GeographicLib: GeographicLib::Geoid Class Reference (original) (raw)

Looking up the height of the geoid above the ellipsoid. More...

#include <[GeographicLib/Geoid.hpp](Geoid%5F8hpp%5Fsource.html)>

Public Types
enum convertflag { ELLIPSOIDTOGEOID = -1 , NONE = 0 , GEOIDTOELLIPSOID = 1 }
Public Member Functions
Setting up the geoid
Geoid (const std::string &name, const std::string &path="", bool cubic=true, bool threadsafe=false)
void CacheArea (real south, real west, real north, real east) const
void CacheAll () const
void CacheClear () const
Compute geoid heights
Math::real operator() (real lat, real lon) const
Math::real ConvertHeight (real lat, real lon, real h, convertflag d) const
Inspector functions
const std::string & Description () const
const std::string & DateTime () const
const std::string & GeoidFile () const
const std::string & GeoidName () const
const std::string & GeoidDirectory () const
const std::string Interpolation () const
Math::real MaxError () const
Math::real RMSError () const
Math::real Offset () const
Math::real Scale () const
bool ThreadSafe () const
bool Cache () const
Math::real CacheWest () const
Math::real CacheEast () const
Math::real CacheNorth () const
Math::real CacheSouth () const
Math::real EquatorialRadius () const
Math::real Flattening () const
Static Public Member Functions
static std::string DefaultGeoidPath ()
static std::string DefaultGeoidName ()

Looking up the height of the geoid above the ellipsoid.

This class evaluates the height of one of the standard geoids, EGM84, EGM96, or EGM2008 by bilinear or cubic interpolation into a rectangular grid of data. These geoid models are documented in

The geoids are defined in terms of spherical harmonics. However in order to provide a quick and flexible method of evaluating the geoid heights, this class evaluates the height by interpolation into a grid of precomputed values.

The height of the geoid above the ellipsoid, N, is sometimes called the geoid undulation. It can be used to convert a height above the ellipsoid, h, to the corresponding height above the geoid (the orthometric height, roughly the height above mean sea level), H, using the relations

h = N + H; H = −N + h.

See Geoid height for details of how to install the data sets, the data format, estimates of the interpolation errors, and how to use caching.

This class is typically not thread safe in that a single instantiation cannot be safely used by multiple threads because of the way the object reads the data set and because it maintains a single-cell cache. If multiple threads need to calculate geoid heights they should all construct thread-local instantiations. Alternatively, set the optional threadsafe parameter to true in the constructor. This causes the constructor to read all the data into memory and to turn off the single-cell caching which results in a Geoid object which is thread safe.

Example of use:



using namespace std;

try {

Geoid egm96("egm96-5");

double lat = 42, lon = -75, height_above_geoid = 20;


geoid_height = egm96(lat, lon),

height_above_ellipsoid = (height_above_geoid +

Geoid::GEOIDTOELLIPSOID * geoid_height);

cout << height_above_ellipsoid << "\n";


catch (const exception& e) {

cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << "\n";

return 1;



int main(int argc, const char *const argv[])

Header for GeographicLib::Geoid class.

Looking up the height of the geoid above the ellipsoid.

Namespace for GeographicLib.

GeoidEval is a command-line utility providing access to the functionality of Geoid.

Definition at line 82 of file Geoid.hpp.


Flags indicating conversions between heights above the geoid and heights above the ellipsoid.

ELLIPSOIDTOGEOID The multiplier for converting from heights above the ellipsoid to heights above the geoid.
NONE No conversion.
GEOIDTOELLIPSOID The multiplier for converting from heights above the geoid to heights above the ellipsoid.

Definition at line 179 of file Geoid.hpp.

GeographicLib::Geoid::Geoid ( const std::string & name, const std::string & path = "", bool cubic = true, bool threadsafe = false ) explicit

Construct a geoid.


[in] name the name of the geoid.
[in] path (optional) directory for data file.
[in] cubic (optional) interpolation method; false means bilinear, true (the default) means cubic.
[in] threadsafe (optional), if true, construct a thread safe object. The default is false


GeographicErr if the data file cannot be found, is unreadable, or is corrupt.
GeographicErr if threadsafe is true but the memory necessary for caching the data can't be allocated.

The data file is formed by appending ".pgm" to the name. If path is specified (and is non-empty), then the file is loaded from directory, path. Otherwise the path is given by DefaultGeoidPath(). If the threadsafe parameter is true, the data set is read into memory, the data file is closed, and single-cell caching is turned off; this results in a Geoid object which is thread safe.

Definition at line 201 of file Geoid.cpp.

References CacheAll(), DefaultGeoidPath(), GeographicLib::Math::hd, and GeographicLib::Math::td.


void GeographicLib::Geoid::CacheArea ( real south,
real west,
real north,
real east ) const

Set up a cache.


[in] south latitude (degrees) of the south edge of the cached area.
[in] west longitude (degrees) of the west edge of the cached area.
[in] north latitude (degrees) of the north edge of the cached area.
[in] east longitude (degrees) of the east edge of the cached area.


GeographicErr if the memory necessary for caching the data can't be allocated (in this case, you will have no cache and can try again with a smaller area).
GeographicErr if there's a problem reading the data.
GeographicErr if this is called on a threadsafe Geoid.

Cache the data for the specified "rectangular" area bounded by the parallels south and north and the meridians west and east. east is always interpreted as being east of west, if necessary by adding 360° to its value. south and north should be in the range [−90°, 90°].

Definition at line 408 of file Geoid.cpp.

References GeographicLib::Math::AngNormalize(), CacheClear(), GeographicLib::Math::LatFix(), and GeographicLib::Math::td.

Referenced by main().


void GeographicLib::Geoid::CacheAll ( ) const inline

Cache all the data.


GeographicErr if the memory necessary for caching the data can't be allocated (in this case, you will have no cache and can try again with a smaller area).
GeographicErr if there's a problem reading the data.
GeographicErr if this is called on a threadsafe Geoid.

On most computers, this is fast for data sets with grid resolution of 5' or coarser. For a 1' grid, the required RAM is 450MB; a 2.5' grid needs 72MB; and a 5' grid needs 18MB.

Definition at line 259 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by Geoid(), and main().


void GeographicLib::Geoid::CacheClear ( ) const


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::operator() ( real lat, real lon ) const inline

Compute the geoid height at a point


[in] lat latitude of the point (degrees).
[in] lon longitude of the point (degrees).


GeographicErr if there's a problem reading the data; this never happens if (lat, lon) is within a successfully cached area.


the height of the geoid above the ellipsoid (meters).

The latitude should be in [−90°, 90°].

Definition at line 285 of file Geoid.hpp.


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::ConvertHeight ( real lat, real lon, real h, convertflag d ) const inline

Convert a height above the geoid to a height above the ellipsoid and vice versa.


[in] lat latitude of the point (degrees).
[in] lon longitude of the point (degrees).
[in] h height of the point (degrees).
[in] d a Geoid::convertflag specifying the direction of the conversion; Geoid::GEOIDTOELLIPSOID means convert a height above the geoid to a height above the ellipsoid; Geoid::ELLIPSOIDTOGEOID means convert a height above the ellipsoid to a height above the geoid.


GeographicErr if there's a problem reading the data; this never happens if (lat, lon) is within a successfully cached area.


converted height (meters).

Definition at line 305 of file Geoid.hpp.


const std::string & GeographicLib::Geoid::Description ( ) const inline


geoid description, if available, in the data file; if absent, return "NONE".

Definition at line 319 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


const std::string & GeographicLib::Geoid::DateTime ( ) const inline


date of the data file; if absent, return "UNKNOWN".

Definition at line 324 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


const std::string & GeographicLib::Geoid::GeoidFile ( ) const inline


full file name used to load the geoid data.

Definition at line 329 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


const std::string & GeographicLib::Geoid::GeoidName ( ) const inline


"name" used to load the geoid data (from the first argument of the constructor).

Definition at line 335 of file Geoid.hpp.


const std::string & GeographicLib::Geoid::GeoidDirectory ( ) const inline


directory used to load the geoid data.

Definition at line 340 of file Geoid.hpp.


const std::string GeographicLib::Geoid::Interpolation ( ) const inline


interpolation method ("cubic" or "bilinear").

Definition at line 345 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::MaxError ( ) const inline


estimate of the maximum interpolation and quantization error (meters).

This relies on the value being stored in the data file. If the value is absent, return −1.

Definition at line 355 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::RMSError ( ) const inline


estimate of the RMS interpolation and quantization error (meters).

This relies on the value being stored in the data file. If the value is absent, return −1.

Definition at line 364 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::Offset ( ) const inline


offset (meters).

This in used in converting from the pixel values in the data file to geoid heights.

Definition at line 372 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::Scale ( ) const inline


scale (meters).

This in used in converting from the pixel values in the data file to geoid heights.

Definition at line 380 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


bool GeographicLib::Geoid::ThreadSafe ( ) const inline


true if the object is constructed to be thread safe.

Definition at line 385 of file Geoid.hpp.


bool GeographicLib::Geoid::Cache ( ) const inline


true if a data cache is active.

Definition at line 390 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::CacheWest ( ) const inline


west edge of the cached area; the cache includes this edge.

Definition at line 395 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::CacheEast ( ) const inline


east edge of the cached area; the cache excludes this edge.

Definition at line 404 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::CacheNorth ( ) const inline


north edge of the cached area; the cache includes this edge.

Definition at line 414 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::CacheSouth ( ) const inline


south edge of the cached area; the cache excludes this edge unless it's the south pole.

Definition at line 422 of file Geoid.hpp.

Referenced by main().


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::EquatorialRadius ( ) const inline


a the equatorial radius of the WGS84 ellipsoid (meters).

(The WGS84 value is returned because the supported geoid models are all based on this ellipsoid.)

Definition at line 434 of file Geoid.hpp.


Math::real GeographicLib::Geoid::Flattening ( ) const inline


f the flattening of the WGS84 ellipsoid.

(The WGS84 value is returned because the supported geoid models are all based on this ellipsoid.)

Definition at line 443 of file Geoid.hpp.


string GeographicLib::Geoid::DefaultGeoidPath ( ) static


the default path for geoid data files.

This is the value of the environment variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_PATH, if set; otherwise, it is $GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA/geoids if the environment variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA is set; otherwise, it is a compile-time default (/usr/local/share/GeographicLib/geoids on non-Windows systems and C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib/geoids on Windows systems).

Definition at line 489 of file Geoid.cpp.


Referenced by Geoid().


string GeographicLib::Geoid::DefaultGeoidName ( ) static


the default name for the geoid.

This is the value of the environment variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_NAME, if set; otherwise, it is "egm96-5". The Geoid class does not use this function; it is just provided as a convenience for a calling program when constructing a Geoid object.

Definition at line 502 of file Geoid.cpp.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: