Miriam Cabré | Universitat de Girona (original) (raw)
Papers by Miriam Cabré
Revista valenciana de filología, May 25, 2023
This article surveys the image attributed to King James I of Aragon, from the Middle Ages to the ... more This article surveys the image attributed to King James I of Aragon, from the Middle Ages to the first decades of the 20th century, in order to analyse which factors led to associating his figure to troubadour values and their promotion. Medieval chronicles (including King James' own Book of deeds) do not highlight this aspect in the king's portrait but emphasize instead two elements central to his fame: being devote and a conqueror. The same profile traits are present in 16th-18th C witnesses; until mid-19th C there are no traces of the king being praised for his founding role in Catalan culture. The factors that fostered the importance of troubadours in the king's profile as a cultural patron can also contribute to interpret a key moment of cultural nation building and its repercussion in subsequent research.
The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, Dec 20, 1998
The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 2017
Història de la literatura catalana, Vol. 1, 2013 (Literatura medieval (I). Dels orígens al segle XIV), ISBN 978-84-412-2250-2, págs. 219-296, 2013
Els manuscrits, el saber i les lletres a la Corona d’Aragó, 1250-1500, 2016, ISBN 978-84-9883-861-9, págs. 13-40, 2016
Història de la literatura catalana, Vol. 1, 2013 (Literatura medieval (I). Dels orígens al segle XIV), ISBN 978-84-412-2250-2, págs. 297-372, 2013
Els Marges: revista de llengua i literatura, 2018
«Qui fruit ne sap collir»: homenatge a la profesora Lola Badia, Vol. 1, 2021, ISBN 978-84-7226-867-8, págs. 125-134, 2021
Avatares y perspectivas del medievalismo ibérico, Vol. 2, 2019, ISBN 9788417107871, págs. 1587-1598, 2019
This article surveys troubadour poetry connected to the Empordà lands, mainly by gathering the re... more This article surveys troubadour poetry connected to the Empordà lands, mainly by gathering the relevant placeand person-names we have detected while creating a map of troubadour courts for the project Trob-Eu. We have aimed at defining the context that accounts for the Empordà presence in each poem, sometimes offering new interpretations of the composition, for instance those of Guillem de Berguedà and Cerverí de Girona. The courtly networks highlighted by this survey reveals the channels of circulation of troubadour lyric, while the mentions of magnates, castles and other enclaves in the Empordà complement the details afforded by documentary sources when analysing these circles of power as well as the tensions and changes occurred between mid-12thC and early 14hC in this area.
Plecs d'història local, 2019
Unpublished paper [2007] on the datation and intention of the "vers" ‘Trop me d... more Unpublished paper [2007] on the datation and intention of the "vers" ‘Trop me desplay can vey falir’(BPP 565.2) by Tomás Périz de Fozes, that proposes alternatives to Martí de Riquer's 1950 edition.
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
... tot el que havia pen-sat de nou sobre Lo somni, com vam poder comprovar en una sessió del Sem... more ... tot el que havia pen-sat de nou sobre Lo somni, com vam poder comprovar en una sessió del Semi-nari de Literatura Medieval del Departament de Filologia Catalana de la Universitat de Barcelona del curs 1998-99, dedicada a exposar l'actual Cingo-lani, 1999, aleshores en ...
Revista valenciana de filología, May 25, 2023
This article surveys the image attributed to King James I of Aragon, from the Middle Ages to the ... more This article surveys the image attributed to King James I of Aragon, from the Middle Ages to the first decades of the 20th century, in order to analyse which factors led to associating his figure to troubadour values and their promotion. Medieval chronicles (including King James' own Book of deeds) do not highlight this aspect in the king's portrait but emphasize instead two elements central to his fame: being devote and a conqueror. The same profile traits are present in 16th-18th C witnesses; until mid-19th C there are no traces of the king being praised for his founding role in Catalan culture. The factors that fostered the importance of troubadours in the king's profile as a cultural patron can also contribute to interpret a key moment of cultural nation building and its repercussion in subsequent research.
The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, Dec 20, 1998
The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 2017
Història de la literatura catalana, Vol. 1, 2013 (Literatura medieval (I). Dels orígens al segle XIV), ISBN 978-84-412-2250-2, págs. 219-296, 2013
Els manuscrits, el saber i les lletres a la Corona d’Aragó, 1250-1500, 2016, ISBN 978-84-9883-861-9, págs. 13-40, 2016
Història de la literatura catalana, Vol. 1, 2013 (Literatura medieval (I). Dels orígens al segle XIV), ISBN 978-84-412-2250-2, págs. 297-372, 2013
Els Marges: revista de llengua i literatura, 2018
«Qui fruit ne sap collir»: homenatge a la profesora Lola Badia, Vol. 1, 2021, ISBN 978-84-7226-867-8, págs. 125-134, 2021
Avatares y perspectivas del medievalismo ibérico, Vol. 2, 2019, ISBN 9788417107871, págs. 1587-1598, 2019
This article surveys troubadour poetry connected to the Empordà lands, mainly by gathering the re... more This article surveys troubadour poetry connected to the Empordà lands, mainly by gathering the relevant placeand person-names we have detected while creating a map of troubadour courts for the project Trob-Eu. We have aimed at defining the context that accounts for the Empordà presence in each poem, sometimes offering new interpretations of the composition, for instance those of Guillem de Berguedà and Cerverí de Girona. The courtly networks highlighted by this survey reveals the channels of circulation of troubadour lyric, while the mentions of magnates, castles and other enclaves in the Empordà complement the details afforded by documentary sources when analysing these circles of power as well as the tensions and changes occurred between mid-12thC and early 14hC in this area.
Plecs d'història local, 2019
Unpublished paper [2007] on the datation and intention of the "vers" ‘Trop me d... more Unpublished paper [2007] on the datation and intention of the "vers" ‘Trop me desplay can vey falir’(BPP 565.2) by Tomás Périz de Fozes, that proposes alternatives to Martí de Riquer's 1950 edition.
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
... tot el que havia pen-sat de nou sobre Lo somni, com vam poder comprovar en una sessió del Sem... more ... tot el que havia pen-sat de nou sobre Lo somni, com vam poder comprovar en una sessió del Semi-nari de Literatura Medieval del Departament de Filologia Catalana de la Universitat de Barcelona del curs 1998-99, dedicada a exposar l'actual Cingo-lani, 1999, aleshores en ...
A cura de Vicenç Beltran Pepió, Tomàs Martínez Romero, Irene Capdevila Arrizabalaga. Aquest volu... more A cura de Vicenç Beltran Pepió, Tomàs Martínez Romero, Irene Capdevila Arrizabalaga.
Aquest volum que ara editem és conseqüència directa d’un dels objectius principals del projecte «Corpus des Troubadours»: l’estudi de la recepció, l’impacte i la importància dels trobadors en la història europea, i més particularment de l’empremta dels trobadors catalans i de la tradició literària occitana a Catalunya. La feliç commemoració del setè centenari de la mort de Ramon Llull el 1316 ha estat una excusa immillorable per aplegar un conjunt de col·laboracions al voltant de la figura del pensador mallorquí, del seu món i de les veus anteriors i coetànies, algunes de les quals l’influeixen de manera determinant.
Vient de paraître aux Éditions Honoré Champion La Vierge dans les arts et les littératures du M... more Vient de paraître aux Éditions Honoré Champion
La Vierge dans les arts et les littératures du Moyen Âge
Actes du colloque de Perpignan du 17 au 19 octobre 2013
Sous la direction de Paul Bretel, Michel Adroher et Aymat Catafau
Nouvelle bibliothèque du Moyen Âge No 120
2017. 428 p., broché, 15,5 × 23,5 cm.
ISBN 978-2-7453-3604-0. 58 €
La dévotion à la Mère de Dieu a produit dans tous les domaines de l’art et de la pensée des monuments qui comptent parmi les plus beaux et les plus émouvants des derniers siècles du Moyen Âge. Dans cet ouvrage, historiens, historiens de l’art, spécialistes des littératures française, anglaise, occitane, catalane se sont employés à défricher et à approfondir de nouvelles thématiques. Ce recueil, La Vierge dans la littérature et les arts du Moyen Âge, est ambitieux et cohérent dans sa diversité même. L’étude des représentations littéraires ou artistiques de la belle Dame y est nourrie et éclairée par l’histoire de la spiritualité et du dogme marials.
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Devotion to the Mother of God has resulted in some of the finest and most moving works of art and literature of the late Middle Ages. These conference proceedings study the literary and artistic representations of the Virgin Mary, while also delving into the history of Marian spirituality and dogma.
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Cultura Neolatina. Rivista di Filologia Romanza, LXXVII, 2017, fasc. 3-4, pp. 227-298.