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i post lots of personal posts & i dont tag them

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The CDC states that 38 million people in the US are diabetic while the International Diabetes Foundation says the global diabetic population is 537 million.

The health complications resulting from untreated diabetes are the following: stroke, blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, and loss of feet, legs, and toes.

Naturally, insulin is constantly in high demand. But the prices for insulin have skyrocketed from 2017 to 2022 up to 24% with the spending tripled to 22.3 billion dollars in 2022!

Now imagine my good friend, Iyad Sobhe. He is from Ghazzah and he is diabetic. The blockade persists to this day, limiting aid from entering into the region. Insulin rarely makes their way in: 65% of the insulin required do not make it as noted by Norwegian Refugee Council. If they do, it is in limited quantity or it would expire! But for many of the diabetic Palestinians, they don’t have a choice but to purchase them. After all, their lives are on the line!

At the same time, territorial rainfall continues in Ghazzah. Many tents are flooded due to the lack of a sewage system. Iyad is no exception. His personal belongings submerge in the filthy water. He worries that water-borne diseases will spread and infect his children who are 5, 7, 10, 13, and 14 years old. He is also supporting my dear friend, Ruba Abushahan and her family. They are longtime neighbours and friends and they consider each other as family. Majority of them are ill with the flu so they need to purchase medicine and warm blankets so they can recover.

So let's help them by raising 11K in the next 4 days! As of writing this, 9,163 USD has been raised. There is $1,837 USD left to go!

You can also match me! I have given $10 USD, but you're more than welcome to contribute any amount!

Verification: #90 for Ruba and #173 for Iyad in the Spreadsheet. Keep in mind the fundraisers listed in the document have not be updated as GFM has unjustly terminated them. You can read more about it here.

For your donation, you can get art wallpaper, art commission, and fic commission! Please check them out and join! It would be fun!

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please share and donate. we NEED to reach the short-term goal asap!!

Still no donations. This fundraiser supports two families in dire need of funds; please donate.


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winter is returning to gaza which means white phosphorous acid rain, polio infected sewage flooding, and bitter cold with no shelter. tents are not enough.

siraj's family has 10 children in it, many under the age of 12, two newborns, and two elderly people who are susceptible to disease. his mother has diabetes, which anyone knows needs frequent monitoring and medical care. he and his family just recovered from skin infections and he doesn't want to see them suffer from all the disease the winter will bring.

siraj found a place to rent but its 1400 CAD a month. the lease lasts 6 months - he needs to raise 8400CAD/8400 CAD / 8400CAD/6253 USD as soon as possible before winter gets really ugly so he can secure his family's safety.

siraj is trying to rebuild his life. he doesn't want to let the zionist entity kick him out. he's staring this genocide in the face and telling them he doesn't care what they do, he's not leaving.

yet, he's really far from his goal. and things are moving really slowly. i don't know how many times i can repeat this same information. things change but the brutality of what they face stays the same.

please donate and share

vetted #219

Thank you, you always punctuate the letters 🩵 @schoolhater 🩵

This is a description of a small part of the suffering that awaits us in the winter. The elderly and children of the family are at risk.

Save them before it's too late🙏😥

we go through this every hurricane season but the way people will find any excuse to point the finger at the victims of natural disasters and say cruel shit like "fuck around and find out" like it's not horrifying having to leave behind your home and all your belongings and potentially your pets with the full knowledge that there might not be anything to come back to after... ignoring that there are people that don't have a car or the money to evacuate, ignoring disabled people who have no way to get out, ignoring people that can't find places for their pets to shelter, ignoring people that have medical equipment that can't be moved or replaced, etc... and even if someone stays behind solely because they want to, they still don't deserve to suffer.

as someone who worked extensively in disaster response previously, it is not easy to "just" evacuate, and the relief that comes afterwards is intentionally difficult to obtain. and already the forces that be are trying to spin this narrative that the victims are at fault, to put the blame on them so that if (probably when) people are forced to resort to looting (because the aid never comes) everyone will nod and agree that they're all bad people and deserved it... rather than acknowledging the fact that there was no attempt to make the evacuation accessible and safe for everyone, no guarantee that aid will be waiting for them when they return to a home that has been swept away... no empathy for the fact that these people's entire lives are potentially destroyed with no safety net to catch them.

now that we're starting to see the aftermath and damage done throughout southern appalachia in places like chimney rock (which does not have the infrastructure for this kind of natural disaster. the last time something comparable like this happened was the flood in 1916) please be ready to combat this victim-blaming narrative that will no doubt be weaponized against the people suffering here.

mudslides and flooding will continue even though the storm has passed, and this time following natural disasters like this is the hardest as more people are lost or left struggling without power, aid, or any way to contact help or family.

some places in NC are completely inaccessible, towns in appalachia have been completely wiped off the map. chimney rock and lake lure have been devastated. asheville is cut off and only accessible by air.


until the flooding recedes and power is reestablished, we're not going to know the true extent of the damage or how many people have been lost. there are people stranded right now without food or water or medical supplies and no way out. this is catastrophic. these next few days are going to be the hardest as people struggle to get aid with so many roads destroyed.

Devastating flooding in Appalachia - Appalachia Service Project (asphome.org)

CARE and partners are responding to families impacted by Hurricane Helene which landed in Florida as a Category 4 storm. | CARE.org

Donate – Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

Donate to the Florida Disaster Fund - Volunteer Florida

Help Erwin Heal: Support Flood Recovery Efforts | RISE Erwin





no one understands headroom piano like I do

failed the wordle fuck my stupid baka life


I baked this meme today oh boy


Choy Moo Kheong(Singaporean, b.1950)

Blue Whispering Day 2022 Acrylic on Canvas 139.7 x 114.3 cm via

like its like weird and strange and scary its been almost a year in 2 months bc it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. and it’s like have i improved am I healed am I better now am I not sick and unwell. I’m better than before but I still feel so inhuman and like im still in survival mode and ive felt this way for so long since like middle school like when is it going to get better. and I dont think about my abusive ex often anymore and idk if thats healing or not. I will never feel any forgiveness for a man who was dedicated to mistreating me though and who suffocated me and treated me like an object and I dont have to. but when am I going to feel normal again. I guess there really is no normal to go back to bc I can’t remember being happy or feeling like a functional capable thriving person for like a decade so #yay

I guess it’s hard to accept im never going to feel like i got any justice or anything that happened was fair or made right bc it can’t be made right. but it’s harder when you just kind of leave and everyone in his life who you know won’t know what he did and all the people online who are friends w him or whatever dont know and he will not face a single repercussion. and ik being who he is is punishment but it never feels like enough. and it’s not like I want something bad to happen to him specifically but it’s just the feeling of injustice and unfairness and how terrible it is to go through something so horrible and evil by someone who is supposed to love you and dealing w it alone and dealing with the aftermath alone just pretending like it didn’t happen bc no one in my life namely my familg ever asks me if im ok or even brings it up and I guess they just dont know how but im not ok even though it’s been almost a year so