Coordinator. We work together perfectly, and always succeed.”_And so it begins. And my age of innocence ends. Insert a lot of Ethuil and Raven insulting the Get Backers. And I do mean a lot. I hate them all. I want them all to die._A small bus had pulled up to the curb and six people were piling out. They hurried in out of the rain and into the café. It was a strange group indeed. Twin teenage boys with brown hair were in the lead, one cursing a blue streak about the weather and the other just nodding absently as he wrung out his clothes. A preteen girl with blonde pigtails that nearly touched the floor was laughing and talking with a less amused young man whose silvery white hair was almost as long. The last to come in was a redheaded boy, who was griping about the meter. His green eyes lit up at the sight of Locke. “Ethuil!” he exclaimed, barely restraining himself from jumping on her._Anyone else imagining a clown-car situation here? I hope I'm not the only one..._Ginji immediately let go, staring at the lemur. “Infinity Fortress?” he repeated faintly, looking for all the world like a deer in the headlights.“Yeah, it was Rissa’s playground when she still lived here,” Jinx explained as he pulled Lemur away from Ban. “Shinjuku Underground wasn’t far from her home.”“Anyway,” Ban cut in, rubbing his head gingerly. He glared at Lemur as she sat next to Jinx in their booth. “What’s the deal, Akabane? How do you know them?”Lockpick smiled innocently, ignoring the fighting between Raven and HEVN. Ban decided he didn’t like it when she smiled at all. It seemed to mean bad things for the Get Backers. “Didn’t he tell you? He’s joining the Motley Crew.”_No. NO NO NO. No. No no... *beating self with a frying pan.* NO! *Sobs* I hate you all! Die! Die die! Akabane, kill them all for me!
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You can't hide from me forever! [Feb. 18th, 2005|08:37 pm]Get Backers Mary Sues
A casual visit to the rated R section for a fic that does not suck (No Sanctuaries by Urbia, if you must know. Shameless plug, but if you want a Get Backers fic that does not suck for a change it is highly recommended. Warning: rated for sexual content and includes Akabane x Kagami x Himiko) lead to me finding them: the Jackal Sues! And here I thought they were just a myth, but they were hiding in the section that doesn't show up on the front page! Which means....wait for it....THE SUES SCREW AKABANE!Prepare yourself, kiddies, I've got a double header for you.( Victim #1Collapse ) ( Victim #2Collapse )
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The Beat Goes On [Feb. 17th, 2005|06:39 pm]Get Backers Mary Sues
This one isn't nearly as bad as the last helping. In fact, it wouldn't be that obnoxious at all if the central plot wasn't two of the canon characters fighting over her, one of whom is pretty much canonically gay with not one, but two lovers. Yay for unobservant fangirls.Story Or Series Title: Love Ginji vs KazukiFandom: Get Backers**Culprit Author's Name:** AiSesshomarusamaFull Name (plus titles if any): Aikurushii SeionFull Species(es): Mugenjyou Mutant Sue (she calls them "Meta Humans")Hair Color (include adjectives): Not saidEye Color (include adjectives): Not saidUnusual Markings/Colorations: NoneSpecial Possessions (if any): A team of fairly decent OCs who are at her beck and call (even if they have pretty unoriginal names, but we all start somewhere).Annoying Origin: Mugenjyou, which the X-Men should seriously be looking into considering it churns out mutants at an alarming rate. Actually, I'd like to see that crossover...Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Used to be in VOLTS, had Ginji and Kazuki both fall in love with her.Annoying Special Abilities: "I stood in fron of a man and emitted a high pitched scream which caused immediate pain in his eardrums and gave him an instant migrane. The mna fell to his knees in pain, his hands to his ears." I've seen the "sonic scream" attack used in several fandoms, canon and otherwise. I have seen it have effects from rendering a person deaf from shattered eardrums to knocking them out to causing them pain. The migraine thing is a new one on me.Other Annoying Traits: None that I can think of.Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:_You never know how unpredictable life is until something like this happens. It started many years ago, in a place I will not dare speak it's name. There I met two incredible people, Ginji Amano and Kazuki Fuchoin, two of the the Four Kings. I felt really safe with them and I loved them both very deeply. Leaving the Vilts was the hardest things I ever had to do. But I won't get into that now._1.) It's VOLTS or Volts, not Vilts. She spells it like this repeatedly. 2.) Ginji was not one of the Four Kings. He was the Raitei, the leader of the VOLTS, and the Four Kings were his four right-hand men. The manga has yet to reveal who the Fourth King is and the anime doesn't reveal it until the last arc, but there is another Fourth other than Ginji._It was an ordinary day in the Island Canshell, well ordinary for me and my team I mean. My name is is Aikurushii Seion and I am the leader of an elite protection agency known as Mamotte Ageru. We each have special powers that aid us in protecting our charges. We help the needy and ask for little or no money in return, depending on the type of client. The Island of Canshell is large, oever populated and full of Meta Humans like me. It is our job to protect those who cannot protect themselves. M.A. has sworn to use their powers and abilities for good and for the betterment of mankind. I know it's naive but we try.Canshell Island = Mugenjyou, only not smack in the middle of a city. And apparently she thinks herself the equivilant of the leader of the VOLTS."What are you talking about Ginji?" Ban asked "Who is this girl? What did she do to you?" just then Kazuki showed up with Shido. Ginji looked up, then walked back into the Honky Tonk."What's going on?" Kazuki asked staring after Ginji"You tell me," Ban said "Who is Aikurushii?" he asked and to his surpirse Kazuki looked at Shido but didn't answer. "What? Who is she?""It's better that you hear it from Ginji," said Shido as he stood next to Kazuki who would not meet Ban's eyes.Ban began to get to get angry. "He's not talking, now can somebody please tell me who this Aikurushii girl is and what she did? Ginji said that she was his first love." Kazuki looked up at Ban."She was," said Shido "But she was also Kazuki's first love as well,"_I didn't cut anything off. The chapter ends like the end of a quote. Also, this says to me the person hasn't actually seen the Mugenjyou arc, just heard about the Four Kings from the first 8 episodes (8-10 being the average most fans have seen before they write fanfiction these days. But as episodes 9-10 is an arc involving those nasty, evil girls that one gets ignored. ~_~): Kazuki only teamed up with Shido that once, and even then Shido was on a job and Kazuki happened to be there. They were never paired up in any context, anime or manga, after that one time. Kazuki is usually with Juubei and once or twice he's with Himiko, and Shido is usually with Emishi and once with Ban.Just thought I'd slap this one before it had a chance to fester.
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Back and Worse Than Ever [Feb. 13th, 2005|10:33 pm]Get Backers Mary Sues
[Current Mood** |infuriatedinfuriated]When I am gone for several months, this could be either a bad thing (I dropped dead or got lazy) or a good thing (GB hasn't had any Sues so bad they were worth reporting lately). While I am enjoying telling myself the latter was my excuse, it was probably closer to the former. Not only was I lazy and unmotivated in this project, but the state of Get Backers fanfiction in general has left me so utterly disgusted I don't even want to check and see if any of them are Sues. Maybe I'm in a bad mood. Maybe I had too high expectations having seen what the GB fandom used to be like and the talented writers and artists who have long since been driven off to greener pastures, leaving me sticking by my tired old fandom and it's evil, evil fans. All I know is I finally found something so bad that I had to post it here, no matter what the circumstances.Now as a Sue-slapper, I like to think I am fairly nice. My reports are fairly short, I usually warn the Suethors to give them a chance to clean up their act, and I offer every Suethor an opportunity to contact me for advice. But I think I really hate this author. If not her, then her fic. She embodies everything I hate about the latest crop of Get Backers fans so well that I find myself hoping beyond hope that she's a troll. But she seems dead serious, and she caught me at the wrong time. Prepare for the Sue-slapping of a lifetime...Story Or Series Title: Dead SovereignFandom: Get BackersCulprit Author's Name:** DemonicMistress Kree-kun (New rule: any penname that I have to copy and paste because I can't remember all of it after two or three glances is a bad penname.)Full Name (plus titles if any): Kree, Madam of the Crypt [sic], Madam Dead [sic], Sovereign of the Dead, the Ninth Chosen Child, the One Who Shot JR, Luke Skywalker's Father, the Real Slim Shady, Sailor Earth-Sun, and the Other White Meat. I obviously started making up titles after a certain point. Guess where.Full Species(es): Self-Insert Death Demon GoddessHair Color (include adjectives): "Her thick curly silver locks swept the floor even when she stood from her place of rest which wasn’t very often"Eye Color (include adjectives): [From her daughter's description] "Her eyes were a vibrant blue like her mother’s"Unusual Markings/Colorations:"feathery black wings that were folded behind her"Special Possessions (if any): Septuplets. Fathered by Ginji. Annoying Origin: The sum total of a horrible nervous breakdown on my part, Satanic influences, too much sugar and caffeine, the schools not doing a good enough job and needing to assign more homework, President George W. Bush, and anything or anyone else people see fit to blame things like this on.Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Apparently 14 years ago she was knocking boots with Ginji (or the Raitei, although she doesn't know they aren't really the same thing yet seeing as she admits she's only seen 8 episodes. Of the dub no less) and had his septuplets. Never mind that this would have happened when Ginji was four. I'm sure he was very mature for his age.Annoying Special Abilities: "She was all powerful, having rule over both the dead and many of the living…she did not care for her powers though she wanted one thing one power… But the one thing she wished for power over she could not have… but as a woman who had inherited her father’s throne she also inherited his will power. Madam Dead wanted power over her human heart… Something that one can never attain…" Well, boo frickity hoo.Other Annoying Traits: Commands a small army of equally as annoying mini-Sues supposedly spawned by a toddler Ginji (the author seems to think Ginji is in his 30s during the events of the anime. It's not like a character bio can tell you that he and Ban are 18 or anything. Not to mention don't they both just look like they're in their 30s?).**Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:**I'd be here all day. There are three chapters of this and I can't narrow it down to specific instances, but I'll try._Sovereign dead spoke although it sounded barely even lie a whisper “What would you like for your fourteenth birthday. Mirah? What would Akirah, Jin, Erris, Ryujji, Tsukairi, Soujiro wish for their fourteenth birthday?”“We wish one thing mother… your pride…”Kree turned her head to her daughter who was the oldest out of her group of septuplets. “Do you not have that already?”“We wish you to be proud of us…”“And I wish to have your father … I had him but lost him…now I wish for his head… You have always had my pride…” the older female waved her hand as if to dismiss her daughter. “Happy birthday Mirah…”_Knock a few consonants off those names. Actually, later "Jin" becomes "Jinn". I guess there was a sale at the consonant bank. Without the extra letters some of those would have become Japanese sounding, if not actually Japanese. And Eris/Ellis is already used in canon (the Miroku Seven's deceased older sister in the manga)._Closing her eyes she concentrated letting a soft black glow surrounded her as small black wings half the size of her mother’s emerge from her back. This was the trade mark of the Asano clan. Their black wings… many said that it was a mutation but in truth the great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grand father of Mirah Asano had fallen in love with a fallen angel and produced a son Nozo Asano who was born with the wings of his mother and the powers that were granted to her as well. The power of necromancy, the power of reading the tarot, the power to enter ones mind, the power of illusion to make his surroundings change form and shape and most importantly the power to hide the beautiful black wings._That's...really great. ~_~ It's stuff like this that makes me want to pick up a stack of GB manga, beat people soundly over the head, and scream "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN READING?!" (nothing in this case, apparently. I theory she shouldn't know anyhing about Mugenjyou...pardon, "Limitless Fortress"...or the VOLTS.). I'd say "Asano" is a mutation of "Amano", but she spells Ginji's family name "Amino" all through the fic. Yay for metabolic intermediaries of mature proteins!_Chameleon smiled at the figure on the bed. His once lover. How she had changed so much ssince that day. Her normally shiny well kept red hair was now dull, frayed and matted, her hair style remained the same, in it’s usual small bun with a few loose strands that framed her face. Her honey orbs now dulled and glassed over. The once beautiful body so curvy and luscious now gaunt and sickly pale from starvation. The shackles that held her dying rotting body to the wall were of pure gold. The golden shackles and the clothes she were dressed in (a blood red silk gown) were all a simple gesture to mock the girl. So close to the finer things in life, yet so far way.Chameleon sighed as he moved his hand foreword and brushed aside a few stray strands. No recognition was in her eyes… The only thing he saw was black hair so dark it was almost blue. A set of green eyes, and a blue business suit. It all belonged to the middle aged man that peered back at him. This was him his true form. He saw his reflection. And became disgusted. “Look at me now Jade… I am head assassin. like I wished to be all those years ago… I’m sorry I ever listened to you… Love, now look what happened…” he fell to his knees in a fit of hysterics. “LOOK HOW SHE MAKES YOU SUFFER! WHY DID N’T YOU SPEAK WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE! YOU COULD HAVE TOLD THEM WHAT REALLY HAPPENED… YOU COULD HAVE TOLD THEM!”_I haven't a goddamn clue who the hell these people are. They me a bad attempt at villains. Decent if you're writing Sailor Moon, horrible if you are even somewhat familiar with anything involving Get Backers. (Well, at least they got that GB villains of the day are always Yakuza, but no.)You know? That's it. No more of this fic. Ever. Sadly, she seems to have mostly positive feedback right now. Join me in telling her exactly what we feel: until you see at least past the Mugenjyou arc of the anime, of not further, and until you know even know that the owner of Honky Tonk (which is a café, not a bar) is named Wan Paul/Pore (either one works), and until you finally realize that despite what fanfiction has lead you to believe, there are neither actual Gods nor angels anywhere in GB, you can take your fic, shove it someplace cold, dark, and damp, and never write for Get Backers again!I will leave you with the only part of the fic that made me laugh: the summary.Okay guys this is my first Get Backer’s Fan fic so be genital I’ve only seen the first eight episodes. Ginji Amano once was in love with a rival gang leader. He was the lightning emperor of the limitless fortress and she was The Dead Sovereign of the Crypt. When he left the limitless fortress and the volts he left her but now she wants revenge… And she will go to any lengths to get it.
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The Week of the GB Sue, Day Three [Aug. 11th, 2004|03:39 pm]Get Backers Mary Sues
Yes, the Week of the GB Sue is in full swing! Let us sally forth to tackle a self-insert and her evil twin!Story Or Series Title: Twins (As the author says right in the summary, this isn't about the GB song of the same name. That would make this a yaoi fic.)Fandom: Get Backers**Culprit Author's Name:** raikou-kisaki (remember that name, folks. You'll see it again later this week.)Full Name (plus titles if any): We've got a two for one deal here! Yes, our lovely self-insert Raikou Amano has decided to drag in her equally evil twin sister Saikou Aman into this!Full Species(es): Self-insert and evil twinHair Color (include adjectives): Not givenEye Color (include adjectives): Not givenUnusual Markings/Colorations: NopeSpecial Possessions (if any): Just what they asked the Get Backers to retrieve: Well, we have these two cats, one's black with blue eyes, which is Saikou's, and the other one is white which has green eyes, which is mine..."Annoying Origin: I want to say Mugenjyou, but I doubt it. At either rate, they are somehow Ginji's sisters.Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Ginji's sisters, which I guess is theoretically possible (he was young when he was abandoned in Mugenjyou and I assume he has parents alive somewhere), but I would rather not believe that Ginji's relatives could be so dumb.Annoying Special Abilities: They are complete morons. It's like this: "Our name is Amano! We had a brother named Ginji, which we weren't supposed to know about but our dad told us anyway! But you couldn't possibly be our brother, nope nope!"Other Annoying Traits: Aside from existing?Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:_When they arrived at Madoka's house [duh! That's where Shido stays], they asked where Shido would be found, the butler guy said he was in the garden so they went there. "Monkey-man where are you?" Ban shouted. Shido heard him and went to them. "Do you have two cats with you that you just found 2 days ago?" Ginji asked "Yeah, a black one and a white one. Why?" Shido said "These two girls are looking for them" Ban said "You go get them they're right th---"Shido stopped when he saw the cats just behind Ginji. They got the cats and went back to the honky tonk._Yes, that's so in character: the Get Backers get a job, and the first thing they do is go to rival retriever Shido to get the job done. Also, author's notes in a story = big no-no._The picture was a picture of Raikou and Saikou's parents but the twins weren't there. Instead, 7 year old Ginji was there. "He found the picture!" their mom said to herself. "Oh! That's just an old picture when our big brother was not gone yet. Dad just told us that" Raikou explained. "Oh, mom!" Saikou remembered, but when she looked back, their mom dropped the phone already. "Can you tell me the name of this kid in the picture?" Ginji asked "I think that dad told us that his name was..." Raikou stopped when she heared a plane landing from the backyard. Her dad was on that plane. As he got down from the airplane, he knew that Raikou and Saikou were at home at that time, so he went there to them. "Is that your dad? He looks familiar..." tare-Ginji said "Idiot! Of course that's their dad who else?" Ban said. Then Ginji suddenly remembered a certain scene when he was just 7 years old._I'll spare you the flashback. Is it just me, or did they just say that a plane landed in the damn back yard? Good God. And what the hell is it with GB Suethors and their inability to form a paragraph? Is this an FF.N glitch I don't know about? I've never had this problem when I upload my stories...Tune in tomorrow as we tackle an annoying Sue from a very unfunny humor fic.
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The Week of the GB Sue, Day Two [Aug. 10th, 2004|01:35 pm]Get Backers Mary Sues
[Current Mood |hopeless] [Current Music Twelve Girls Band]As promised, here is a more thorough sporking of a story gaurenteed to insult your sensibilities, break your brain, and pine for a grammar check as the Week of the GB Sue enters its second day!Story Or Series Title: Of Sirens & Demons: The SirenFandom: Get Backers**Culprit Author's Name:** SeighartFull Name (plus titles if any): Lady Tianna RhapsodiaFull Species(es): Supernatural Sue! Also, Himiko doesn't seem to appear in this fic, but I won't declare her a Himiko replacement for a reason I'll name later...Hair Color (include adjectives): To get the full effect of the grammar in this fic, I am going to put hair and eyes under "unusual markings".Eye Color (include adjectives): See above.Unusual Markings/Colorations: "The girl was young & pretty she had silver hair & eyes of blue." I'd say those are some...unique markings all right. *Rimshot* Special Possessions (if any): "She spoke with the voice of an angel."Annoying Origin: Apparently she's supposed to be Russian (and is the descendent of a Russian company). Some mega-company wants her for vague, shady reasons, and she is some great songstress. Ugh, why are so many GB Sues singers? (And yes, I am counting Mai from the games.)Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Ban falls for her, and apparently at some point Akabane's gonna rape her. 'Cause that's in his job description and all: doctor, courier, rapist for hire.Annoying Special Abilities: The Siren ability to get men to fall for her by singing.Other Annoying Traits: For some Reason the author Likes to randomly Capitolize words & Apparently doesn't know How to use Hyphens. Flagrant abuse of The & Symbol.Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:_Akabane walked along the streets of Tokyo. He trotted upon the avenue near the fancy cafés & big hotels. He walked further unto the boulevard where nothing seems to happen. He entered the infamous café of Honky Tonk.“Ohayo” He greeted everyone inside the café.It seemed that everyone was there. MakubeX was typing on his Laptop. Sakura was watching MakubeX finish the right program for his new investment in Infinity city... A shopping mall. Ban & Ginji fighting over a piece of cake... Paul & Natsumi watching them... Kazuki giggling at Ban & Ginji while Jubei & Shido played a game of Japanese Chess.._Ladies and gentlemen, MakubeX CAN'T LEAVE MUGENJYOU. Watch the damn show or read the damn manga! This is the second time in a row a Sue has had him leave!_Paul looked at her with a puzzled look. She looked at him with her beautiful Icey blue eyes & enchanting smile. Paul spoke to her in an appropriate manner.“Dakkanya? They’re over there” Paul said whilst pointing a finger at Ban & Ginji who obviously didn’t get the job that Hevn offered. The job was given to Kazuki & Jubei. Shido pouted at the decision & decided to head back to Madoka’s Mansion.She smiled with a gentle & heart warming smile. She gracefully walked towards Ban & Ginji. She tapped Ginji’s shoulder. And Ginji turned his head to face the young Lady. Ginji smiled back at her. This was the beginning of a Beautiful friendship..._This grammar structure really got on my nerves. It gets worse as the story goes along._“Is 10 million dollars enough?” Tianna said, taking out her check book._Wow, they use dollars in Japan? I had no idea!_“As long as you don’t lay a finger on her. For you see she’s mine...” Kantaroth said with a wide grin on his face. “If I find out that you even gave her one little scratch! You will be dead Akabane!”“Dr. Jackal isn’t that desperate to Rape a 19 year old kid!” Kagami said annoyed with what Kantaroth had just said._According to the threats warnings at the beginning of this fic, there's gonna be Akabane x Kagami, an inexplicably popular coupling in the GB fandom. Also, we were promised rape, which means this is probably some sort of grim foreshadowing._“Very well Kagamisan. The siren has been known to sing a song that enchanted men & drag them to their doom by doing her bidding.” Kantaroth recited. He was also known for his love of Mythology. “Her song is very potent when heard. I suggest you gentlemen to wear earmuffs when in her premises. She is heavily guarded & yet she is very frail.”_That's the lack of hyphens for you, and more bad grammar. There is more, but it is mostly taken up by bad poetry/singing with the Sue and Ban. No, seriously.And this is threatened to be a multi-part epic. Run and hide, friends. Run and hide.
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The Week of the GB Sue, Day One [Aug. 9th, 2004|01:06 pm]Get Backers Mary Sues
I leave for a week to go to Otakon, and what do I come back to? A whopping six Suefics have appeared at the Pit in my absence. Now, obviously this is quite a task to undertake in one sitting, one I am not even going to attempt. (Who wants to read through six reports at once, anyway?) So I am declaring this "The Week of the GB Sue". Every day you will get a new steaming pile of Sue, and if a seventh hasn't emerged by Sunday then I will find something special to close the week with. So without further ado, let the festivities begin!Story Or Series Title: Get Backers 1: A Friendly Visit From the Dark SideFandom: Get Backers**Culprit Author's Name:** aNiMe.No.OnNaFull Name (plus titles if any): "Ms. Yamato" (completely ignoring there is already a character named Yamato)Full Species(es): Himiko replacement. Actually, she's supposed to replace all the girls but Hevn in an odd turn of events.Hair Color (include adjectives): Not givenEye Color (include adjectives): Not givenUnusual Markings/Colorations: None yetSpecial Possessions (if any): Apparently a box made of solid platinum.Annoying Origin: Apparently a jumbled collection of far too many other anime plots, but from what I gathered she came from some sort of city were men weren't allowed on the streets so that "pure maidens could walk the streets".Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: None so far, aside from stealing Yamato's name.Annoying Special Abilities: The ability to channel several other anime at once, the ability to get MakubeX out of Mugenjyou.Other Annoying Traits: Fangirl Japanese up the wazoo.Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:_BTW: Himiko Kudo, Ren Radou, Sakura Kakei and Madoka Otowa are not included in this fic but I have included Kagami Kyoji, the Miroku brothers, Haruki Emishi and Jubei Kakei. They will appear in the later chapters._So in other words she got rid of all the girls, but then randomly brought in some guys? Um.....okay._Minutes later, Ms. Yamato finished her story and decided to get back to business. “If you find the platinum box, I will give you each 5% of the platinum box.” This startled everyone especially Ban who was already thinking of what to do with his share. After all, it’s like you’re spending more than 10 bricks of gold. What should I buy with my share? This didn’t go on for too long because his ‘beloved’ partner snapped him out of it. “Ban-chan, why don’t you think about money later?” Ginji pleaded. Ban tried to hide his disappointment and let out a regretful ‘yeah’ reply. I mean, think about it, who wouldn’t think of what to be with 5% platinum? “And...” Ms. Yamato continued stating her condition. “If you managed to get the W.G back together, I’ll add 2% more to the 5% I said earlier.” She sounded more cunning this. Ginji (not in Tare form) was thinking that Ms. Yamato was really desperate. She wanted the W.G. to get back together and fast. “Ano...{2}” Ginji started. He wanted to say something that might be of help to Ms. Yamato. “I can’t promise you this but I’ll do my very best to get the Weiss Guardians back together!” “I’ll help, too.” Kazuki said. “If this is what Ginji-san {3} believes in, then I think it is the worthy of our participation, nee {4} Shido?” “Hnn”, was all they got from him but they somehow got the point the Shido wanted to be part of, too. “Then if I join, VOLTS will be together again?” MAKUBEX added. “Of course!” Ginji replied. “Thank you very much.” She said as she wiped a small tear aside. Somehow, I get the feeling that these boys will save the fate of Azure City. Ms. Yamato thought as she captured an image of the Weiss Guardians together and this gave her more confidence. She missed the group so much and she really wanted Azure City to be protected and in peace once more. “I wish you all luck and may the sun shine on your chosen path. I’ll be waiting for you in front of the gate to lead you inside the city.” And with that she left. “Well, we’ll meet here tomorrow, okay?” Hevn said. Everyone nodded while Akabane gave a ‘kind’ smile. Tomorrow was the big day._That's a good 40% of the fic. If you can decipher it then you are a far better person than I.Expect a more thorough sporking for tomorrow's helping!
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After a long absence.... [Jul. 22nd, 2004|03:41 pm]Get Backers Mary Sues
[Current Mood** |tiredtired] [Current Music** "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie]Yes, it has been so long since I have done this, but no GB Sues have lasted long enough for me to report on them. But after all this time, I have finally gleaned a pair of gems from the same author. So gear up, friends, for a dual Sue report!( Part One of Today's Double-FeatureCollapse ) ( Part Two of Today's Double-FeatureCollapse )
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Kagami Gets Action in Bad Grammar [Jun. 11th, 2004|12:09 pm]Get Backers Mary Sues
Today's Sue is part of a more rare but infuriating breed of Get Backers Sue called "the Himiko replacement". See, Himiko is a good character who poses a lot of competition to our petty little Sues: she's the only girl who fights alongside the boys (unless you count TokyoPop's rendition of Kadsuki, but let's not, okay?), she lovely, she's strong, she's rather young, she's independent...and Kagami is in love with her. Although Himiko does not like Kagami, the authors still see her as competition for their bizarre yaoi tastes (Akabane x Kagami anyone?) or for their Sues. So while most authors glib over her entirely, once in a while a Sue will come around who decides to challenge the greatness of Himiko and try to take her place. They invariably fail, naturally, but here is one who admits she is after Himiko's place and makes a valiant effort to take it. She doesn't even come close.Story Or Series Title: Her Reflection on The Water Mirror [sic]Fandom: Get Backers**Culprit Author's Name:** Alice-1033, although her profile is pretty barren.Full Name (plus titles if any): Mizuki Mizuhara (Contrary to what the name would have you believe, she isn't related to Natsumi.)Full Species(es): Water Goddess. Dammit, people: just because Get Backers has a Thunder Emperor and a guy who calls himself "God of Death" doesn't mean there are real Gods and Goddesses lurking around the GB-verse.Hair Color (include adjectives): "She's got the longest hair, it reached her feet, with a strange color. Blue."Eye Color (include adjectives): "Her eyes was dark blue. Almost black."Unusual Markings/Colorations: "And yet, she got light complexion and smooth skin hidden under her injuries." I am seriously confused as to whether this person isn't a native English speaker or just failed elementary grammar. I am inclined to say the latter from the lack of foreign language mistakes that usually tip you off to non-English speakers.Special Possessions (if any): The summary and title mention something about a mirror, but since Kagami's main weapon is glass and mirrors I can't be too sure that's not what it refers to.Annoying Origin: Apparently she kicks around Mugenjyou because that's the in thing to do, and knew Kagami in the past. I would like to take this time to add just how surprised I am at the lack of Mugenjyou Sues. I have only seen one and she was a mutated canon Sue.Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Apparently Kagami knew her but doesn't realize it because his earring that gets broken all the damn time in the series was repressing his memories. Well, that's one theory as to what the hell that's for....Annoying Special Abilities: Magical healing and memory recovery.Other Annoying Traits: When Kagami rejects her like a good mirror boy asshole (ostensibly to go find his real love), she breaks down into tears and all are moved by it. Ha ha. ~_~Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:_But, above them, in the old building, stood Kagami. A guy from Babylon City and seemed that he chose to live here, at the Infinity City. He was holding a digital camera in his hand, and was seeing the pictures he got. Himiko. All of it. Himiko. And he smiled. Suddenly, a girl appeared from inside the building. She was barely walking towards Kagami. She's got the longest hair, it reached her feet, with a strange color. Blue. Her eyes was dark blue. Almost black. And yet, she got light complexion and smooth skin hidden under her injuries._The grammar Nazis are going to kill her and make an example of her. Also, the Himiko replacement has begun!_She fell because of a chair and the bucket fell onto the blue-haired girl's hair. The girl took the bucket slowly off her head, and her body shone again. Suddenly, all her injuries was gone, and she looked totally fine. A healthy young girl. A fine hot girl. Kagami turned his face to her and smiled warmly. "Thank God you're alive. Can you tell us your name?" he said. "Boku wa Mizuki Mizuhara. Water Goddess," she answered. "... Don't you remember me, Kagami-san?" Kagami shook his head. And the Goddess looked shock. Her eyes told everything. She was hurt. But she pushed herself to smile. "Oh. I see. Then you might be the wrong guy. Just to prove me wrong.. do you use a weapon called 'Diamond Dust'?" Kagami nodded. "Yes. Why are you asking me this questions? I don't even know you at all. You're a stranger... but why do you know so much about me?" Gen, and the others could only be quiet. They went out from the room not long after to give Mizuki and Kagami some privacy. "I don't know why we came here..! Kagami was our enemy, right?" said Sakura outside the room._So much wrong, so little time. 1.) Why is the Sue using the male form of address in her introduction? 2.) Everyone and their cousin knows everyone else's powers in this series. It makes sneak attacks virtually impossible. 3.) Kagami was MakubeX's seeming ally for a while, and his position never changed in MakubeX's eyes, even in the bullshit last arc of the anime. Also, I love how when a bucket falls on her head she's suddenly hot. Was her face that ugly? "I could only say, I'm sorry. I lost my memories. When I woke up, I only found out that I was sleeping in the Belt Line and was carrying the pocket of Diamond Dust and I wore an earring on my right ear," replied Kagami calmly. Then, he sat on Gen's chair. He looked straight at Mizuki and continued, "What do you want from me?" "It's no use now. You don't remember me anyway... and... where's the earring...?" she whispered. She was trying to hold her tears. "It's gone. When Mido Ban hit me, the earring fell and it broke into pieces. Because of that, I regain few of my memories." "What... part... of your memories...?" "I never talk to a complete stranger about my pass, Mizuhara-san. If you excuse me, I have to go," replied Kagami, willing to leave her alone."My pass! Mine! You can't see it!" Also, Kagami seems to have a never ending supply of those earrings. Before Ban broke it Himiko dissolved it with her disintigration scent. And Kagami seems pretty damn sure he's an agent of Babylon City, with or without the earring. _"What about that girl? Mizuhara, right? Did you leave her?" asked Gen. "I don't know her, anyway. Ja ne," said Kagami. Then, in a blink of an eye, he disappeared. All of them hurriedly went into the room to see how Mizuki was doing. She knelt on the floor. Staring outside the window. It was raining. And she was crying. So... that's how the Water Goddess cry. ... "I..." she whispered in tears. "I..."_Awwww. How sad for the Sue. ~_~There's another chapter, but trust me: we don't want to go there.
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