geezer_fen - Profile (original) (raw)

on 22 April 2005 (#6882759)

This is a community for geezers. Geezer is a state of mind, not a state of age. Many of us have been involved with fandom since before online was invented. Many of us remember things like .sig files, spoiler space and quoting limits. (And, oh, how fondly we remember quoting limits.)

This is a safe space. A protected space to talk about fandoms old and new. Where the l33t speak is for the sake of irony, and the shift key Is Our Friend.

Any fannish topic is welcome here: Shows, movies, books, fanfic, fan vids, fan cons. It connects to a fandom of any sort, and we're there.

A few other comments:

This community was inspired by the Sunnydale Slayers mailing list. Therefore, you're actually going to find a bunch of SunS here. However, you need not be from the SunS list to join. If you'd like to join, you need to be sponsored by a member.

We all know spoiler etiquette here; we all know not to abuse it. And we all know there's no need for "more old school fandom than thou" discussions. By all means, tell us all about your adventures back in the day when you had to hire someone to scribe your favorite shows on cuneiform slabs, or using burned bits of wood to write your stick figure synopses directly on the cave walls. The resultant "do cave paintings equal primitive fanfic" discussion should be

absolutely freakin' hilarious

quite interesting. Just don't get into one-upsmanship contests on it.

Discussion gets you patted and fed chocolate. Flames get you thwapped and possibly reprimanded. And sent to the bad place! (We haven't yet decided if the bad place is also the special hell. Just bear with us until we do.)


  1. E-mail and with the LJ of the person you would like to propose.

  2. Lizbet or Havoc will then make a locked post to geezer_fen with the LJ of the person proposed. 3 day countdown starts then.

  3. If you DO NOT WANT that person in this comm, please e-mail and No explanations needed, just say no.

  4. If we get no nays in three days, the person will be added to the comm. If we do get a nay, we'll let the comm know and that person's membership will be dropped.

alias, angel, babylon 5, battlestar galactica, buffy, dark shadows, doctor who, due south, fan, fandom, fanfic, fanfic wars, fannish, fantasy, fanzine, farscape, fen, firefly, forever knight, forkni-l, geezer fen, highla-l, highlander, kindred: the embraced, listserv, lord of the rings, lost, nitpicking, pre-internet, quantum leap, scifi, scifi channel, smallville, star trek, star wars, stargate, stargate: atlantis, stargate: sg-1, sunnydale slayers, the olden days, veronica mars, vidding, west wing, x-files