GH OOC (original) (raw)

Okay, since summer is slowly coming into full bloom I figure a couple of our RPers will be coming back if they still play around here (point in case, MYSELF).

So I was thinking of a couple ideas, NUMBER 1:
A plot between Axel and Demyx, mostly Axel mind you, they were thinking of a camp out, how many would be interested in having their characters participate?

NUMBER 2: I was thinking that since Summer's just around the bend, having a party or maybe a dance? I think though we shouldn't do a live group chat because that means we all have to arrange our time schedules, but could just say maybe the dance is going on and have people post their own little separate threads or something like that, pretty much what we've been doing.

NUMBER 3: Still conversing this with Toushiro's-mun, but since our handy-dandy little ice maker can do just that, make ice, a skating party in the middle of summer thanks to him, 'course, we'd need a lil Xemnas to help persuade him. ^_~ I think if Demyx asked he'd just get shot. Too bad we don't have Vexen here. o.o

We do this over in Suiko_RPG a lil, basically someone announces a tournament with a prize, characters who want to enter can, go on AoL and do the rolling system thing, and perhaps we can toy with the idea of actually RPing the fight out (after the roll has been done of course, RP threads here can take up to months, I don't think anyone wants to wait that long) and whoever emerges at the top gets a prize!
What's the prize? Heck I don't know, give some ideas! ^_^
Maybe a drawing too for the winning-mun who just happens to be so darned lucky. o.o
I'd be willing to try, just don't question me on quality or how long it will take to get done... (Toushi's-mun can atest, I've been working on that Toushiro/Xemnas pic for months! @_@)

So, ideas, like, dislike? Drop a comment, drop some of your own ideas, summer's here guys let's have some fun! :D