Ginny Fans -- Day (original) (raw)

[25 Jul 2004|12:04am]
over on churchohogwarts, the moderator wanted members to pick people from the books and write up a report about that person, and in essence, become an expert on that particular person.Since Ginny has always had a special place in my heart (i'm such a softie, and i love her!) I chose her. Does anyone have any links to Ginny sites that imght help me in my quest to learn all that there is about Miss Ginny? please pardon the non-grammar in this entry. it's late and i'm really tired.
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Calling All Artists!!! (Project Ginny Graphics) [25 Jul 2004|01:24pm]
[ mood | accomplished ] A lot of you have been talking about there not being any or if there are, very few Ginny-only icons/avatars, whatever you wanna call them. So, I've created a project, called Project Ginny Graphics. For those who don't/can't/aren't very talented at making Graphics, but would like graphics with Ginny in them. I know that there are plenty of artists in this community, and I was hoping that they could all get together and work on making Ginny graphics. We could have "suppliers" which are people who get the pictures to be made into icons/backgrounds/friends only banners. There are the "artists" who make the graphics. And there are the "users" who use the graphics (with credit to Project Ginny Graphics). Now, are you interested? Just comment, alright?!?
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