[Current Mood** | infuriated]When I am gone for several months, this could be either a bad thing (I dropped dead or got lazy) or a good thing (GB hasn't had any Sues so bad they were worth reporting lately). While I am enjoying telling myself the latter was my excuse, it was probably closer to the former. Not only was I lazy and unmotivated in this project, but the state of Get Backers fanfiction in general has left me so utterly disgusted I don't even want to check and see if any of them are Sues. Maybe I'm in a bad mood. Maybe I had too high expectations having seen what the GB fandom used to be like and the talented writers and artists who have long since been driven off to greener pastures, leaving me sticking by my tired old fandom and it's evil, evil fans. All I know is I finally found something so bad that I had to post it here, no matter what the circumstances.Now as a Sue-slapper, I like to think I am fairly nice. My reports are fairly short, I usually warn the Suethors to give them a chance to clean up their act, and I offer every Suethor an opportunity to contact me for advice. But I think I really hate this author. If not her, then her fic. She embodies everything I hate about the latest crop of Get Backers fans so well that I find myself hoping beyond hope that she's a troll. But she seems dead serious, and she caught me at the wrong time. Prepare for the Sue-slapping of a lifetime...Story Or Series Title: Dead SovereignFandom: Get BackersCulprit Author's Name:** DemonicMistress Kree-kun (New rule: any penname that I have to copy and paste because I can't remember all of it after two or three glances is a bad penname.)Full Name (plus titles if any): Kree, Madam of the Crypt [sic], Madam Dead [sic], Sovereign of the Dead, the Ninth Chosen Child, the One Who Shot JR, Luke Skywalker's Father, the Real Slim Shady, Sailor Earth-Sun, and the Other White Meat. I obviously started making up titles after a certain point. Guess where.Full Species(es): Self-Insert Death Demon GoddessHair Color (include adjectives): "Her thick curly silver locks swept the floor even when she stood from her place of rest which wasn’t very often"Eye Color (include adjectives): [From her daughter's description] "Her eyes were a vibrant blue like her mother’s"Unusual Markings/Colorations:"feathery black wings that were folded behind her"Special Possessions (if any): Septuplets. Fathered by Ginji. Annoying Origin: The sum total of a horrible nervous breakdown on my part, Satanic influences, too much sugar and caffeine, the schools not doing a good enough job and needing to assign more homework, President George W. Bush, and anything or anyone else people see fit to blame things like this on.Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Apparently 14 years ago she was knocking boots with Ginji (or the Raitei, although she doesn't know they aren't really the same thing yet seeing as she admits she's only seen 8 episodes. Of the dub no less) and had his septuplets. Never mind that this would have happened when Ginji was four. I'm sure he was very mature for his age.Annoying Special Abilities: "She was all powerful, having rule over both the dead and many of the living…she did not care for her powers though she wanted one thing one power… But the one thing she wished for power over she could not have… but as a woman who had inherited her father’s throne she also inherited his will power. Madam Dead wanted power over her human heart… Something that one can never attain…" Well, boo frickity hoo.Other Annoying Traits: Commands a small army of equally as annoying mini-Sues supposedly spawned by a toddler Ginji (the author seems to think Ginji is in his 30s during the events of the anime. It's not like a character bio can tell you that he and Ban are 18 or anything. Not to mention don't they both just look like they're in their 30s?).**Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:**I'd be here all day. There are three chapters of this and I can't narrow it down to specific instances, but I'll try._Sovereign dead spoke although it sounded barely even lie a whisper “What would you like for your fourteenth birthday. Mirah? What would Akirah, Jin, Erris, Ryujji, Tsukairi, Soujiro wish for their fourteenth birthday?”“We wish one thing mother… your pride…”Kree turned her head to her daughter who was the oldest out of her group of septuplets. “Do you not have that already?”“We wish you to be proud of us…”“And I wish to have your father … I had him but lost him…now I wish for his head… You have always had my pride…” the older female waved her hand as if to dismiss her daughter. “Happy birthday Mirah…”_Knock a few consonants off those names. Actually, later "Jin" becomes "Jinn". I guess there was a sale at the consonant bank. Without the extra letters some of those would have become Japanese sounding, if not actually Japanese. And Eris/Ellis is already used in canon (the Miroku Seven's deceased older sister in the manga)._Closing her eyes she concentrated letting a soft black glow surrounded her as small black wings half the size of her mother’s emerge from her back. This was the trade mark of the Asano clan. Their black wings… many said that it was a mutation but in truth the great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grand father of Mirah Asano had fallen in love with a fallen angel and produced a son Nozo Asano who was born with the wings of his mother and the powers that were granted to her as well. The power of necromancy, the power of reading the tarot, the power to enter ones mind, the power of illusion to make his surroundings change form and shape and most importantly the power to hide the beautiful black wings._That's...really great. ~_~ It's stuff like this that makes me want to pick up a stack of GB manga, beat people soundly over the head, and scream "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN READING?!" (nothing in this case, apparently. I theory she shouldn't know anyhing about Mugenjyou...pardon, "Limitless Fortress"...or the VOLTS.). I'd say "Asano" is a mutation of "Amano", but she spells Ginji's family name "Amino" all through the fic. Yay for metabolic intermediaries of mature proteins!_Chameleon smiled at the figure on the bed. His once lover. How she had changed so much ssince that day. Her normally shiny well kept red hair was now dull, frayed and matted, her hair style remained the same, in it’s usual small bun with a few loose strands that framed her face. Her honey orbs now dulled and glassed over. The once beautiful body so curvy and luscious now gaunt and sickly pale from starvation. The shackles that held her dying rotting body to the wall were of pure gold. The golden shackles and the clothes she were dressed in (a blood red silk gown) were all a simple gesture to mock the girl. So close to the finer things in life, yet so far way.Chameleon sighed as he moved his hand foreword and brushed aside a few stray strands. No recognition was in her eyes… The only thing he saw was black hair so dark it was almost blue. A set of green eyes, and a blue business suit. It all belonged to the middle aged man that peered back at him. This was him his true form. He saw his reflection. And became disgusted. “Look at me now Jade… I am head assassin. like I wished to be all those years ago… I’m sorry I ever listened to you… Love, now look what happened…” he fell to his knees in a fit of hysterics. “LOOK HOW SHE MAKES YOU SUFFER! WHY DID N’T YOU SPEAK WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE! YOU COULD HAVE TOLD THEM WHAT REALLY HAPPENED… YOU COULD HAVE TOLD THEM!”_I haven't a goddamn clue who the hell these people are. They me a bad attempt at villains. Decent if you're writing Sailor Moon, horrible if you are even somewhat familiar with anything involving Get Backers. (Well, at least they got that GB villains of the day are always Yakuza, but no.)You know? That's it. No more of this fic. Ever. Sadly, she seems to have mostly positive feedback right now. Join me in telling her exactly what we feel: until you see at least past the Mugenjyou arc of the anime, of not further, and until you know even know that the owner of Honky Tonk (which is a café, not a bar) is named Wan Paul/Pore (either one works), and until you finally realize that despite what fanfiction has lead you to believe, there are neither actual Gods nor angels anywhere in GB, you can take your fic, shove it someplace cold, dark, and damp, and never write for Get Backers again!I will leave you with the only part of the fic that made me laugh: the summary.Okay guys this is my first Get Backer’s Fan fic so be genital I’ve only seen the first eight episodes. Ginji Amano once was in love with a rival gang leader. He was the lightning emperor of the limitless fortress and she was The Dead Sovereign of the Crypt. When he left the limitless fortress and the volts he left her but now she wants revenge… And she will go to any lengths to get it. |