fanfare for genfic (original) (raw)

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | Hello everyone,I am sorry that you all were subjected to spam attacks. I have been a disgraceful mod, and I have learnt why: LJ was not sending me any notifications to this comm's submission queue, nor any comments/messages. That has been happening for well over a year, and so I thought this comm is dead, and got busy with real life._hannelore and torino10154, thank you so much for your vigilance. I had not received a single email in the past couple of years from this community, even though I do get LJ emails into my Gmail account (but I got only comments, not messages, and definitely not submission notifications).Thanks to a person clever in the ways of LJ (my husband), I set everything right (as far as I can see) and even saw ancient posts submitted by users, which I permitted en masse. I offer you all my sincere apologies for the dismal state of this comm.It has taken me well over two hours to go through all the comm settings and sorting things out. More or less.I'm sorry, yet again, and I'm glad this comm is not the abandoned, friendless zone I thought it had become.Warm regards,oddnari 4 replies | comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Title: Grace Coming Out of the VoidRating: PG-13Length: 2,900+ Character(s): Draco Malfoy, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Phineas Nigellus Black, Peeves, Newton Scamander, and various other Heads of Hogwarts. Warnings: Language, mentions of character death, epilogue relationships, unplanned preganancies, and a reference to Pottermore canon.Summary: Draco receives support from a surprising source.Author's Notes: Written for [[profile] ]([**hp\_holidaygen**]( Title from Vienna Teng's "Atheist Christmas Carol".Grace Coming Out of the Void comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Title: Never Too Late to Say Thank YouAuthor: starfishstarCharacters: Andromeda Tonks, Dean Thomas, briefly Harry Potter and baby TeddyRating: GWarnings: None, aside from references to (past) canon deaths during the war.Words: ~3,000Summary: Andromeda Tonks expected nothing more than a quiet afternoon, while Harry took Teddy out for the day. Instead, a young man named Dean Thomas turned up at her door.Read it here or here! comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Title: Ten Reasons to Study ArithmancyCharacters: Hermione GrangerLength: ~550 wordsRating: General AudiencesAuthor: esmenet/ojuzuSummary/Description: A meditation on magical numerology and Hermione Granger.Link: AO3 comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Title: Bedside MannersAuthor: serpenscriptPodficcer: mabFandom/Pairing Harry Potter, (Poppy Pomfrey, Minerva McGonagall)Cover Art Provided by: mabLength: 00🔞15Rating: GLink to Text: Bedside MannersRec notes: This fic is a lovely character study of Poppy Pomfrey and explores her friendship with Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape at Hogwarts when Deathly Hallows takes place. It adds a depth to the staff's characters that we just don't get from canon and I believe complements canon well.DownloadsMP3 (right click to save) | Size: 16.71 MB | Duration: 00🔞15M4B (right click to save) | Size: 17.57 MB | Duration: 00🔞15click the banner to listen to the podfic on Ao3Or click HERE to listen to the podfic at the hp_podfic_fest comment on this | | | | | | | | MISTIfanficIn the wizarding world, the pen can often be mightier than the wand -- and so can the pencil, the paintbrush, and the stylus! J.K. Rowling's works have inspired thousands of writers and artists to dive into the wizarding world and expand it with their own creations.From the sublime to the smutty and back again, derivative works allow readers across the globe to develop their talents, express their enthusiasm, and cement lifelong friendships with fellow fans. MISTI-Con wants you to share your creativity with everyone at the con by submitting to our Calls for Fan Fic and Fan Art.Submission forms are available at the link below: comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | [ 27 April 2012 | 1:10pm ] Author: lettered Title: The Pure and Simple TruthPairing(s): some Ron/Hermione, suggestions of Ron/Pansy, Pansy/Theodore Nott, and Harry/DracoRating: PGWarnings: NoneLength: 65,000Summary: Harry, Draco, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, and Pansy go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, and Pansy―you guessed it―go to a pub. I could go on. In fact, I did. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron, Blaise, Luna, Goyle, Neville, and Theodore Nott go to a pub. In various combinations. Word Count: 70,000 It happened by accident.Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter, in case you didn’t know. This is a remix of talekayler's fic, Nunquam SecurusAuthor's notes: Thank you so, so much talekayler for writing this fic, and for signing up for remix, giving me the opportunity to write this story. Thank you to stultiloquentia for her quick beta, to ravenclown for some points of crit and enthusiasm, and the mods for their patience and kindness. And even though she will never see this, thanks to my_daroga for putting up with me while I wrote this.You might be wondering why I'm posting a fic from hd_remix to genfic_hogwarts. The reason is that even though the fic I remixed resides firmly in the Harry/Draco category, the fic I wrote based on it ended up gen. The original fic described the Gryffindors and Slytherins as friends; I wanted to explore how that happened, so this fic focuses on friendship and people who are very different and who have very convoluted pasts learning to understand each other. There are definitely suggestions of Harry/Draco in there, but there's no sex or making out, and the story doesn't focus on their romance, but rather their friendship and their groups of friends. I suppose some would say it's pre-slash, but which I don't just mean "pre-sex", but pre-relationship. However, to me, that still implies that the focus is on the relationship between Harry and Draco, when it's just as much about the relationship to each other's groups of friends, and those friends' relationships to each other. The short version is, I think it's gen, but there may be issues with categorizing this fic. If anyone has a problem with it, please let me know.The Pure and Simple Truth on AO3The Pure and Simple Truth on DWThe Pure and Simple Truth on LJ comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Ugh, I guess we weren't immune to this recent rash of spam either. :( Just wanted to let community members know that I have been in contact with the mod and LJ; hopefully we can get it cleaned up soon.thanks,_hannelore, former mod 2 replies | comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Okay, last one from me here for a while, I swear, but... Crookshanks fic! Who can resist cat POV? Well, not me, clearly...Title: Scents of Sorrow, Scents of JoyAuthor: starfishstarRating: GCharacters: Crookshanks, Hermione, Ron and othersSummary: Crookshanks disliked the loud, ginger-haired one from the first.Words: ~1,100Read "Scents of Sorrow, Scents of Joy" on AO3 or on LJ. comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | [ mood | working ] Title: Of Resistance and LegilimencyAuthor: alisannePairing/Characters: Neville Longbottom, Severus Snape, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter.Word Count: 100 x 8Rating: PGChallenge: Written for neville100's prompt #297: Legilimency. Warning(s)/Genre: Gen! Beta(s): sevfan and emynn.Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.Read Of Resistance and Legilimency on LJ/IJ/DW. comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Oh! I think I somehow only just realized that this is genfic, and thus I could share it here. Hurray, genfic! Canon-era Snape fic, very short.Title: UndividedAuthor: starfishstarRating: GCharacters: SnapeSummary: When his Dark Mark throbs for the first time in years, Severus is in his basement classroom, washing potions vials.Words: 450Read on AO3 / on LJ. comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Title: For Blood, For FamilyCharacters: Lucius MalfoySummary: Whatever confusion Lucius had at these words disappeared quickly enough as the talk turned to betrothal ceremonies and engagement announcements. He was to be married to one of the Black girls. Rating: PGAuthor's Notes Inspired by [[personal profile] ]([**in\_the\_blue**]('s prompt. Also crossposted over at The House of Malfoy.( Collapse ) comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | [ 09 January 2015 | 3:17pm ] Title: Or Perhaps in SlytherinDisclaimer: No money is being made and no infringement is intended.Relationship: Gen; Slytherin friendships and networks.Rating: PGSummary: “You'll make your real friends."Words: 1261A/N: Trigger Warning for a brief mention of suicide and canon typical violence and death.Read: LiveJournal | | Dreamwidth | | Archive of Our Own comment on this | | | | | | | | | Hello fellow genfic fans! I keep hoping for – and looking for – a Hermione community somewhere out there, a place where the focus is fully on Hermione herself, rather than as one half of a pairing, but there doesn't seem to be one. (Though if anyone can prove me wrong about that, I'd be thrilled!)So, since I can't find a Hermione-centred community, I'm going to share two Hermione-centric genfic stories here. One is about Hermione (and Harry) as friends; one is about Hermione (and McGonagall) as colleagues. More Hermione for the world!Title: Feels Like HomeAuthor: starfishstarRating: GCharacters: Hermione, HarrySummary: Sitting together on her dilapidated sofa over a cup of cocoa seemed like such a cosy, homey sort of thing to do. And Harry, to Hermione, always felt like home.(FEELS LIKE HOME)Title: Bright-Eyed and Bushy-TailedAuthor: starfishstarRating: GCharacters: Hermione, McGonagall, and forty bright-eyed and bushy-tailed first-year Hogwarts studentsSummary: Hermione’s never stopped dreaming of inter-house unity. But these days she does more than just dream.(BRIGHT-EYED AND BUSHY-TAILED) 1 reply | comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Prompt claiming for the 2014 round of interhouse_fest is now open! With nearly 300 prompts to choose from, there are pairings and prompts for everyone. We'd love to have a wide variety of stories, so click on the banner for more information![]( Prompting: August 8 - 22Sign-ups: August 25 - September 8Due Date: October 27Posting begins: November 3 comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Prompting is once again open at interhouse_fest! There's no friendship/pairing/polygon too gen, too rare or too popular for this fest and we would love to see more gen fic prompts! TIMELINEPrompting: August 8 - 22Sign-ups: August 25 - September 8Due Date: October 27Posting begins: November 3 comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Title: Forget this TapestryAuthor: starfishstarRating: PG (for a small bit of swearing)Characters: Sirius, AndromedaSummary: "It’s really very strange being back here, after all this time," Andromeda says.View story on AO3 | on LJ comment on this | | | | | | | | | | | Houses of Hogwarts Festhh_sugarquill presents:Houses of Hogwarts FestSign up here!Particularly, I'm hoping for:2 Gryffindors1 Hufflepuff3 Ravenclaws2 HogwartsWriting about Hogwarts could pretty much be anything that includes house unity themes or maybe just something that involves at least one member of each house. Or maybe it's a study on Hogwarts itself! Fic requirements is only 700 words minimum, and art needs to be complete/finished. All pairings and genres are welcome, and I think gen writers would fit perfectly with this fest. :) comment on this | | | | | | | | |