LOVE(LESS)'s Journal (original) (raw)

[ mood | optimistic ]

Heyo everyone! This is kind of an introductory post, seeing as it's my first one here, so hello ^^ I hope the rest of this is allowed, if not, do delete D:

We have been planning an event for a while, known as Global Sephesis Day! It's been scheduled for the 15th and 16th July, which are a Wednesday and Thursday, [shh that's two days, but it wouldn't be so good as a title if it was called Global Sephesis TwoDays ne? ;D] to allow for time zones, this being [hopefully ^^] a global event!

So far, it's going to involve posting Sephesis stuff everywhere - LJ,, deviantArt, wherever you like ^^ 'Stuff' refers to fanfics, art, AMVs, whatever you can think of! There can also be RP'ing for whoever wants to join in, [but we'll have to see who'd want to do that to organise it...] and I'm compiling a fan mix of songs [i.e. songs that we think fit the pairing ^^] All suggestions for that are much appreciated, and the folder will be up for download or sending on the day[s].

We'd be really chuffed if you could come join us, and if anyone has any other suggestions for things we could do to raise awareness / love for Sephesis [seeing as those two little dears are who this is all dedicated to] fel free to contact me or gothicdragon752!

Please comment or contact me if you're interested - we'd love to see this go ahead in the style Gen and Seph deserve 83
Thanks again!

~c_s [xlightfromabovex on if anyone knows me there xD]