Abdulkadir Civan | Gediz University (original) (raw)
Teaching Documents by Abdulkadir Civan
Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we ... more Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. Graphs would be very useful to illustrate your arguments. You can discuss the issue with your friends or anybody else and consult with the written materials. However, you should write the essay by yourself and give the appropriate credit to the benefited materials. You can consult following source about how to write assignment essays. The part after the page 15 is especially relevant. Your essay should be typed (not hand written, though you can draw graphs by hand) and the due date is 21-03-2014 (17:00) . Late assignments will not be accepted.
Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on one of the topics below. Use the tools and argum... more Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on one of the topics below. Use the tools and arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. Graphs would be very useful to illustrate your arguments. You can discuss the issue with your friends or anybody else and consult with the written materials. However, you should write the essay by yourself and give the appropriate credit to the benefited materials. You can consult following source about how to write assignment essays. The part after the page 15 is especially relevant. Your essay should be typed (not hand written, though you can draw graphs by hand) and the due date is 21-03-2014 (17:00) . Late assignments will not be accepted.
Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we ... more Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. Graphs would be very useful to illustrate your arguments. You can discuss the issue with your friends or anybody else and consult with the written materials. However, you should write the essay by yourself and give the appropriate credit to the benefited materials. You can consult following source about how to write assignment essays. The part after the page 15 is especially relevant. Your essay should be typed (not hand written, though you can draw graphs by hand) and the due date is 05-06-2013 (Your final examination date.) . Late assignments will not be accepted.
Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we ... more Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. Graphs would be very useful to illustrate your arguments. You can discuss the issue with your friends or anybody else and consult with the written materials. However, you should write the essay by yourself and give the appropriate credit to the benefited materials. You can consult following source about how to write assignment essays. The part after the page 15 is especially relevant.
1 KAMUSAL MALLAR Tüketimde rekabetin olmaması: Bir ürün veya hizmetin bir kiĢiye daha sunulması h... more 1 KAMUSAL MALLAR Tüketimde rekabetin olmaması: Bir ürün veya hizmetin bir kiĢiye daha sunulması herhangi bir ekstra maliyete yolaçmıyorsa o ürünün tüketiminde rekabet yoktur. Bir baĢka ifadeyle bir ürünün bir ekstra kiĢi tarafından kullanılması halihazırda o üründen yararlananların mutluluğunda (faydasında) bir azalmaya yolaçmıyorsa o ürünün tüketiminde rekabet yoktur.
İdeal işleyen bir serbest piyasa mekanizması kaynakların en etkin (optimum) bir şekilde dağılması... more İdeal işleyen bir serbest piyasa mekanizması kaynakların en etkin (optimum) bir şekilde dağılmasını sağlar.
This is an optional assignment. If you decide to do it, your assignment grade (%40 of the final s... more This is an optional assignment. If you decide to do it, your assignment grade (%40 of the final semester grade) will be the average of four assignment scores. If you decide not to do it, your assignment grade will be the average of three assignment scores.
Monopoly: Only supplier of a good for which there is no close substitute. Ex: Microsoft, IGDAS, A... more Monopoly: Only supplier of a good for which there is no close substitute. Ex: Microsoft, IGDAS, AYSO Cafe, Köy Bakkalı Monopoly's output is market output. Monopoly's demand curve is market demand curve. (It's demand curve is downward sloping while competitive firms face horizontal demand curves) In other words a monopoly does not loose all its sale if it raises price. Monopoly is a price setter. (not price taker)
arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. ... more arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. Graphs would be very useful to illustrate your arguments. You can discuss the issue with your friends or anybody else and consult with the written materials. However, you should write the essay by yourself and give the appropriate credit to the benefited materials. You can consult following source about how to write assignment essays. The part after the page 15 is especially relevant. Your essay should be typed (not hand written, though you can draw graphs by hand) and the due date is 28-12-2012. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we ... more Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. Graphs would be very useful to illustrate your arguments. You can discuss the issue with your friends or anybody else and consult with the written materials. However, you should write the essay by yourself and give the appropriate credit to the benefited materials. You can consult following source about how to write assignment essays. The part after the page 15 is especially relevant. Your essay should be typed (not hand written, though you can draw graphs by hand) and the due date is 21-03-2014 (17:00) . Late assignments will not be accepted.
Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on one of the topics below. Use the tools and argum... more Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on one of the topics below. Use the tools and arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. Graphs would be very useful to illustrate your arguments. You can discuss the issue with your friends or anybody else and consult with the written materials. However, you should write the essay by yourself and give the appropriate credit to the benefited materials. You can consult following source about how to write assignment essays. The part after the page 15 is especially relevant. Your essay should be typed (not hand written, though you can draw graphs by hand) and the due date is 21-03-2014 (17:00) . Late assignments will not be accepted.
Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we ... more Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. Graphs would be very useful to illustrate your arguments. You can discuss the issue with your friends or anybody else and consult with the written materials. However, you should write the essay by yourself and give the appropriate credit to the benefited materials. You can consult following source about how to write assignment essays. The part after the page 15 is especially relevant. Your essay should be typed (not hand written, though you can draw graphs by hand) and the due date is 05-06-2013 (Your final examination date.) . Late assignments will not be accepted.
Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we ... more Write a 2-4 pages long (750-1250 words) essay on the topic below. Use the tools and arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. Graphs would be very useful to illustrate your arguments. You can discuss the issue with your friends or anybody else and consult with the written materials. However, you should write the essay by yourself and give the appropriate credit to the benefited materials. You can consult following source about how to write assignment essays. The part after the page 15 is especially relevant.
1 KAMUSAL MALLAR Tüketimde rekabetin olmaması: Bir ürün veya hizmetin bir kiĢiye daha sunulması h... more 1 KAMUSAL MALLAR Tüketimde rekabetin olmaması: Bir ürün veya hizmetin bir kiĢiye daha sunulması herhangi bir ekstra maliyete yolaçmıyorsa o ürünün tüketiminde rekabet yoktur. Bir baĢka ifadeyle bir ürünün bir ekstra kiĢi tarafından kullanılması halihazırda o üründen yararlananların mutluluğunda (faydasında) bir azalmaya yolaçmıyorsa o ürünün tüketiminde rekabet yoktur.
İdeal işleyen bir serbest piyasa mekanizması kaynakların en etkin (optimum) bir şekilde dağılması... more İdeal işleyen bir serbest piyasa mekanizması kaynakların en etkin (optimum) bir şekilde dağılmasını sağlar.
This is an optional assignment. If you decide to do it, your assignment grade (%40 of the final s... more This is an optional assignment. If you decide to do it, your assignment grade (%40 of the final semester grade) will be the average of four assignment scores. If you decide not to do it, your assignment grade will be the average of three assignment scores.
Monopoly: Only supplier of a good for which there is no close substitute. Ex: Microsoft, IGDAS, A... more Monopoly: Only supplier of a good for which there is no close substitute. Ex: Microsoft, IGDAS, AYSO Cafe, Köy Bakkalı Monopoly's output is market output. Monopoly's demand curve is market demand curve. (It's demand curve is downward sloping while competitive firms face horizontal demand curves) In other words a monopoly does not loose all its sale if it raises price. Monopoly is a price setter. (not price taker)
arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. ... more arguments we have learned on this course and support these with the real life data/observations. Graphs would be very useful to illustrate your arguments. You can discuss the issue with your friends or anybody else and consult with the written materials. However, you should write the essay by yourself and give the appropriate credit to the benefited materials. You can consult following source about how to write assignment essays. The part after the page 15 is especially relevant. Your essay should be typed (not hand written, though you can draw graphs by hand) and the due date is 28-12-2012. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Jun 20, 2015
This study concerns about the long-run relationship between Turkey's and Greece's military expend... more This study concerns about the long-run relationship between Turkey's and Greece's military expenditures due to the hostility of these two neighboring and NATO ally countries. Our data range from 1949 to 2001. After checking the series whether they are stationary or not based upon Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, we apply to Johansen's cointegration test to see the long-run connection. Our empirical findings support the long-run relationship between these two countries military expenditures. We also checked the ECM to see how the cointegrating vector feeds back on the military expenditures of the two countries.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2007
We analyze the influence of technological progress on pharmaceuticals on rising health expenditur... more We analyze the influence of technological progress on pharmaceuticals on rising health expenditures using US State level panel data. Improvements in medical technology are believed to be partly responsible for rapidly rising health expenditures. Even if the technological progress in medicine improves health outcomes and life quality, it can also increase the expenditure on health care. Our findings suggest that newer drugs increase the spending on prescription drugs since they are usually more expensive than their predecessors. However, they lower the demand for other types of medical services, which causes the total spending to decline. A one-year decrease in the average age of prescribed drugs causes per capita health expenditures to decrease by $31.92. The biggest decline occurs in spending on hospital and home health care due to newer drugs.
Applied Economics, Jun 1, 2012
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
Health Economics, 2009
We analyze the influence of technological progress on pharmaceuticals on rising health expenditur... more We analyze the influence of technological progress on pharmaceuticals on rising health expenditures using US State level panel data. Improvements in medical technology are believed to be partly responsible for rapidly rising health expenditures. Even if the technological progress in medicine improves health outcomes and life quality, it can also increase the expenditure on health care. Our findings suggest that newer drugs increase the spending on prescription drugs since they are usually more expensive than their predecessors. However, they lower the demand for other types of medical services, which causes the total spending to decline. A one-year decrease in the average age of prescribed drugs causes per capita health expenditures to decrease by $31.92. The biggest decline occurs in spending on hospital and home health care due to newer drugs.
B E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Sep 26, 2006
Our maintained hypothesis is that drug development responds to the intensity of consumer demand. ... more Our maintained hypothesis is that drug development responds to the intensity of consumer demand. We look at the distribution of drug development by disease and link this to the economic harm caused by disease as measured by mortality. Mortality data represent the net effect of human frailty and the efficacy of the existing drugs on the market. If people continue to die from a given condition then existing drugs are not perfect and there are potential profits from developing a more effective compound. We aggregate economic harm worldwide and into three broad regions: the United States, other developed countries, and underdeveloped countries. We find that economic harm motivates the distribution of drug development across diseases, but it is economic harm in the United States alone that matters.
Social Science Research Network, 2007
This work extends prior research that finds drug development is driven by demand factors such as ... more This work extends prior research that finds drug development is driven by demand factors such as mortality rates of the diseases new drugs are aimed at. Here we find that the number of drugs in the development pipeline is strongly positively related to the price of existing drugs treating those diseases.
This chapter discusses the political economy of elections, focusing particularly on the utilizati... more This chapter discusses the political economy of elections, focusing particularly on the utilization of public expenditures as an “electoral strategy” in the Turkish case. The strategies of governing parties in Turkey, including the current incumbent Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP) during elections are assessed in relation to three specific pillars: public expenditure in health and education, local government spending and regional development policies, and government support for agriculture.
Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Dec 1, 2009
Bu çalışmada, 67 ülkenin 1980-2005 yılları arasında aldıkları nükleer enerjiye sahip olma kararı ... more Bu çalışmada, 67 ülkenin 1980-2005 yılları arasında aldıkları nükleer enerjiye sahip olma kararı ve nükleer santral kurulma durumunda nükleer enerjinin toplam enerji içerisindeki payını etkileyen ekonomik, politik, sosyal ve coğrafi faktörler analiz edilmiştir. Örneklemin seçicilik problemleri olması dikkate alınarak yapılan ekonometrik analiz sonucunda kişi başı reel milli gelir seviyesi ile nükleer enerjiye sahip olma olasılığı arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu, ama bu ilişkinin gelir seviyesi arttıkça zayıfl adığı bulunmuştur. Modelden elde edilen parametre tahminleri kullanılarak yapılan hesaplamalarda, Türkiye'nin nükleer enerjiye geçme ihtimalinin 1990'lardan itibaren düzenli olarak artarak, 2005 sonunda % 45 düzeyine geldiği görülmektedir. TÜİK'in AB ulusal hesap sistemi ESA 95'e uyum için milli gelir hesaplamalarında yaptığı değişiklik sonucu elde edilen değerler kullanılarak yapılan tahminlere göre bu oranın % 60'a ulaştığı görülmektedir. Son olarak tahminler, Türkiye'nin bugün nükleer enerji santraline sahip olması durumunda üreteceği nükleer enerjinin, toplam enerjisinin yaklaşık % 14'le 16'sına karşılık geleceğini göstermektedir.
Abstract: Internet firms charge a wide range of prices for nearly homogeneous products and price ... more Abstract: Internet firms charge a wide range of prices for nearly homogeneous products and price dispersion vary significantly across markets. This study is an attempt to explain different levels of price dispersion across online product markets. We found price dispersion vary systematically with the number of firms offering the product and the markets at which consumers are more informed have smaller price dispersion. Moreover prices charged by individual retailers decline as the number of retailers selling the same product rise.
This paper seeks to quantify the extent to which Turkey has a comparative advantage on tomato, ol... more This paper seeks to quantify the extent to which Turkey has a comparative advantage on tomato, olive oil, and fruit juice industries and how this has changed over the period between 1995 and 2005 in the EU market. To study Turkey’s competitiveness and its progress two widely used indexes are calculated, revealed comparative advantage (RCA) and comparative export performance (CEP). Moreover; import demand functions of EU are estimated for rival countries. In this regression analysis our hypothesis is that if Turkey is competitor for these countries, its price will have statistically significant effect on export demand functions. Both index and regression results indicate that Turkey has a strikingly high comparative advantage in fruit juice and olive oil markets in the EU but not in tomato market. Key words: agriculture, fruit and vegetable industry, competitiveness, revealed
Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 2016
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of instruction in students' non-native langua... more The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of instruction in students' non-native language on the academic success of university students. To analyze this effect, we utilized the data from a Turkish university with many departments that offer the same bachelor degree programs both in English and in Turkish. All other aspects of the programs were assumed to be identical and students had very similar academic and socioeconomic backgrounds in both degree programs. Our analysis indicated that instruction in the non-native language affects negatively the academic success (i.e., semester point average) of students. This negative influence was higher in the first year but still existed by the fourth year. However, we found the opposite effect for the students with merit-based scholarships, who are arguably brighter and self-motivated. We should note that we were not measuring the benefits of English-medium instruction. Thus our results do not automatically imply that Englishmedium instruction is harmful to the students.
Health Economics, 2020
In the United States, all newly developed drugs undergo a lengthy review process conducted by the... more In the United States, all newly developed drugs undergo a lengthy review process conducted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These regulatory delays have direct immediate costs for drug manufacturers and patients waiting for treatment. Under certain market conditions, regulatory delays may also affect future research and development (R&D) strategies of pharmaceutical companies. To estimate the magnitude of this effect, we match data on drugs in the development pipeline in 2006 to data that we collect on FDA review times for all drugs approved between 1999 and 2005. Employing a rich and novel set of controls that affect drug R&D decisions and, potentially, regulatory review lags, we find that on average, three additional months of delay result in one fewer drug in development in that drug category. Our results suggest that the length of the regulatory delay matters for pharmaceutical firms' R&D decisions and that the firms are likely unable to pass on these costs onto consumers.
Public Goods & Regulation in Health Economics eJournal, 2015
This paper models the launch decision of pharmaceutical companies in regard to new drugs and coun... more This paper models the launch decision of pharmaceutical companies in regard to new drugs and country markets. New drugs are launched with a delay or not launched at all in many countries. Considering that many of these new drugs would have created health benefits to the patients, there seems to be welfare loss. We use market characteristics to explain this phenomenon. We show that most of the estimated launch with a delay and no-launch decision is due to observable market characteristics. The model has an accuracy of 70 percent in explaining the no-launch decision. Intellectual property rights protection is especially important. The policy implication is that stronger property rights increase the likelihood and speed of new drug launch.
Our maintained hypothesis is that drug development responds to the intensity of consumer demand. ... more Our maintained hypothesis is that drug development responds to the intensity of consumer demand. We look at the distribution of drug development by disease and link this to the economic harm caused by disease as measured by mortality. Mortality data represent the net effect of human frailty and the efficacy of the existing drugs on the market. If people continue to die from a given condition then existing drugs are not perfect and there are potential profits from developing a more effective compound. We aggregate economic harm worldwide and into three broad regions: the United States, other developed countries, and underdeveloped countries. We find that economic harm motivates the distribution of drug development across diseases, but it is economic harm in the United States alone that matters.
In this paper, we analyze the effects of area-specific public investments through 1999-2002 in 76... more In this paper, we analyze the effects of area-specific public investments through 1999-2002 in 76 provinces of Turkey on their socioeconomic development through the period 1996-2003. We consider public investments in areas of agriculture, health, education, transportation, telecommunication and others. Our objective is to find the area of public investments that has provided the largest socioeconomic improvement per lira invested in the relevant period. Given the scarce resources and a bitter history of budget deficits of the Turkish public sector, it is crucial for the policymaker to know which investment area yields the largest welfare improvement per lira invested. To find out, we use ordinary least squares and nonparametric estimation methods. The results from both methods reveal that on average, education investments have a positive significant effect on socioeconomic status of a province per lira invested. Investments in other areas appear to be insignificant in the period con...
This paper studies the price convergence of wheat in transitional economies to the world markets ... more This paper studies the price convergence of wheat in transitional economies to the world markets with special emphasis on the effect of the prospect of becoming a European Union member. The results show that Central and Eastern European countries were about twice as fast at integrating to world markets than the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Southeast European States.
Metu Studies in Development, Mar 5, 2009
Internet firms charge a wide range of prices for nearly homogeneous products and price dispersion... more Internet firms charge a wide range of prices for nearly homogeneous products and price dispersion vary significantly across markets. This study is an attempt to explain different levels of price dispersion across online product markets. We found price dispersion vary systematically with the number of firms offering the product and the markets at which consumers are more informed have smaller price dispersion. Moreover prices charged by individual retailers decline as the number of retailers selling the same product rise.