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First-level Administrative Divisions, Philippines, 2015 Hijmans, Robert J. creator Geospatial data cartographic dataset cartographic software, multimedia Dataset born digital Shapefile 9.137 MB eng This polygon shapefile contains the first-level administrative divisions of Philippines (adm1). Level 1 divisions include provinces. This layer is part of the Global Administrative Areas 2015 (v2.8) dataset. Philippines Administrative and political divisions Boundaries EPSG::4326 E 116°55ʹ42ʺ--E 126°36ʹ19ʺ/N 21°4ʹ13ʺ--N 4°35ʹ13ʺ 2015 University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology International Rice Research Institute 2.8 https://purl.stanford.edu/jc183kb8891 mvz@berkeley.edu eng Stanford 2018-01-27 edu.stanford.purl:jc183kb8891 application/x-esri-shapefile; format=Shapefile Dataset#Polygon 116.928337 4.58694 126.605347 21.070141 Global administrative areas version 2.8 https://purl.stanford.edu/jv457hb9421 This dataset is freely available for academic use and other non-commercial use. Redistribution, or commercial use is not allowed without prior permission. You are free to create maps and use the data in other ways for publication in academic journals, books, reports, etc.The metadata view for selected schema is not available
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